Q1 - Q3 2007

SPARBANK's profit before tax was DKK 177.8m against DKK 190.0m in Q1-Q3 2006.
This corresponds to a return on equity of 15.2%. 

Core earnings - the result of the actual banking operations - increased by DKK
39.5m from DKK 114.0m in Q1-Q3 2006 to DKK 153.5m in Q1-Q3 2007, up 34.7%. 

The FY 2007 is expected to see growth in banking operations compared to 2006.
The overall market value adjustments are expected to be lower than in 2006,
which, for example, saw extraordinary income from the sale of shares in
Totalkredit. The bank's forecast for the profit before tax has so far been in
the range of DKK 180-200m. Based on the positive development in core earnings
in Q1-Q3 2007, the forecast for the profit before tax for 2007 as a whole is
adjusted upwardly to approx. DKK 200-220m.


sparbank 3 kvt 2007 - uk.pdf