The Hartmann Foundation applying for possibility to introduce one single class of shares in Brødrene Hartmann A/S

The Hartmann Foundation today submitted an application to the Danish
Civil Affairs Authority (Civilstyrelsen) for permission to effect an
amendment to the Foundation's Charter enabling the Foundation to vote
for the introduction of one single class of shares in Brødrene
Hartmann A/S in connection with - and conditional upon - an increase
of the capital of the company of minimum 50% of the current share
capital by the issuance of new shares.

The Hartmann Foundation holds all A and AA shares in Brødrene
Hartmann A/S, corresponding to a stake of 12.2% and 58.1% of the
votes. If the current system of multiple share classes is abandoned,
the Foundation's stake of 12.2% will entitle it to 12.2% of the

If the application to Civilstyrelsen is successful, the Hartmann
Foundation may subsequently vote for an abandonment of the current
system of multiple share classes at a General Meeting in Brødrene
Hartmann A/S. This should happen in connection with a possible
increase of the capital as described above.

The company will take a positive view of an abandonment of the
current system of multiple share classes, and the other shareholders
have long expressed the wish to operate on the basis of the principle
of 'one share - one vote' in the company. Moreover, a merger of the
share classes will improve the possibilities of the company in
connection with an increase of the capital if subsequently relevant.

The letter from the Hartmann Foundation to the Chairman of the
company's Board of Directors is attached to this release.

Kind regards
Brødrene Hartmann A/S

For further information, please contact:

Erik Højsholt           Peter Arndrup Poulsen
Chairman of the Board   CEO
Brødrene Hartmann A/S   Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Tel.: +45 45 87 50 30   Tel.: +45 45 87 50 30
Mobile: +45 20 10 65 80 Mobile: + 45 51 51 40 69


Read release here Read letter from the Hartmann Foundation