Søndagsavisen a-s calls off the price war on household distribution of printed matter!

17 October 2007
Company announcement no. 18-07

Søndagsavisen a-s calls off the price war on household distribution of printed

Forbruger-Kontakt, which is Søndagsavisen a-s' division for household
distribution of printed matter to Danish households, now calls off the price
war which has raged intensely in the distribution market during the past 3-4

This decision is made in the light of a continuously decreasing price level
during the past years, at the same time as distribution salary costs have
increased drastically, i.a. due to the present employment situation in Denmark.
On that basis the price war has gone too far and must thus be stopped. 

Forbruger-Kontakt has to an extreme degree streamlined all work flows, not
least in relation to the handling of printed matter which is now packed in
household sets, ready for distribution. But the entire rationalisation profit
and more has been passed on to the customers in the shape of lower prices. 

Simultaneously with the publication of this company announcement, all
Forbruger-Kontakt's customers will receive notification that the price war has
ended along with a notice of a price increase of minimum DKK 0.05 per printed
matter. The same information is sent by Forbruger-Kontakt's subsidiaries within
distribution to their customers. 

Questions, if any, to this announcement can be directed to Mads Dahl Andersen,
CEO, phone: + 45 39 57 75 00. 

Yours sincerely
Søndagsavisen a-s

Mads Dahl Andersen