Success for Opus at Equip Auto in Paris and a new order for environmental test equipment worth 2 MSEK

Last week Opus exhibited at the international fair Equip Auto in Paris where the
company group held a distributors' conference and presented news. The exhibition
was a great success and a new order worth 2 MSEK was obtained from Actia in     
France. At the same time negotiations are ongoing with a number of new customers
which are expected to lead to contracts within the near future.                 

The order from Actia is for environmental test equipment for the French vehicle 
inspection stations and will be delivered in the fourth quarter this year. It is
the second order under a contract with Actia in France which was published in   
June this year. The expected initial contractual value was indicated to be 2-4  
MSEK and it is now confirmed that the total sales will be at least 4 MSEK. In   
addition Actia has an option to purchase additional equipment for 1,2 MSEK to be
delivered in Q4 2007.                                                           

This press info is also available in Swedish at                     

For more information:                                                           
Magnus Greko, Managing Director		                                               
Opus Prodox AB		                                                                
Phone: +46 (0) 31 748 34 91	                                                    

The company Certified Adviser is:                                               
Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB                                              
Box 2108                                                                        
403 12 Göteborg		                                                               
Phone: +46 317455000                                                            

Opus in Brief:                                                                  
The business idea of Opus Group is to develop, produce and sell products within 
Automotive Test Equipment, Fleet Management and Wireless Vehicle Inspection for 
the global market. The products include emission analyzers, diagnostic          
equipment, brake testers, wheel alignment, electronic driver log systems, Fleet 
Management systems and systems for Remote OBD. The group is selling in more than
50 countries all over the world. The Opus share is listed on First North        
(Stockholm Stock Exchange) under the ticker OPUS. The group currently employs 55
persons. The turnover 2006 was 37 MSEK with a continued annual growth rate of   


pm opus 2007-10-25 eng.pdf