Regarding non-competitive auctions on 25.10.2007

ISIN code of the security: LV0000570016                                         
Date of non-competitive auction: 25.10.2007                                     
Settlement date: 26.10.2007                                                     
Maturity date: 10.08.2018                                                       
Supply value for non-competitive auction (LVL): 2 000 000                       
Fixed income rate set by State Treasury (%):5.650                               
Price of one security: 100.959921                                               

* * *                                                                           

ISIN code of the security: LV0000532190                                         
ISIN code of the security: LV0000540938                                         
ISIN code of the security: LV0000570059                                         
As no above mentioned securities were sold during the competitive auction on    
October 24, 2007, and the weighted average yield was not calculated, the        
non-competitive auctions will not be held on October 25, 2007.                  

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