Stonesoft Strengthens Its Capital Structure

Stonesoft Corporation stock exchange release, October 25, 2007 at
9:35 am

Stonesoft Strengthens Its Capital Structure

During the past year Stonesoft has proceeded consistently and
systematically in implementing its global marketing and sales
strategy to generate profitable growth. The change from a network
security provider to a provider of network security and information
availability, brought by the new product launches in 2006, has
clearly strengthened our position on the market. Through the
strategic changes and recruitments implemented in the sales and
marketing organizations as well as training of the sales teams we
have succeeded in increasing drastically our sales funnel
particularly during this year.

Based on these activities the main shareholders of the company have
strong faith on the growth of the company's turnover and the
improving development of its operating result. In order to strengthen
the company's capital structure with an additional cash reserve and
to ensure the continuance of the positive development in the future
in line with the company's strategy and growth plan, they have
informed the company of their readiness to invest at least 3 million
Euros in the company in form of convertible bond. Based on this
information the board of directors has decided to take action to
start preparing convertible bond to be addressed to a limited number
of investors. The target of the arrangement is to ensure additional
funding of 3 - 5 million euros to the company if needed. The matter
will be resolved at latest in the next annual general meeting.

For additional information, please contact:
Ilkka Hiidenheimo, CEO, Stonesoft Corporation,
Tel. +358 9 476 711

Mikael Nyberg, CFO, Stonesoft Corporation
Tel. +358 9 476 711

Stonesoft Corp.
Ilkka Hiidenheimo

The Helsinki Stock Exchange
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