JSC Grindeks Fund for the Support of Science and Education awards scholarships

On the 17th of October within the frameworks of the JSC Grindeks Fund for the   
Support of Science and Education s to 20 students of natural sciences from all  
regions of Latvia were granted scholarships.                                    

Scholarships were granted to bachelor's students, students of professional      
studies, master studies and doctoral programmes who had good and excellent marks
as well as works in research and professional development. This academic year   
students of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia and students of
the Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry of Riga Technical         
University got the most of all Grindeks` monthly scholarships.     
The amount of scholarships for bachelor students is 100 and 120 lats per month, 
for master's students - 175 lats per month, but for doctoral students - 250     
lats. The total amount of scholarships fund for students is 35 520 lats per     
„The number of scholarship holders as well as their big interest in obtaining   
Grindeks` scholarships confirms that this kind of enterprise activities are very
necessary for natural sciences students, because thus we confirm our support for
students, express our gratitude for their interest in natural sciences studies  
and encourage their further achievements in future,” acknowledged the Chairman  
of the Board of JSC Grindeks Fund for the Support of Science and Education      
Kirovs Lipmans at the Grindeks scholarship awarding ceremony.   
Fund's support is oriented on four support receivers` groups: universities and  
secondary education teaching staff; scientists; universities, secondary special 
education and secondary education institutions, bachelor and professional       
programme students, master's and doctoral students in specialities of pharmacy, 
research of bioactive substances, chemistry technologies, analytical chemistry, 
microbiology, environmental engineering, environmental protection and expertise.

Since founding the Fund already six scholarship competitions for natural        
sciences students, teaching staff and educational institutions have been        
successfully concluded.                                                         

JSC Grindeks Fund for the Support of Education and Science was founded in       
February, 2006 with its goal to support the development of science and stimulate
growth and education of specialists in engineering sciences, natural sciences   
and pharmacy.                                                                   

Further information:                                                            
Dace Saitere                                                                    
Executive Secretary                                                             
JSC Grindeks Fund for the Support of Science and Education                      
Tel.: 67083484                                                                  
e-mail: fonds@grindeks.lv