- Prospectus

OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland (OMX ICE) has scrutinised the prospectus of
Sparisjodur Reykjavikur og nagrennis hf, as endorsed on 18 October 2007, and
hereby confirms that the prospectus satisfies the requirements of the Act on
Securities Transactions, No. 33/2003, as amended by Act No. 31/2005, and
Regulations issued pursuant to the Act. 

The equity of Sparisjodur Reykjavikur og nagrennis hf, shares
each with nominal value ISK 1, will be admitted to trading on OMX ICE Main
Market Tuesday, on 23 October 2007. The shares are registrered with Icelandic
Securities Depository. 

The Prospectus is only published in Icelandic.


spron - lysing.pdf