NCC sells retail properties in Finland for SEK 154 million

NCC sells retail properties in Finland for SEK 154 million

NCC Property Development has signed an agreement to sell three retail properties
to EU Invest for a total of SEK 154 million. The partly entails the first phase
of Joensuu Retail Park and partly two “Big Boxes” in Tiiriö, Hämeenlinna. The
sale will have a positive effect on earnings, which will be reported in the
first and second quarter of 2008, when the buildings have been completed.

The two “Big Boxes” in Tiiriö comprise two buildings totaling 5,600 square
meters of floor space. Tenants include Vepsäläinen, Koti-Idea, Hirvox and
HopLop, which will open in April 2008. 

Joensuu Retail Park comprises three buildings totaling approximately 10,000
square meters of floor space. EU Invest will acquire the first phase consisting
of approximately 3,100 square meters of floor space. Tenants include Veikon Kone
and HopLop, which will open in February 2008.  

For more information, please contact:
Jukka Manninen, Unit Director, NCC Property Development Oy, +358-50-520 1282
Kent Toftegaard Christiansen, Director and Partner, EU Invest A/S, +45 24 42 90
Ulf Thorné, Press Relations Manager, NCC AB,  +46- (0) 8 585 523 46, +46 (0)70
214 77 27

NCC Property Development develops and sells commercial properties in defined
growth markets in the Nordic and Baltic regions. Our customers want
inspirational and sustainable environments in properties that offer stable and
secure return over time. We have a large number of ongoing projects within
offices, retail and logistics at an investment value of approximately SEK 5

All of NCC's press releases are available on

NCC is one of the leading construction and property development companies in the
Nordic region. NCC had in 2006 sales of SEK 56 billion, with 22,000 employees.

