Eniro - Interim report: January - September 2007

Eniro - Interim report: January - September 2007

July - September
·	Operating revenues amounted to SEK 1,426 M (1,351) 
·	Operating income before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK 398 M (448) 
·	Net income for the period amounted to SEK 321 M (187) 
·	Net income per share amounted to SEK 1.78 (1.03)
·	Cash earnings per share amounted to SEK 2.37 (1.61)
·	Operation in Germany divested with a capital gain of approximately SEK 140 M 
·	Cash distribution of SEK 2,000 M to shareholders in Q4 through redemption
·	Unchanged market outlook except from additional SEK 30 M in restructuring
effects on Group EBITDA. 

January - September
·	Operating revenues amounted to SEK 4,361 M (4,414)
·	Operating income before depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to SEK 1,429 M (1,473)
·	Net income for the period amounted to SEK 803 M (700) 
·	Net income per share amounted to SEK 4.44 (3.87) 
·	Cash earnings per share amounted to SEK 6.15 (5.59)

For information, please contact:
Tomas Franzén, President and CEO
Tel +46 8-553 310 01, +46 70-333 63 20 

Joachim Jaginder, CFO
Tel +46 8-553 310 15, +46 70-555 15 83

Åsa Wallenberg, IR
Tel +46 8-553 310 66, +46 70-361 34 09

Eniro is the leading search company in the Nordic media market. Eniro makes it
easy to find people, businesses and products using directories, directory
assistance, Internet and mobile services. Eniro has operations in Sweden,
Norway, Finland, Denmark and Poland.

Eniro is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and has some 4,800 employees. In
2006, revenues amounted to SEK 6,372 M, with EBITDA of SEK 2,220 M. Operating
revenues and EBITDA excluding discontinued operations.

