Interim Report January - September 2007

Interim Report January - September 2007

•  Net sales for continuing operations increased to SEK 77,089m (75,962) and
income for the period was SEK 1,799m (1,213), or SEK 6.41 (4.16) per share

•  Operating income rose by 10% in the first nine months of 2007, excluding
items affecting comparability, compared to the same period last year

•  Lower income for appliances in Europe due to costs related to product
launches and higher costs for raw materials 

•  Weak demand in key markets in Europe

•  Strong income and improved margin for appliances in North America 

•  Best-ever third quarter in Latin America 

•  Continued good growth in Asia/Pacific 

•  Better cash flow, in line with seasonal pattern

•  Group outlook for 2007 unchanged, however increased risk for decline in the
US market and pressures on European margins add uncertainty 

For more information
Peter Nyquist, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial Information: +46
8 738 60 03
Financial information from Electrolux is also available at

The information in this Interim Report is that which Electrolux is required to
disclose under the Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. It was released for publication at 08.00 CET
on October 22, 2007. 

