Olvi Group's strong growth continued in January-September in all of
the four operating countries. Net sales increased by 20.0 percent to
156.7 (130.6) million euro while operating profit improved by 19.2
percent to 19.9 (16.7) million euro, an increase of 3.2 million
euro. Profitability improved in all of the four operating countries.
Improvement was particularly significant in Latvia and Lithuania.
The Group's gross capital expenditure amounted to 14.8 (15.3)
million euro, which is on a par with January-September 2006. The
equity to total assets ratio remained good at 49.7 (50.0) percent.
Earnings per share improved to 1.58 (1.32) euro.

                           1-9/2007   1-9/2006    %        1-12/2006

Net sales, MEUR            156.7      130.6     + 20.0       170.3
Operating profit, MEUR      19.9       16.7     + 19.2        18.5
Gross capital expenditure, 
MEUR     	                   14.8       15.3      - 3.3        21.9
Earnings per share, EUR     1.58       1.32      + 19.7       1.43
Equity per share, EUR       8.35       7.36      + 13.4       7.46
Equity to total assets, %   49.7       50.0                   49.6
Gearing, %                  42.4       47.8                   47.3


Olvi Group's sales volume, net sales and earnings

Olvi Group's sales from January to September totalled 260 (233)
million litres, an increase of 26 million litres or 11.3 percent.
The sales improvement in Finland was 18.3 percent and in the Baltic
states 10.7 percent.

The Group's net sales from January to September amounted to 156.7
(130.6) million euro, representing an increase of 26.1 million euro
or 20.0 percent. Net sales in Finland increased by 10.0 million euro
or 16.5 percent, and aggregate net sales in the Baltic states
increased by 19.4 million euro or 25.7 percent. Net sales growth in
the Baltic states in January-September clearly outperformed the
growth in sales volume.

Olvi Group's operating profit for January-June stood at 19.9 (16.7)
million euro, or 12.7 (12.8) percent of net sales. This represents
an increase of 3.2 million euro or 19.2 percent on the previous
year. Operating profits improved on the previous year in all of the
Group companies, particularly in the Latvian subsidiary A/S Cesu
Alus that posted an operating profit improvement of 133 percent.

In the period under review, earnings after taxes stood at 16.4
(13.7) million euro, an improvement of 2.7 million euro or 19.8
percent on the previous year.

Parent company Olvi plc

The parent company Olvi plc's sales in January-September totalled
100 (85) million litres, an increase of 15 million litres or 18.3
percent. Factors contributing to the growth included a controlled
increase in promotional sales of beer, new products in ciders, the
successful launch of the OLVI Greippi Lonkero product, a long drink
that is sold in grocery shops and filled a gap in Olvi's product
range, as well as new customer relationships. Cool and rainy summer
weather slowed down sales growth in the third quarter.

The greatest sales growth was seen in beers and long drinks. Sales
of soft drinks and ciders also increased substantially thanks to
expanded product ranges. Sales of mineral waters declined due to
intense price competition and cool weather.

Olvi plc's market share in medium-strength beer has increased
constantly for a few years. According to the Nielsen market research 
company, Olvi plc took the second place in retail sales of beer 
during the four-week review period that ended in the middle of 
September. At that time, Olvi's market share by value was 20.1 percent. 
Over the period from the beginning of the year to mid-September, 
Olvi's market share by value was 18.1 percent. Olvi plc's total market 
share in its main product groups at the end of September was 19.0 
(17.0) percent.

The parent company's net sales from January to September 2007
amounted to 71.0 (60.9) million euro, representing an increase of
10.1 million euro or 16.5 percent.

Olvi plc's operating profit in January-September totalled 7.4 (6.6)
million euro or 10.5 (10.9) percent of net sales. The operating
profit improved by 0.8 million euro or 12.4 percent.

Scrapping of the obsolete package inventory resulted in 1.3 (1.1)
million euro of write-downs on inventories that burdened the January-
September earnings.

AS A. Le Coq

The total sales of Olvi plc's Estonian subsidiary AS A. Le Coq in
January-September amounted to 106 (99) million litres, an increase
of 7 million litres or 7.4 percent on the previous year. In terms of
litres sold, the greatest increase was seen in beers, while
proportional growth was greatest in energy drinks and long drinks.
Sales growth was also considerable in juices.

For the entire year, AS A. Le Coq's net sales growth has clearly
outperformed the growth in sales volume. Net sales from January to
September amounted to 56.7 (47.5) million euro, representing an
increase of 9.2 million euro or 19.5 percent.

AS A. Le Coq's operating profit in January-September was 8.8 (8.1)
million euro or 15.5 (17.0) percent of net sales. The operating
profit increased by 0.7 million euro or 8.5 percent compared to the
previous year.

AS A. Le Coq was ranked the best food industry company in Estonia
for the third time in a row. The annual Competitive List of the Best
Performances of the Estonian Enterprises competition is arranged by
the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Enterprise Estonia
and the Estonian Employers' Confederation. The 2007 competition
included a total of 455 participants of which 15 were food industry
companies. Winners are chosen on the basis of competitive ability
and a comparison of facts such as sales development, profitability,
staff costs, investments and balance sheet value.

A/S Cesu Alus

The total sales of Olvi plc's Latvian subsidiary A/S Cesu Alus in
January-September amounted to 42 (33.0) million litres, increasing
by 9 million litres or 28.0 percent. The greatest growth in sales
volume was seen in beers that represent approximately 70 percent of
total sales. In the primary product group, beers, A/S Cesu Alus's
market position has strengthened to more than 25 percent, and the
brewery is now clearly the number two player in the market. The
sales of ciders, energy drinks, long drinks and waters are also
growing strongly.

The company's net sales from January to September amounted to 20.7
(14.1) million euro, representing an increase of 6.6 million euro or
46.9 percent.

Thanks to the growth, A/S Cesu Alus's profitability has improved
substantially. Operating profit in January-September totalled 2.1
(0.9) million euro, an increase of 1.2 million euro. Operating
profit in proportion to net sales was 10.3 (6.5) percent.

AB Ragutis

The total sales of the Lithuanian company AB Ragutis from January to
September amounted to 34 (33) million litres, representing an
increase of 1 million litres or 3.4 percent. The sales of Ragutis
ciders and long drinks are rapidly increasing in Lithuania. The
sales of beer declined slightly as the company scaled down its
Private Label production.

The net sales of AB Ragutis have clearly outperformed the increase
in sales volumes in 2007. The company's net sales from January to
September amounted to 17.3 (13.8) million euro, representing an
increase of 3.5 million euro or 25.4 percent. The net sales
improvement is affected by the favourable development of sales
volumes and prices of other product groups that are now
supplementing beer.

The operating profit of AB Ragutis has improved thanks to previous
major investments and the good development of sales volumes. Net
sales from January to September amounted to 1.6 (1.1) million euro,
representing an increase of 0.5 million euro or 47.9 percent.
Operating profit in proportion to net sales was 9.3 (7.9) percent.


Olvi Group's Q3 sales volume

Olvi Group's sales from July to September 2007 totalled 91 (88)
million litres, an increase of 3 million litres or 3.8 percent. The
growth of sales volumes was affected by this summer's damp and cool
weather in comparison to last year's summer months both in Finland
and in the Baltic states.

The parent company Olvi plc's third-quarter sales amounted to 35
(32) million litres, which is 3 million litres or 10.5 percent more
than a year earlier.

Sales in the Baltic states improved by a total of 2 million litres
or 3.8 percent.  The Estonian subsidiary AS A. Le Coq's third-
quarter sales were on a par with the previous year at 37 (37)
million litres. In Latvia, A/S Cesu Alus made the Group's best sales
result by selling 16 (13) million litres in July-September, which is
3 million litres or 19.1 percent more than last year. The sales of
AB Ragutis in Lithuania declined by 4.2 percent on the previous

Olvi Group's Q3 net sales

The Group's net sales from July to September amounted to 56.5 (50.3)
million euro, representing an increase of 6.2 million euro or 12.3

In Finland, the parent company Olvi plc's net sales were up 11.4
percent at 25.5 (22.9) million euro.

In the Baltic countries, third-quarter net sales improved by 15.8
percent on the previous year, which clearly outperformed the growth
in sales volume. AS A. Le Coq's net sales amounted to 20.4 (18.4)
million euro, an increase of 10.7 percent.  Thanks to good sales
development, A/S Cesu Alus's net sales improved by 36.5 percent on
the previous year to 7.9 (5.8) million euro. AB Ragutis's net sales
amounted to 6.1 (5.5) million euro, representing an increase of 0.6
million euro or 11.1 percent in spite of declined sales volume.

Olvi Group's Q3 operating profit

The Group's operating profit in the third quarter was on a par with
the previous year at 8.5 (8.7) million euro or 15.1 (17.4) percent
of net sales. Olvi Group was able to maintain the excellent earnings
level of the previous year in spite of unfavourable weather
conditions in high summer that contributed to the decline in total
consumption. The third-quarter operating profit includes 0.4 million
euro of additional costs for Olvi Group's stock-based incentive
scheme compared to the previous year due to the good price
development of the Olvi A share.

The parent company Olvi plc's operating profit in July-September was
on a par with the previous year at 3.2 (3.6) million euro or 12.6
(15.6) percent of net sales. In the third quarter of 2007,
investment in items such as advertising was clearly greater than in
the previous year.

The aggregate third-quarter operating profit of the Baltic companies
was on a par with the previous year at 5.3 (5.1) million euro. AS A.
Le Coq's operating profit also reached the previous year's level at
3.7 (3.6) million euro or 18.3 (19.6) percent of net sales. The
entire Group's best improvement was seen in A/S Cesu Alus with an
operating profit of 1.2 (0.6) million euro. The increase was 0.6
million euro or 90.8 percent compared to the previous year. AB
Ragutis's operating profit fell short of the previous year's level
by 0.5 million euro.


Olvi Group's balance sheet total at the end of September 2007 was
174.0 (153.1) million euro. Equity per share in January-September
stood at 8.35 (7.36) euro. The equity to total assets ratio was
approximately at the previous year's level at 49.7 (50.0) percent.
The amount of interest-bearing liabilities was 41.5 (39.1) million
euro, including current liabilities of 9.7 (3.4) million euro.

During the period under review, Olvi Group's gross capital
expenditure amounted to 14.8 (15.3) million euro. The parent company
Olvi plc accounted for 4.8 million euro and the subsidiaries in the
Baltic states for 10.0 million euro of the total. The largest
investments in 2007 will be the filling and packaging lines for
recyclable plastic bottles to be constructed at Olvi plc and A. Le
Coq, as well as extensions to storage facilities at A/S Cesu Alus
and AB Ragutis.

The gross capital expenditure also includes purchases made on
finance lease.


Research and development includes projects to design and develop new
products, packages, processes and production methods, as well as
further development of existing products and packages. The R&D costs
have been recognised as expenses.

The parent company Olvi plc launched several new products for the
September product range period. Olvi Suomi 90 vuotta Juhlaolut in
0.5 L cans was launched to celebrate Finland's 90th anniversary. The
product layout makes it suitable for all kinds of festive occasions.
OLVI Ykkönen, which is the market leader in mild beers with an
approximate market share of 65 percent, was launched in 0.5 L cans.
OLVI Ykkönen is the first mild beer sold in cans in Finland. In
mineral waters, Olvi KevytOlo Vihreä Omena (Green Apple) flavoured
with real apples was introduced in single portions as well as family
packages. Olvi TEHO, the number three energy drink sold in Finland,
was also launched as the light version TEHO Kevyt. In soft drinks,
successful licence manufacturing continued with The Simpsons Orange
Light. Olvi had introduced a Disney Donald Duck soft drink earlier
this year.

In Estonia, product introductions included a new cider, Fizz Cherry
taste, and a new energy drink packaging, a 0.5 L bottle for the
Dynami:t brand that was successfully launched a year ago. The market
leader in juices, the Aura brand, expanded to soft drinks with the
Aura Jaffa Orange and Aura Jaffa Grapefruit products. The Aura range
of juices was also expanded by the Aura Tropical sub-brand. Three
new flavours, mango-lemon, apricot and multi-fruit, were introduced
under the sub-brand.

In Latvia, three new beers were introduced in July: Cesu Light and
Cesu Dry introduced in a special bottle; the Sataseles beer was
launched to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the city of Segulda.
Latvia was also active in other product groups. The new FIZZ Diamond
cider was introduced. The energy drink Dynami:t expanded to 0.5 L
plastic bottles like in Estonia. This is an example of Group synergy
as the same product can be sold in several countries. In Latvia, the
Group also jumped on the retro trend with the Zvanins soft drink
carrying the slogan “a soft drink from your childhood”. The Aura
brand is also shared across the Group. Two ice teas, Aura Tea of
white and red tea, were introduced in Latvia.

The Dynami:t energy drink was introduced in 0.5 L bottles also in
Lithuania. One of Ragutis's two main brands of beer is Horn. The
Horn dry version was launched in a clear half-litre glass bottle. It
is an image-building product. In Lithuania, the Group also
introduced two new products to the successful long drinks product
group in half-litre cans under the Jamaica brand.

Olvi Group has made systematic efforts to unify operating models
across the Group and intensify co-operation, with the third-quarter
product launches serving as a good example.


Thanks to good sales development, the number of personnel increased
in all Group companies in January-September. Olvi Group's average
number of personnel in January-September was 1,219 (1,127), 387
(346) of them in Finland, 417 (395) in Estonia, 211 (195) in Latvia
and 204 (191) in Lithuania. The average number of personnel
increased by 100 people or 9.0 percent on the previous year. The
total number of personnel at the end of September was 1,184 (1,107).


The merger process between AS A. Le Coq Group, a holding company
fully owned by Olvi plc, and its 100% subsidiary AS A. Le Coq, is
still underway.  According to present estimates, the merger will be
completed in October-November 2007. The arrangements will have no
effect on Olvi Group's earnings or balance sheet.

At the end of September, Olvi Group's holding in AS A. Le Coq is 100
percent, in A/S Cesu Alus 97.89 percent and in AB Ragutis 99.56


The introduction of recyclable plastic deposit bottles into the
Finnish market will bring great changes to the production and
logistics processes of breweries. The majority of soft drink,
mineral water and cider consumption can be expected to change over
to recyclable plastic deposit bottles. However, it is difficult to
predict the rate of change. The present refillable bottle stock will
probably be completely phased out step by step before the year 2010.
This will result in increased scrapping of inventories within the
next few years.

Furthermore, personnel and raw material costs will increase
substantially, which together with price hikes on electricity and
fuels will create pressure to increase the prices of beverages.

It is still challenging to recruit skilled personnel in the Baltic
states. Due to this, personnel costs will increase faster than other
production costs.


Olvi Group aims to strengthen its market position in all business
areas. Substantial investments will ensure the sufficiency of
capacity supporting our growth and cost-efficient production of a
versatile product range. Further improvement of the entire Olvi
Group's profitability and competitive ability is a crucial target.

Olvi Group's performance in the rest of the year will be better than
in the corresponding period last year. This is attributable to facts
such as a strengthened overall market position in Finland as well as
the Baltic states.

We expect Olvi Group's full-year net sales to increase and operating
profit to improve clearly on the previous year.

The interim report from 1 January to 30 September 2007 has been
prepared in accordance with IFRS recognition and valuation
principles. The interim report has not been prepared in compliance
with all of the requirements in the standard IAS 34, Interim
Financial Reporting.

The accounting policies used for the preparation of this interim
report are the same as those used for the annual financial
statements 2006.

The information in this interim report is unaudited.

Further information:

Lasse Aho, Managing Director
Phone +358 17 838 5200 or +358 400 203 600

Board of Directors

-        Balance sheet, Appendix 1
-        Income statement, Appendix 2
-        Changes in shareholders' equity, Appendix 3
-        Cash flow statement, Appendix 4
-        Notes to the interim report, Appendix 5

OMX Nordic Exchange, Helsinki
Key media

OLVI GROUP                                            APPENDIX 1

BALANCE SHEET                                                     
EUR 1,000                                                         
                                       30 Sep     30 Sep    31 Dec
                                         2007       2006      2006
Non-current assets                                                
Tangible assets                        89,468     81,228    83,473
Goodwill                               10,675     10,531    10,675
Other intangible assets                 1,228      1,852     1,640
Financial assets available for            284        254       254
Other non-current assets available        326        311       311
for sale
Loans receivable                           44         44        44
Deferred tax receivables                  143         49        65
Total non-current assets              102,168     94,269    96,462
Current assets                                                    
Inventories                            30,613     25,574    25,173
Accounts receivable and other          36,438     30,651    32,256
Liquid assets                           4,826      2,580     2,102
Total current assets                   71,877     58,805    59,531
TOTAL ASSETS                          174,045    153,074   155,993
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                          
Shareholders' equity held by                                      
parent company shareholders
Share capital                          20,759     20,759    20,759
Other reserves                          1,092      1,127     1,128
Treasury shares                          -722        -54      -290
Retained earnings                      48,926     40,856    40,847
Net profit for the period              16,340     13,656    14,822
                                       86,394     76,344    77,266
Minority interest                         137        157       101
Total shareholders' equity             86,531     76,501    77,367
Non-current liabilities                                           
Interest-bearing liabilities           31,827     35,779    27,108
Interest-free liabilities               1,195        459       490
Deferred tax liabilities                1,186      1,427     1,413
Current liabilities                                               
Interest-bearing liabilities            9,711      3,361    11,562
Interest-free liabilities              43,595     35,547    38,053
Total liabilities                      87,514     76,573    78,626
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND        174,045    153,074   155,993

OLVI GROUP                                            APPENDIX 2
EUR 1,000

                          7-9/     7-9/    1-9/      1-9/      1-12/
                          2007     2006    2007      2006      2006
Net sales                56,511   50,303   156,738  130,595  170,319
Other operating income      299       28       716      381      590
Operating expenses      -45,334  -38,891  -128,751 -106,115 -141,577
Depreciation and         -2,959   -2,706    -8,767   -8,130  -10,851
Operating profit          8,517    8,734    19,936   16,731   18,481
Financial income             67       59       142      142      188
Financial expenses         -554     -401    -1,456   -1,069   -1,432
Earnings before tax       8,030    8,392    18,622   15,804   17,237
Taxes *)                   -936   -1,063    -2,245   -2,136   -2,413
Net profit for the        7,094    7,329    16,377   13,668   14,824
- parent company          7,072    7,312    16,340   13,656   14,822
- minority                   22       17        37       12        2
Ratios calculated from the profit                                   
to parent company shareholders:                                    
- earnings per share,euro                     1.58     1.32     1.43
- earnings per share adjusted                                       
for dilution from warrants, euro              1.58     1.31     1.42

*) Taxes are recognised as the share of the entire financial year's
estimated taxes proportionate to the profit for the review period.

OLVI GROUP                                            APPENDIX 3


                             A     B   C    D  E   F    G   H     I
Shareholders' equity   10379  11236  127  0   143 0   45377     67262
1 Jan 2006              
Bonus issue            10379 -10379                                 0
Effect of increases in                                 -145  145    0
the share                                                 
capital of subsidiaries                                       
on minority interest
Acquisition of treasury                  -54                      -54
Change in translation                            36                36
Payment of dividends                                 -4411      -4411
Net profit for the                                   13668       13668
Share of profit                                      -12      12      0
belonging to the
Shareholders' equity   20759  857   127  -54  143 36  54476   157  76501
30 Sep 2006                                             
EUR 1,000                    A     B   C    D  E   F    G   H     I
Shareholders' equity     20759   857  127  -290 143 -18 55688 101 77367
1 Jan 2007                          
Transfer of reserve to                        -35      35             0
retained earnings                             
Acquisition of treasury                  -432                       -432
Change in translation                              -44        -1     -45
Payment of dividends                                   -6736        -6736
Net profit for the                                     16377        16377
Share of profit                                          -37    37      0
belonging to the
Shareholders' equity 
30 Sep 2007             20759    857   127   -722  108 -62  65327 137 86531
 A = Share capital
 B = Share premium account
 C = Legal reserve
 D = Treasury shares reserve
 E = Other reserves
 F = Translation differences
 G = Retained earnings
 H = Minority interest
 I = Total
							APPENDIX 4
EUR 1,000
                              1-9/     1-9/     1-12/
                              2007   2006       2006
Net profit for the period    16,377   13,668    14,824
Adjustments to profit for    12,879   11,689    14,852
the period
Change in net working        -4,666   -4,911    -3,320
Interest paid                -1,063     -991    -1,529
Interest received                54      141       188
Taxes paid                   -2,342   -1,051    -1,080
Cash flow from operations    21,239   18,545    23,935
Capital expenditure         -14,395  -17,166   -22,064
Disposals of fixed assets        50        0       145
Cash flow from investments  -14,345  -17,166   -21,919
Increase of share capital         0        0         0
Withdrawals of loans         12,000    9,750     7,000
Repayments of loans          -9,013  -10,521    -8,650
Acquisition of treasury        -432      -54      -290
Dividends paid               -6,725   -4,411    -4,411
Cash flow from financing     -4,170   -5,236    -6,351
Increase (+)/decrease (-)     2,724   -3,857    -4,335
in liquid assets (A+B+C)
Liquid assets 1 January       2,102    6,437     6,437
Liquid assets 30 Sep/31 Dec   4,826    2,580     2,102

Change in liquid assets       2,724   -3,857    -4,335
						 APPENDIX 5
The accounting policies used for the preparation of this
interim report are the same as those used for the annual
financial statements 2006. The Group has adopted the IFRS
7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures standard and the associated 
amendment to the IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Capital
Disclosures standard that entered into force on 1 January 2007. 
According to the Group's estimate, the adoption of the new and amended
standard will mostly affect the notes to the Group's financial statements.
(1,000 litres)
                            7-9/    7-9/   1-9/    1-9/    1-12/
                            2007    2006   2007    2006     2006
Olvi Group total         91,370  87,987 259,820  233,420  303,416
Finland                  35,550  32,167 100,442   84,928  110,092
Estonia                  37,239  36,855 106,217   98,931  127,817
Latvia                   15,689  13,178  42,244  33,012   42,736
Lithuania                11,918  12,436  33,627  32,522   42,249
- sales between          -9,026  -6,649 -22,710 -15,973  -19,478
                            7-9/    7-9/   1-9/    1-9/    1-12/
                            2007    2006   2007    2006     2006
Olvi Group total         56,511  50,303  156,738  130,599  170,319
Finland                  25,497  22,891   70,967   60,895   79,458
Estonia                  20,359   18,385  56,732   47,488   61,517
Latvia                    7,937    5,815   20,759  14,130   18,573
Lithuania                 6,156    5,539   17,271  13,772   18,224
- sales between          -3,438   -2,327  -8,991   -5,690   -7,453
                             7-9/   7-9/   1-9/    1-9/    1-12/
                             2007   2006   2007    2006     2006
 Olvi Group total           8,517  8,735 19,936  16,731   18,481
 Finland                    3,222  3,570  7,434   6,616    7,060
 Estonia                    3,728  3,609  8,783   8,092    9,268
 Latvia                     1,168    612  2,143     919      845
 Lithuania                    396    895  1,602   1,083    1,239
 - sales between segments       3     49    -26      21       69
                1-9/2007   1-9/2006  1-12/2006
Finland             387        346        346
Estonia             417        395        393
Latvia              211        195        195
Lithuania           204        191        192
Total             1,219      1,127      1,126
Employee benefits to management
Salaries and other short-term employee benefits to the Board of Directors 
and Managing Director
                            1-9/      1-9/     1-12/       
                           2007       2006      2006

Managing Directors          462        370       488       
Chairman of the Board       153        131       181       
Other members of the         78         62        91       
Total                       693        563       760 *)
*) The figures for 2006 have been adjusted to be comparable
with the information in the interim report.
Share-based payments: Olvi plc's Board of Directors decided in 2006
on a share-based incentive and commitment scheme for Olvi Group's key
personnel. The share-based incentive scheme is described in more detail 
in Olvi Group's financial statements for 2006, note 22.
                                    30 Sep 2007
Number of A shares                  8,513,276
Number of K shares                  1,866,128
Total                              10,379,404                                  
Total votes carried by A shares     8,513,276
Total votes carried by K shares    37,322,560
Total number of votes              45,835,836
Registered share capital, EUR 1,000    20,759
The Series A and Series K shares received a dividend of 0.65 euro 
per share for 2006(0.425 euro per share for 2005), totalling 6.7 (4.4)
million euro. The dividends were paid on 16 April 2007. 

Nominal value of A and K shares, EUR         2.00
Votes per Series A share                     1
Votes per Series K share                     20
The shares entitle to equal dividend.

The Articles of Association include a redemption clause concerning Series K
In April 2007, the General Meeting of Shareholders of Olvi plc decided to
the Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of the company's own shares 
using distributable funds. The authorisation is valid for one year starting 
from the General Meeting and covers a maximum of 245,000 Series A shares.
The Board of Directors may also decide that any shares acquired on the 
company's own account be cancelled by reducing the share capital.
On 16 August 2007, on the basis of the authorisation granted by the General 
Meeting on 3 April 2007, the Board of Directors of Olvi plc decided
to acquire a maximum total of 16,000 of the company's own Series A shares.
In compliance with the rules of the Helsinki Stock Exchange and guidelines 
concerning treasury shares of a listed company, the shares were
acquired through public trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange at 
the current market price at the time of acquisition. The acquisition was 
carried out between 27 August and 18 September 2007. 16,000 shares were 
bought at an average price of 26.96 euro per share. The total purchase
price was 431,832.63 euro.
Olvi plc already possessed 16,000 Olvi Series A shares acquired by the Board of
Directors in 2006 on the basis of an authorisation granted by the General 
Meeting of Shareholders. The purchase price for treasury shares in
2006 totalled 290,399.76 euro.
The Board of Directors has not exercised the authorisation granted by the 
General Meeting to transfer the company's own Series A shares during January-
September 2007. All of the treasury shares acquired, a total of 32,000 shares,
are in the company's possession.

Series A shares held by Olvi plc as treasury shares represent 0.31 percent of
share capital and 0.07 percent of the aggregate number of votes. The acquired
represent 0.38 percent of all Series A shares and associated votes.
                                 1-9/2007     1-9/2006    1-12/2006
 - average                     10,361,967   10,377,707   10,363,311
 - at end of period            10,347,404   10,375,404   10,363,404
 - average number of shares                                        
 adjusted for dilution from                                        
 warrants                      10,361,967   10,426,826   10,413,050
 *) Acquired treasury shares
Number of Olvi A shares traded in 01-      1,722,88
09/2007                                           4
Total trading volume, EUR 1,000              41,323
Traded shares in proportion to all Series      20.2
A shares, %
Average share price 01-09/2007, EUR           23.86
Highest quote in June, EUR                    30.80
Lowest quote in January, EUR                  19.50
                      Book entries          Votes       Shareholders
                           qty      %       qty        %         qty
Finnish total        8,305,282  80.02  42,789,978    93.35     5,6565
Foreign total          316,613   3.05   1,288,349     2.81         25
Nominee-registered       1,270   0.01       1,270     0.00          2
(foreign) total
Nominee-registered   1,756,239  16.92   1,756,239     3.83          8
(Finnish) total                              
Total               10,379,404 100.00   45,835,836  100.00       5,691
                  Series K  Series A    Total      %    Votes     %
1.  Olvi        1,181,952  354,408   1,536,360  14.80  23,993,448  52.3
2. Hortling       450,712   85,380     536,092   5.16   9,099,620  19.8
Heikki Wilhelm*)                                          
3. The Heirs of    93,552   12,624     106,176   1.02  1,883,664   4.11
Hortling Kalle                                          
4. Hortling        82,912   17,304     100,216   0.97  1,675,544    3.66
Timo Einari                                         
5. Hortling-       51,144   1,050       52,194   0.50  1,023,930    2.23
Rinne Marit                                             
6.                         986,534      986,534   9.50  986,534     2.15
Enskilda Banken
7. Nordea Bank             644,930      644,930   6.21   644,930     1.41
Finland plc,                    
8. Ilmarinen Mutual         515,748      15,748   4.97    515,748     1.13
Pension Insurance Company       
9. Autocarrera             221,891       221,891   2.14    221,891    0.48
Oy Ab                          
olaget Veritas
Pension                     208,000      208,000   2.00  208,000      0.45
Insurance Company               
Others              5,856  5,465,407   5,471,263   52.71  5,582,527   12.18
Total           1,866,128  8,513,276  10,379,404   100.0  45,835,836  100.00
*) The figures include the shareholder's own holdings and shares held by
in his control.
EUR 1,000
                                1-9/        1-9/       1-12/
                                2007     2006       2006
Increase                       14,457    15,185      21,878
Decrease                         -187    -1,357      -3,535
Total                          14,270    13,828      18,343
                                30 Sep    30 Sep      31 Dec
                                  2007      2006        2006
Pledges and contingent                                     
   For own commitments          1,135     1,135         765
   For others                     731     1,035       1,055
Leasing liabilities:                                       
   Due within one year            667     1,009       1,041
   Due within 1 to 5 years       1,132    1,005       1,019
   Due in more than 5               5         0           5
Total leasing liabilities       1,804     2,014       2,065
Package liabilities             4,879     4,880       4,734
Other liabilities               1,980     1,980       1,980
Debts for which mortgages have been given as collateral

Loans from financial institutions
       For own commitments         773     3,091       2,318
       For others                  229     2,062       1,527

Equity to total 		Shareholder´s equity held by parent company
assets, % 	= 100 *         shareholders + minority interest
				Balance sheet total - advance
 				payments received
				Profit belonging to parent company shareholders
Earnings per share =		______________________________________________
				Average number of shares during the period,
				adjusted for share issues
				Shareholders' equity held by parent company
Equity per share  =		_____________________________________________
				Number of shares at end of period, adjusted 
				for share issues
				Interest-bearing debt - cash in hand and at bank
Gearing, %   =              	________________________________________________
				Shareholders' equity held by parent company
				shareholders + minority interest

