Heritage Oaks Bancorp Reports 3Q07 Profits of $1.6 Million, Excellent Deposit Growth and Strong Asset Quality Continue

PASO ROBLES, Calif., Oct. 22, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Heritage Oaks Bancorp (Nasdaq:HEOP), the parent company of Heritage Oaks Bank, today reported that solid core deposit growth and continued strong asset quality contributed to third quarter profits. For the third quarter of 2007 net income was $1.6 million, or $0.24 per diluted share, compared to $1.7 million, or $0.26 per diluted share, in the third quarter of 2006. For the first nine months of 2007, net income was $4.9 million, or $0.74 per diluted share, compared to $5.0 million, or $0.76 per diluted share for the first nine months of 2006.

On October 12, Heritage Oaks Bancorp closed its acquisition of Business First National Bank of Santa Barbara in a stock and cash transaction valued at approximately $20 million. In connection with the transaction, Business First National Bank was merged with and into Heritage Oaks Bank and now operates as a division of Heritage Oaks Bank. The merger is expected to be accretive to earnings in 2008. The financial results presented in this release for the quarter ended September 30, 2007, do not include the assets, liabilities or results of operations for the acquired company.

"Acquiring Business First National Bank of Santa Barbara, a well established and highly respected community bank located in a premium, high-growth area, is consistent with our ongoing strategy of expanding our community banking franchise," stated Lawrence P. Ward, President and CEO. "Business First establishes us as the #1 publicly owned community bank in the Santa Barbara market. It brings a sizeable loan portfolio, which has been assembled by a skilled team of commercial lenders, a strong deposit base and a healthy share of a robust market."

Third Quarter 2007 Highlights:

 * Core deposits increased by 12% over a year ago, and represent 69%
   of total deposits.
 * Revenues increased 5% to $8.6 million.
 * Return on average equity was 12.1% and return on average assets
   was 1.12%.
 * Net interest margin was 5.44%.
 * Gross loans increased 12% to $475 million.
 * Asset quality remained strong, non-performing assets were 0.11% of
   total assets.

Balance Sheet

"Despite heavy competition for loans we continue to be very stringent in our underwriting standards, and as a result, we expect our loan portfolio to grow at a more moderate pace," noted Ward. The loan portfolio grew 12% to $469 million at September 30, 2007, from $419 million a year earlier. The growth was fueled by a 35% increase in commercial, financial and agricultural loans, as well as an 11% increase in commercial real estate loans. Below is a breakout of these loans illustrating the diversification within the particular portfolios:

                          Construction / Land
   Family        Single Family
 Residences    Residences - Spec.    Land     Owner Occupied     Other
     8%                8%             18%          26%            40%

                     Commercial Real Estate
 Farmland    Industrial   Retail   Professional    Hospitality   Other
    5%          17%        20%         23%             18%        17%

"We implemented a strategy earlier this year of funding our loan demand through a new variable interest rate money market account, also with the intention of replacing higher cost borrowing," said Ward. "We have increased savings, NOW and money market balances 48% and increased total deposits 18% since the end of 2006. Additionally, we are able to re-price these deposits immediately after a rate change, making them a more favorable deposit to the Bank than a long-term CD. We believe that we can save approximately 20-30 basis points by replacing FHLB borrowings with relationship core deposits." Total deposits increased 15% to $496 million at the end of September, compared to $430 million at the end of September 2006. Non-interest bearing accounts represent 26% of total deposits and savings, money market and NOW accounts represent 43% of total deposits.

Due to the significant deposit growth, Heritage Oaks reduced its FHLB borrowings by $30 million during the third quarter, and $50 million year-to-date. On September 20, 2007, the company issued $5.0 million in trust preferred securities. The securities were issued by a special purpose business trust formed by Heritage Oaks and were sold to a pooled investment vehicle sponsored by Keefe, Bruyette & Woods in a private transaction. The Company intends to use the funds for general corporate purposes including the acquisition of Business First.

Notwithstanding the payoff of FHLB borrowing, total assets increased 8% to $573 million at quarter-end, compared to $532 million a year earlier and increased 6% compared to $542 million in total assets at December 31, 2006.

Asset Quality

Asset quality remains strong with non-performing assets totaling $641,000, or 0.11% of total assets at September 30, 2007. Three months earlier, Heritage Oaks' non-performing assets totaled $555,000, or 0.09% of total assets. The allowance for loan losses increased to $4.7 million, or 0.99% of total loans held for investment at quarter-end compared to $3.9 million or 0.91% of total loans held for investment at September 30, 2006. "Our non-performing loans consist of seven loans to six borrowers, of which one for approximately $186,000 is in process of refinance, one for approximately $272,000 that is real estate secured and has a loan to value of less than 65% and is current, two loans that are less than $20,000 each and are paying as agreed, one less than $50,000 that is paying and one borrower's loan is collateralized and is in process of workout. We are keeping a close eye on all delinquent loans, reviewing them weekly and do not see any major changes in the make up or quantity of these loans," added Ward.

Operating Results

"Core deposit growth, generated by the success of our program to increase money market account balances and continued growth in our banking relationships, is helping to moderate the impact of the yield curve on our margin," said Ward. Third quarter net interest margin was 5.44% compared to 5.56% in the previous quarter and 6.02% in the third quarter a year ago. Year-to-date, the net interest margin was 5.53% compared to 6.02% for the same period in 2006. "On a percentage basis, the single largest factor that is negatively impacting net income for the Company for both quarter to date and year to date results is the increase in interest expense. Because of the changes made to the balance sheet, specifically on the liability funding side, we can already see improvement on a linked quarter basis," Ward reported.

"Occupancy expense has increased due primarily to the sale leaseback transaction that was finalized on June 27, 2007. The offset to this additional expense is an increase in interest income from investment of the funds received. As reported in the June 30, 2007 10Q, this continues to be an accretive transaction to the bottom line," Ward indicated.

"While salary and employee benefits have increased by $273,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2007 compared to the same period in 2006, it should be noted that on a linked quarter basis, the increase was only $44,000," noted Ward.

The provision for income tax was approximately 200 basis points higher at 38.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 compared to 36.2% for the same period in 2006. The lower rate in 2006 was impacted by timing differences on certain tax issues that flowed through the Income Statement.

Performance Measures

The efficiency ratio was 66.9% in the third quarter of 2007 compared to 64.3% in the previous quarter and 65.3% in the third quarter a year ago. Year-to-date, the efficiency ratio was 66.7% compared to 64.9% in the first nine months of 2006. The efficiency ratio measures operating expenses as a percent of revenues.

Return on average assets was 1.12% in the third quarter and 1.16% for the first nine months of the year, compared to 1.33% and 1.35% for the respective periods last year. Return on average equity was 12.1% for the third quarter of 2007 and 12.7% year-to-date, compared to 14.4% and 14.3% in their respective periods a year ago.

Book value per share was $ 8.32 at September 30, 2007, compared to $7.62 per share a year earlier. Tangible book value per share was $7.44 at September 30, 2007, compared to $6.66 a year earlier. Shareholders' equity increased 11% to $53.9 million compared to $48.4 million a year ago.

Heritage Oaks Bancorp is the holding company for Heritage Oaks Bank which operates as Heritage Oaks Bank and Business First, a division of Heritage Oaks Bank. Heritage Oaks Bank has its headquarters plus two branch offices in Paso Robles, two branch offices in San Luis Obispo, single branch offices in Cambria, Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Templeton and Morro Bay and three branch offices in Santa Maria. Heritage conducts commercial banking business in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County. The Business First division has two branch offices in Santa Barbara. Visit Heritage Oaks Bancorp on the Web at www.heritageoaksbancorp.com.

Statements concerning future performance, developments or events, expectations for growth and income forecasts, and any other guidance on future periods, constitute forward-looking statements that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from stated expectations. Specific factors include, but are not limited to the ability to successfully integrate the operations of Business First National Bank, increased profitability, continued growth, the Bank's beliefs as to the adequacy of its existing and anticipated allowances for loan losses, beliefs and expectations regarding actions that may be taken by regulatory authorities having oversight of the Bank's operations, interest rates and financial policies of the United States government, general economic conditions and California's energy crisis. Additional information on these and other factors that could affect financial results are included in Heritage Oaks Bancorp's Securities and Exchange Commission filings. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements proves to be incorrect, Heritage Oaks Bancorp's results could differ materially from those expressed in, implied or projected by such forward-looking statements. Heritage Oaks Bancorp assumes no obligation to update such forward-looking statements.

                           Heritage Oaks Bancorp
                       Consolidated Balance Sheets
                  (dollars in thousands except share data)

                (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) Percentage Change Vs.
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
                 9/30/2007 12/31/2006  9/30/2006 12/31/2006  9/30/2006
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Cash and due
     from banks  $  20,316  $  19,164  $  17,972        6.0%      13.0%
     funds sold     14,260      3,870     14,195      268.5%       0.5%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total cash
       and cash
       equivalents  34,576     23,034     32,167       50.1%       7.5%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     other banks     1,718        318        318      440.3%      440.3%
     for sale       34,854     38,445     40,294       -9.3%      -13.5%
   Federal Home
     Loan Bank
     at cost         2,171      2,350      1,955       -7.6%       11.0%
   Loans held
     for sale          902      1,764      2,069      -48.9%      -56.4%
     net (a)       468,966    439,277    419,314        6.8%       11.8%
     equipment       5,017     14,581     14,801      -65.6%      -66.1%
   Cash surrender
     value of
     insurance       9,716      9,435      9,344        3.0%       4.0%
     tax assets      4,964      2,414      2,515      105.6%      97.4%
   Goodwill          4,864      4,865      4,864        0.0%       0.0%
   Core deposit
     intangible        883      1,148      1,223      -23.1%     -27.8%
   Other assets      4,059      4,143      3,517       -2.0%      15.4%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       assets    $ 572,690  $ 541,774  $ 532,381        5.7%       7.6%
                 =========  =========  =========  =========  =========

     demand      $ 130,221  $ 153,005  $ 157,180      -14.9%     -17.2%
   Savings, NOW,
     and money 
     market        215,576    146,110    152,033       47.5%      41.8%
   Time deposits
     of $100K
     or more        50,666     30,630     31,782       65.4%      59.4%
   Time deposits
     under $100K    99,847     90,776     89,277       10.0%      11.8%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       deposits    496,310    420,521    430,272       18.0%      15.3%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   FHLB advances
     and other
     borrowings         --     50,000     40,000     -100.0%    -100.0%
   Securities sold
     agreements to
     repurchase      1,464      1,364      1,219        7.3%      20.1%
     debentures     13,403     16,496      8,248      -18.8%      62.5%
     liabilities     7,663      3,921      4,215       95.4%      81.8%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       liabilities 518,840    492,302    483,954        5.4%       7.2%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Stockholders' equity
   Common stock,
     no par value;
     issued and
     and 6,356,021
     for September
     30, 2007;
     31, 2006
     and September
     30, 2006
     respectively   29,976     29,247     29,648        2.5%       1.1%

   Additional paid
     in capital        600        336         --       78.6%         --

     earnings       23,205     19,809     18,668       17.1%      24.3%

     income             69         80        111      -13.8%     -37.8%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       equity       53,850     49,472     48,427        8.8%      11.2%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       equity    $ 572,690  $ 541,774  $ 532,381        5.7%       7.6%
                 =========  =========  =========  =========  =========
 (a) Loans are net of deferred loan fees of $1,941; $1,625; $1,489 and
     allowance for loan losses of $4,720; $4,081; $3,863 for
     September 30, 2007, December 31, 2006, and September 30, 2006

                     Heritage Oaks Bancorp
                Consolidated Statements of Income
             (dollars in thousands except share data)

                    For the Three Months Ended    Percentage Change Vs.
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
                 9/30/2007  6/30/2007  9/30/2006  6/30/2007  9/30/2006

 Interest Income:
   Interest and
     fees on
     loans       $  10,058  $  10,214  $   8,968       -1.5%      12.2%
     securities        426        437        467       -2.5%      -8.8%
   Federal funds
     sold and
     paper             385        162        131      137.7%     193.9%
     of deposit          1         10          2      -90.0%     -50.0%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       income       10,870     10,823      9,568        0.4%      13.6%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Interest Expense:
   NOW accounts         55         43         22       27.9%     150.0%
   MMDA accounts     1,216        946        567       28.5%     114.5%
   Savings accounts     21         23         25       -8.7%     -16.0%
   Time deposits
     of $100K
     or more           610        301        172      102.7%     254.7%
   Other time
     deposits        1,229      1,276      1,132       -3.7%       8.6%
   Other borrowed
     funds             411        976        628      -57.9%     -34.6%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       expense       3,542      3,565      2,546       -0.6%      39.1%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net interest
   income before
   provision for
   loan losses       7,328      7,258      7,022        1.0%       4.4%
       for loan
       losses          210        170        180       23.5%      16.7%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net interest
   income after
   provision for
   loan losses       7,118      7,088      6,842        0.4%       4.0%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Non Interest
     charges on
     accounts         645        686        644       -6.0%       0.2%
   Other income       664        705        578       -5.8%      14.9%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total non-
   income            1,309      1,391      1,222       -5.9%       7.1%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Salaries and
     benefits        3,238      3,194      2,965        1.4%       9.2%
   Occupancy and
     equipment         830        706        633       17.6%      31.1%
     expenses        1,709      1,663      1,786        2.8%      -4.3%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total non-
   expenses          5,777      5,563      5,384        3.8%       7.3%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Income before
   provision for
   income taxes      2,650      2,916      2,680       -9.1%      -1.1%
       taxes         1,022      1,116        947       -8.4%       7.9%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net Income      $   1,628  $   1,800  $   1,733       -9.6%      -6.1%
                 =========  =========  =========  =========  =========
 Average basic
   outstanding   6,472,653  6,432,687  6,350,727
 Average diluted
   outstanding   6,679,114  6,692,467  6,594,626
 Basic earnings
   per share     $    0.25  $    0.28  $    0.27
 Fully diluted
   per share     $    0.24  $    0.27  $    0.26

                     Heritage Oaks Bancorp
               Consolidated Statements of Income
            (dollars in thousands except share data)

                             For the Nine Months Percentage
                                    Ended        Change Vs.
                            --------------------  ---------
                            9/30/2007  9/30/2006  9/30/2006
                            --------------------  ---------
 Interest Income:
   Interest and fees
     on loans               $  30,087  $  24,475       22.9%
   Investment securities        1,324      1,446       -8.4%
   Federal funds sold and
     commercial paper             577        513       12.5%
   Time certificates
     of deposit                     7          6       16.7%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
       Total interest income   31,995     26,440       21.0%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Interest Expense:
   NOW accounts                   126         66       90.9%
   MMDA accounts                2,830      1,687       67.8%
   Savings accounts                69         78      -11.5%
   Time deposits of $100K
     or more                    1,120        428      161.7%
   Other time deposits          3,716      2,671       39.1%
   Other borrowed funds         2,516      1,406       78.9%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total interest expense    10,377      6,336       63.8%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net interest income before
   provision for loan losses   21,618     20,104        7.5%
     Provision for loan losses    520        480        8.3%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net interest income after
   provision for loan losses   21,098     19,624        7.5%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Non Interest Income:
   Service charges on
     deposit accounts           1,944      1,826        6.5%
   Other income                 1,988      1,826        8.9%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total non-interest income      3,932      3,652        7.7%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Non-Interest Expense:
   Salaries and employee
     benefits                   9,681      8,534       13.4%
   Occupancy and equipment      2,251      1,901       18.4%
   Other expenses               5,101      4,982        2.4%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total non-interest expenses   17,033     15,417       10.5%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Income before provision
   for income taxes             7,997      7,859        1.8%
     Provision for income
       taxes                    3,058      2,846        7.4%
                            ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net Income                 $   4,939  $   5,013       -1.5%
                            =========  =========  =========
 Average basic shares
   outstanding              6,429,830  6,326,743
 Average diluted shares
   outstanding              6,679,987  6,594,800
 Basic earnings per share   $    0.77  $    0.79
 Fully diluted earnings
    per share               $    0.74  $    0.76

 Additional Financial Information
 (dollars in thousands)

 LOANS (including      For the Quarters Ended     Percentage Change Vs.
   loans held    -------------------------------  --------------------
   for sale)     9/30/2007 12/31/2006  9/30/2006 12/31/2006  9/30/2006
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
   financial and
   agricultural  $ 101,748  $  84,976  $  75,627       19.7%      34.5%
 Real estate -
   land            105,054    105,712    101,665       -0.6%       3.3%
 Real estate -
   other           253,860    237,401    229,070        6.9%      10.8%
 Home equity lines
   of credit         8,897     10,792     11,777      -17.6%     -24.5%
 Installment loans
   to individuals    5,580      5,598      5,660       -0.3%      -1.4%
 All other loans
   overdrafts)         488        504        867       -3.2%     -43.7%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Total loans   $ 475,627  $ 444,983  $ 424,666        6.9%      12.0%
                 =========  =========  =========  =========  =========
 Loans held
   for sale      $     902  $   1,764  $   2,069      -48.9%     -56.4%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

                   Quarter    Year      Quarter
                    Ended     Ended      Ended    Percentage Change Vs.
 ALLOWANCE FOR   -------------------------------  --------------------
   LOAN LOSSES   9/30/2007 12/31/2006  9/30/2006 12/31/2006  9/30/2006
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
   of period     $   4,520  $   3,881  $   3,695       16.5%      22.3%
 Provision expense     210        600        180      -65.0%      16.7%
 Credit losses
   charged against
   allowance           (16)      (561)       (17)     -97.1%      -5.9%
 Recoveries of
   loans previously
   charged off           6        161          5      -96.3%      20.0%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Balance, end
     of period   $   4,720  $   4,081  $   3,863       15.7%      22.2%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Net (charge-offs)/
   recoveries    $     (10) $    (400) $     (12)        --         --
 Net charge-offs/
   average loans
   outstanding        0.00%      0.09%      0.00%     -97.7%     -26.8%
 Allowance for
   loan losses/
   total loans
   outstanding        0.99%      0.92%      0.91%       8.2%       9.1%

                     For the Quarters Ended       Percentage Change Vs.
 NON-PERFORMING  -------------------------------  --------------------
   ASSETS        9/30/2007 12/31/2006  9/30/2006 12/31/2006  9/30/2006
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
 Loans on non-
   status        $     641  $      55  $     183     1065.5%     250.3%
 Loans more than
   90 days
   accruing             --         --         --         --         --
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total non-
   loans               641         55        183     1065.5%     250.3%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Other real estate
   owned (OREO)/
   assets               --         --         --         --         --
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Total non-
     assets      $     641  $      55  $     183     1065.5%     250.3%
                 =========  =========  =========  =========  =========
 Total non-
   assets to
   total assets       0.11%      0.01%      0.04%    1019.3%     179.8%

                      For the Quarters Ended      Percentage Change Vs.
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
 DEPOSITS        9/30/2007 12/31/2006  9/30/2006 12/31/2006  9/30/2006
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
   demand        $ 130,221  $ 153,005  $ 157,180      -14.9%     -17.2%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   demand           56,931     45,164     46,100       26.1%      23.5%
 Regular savings
   accounts         21,606     23,406     24,755       -7.7%     -12.7%
 Money market
   accounts        137,039     77,540     81,178       76.7%      68.8%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
   Total interest-
     and savings
     accounts      215,576    146,110    152,033       47.5%      41.8%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Time deposits
   $100 thousand    99,847     90,776     89,277       10.0%      11.8%
 Time deposits of
   $100 thousand
   or more          50,666     30,630     31,782       65.4%      59.4%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total time
       deposits    150,513    121,406    121,059       24.0%      24.3%
                 ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Total deposits  $ 496,310  $ 420,521  $ 430,272       18.0%      15.3%
                 =========  =========  =========  =========  =========

   RATIOS                Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
                  9/30/2007 6/30/2007  9/30/2006  9/30/2007  9/30/2006
                 -------------------------------  --------------------
   efficiency        66.89%     64.32%     65.31%     66.67%     64.90%
 Return on
   average equity    12.09%     13.84%     14.43%     12.68%     14.31%
 Return on
   tangible equity   13.54%     15.58%     16.54%     14.25%     16.45%
 Return on
   average assets     1.12%      1.25%      1.33%      1.16%      1.35%
 Other operating
   income to
   average assets     0.90%      0.96%      0.94%      0.92%      0.99%
 Other operating
   expense to
   average assets     3.97%      3.86%      4.15%      3.99%      4.16%
 Net interest
   income to
   average assets     5.04%      5.03%      5.41%      5.06%      5.43%
   income to total
   net revenue       15.16%     16.08%     14.82%     15.39%     15.37%


   loans to total
   gross loans        0.13%      0.12%      0.04%
 ALLL to total
   gross loans        0.99%      1.00%      0.91%
   loans as a %
   of ALLL           13.58%     12.28%      4.74%
 Net charge-offs
   to average loans   0.00%     -0.01%      0.00%
   loans to
   primary capital    1.19%      1.06%      0.38%
 Leverage ratio      10.69%      9.52%      9.86%
 Tier I Risk-Based
   Capital Ratio     11.65%     10.58%     10.35%
 Total Risk-Based
   Capital Ratio     12.58%     11.48%     11.18%

   AND RATES                      For the Three Months Ended
 (dollars in thousands)       9/30/2007               9/30/2006
                         ---------------------   ---------------------
                          Balance     Income      Balance     Income
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Investments with
   other banks           $     481   $       1   $     318   $       7
 Investment securities
   taxable                  21,649         251      26,366         285
 Investment securities
   non-taxable              16,036         175      16,467         177
 Federal funds sold         29,447         385       9,966         131
 Loans                     466,749      10,058     409,897       8,968
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
   Total interest
     earning assets        534,362      10,870     463,014       9,568
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Allowance for possible
   loan losses              (4,600)                 (3,767)
 Other assets               46,858                  56,073
                         ---------               ---------
     Total assets        $ 576,620               $ 515,320
                         =========               =========

   market accounts       $ 206,186   $   1,292   $ 154,539   $     614
 Time deposits             147,659       1,839     119,162       1,304
 Other borrowings           17,940         251      32,195         429
 Federal funds purchased        --          --         652          10
 Long-term debt              8,864         160       8,248         189
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
     Total interest
       liabilities         380,649       3,542     314,796       2,546
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Demand deposits           133,432                 148,215
 Other liabilities           9,098                   4,646
                         ---------               ---------
 Total shareholders'
   equity                   53,441                  47,663
                         ---------               ---------
 Total liabilities and
   shareholders' equity  $ 576,620               $ 515,320
                         =========               =========
 Yield on investments                     4.44%                  4.31%
 Yield on federal funds sold              5.19%                  5.22%
 Yield on loans                           8.55%                  8.68%
 Yield on interest earning assets         8.07%                  8.20%
 Rate on deposits                         2.55%                  1.80%
 Rate on borrowings                       6.08%                  6.06%
 Rate on long-term debt                   7.16%                  9.09%
 Rate on interest-bearing liabilities     3.69%                  3.21%
 Cost of funds                            2.73%                  2.18%
 Average equity to average assets         9.27%                  9.25%
 Net interest margin                      5.44%                  6.02%

   AND RATES                      For the Nine Months Ended
 (dollars in thousands)       9/30/2007               9/30/2006
                         ---------------------   ---------------------
                          Balance     Income      Balance     Income
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Investments with
   other banks           $     373   $       7   $     314   $      22
 Investment securities
   taxable                  23,157         794      28,161         905
 Investment securities
   non-taxable              16,434         530      16,209         525
 Federal funds sold         15,117         577      14,217         513
 Loans                     468,007      30,087     387,627      24,475
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
     Total interest
       earning assets      523,088      31,995     446,528      26,440
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Allowance for possible
   loan losses              (4,401)                 (3,928)
 Other assets               52,443                  52,319
                         ---------               ---------
     Total assets        $ 571,130               $ 494,919
                         =========               =========

   market accounts      $  182,369   $   3,025   $ 163,506   $   1,831
 Time deposits             135,749       4,836     101,354       3,099
 Other borrowings           43,453       1,771      22,577         851
 Federal funds purchased     1,408          60         305          13
 Long-term debt             11,839         685       8,248         542
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
     Total interest
       liabilities         374,818      10,377     295,990       6,336
                         ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Demand deposits           137,706                 147,908
 Other liabilities           6,525                   4,178
                         ---------               ---------
 Total shareholders'
   equity                   52,081                  46,843
                         ---------               ---------
 Total liabilities and
   equity                $ 571,130               $ 494,919
                         =========               =========

 Yield on investments                     4.45%                  4.34%
 Yield on federal
   funds sold                             5.10%                  4.82%
 Yield on loans                           8.60%                  8.44%
 Yield on interest
   earning assets                         8.18%                  7.92%
 Rate on deposits                         2.31%                  1.60%
 Rate on borrowings                       5.93%                  6.04%
 Rate on long-term debt                   7.74%                  8.79%
 Rate on interest-bearing
   liabilities                            3.70%                  2.86%
 Cost of funds                            2.71%                  1.91%
 Average equity to
   average assets                         9.12%                  9.46%
 Net interest margin                      5.53%                  6.02%


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