Interim Report 1.1.-30.9.2007: During the third quarter, operational result dampened while net sales increased from the previous year


Interim Report 1.1.-30.9.2007: During the third quarter, operational
result dampened while net sales increased from the previous year

* Net sales growth of 4%
* Group EBIT reflects raw material price increases, negative currency
impact and weak operational result in Asia-Oceania-Africa
* Full-year operational result expected to be around the level of
* Strong measures being taken to decrease working capital and improve
* Strategic measures to accelerate earnings growth

Key figures
                             Q3    Q3   Q1-Q3   Q1-Q3
EUR million                2007  2006    2007    2006    2006
Net sales                 582.4 562.2 1,753.2 1,718.4 2,275.6
EBIT before corporate      32.7  36.4   110.7   113.9   138.1
items, underlying
Corporate net               0.5   3.4    -4.1    20.0    19.5
EBIT, underlying*          33.2  39.8   106.6   133.9   157.6
EBIT margin %, underlying   5.7   7.1     6.1     7.8     6.9
EBIT, reported             33.2  38.1   106.6   125.1   145.5
EPS, reported              0.18  0.25    0.61    0.82    0.94

* The underlying EBIT excludes restructuring charges

Business review

In the third quarter, market demand for consumer packaging in the
majority of the mature markets was stable. However, in North America
a slowdown in demand was experienced, especially in September. Demand
continued healthy in the emerging markets. While the prices for the
main raw materials remained on a high level during the quarter, they
showed a clear increase compared to the average level of the previous

Volume growth (+3%), although slower than expected, and price/mix
changes (+2%) had a positive impact on reported net sales of EUR
582.4 million (+4%). The impact from currency translations on net
sales was negative (-1%).

In January-September, net sales was EUR 1,753.2 million (+2%). The
geographical distribution of sales was the following: Europe 53%
(53%), Americas 30% (31%) and Asia-Oceania-Africa 17% (16%).


                             Q3    Q3 Q1-Q3 Q1-Q3
EUR million                2007  2006  2007  2006    2006
Net sales                 310.2 296.5 935.4 900.3 1,188.7
EBIT, underlying           14.7  14.9  43.0  48.7    52.1
EBIT margin %, underlying   4.7   5.0   4.6   5.4     4.4
EBIT, reported             14.7  13.2  43.0  39.9    40.3
RONA % underlying             -     -   5.7   7.8     6.7

(12m roll.)

In Europe, sales growth within Consumer Goods segment in the third
quarter was solid in the Flexibles business and improving in the
Films business after temporary issues following the implementation of
the new enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform. While sales
performance in the Rigid Consumer Goods business was overall stable,
weakness in sales continued in the UK and was also experienced in
Southern Europe. Within Foodservice segment, sales growth remained
healthy driven by Eastern and Southern Europe. For the quarter, the
reported net sales was EUR 310.2 million (+5%) with a positive impact
from volume (+5%).

The region's underlying EBIT was EUR 14.7 million (-1%),
corresponding to an EBIT margin of 4.7% (5.0%). This reflects
favorable volume development and recovering profitability of the
Films business, offset by weaker than expected price/mix development.
The reported EBIT was EUR 14.7 million. In the previous year the
reported EBIT of EUR 13.2 million included restructuring charges of
EUR 1.7 million.

With reference to the earlier announced programs, the capacity
expansion in Foodservice beverage cups in several European units was
completed during the quarter.

In January-September, net sales was EUR 935.4 million (+4%). The
underlying EBIT of EUR 43.0 million (-12%) corresponded to an EBIT
margin of 4.6% (5.4%). The reported EBIT was 43.0 million (EUR 39.9


                             Q3    Q3 Q1-Q3 Q1-Q3
EUR million                2007  2006  2007  2006  2006
Net sales                 170.0 173.8 518.9 541.2 711.5
EBIT, underlying           13.5  14.0  52.2  47.4  61.3
EBIT margin %, underlying   7.9   8.1  10.1   8.8   8.6
EBIT, reported             13.5  14.0  52.2  47.4  61.3
RONA % underlying             -     -  11.8  11.0  11.0

(12m roll.)

In the Americas, sales declined within Consumer Goods segment
especially in the Frozen desserts and the Pet food categories during
the quarter. The shortfall was partially mitigated by sales growth in
Retail within Foodservice segment. Growth in the South American Rigid
businesses continued on a good level. For the quarter, the positive
impact from price/mix changes (+6%) compensated for the decline in
volume (-2%). The reported net sales of EUR 170.0 million (-2%) was
depressed by currency translations (-6%).

The region's underlying EBIT was EUR 13.5 million (-3%),
corresponding to an EBIT margin of 7.9% (8.1%). This reflects volume
shortfall and negative currency impact offset by favorable mix
development, diligent price management and continued improvement in
operational efficiency.

The new capacity added to the existing flexibles packaging facility
in Malvern, USA, is on track and scheduled to be operational by
year-end 2007.

In January-September, net sales was EUR 518.9 million (-4%). The
underlying EBIT of EUR 52.2 million (+10%) corresponded to an EBIT
margin of 10.1% (8.8%).


                             Q3   Q3 Q1-Q3 Q1-Q3
EUR million                2007 2006  2007  2006  2006
Net sales                 102.2 91.9 298.9 276.9 375.4
EBIT, underlying            4.5  7.5  15.5  17.8  24.7
EBIT margin %, underlying   4.4  8.2   5.2   6.4   6.6
EBIT, reported              4.5  7.5  15.5  17.8  24.4
RONA % underlying             -    -   6.7   8.1   8.1

(12m roll.)

In Asia-Oceania-Africa, sales performance within Consumer Goods and
Foodservice segments was solid during the third quarter. In Asia,
volume growth remained favorable driven by the Flexibles business,
especially with the introduction of new capacity in Rudrapur, India.
In Oceania, sales growth in the Rigid businesses was overall steady.
For the quarter, there was continued volume growth (+5%) and a
positive impact from price/mix changes (+3%). The reported net sales
of EUR 102.2 million (+11%) was boosted further by currency
translations (+3%).

The region's underlying EBIT was EUR 4.5 million (-40%),
corresponding to an EBIT margin of 4.4% (8.2%). This reflects
start-up costs associated with investments in new capacity,
especially in Guangzhou, China, as well as unfavorable margin
development in India. In Oceania Foodservice, weakness in operational
result was due to one-off items and operational inefficiency.

The relocation from Hong Kong, China, to the new rigid packaging
facility in Guangzhou, China, progressed and is expected to be
completed during the first quarter of 2008. Construction work at the
new flexibles packaging facility in Bangkok, Thailand, started during
the quarter with production expected to commence around mid 2008.

In January-September, net sales was EUR 298.9 million (+8%). The
underlying EBIT of EUR 15.5 million (-13%) corresponded to an EBIT
margin of 5.2% (6.4%).

Financial review

In the third quarter, the underlying EBIT before corporate items was
EUR 32.7 million (-10%), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.6%
(6.5%). Corporate net was EUR 0.5 million (EUR 3.4 million)
reflecting the expected reduction in royalty income.

The underlying Group EBIT was EUR 33.2 million (EUR 39.8 million),
corresponding to an EBIT margin of 5.7% (7.1%). The reported EBIT was
EUR 33.2 million. In the previous year the reported EBIT of EUR 38.1
million included restructuring charges of EUR 1.7 million.

At EUR -10.7 million (EUR -9.0 million), the increase in net
financial items was mainly due to higher interest rates and debt
level. The reported profit for the period was EUR 18.7 million (EUR
26.6 million), and EPS was EUR 0.18 (EUR 0.25).

In January-September, the Group's underlying EBIT was EUR 106.6
million (-20%), corresponding to an EBIT margin of 6.1% (7.8%). This
reflects mainly a EUR 24.1 million reduction in corporate net as well
as a weaker operational result. The reported EBIT was 106.6 million.
In the previous year the reported EBIT of EUR 125.1 million included
restructuring charges of EUR 8.8 million. Net financial items were
EUR 30.9 million (EUR 27.4 million). The income tax expense was EUR
13.5 million (EUR 13.9 million), corresponding to a tax rate of 17.8%
(14.2%). The reported profit for the period was EUR 62.5 million (EUR
84.1 million), and EPS was EUR 0.61 (EUR 0.82).

The average number of outstanding shares used in the EPS calculation
was 100,426,461 (98,935,107) excluding 5,061,089 (unchanged)
company's own shares.

On a rolling 12-month basis, the return on investment (ROI) was 7.8%
(9.8%) and return on equity (ROE) was 8.7% (11.8%).

Balance sheet and cash flow

In the end of the third quarter, free cash flow of EUR -2.0 million
(EUR 9.6 million) was impacted by an increase in capital expenditure
to EUR 35.4 million (EUR 27.3 million) as well as elevated level of
working capital. In January-September, free cash flow was EUR -44.7
million (27.3 million) with capital expenditure of EUR 92.5 million
(EUR 73.3 million).

Net debt at the end of the third quarter was EUR 783.4 million (EUR
687.1 million), corresponding to a gearing ratio of 0.90 (0.81).


The Group had 14,963 (14,521) employees on September 30, 2007.

Strategic measures to accelerate earnings growth

All businesses will focus on improving profitability and the earlier
confirmed financial targets for the Group remain unchanged. Enhanced
shareholder value will be created through focused growth,
capitalizing on Huhtamaki's positions of strength.

The Flexibles and Films businesses will expand globally and be
recognized as an innovative leader and a best-in-class performer in
chosen product and market segments. Investments will be targeted on
strengthening the position especially in North America and Asia.

Rigid Food and Beverage Packaging will grow selectively with
particular focus on Foodservice in Europe and Asia and on Retail in
North America. Huhtamaki's leading paper and fiber capabilities
strengthen its position also as a supplier of sustainable packaging

Huhtamaki will decrease its presence in such business areas that do
not meet the profitability requirements or do not create value in the
execution of the Group strategy. As a consequence, Huhtamaki is
considering different strategic options for its Consumer Goods
business unit in the UK and all of its operations in South Africa.

Events after the reporting period

Huhtamaki revised the 2007 full-year outlook downwards on October 10,
2007. The revision was due to weakened volumes and operational
results in September as well as softer volume outlook in the
remainder of the year.

In the short-term, measures are being taken to adjust costs to meet
the current volume levels. These include adaption of manning and
overall cost containment.

Short-term risks and uncertainties

Volatile raw material and energy prices as well as movements in
currency translations are considered to be significant short-term
business risks and uncertainties in the Group's operations.

Outlook for 2007

The operational result is expected to be around the level of 2006
(EUR 138.1 million). There will be a significant reduction in
corporate net mainly due to lower royalty income. Consequently, the
underlying EBIT for the full-year is estimated to remain clearly
below the level of 2006 (EUR 157.6 million). Increase in net
financial items and higher tax rate will have an impact on earnings.

This interim report is unaudited.

Espoo, October 24, 2007
Huhtamäki Oyj
Board of Directors

The 2007 Results will be published on February 14, 2008.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Heikki Takanen, CEO, tel. +358-10-686 7801
Mr. Timo Salonen, CFO, tel. +358-10-686 7880
Ms. Kia Aejmelaeus, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358-10-686 7819
or mobile +358-40-765 4616
Ms. Taina Erkkilä, Group Vice President Communications, tel.
+358-10-686 7876 or mobile +358-50-577 4059

At 11:00 Finnish time a conference for investors, analysts and media
will be held at the head office, address Länsituulentie 7, Espoo. CEO
Heikki Takanen and CFO Timo Salonen will present the results.
At 15:00 Finnish / 13:00 London / 08:00 New York time a conference
call for investors and analysts will start with a management
presentation, followed by a question and answer session. Should you
wish to participate, please dial one of the following numbers:
* Number for participants from Finland: 0923 193 019
* Number for participants outside of Finland: +44 (0) 1452 542 300
* Conference ID: 20386469
All materials will be available on our website at
The results presentation slides will  be online approximately at
11:00 Finnish time. A replay of the conference call in the form of an
audio webcast will be available during the same evening.

Group Income statement
                                  Q1-Q3   Q1-Q3     Q3     Q3   Q1-Q4
EUR million                        2007    2006   2007   2006    2006

Net sales                        1753.2  1718.4  582.4  562.2  2275.6
Cost of goods sold              -1484.2 -1461.6 -494.5 -480.4 -1946.4
Gross profit                      269.0 256.8     88.0   81.8   329.2

Other operating income             16.5    41.7    3.1   12.1    56.2
Sales and marketing               -63.1   -61.7  -21.6  -20.7   -82.8
Research and development          -14.1   -15.1   -4.5   -4.8   -19.3
Administration costs              -90.8   -94.0  -29.2  -31.0  -126.5
Other operating expenses          -10.9    -2.6   -2.6    0.7   -11.3
                                 -162.4  -131.7  -54.8  -43.7  -183.7

Earnings before interest          106.6   125.1   33.2   38.1   145.5
and taxes

Financial income                    6.4     9.1    1.5    2.5    11.0
Financial expenses                -37.3   -36.5  -12.2  -11.5   -47.9
Income of associated                0.3     0.3    0.1    0.1     0.5
Profit before taxes                76.0      98   22.6   29.2   109.2

Income tax expense                -13.5   -13.9   -3.9   -2.6   -12.6

Profit for the period              62.5    84.1   18.7   26.6    96.6

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent       61.3    81.5   18.5   25.3    93.3
Minority interest                   1.2     2.6    0.2    1.3     3.3

Basic earnings per share (EUR)
for the shareholders of parent     0.61    0.82   0.18   0.25    0.94
Diluted earnings per share
for the shareholders of parent     0.61    0.81   0.19   0.25    0.93

Group balance sheet
                              Sep 30  Dec 31  Sep 30
EUR million                     2007    2006    2006

Non-current assets
Goodwill                       517.4   525.2   528.8
Other intangible assets         36.3    35.1     8.3
Tangible assets                842.5   840.1   816.7
Investments in associated        1.7     1.5     1.9
Available for sale               1.7     1.8     1.9
Interest bearing                 1.0     6.6     6.1
Deferred tax assets             19.4    14.1    14.0
Employee benefit assets         60.9    64.0    65.7
Other non-current assets         4.9     5.0     4.8
                              1485.8  1493.4  1448.2
Current assets
Inventory                      367.5   341.8   346.3
Interest bearing                 0.0     0.5     0.6
Current tax assets               8.6     9.9     7.4
Trade and other current        426.1   400.7   418.1
Cash and cash                   22.1    22.3    28.6
                               824.3   775.2   801.0

Total assets                  2310.1  2268.6  2249.2

Share capital                  358.7   358.7   354.7
Premium fund                   104.7   104.7    98.9
Treasury shares                -46.5   -46.5   -46.5
Translation differencies      -120.6  -106.7  -102.6
Fair value and other             2.1     2.1     3.7
Retained earnings              552.5   528.8   519.2
Total equity attributable      850.9   841.1   827.4
to equity holders
of the parent company

Minority interest               20.0    19.3    18.7
Total equity                   870.9   860.4   846.1

Non-current liabilities
Interest bearing liabilities   367.7   314.7   349.0
Deferred tax liabilities        59.5    62.9    76.7
Employee benefit               110.6   111.4   112.3
Provisions                      54.4    46.8    54.9
Other non-current                3.8     3.9     4.2
                               596.0   539.7   597.1
Current liabilities
Interest bearing liabilities
-Current portion of long        40.8    41.7    17.1
term loans
-Short term loans              398.1   383.7   356.3
Provisions                       6.0    11.9    14.6
Current tax liabilities         21.7    19.7    11.2
Trade and other                376.6   411.5   406.8
current liabilities
                               843.2   868.5   806.0

Total liabilities             1439.2  1408.2  1403.1
Total equity and liabilities  2310.1  2268.6  2249.2

                              Sep 30  Dec 31  Sep 30
                                2007    2006    2006

Net debt                       783.4   710.7   687.1
Net debt to equity              0.90    0.83    0.81

Changes in

                           Attributable to equity          Mino- Total
                           holders of the parent            rity
                           company                         inte-
               Sha-    Sha  Trea-  Tran-  Fair  Ret- Total
                 re     re   sury   slat value ained equi-
               Capi  issue shares    ion   and earn-    ty
                tal premi-         diff. other  ings
                        um                res-

EUR million

Balance at    353.0   96.8  -46.5  -76.3  -0.2 475.2 802.0  18.4 820.4
Dec 31, 2005
Cash flow
-Hedge result                              2.6         2.6         2.6
deferred to
-Hedge result
recognized in
income                                     1.8         1.8         1.8
Translation                        -26.3             -26.3  -2.3 -28.6
Deferred tax                              -1.5        -1.5        -1.5
in equity
Other changes                                   -1.3  -1.3        -1.3
Net income
directly in                        -26.3   2.9  -1.3 -24.7  -2.3 -27.0
Net income                                      81.5  81.5   2.6  84.1
for the
income and
expense for                        -26.3   2.9  80.2  56.8   0.3  57.1
the period
Dividend                                       -37.5 -37.5       -37.5
Share                                            1.2   1.2         1.2
Stock options   1.7    2.1                 1.0         4.9         4.9
Balance at    354.7   98.9  -46.5 -102.6   3.7 519.1 827.4  18.7 846.1
Sep 30, 2006

Balance at    358.7  104.7  -46.5 -106.7   2.1 528.8 841.1  19.3 860.4
Dec 31, 2006
Cash flow
-Hedge result                              0.8         0.8         0.8
deferred to
-Hedge result
in income                                 -1.9        -1.9        -1.9
-Hedge result
carrying amount                            0.5         0.5         0.5
of hedged items
Translation                        -13.9             -13.9  -0.5 -14.4
Deferred tax                               0.6         0.6         0.6
in equity
Other changes                                    3.4   3.4         3.4
Net income
Directly                           -13.9   0.0   3.4 -10.5  -0.5 -11.0
in equity
Net income                                      61.3  61.3   1.2  62.5
the period
income and
expense for                        -13.9   0.0  64.7  50.7   0.7  51.5
the period
Dividend                                       -42.2 -42.2       -42.2
Share-based                                      1.2   1.2         1.2
Stock options   0.0    0.0                 0.0         0.0         0.0
Balance at    358.7  104.7  -46.5 -120.6   2.1 552.5 850.9  20.0 870.9
Sep 30, 2007

cash flow
                        Q1-Q3   Q1-Q3     Q3     Q3   Q1-Q4
EUR million              2007    2006   2007   2006    2006

Profit for               62.5    84.1   18.7   26.6    96.6
the period*
Adjustments*            116.7   105.1   42.5   35.2   126.9
-Depreciation            74.2    77.0   25.1   23.2   101.5
and amortization*
-Gain on equity          -0.3    -0.3   -0.1   -0.2    -0.5
of minorities*
-Gain/loss                0.5    -0.1    0.2   -0.4     0.1
from disposal
of assets*
-Financial               30.9    26.9   10.6    8.5    36.8
-Income tax              13.5    13.8    3.9    2.5    12.6
-Other                   -2.0   -12.3    2.9    1.7   -23.6
Change in inventory*    -29.8   -46.6    1.2  -19.0   -44.1
Change in               -30.9   -43.7   17.6   14.8    -9.7
non-interest bearing
Change in               -33.2    35.0  -34.3   -9.4    19.3
non-interest bearing
Dividends received*       0.4     0.3    0.1    0.0     1.0
Interest received*        1.3     2.7    0.6    0.7     2.7
Interest paid*          -32.1   -28.7  -11.5  -11.5   -38.0
Other financial           0.4    -0.2    0.0    0.3     0.7
and income*
Taxes paid*              -9.8   -12.2   -2.2   -3.0   -16.3
Net cash flows           45.5    95.8   32.7   34.7   139.1
from operating

Capital expenditure*    -92.5   -73.3  -35.4  -27.3  -154.0
Proceeds from             2.3     4.8    0.7    2.1     6.5
fixed assets*
Divested subsidiaries     0.0    23.3    0.0    0.0    22.9
Proceeds from             7.1       -    6.6    1.5     1.6
long-term deposits
Payment of               -1.6    -1.8   -0.1      -    -3.9
long-term deposits
Proceeds from             4.4    16.6    3.9   14.0    24.8
short-term deposits
Payment of               -3.9       -    0.0      -    -8.1
short-term deposits
Net cash flows          -84.2   -30.4  -24.3   -9.6  -110.2
from investing

Proceeds from           331.6   393.0   91.4  162.9   409.0
Repayment of           -280.5  -446.3  -93.2 -183.7  -495.5
Proceeds from          2167.0  1957.5  598.4  656.2  2612.7
Repayment of          -2137.1 -1942.8 -608.4 -668.7 -2543.6
Dividends paid          -42.2   -37.5    0.0    0.0   -37.5
Proceeds from             0.0     4.8    0.0    1.7    13.5
stock option
Net cash flows           38.9   -71.3  -11.7  -31.6   -41.4
from financing

Change in                -0.2    -9.0   -3.8   -6.1   -15.3
liquid assets
Cash flow based           0.2    -5.9   -3.2   -6.5   -12.5
Translation              -0.3    -3.1   -0.7    0.4    -2.8

Liquid assets            22.3    37.6   25.9   34.7    37.6
period start
Liquid assets            22.1    28.6   22.1   28.6    22.3
period end

Free cash flow          -44.7    27.3   -2.0    9.5    -8.4
(including figures
marked with *)


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34
Financial Reporting. Except for accounting policy changes listed
the same accounting policies have been applied in the interim
statements as in annual financial statements for 2006.
Interim report is unaudited.

Changes in accounting principles
The Group has adopted the following IFRS standards and
considered applicable to Huhtamaki, with effect from January 1, 2007:"IAS 1 Presentation of Financial statements: Capital disclosures:
The Amendment to IAS 1 requires information about capital and capital
management during the accounting period.

IFRIC 8 Scope of IFRS 2 Share-Based Payments: The interpretation
to share-based payments, where the received compensation is below
the fair value of granted equity instrument.

IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives: The interpretation
the determination of whether the arrangement contains embedded
which have to be reported separately as derivative instruments.

IFRIC 10 Interim Financial reporting and Impairment: IFRIC 10 denies
reverse the impairment charge reported in interim report at later
closing dates."

The effect of these newly adopted standards has not had a material
on the reported results or disclosures.

In 2006 in the Americas segment the price reduction type item has
transferred from sales and marketing costs to amend net sales.
In the business segment the whole item fell on the Foodservice
The effect of this restatement on net sales was EUR -3.9 million in
EUR -6.7 million in Q2 and EUR -3.2 million in Q3 of 2006.
The restatement did not have material impact on net sales based key


Net sales
                       Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q3    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q4
EUR million          2007  2007  2007   2007  2006  2006  2006  2006   2006

Europe              310.2 320.3 304.9  935.4 288.4 296.5 311.2 292.6 1188.7
Americas              170 185.2 163.7  518.9 170.3 173.8 191.1 176.3  711.5
Asia-Oceania-Africa 102.2 100.6  96.1  298.9  98.5  91.9  91.8  93.2  375.4
Total               582.4 606.1 564.7 1753.2 557.2 562.2 594.1 562.1 2275.6
Interregional salesare not significant.

                       Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q3    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q4
EUR million          2007  2007  2007   2007  2006  2006  2006  2006   2006

Europe               14.7  14.7  13.6   43.0   0.4  13.2  16.4  10.2   40.3
Americas             13.5  20.2  18.5   52.2  13.9  14.0  19.7  13.7   61.3
Asia-Oceania-Africa   4.5   5.3   5.7   15.5   6.6   7.5   4.1   6.3   24.4
EBIT before          32.7  40.2  37.8  110.7  20.9  34.7  40.2  30.2  126.0
corporate items
Corporate net         0.5  -4.5  -0.1   -4.1  -0.5   3.4   9.6   7.0   19.5
Total                33.2  35.7  37.7  106.6  20.4  38.1  49.8  37.2  145.5

Underlying EBIT
                       Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q3    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q4
EUR million          2007  2007  2007   2007  2006  2006  2006  2006   2006

Europe               14.7  14.7  13.6   43.0   3.4  14.9  19.8  13.9   52.1
Americas             13.5  20.2  18.5   52.2  13.9  14.0  19.7  13.7   61.3
Asia-Oceania-Africa   4.5   5.3   5.7   15.5   6.9   7.5   4.1   6.3   24.7
EBIT before          32.7  40.2  37.8  110.7  24.2  36.4  43.6  33.9  138.1
corporate items
Corporate net         0.5  -4.5  -0.1   -4.1  -0.5   3.4   9.6   7.0   19.5
Total                33.2  35.7  37.7  106.6  23.7  39.8  53.2  40.9  157.6

Net assets
and RONA % (12m roll.)
                        Q3     Q2    Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1
EUR million           2007   2007  2007  2006  2006  2006  2006

Europe               819.5  803.8 789.7 782.7 779.4 778.6 784.8
RONA-% underlying    5.7 %  5.8 %  6.6%  6.7%  7.8%  8.2%  8.7%
RONA-% reported      5.3 %  5.2 %  5.5%  5.1%  6.1%  5.5%  0.1%
Americas             558.7  565.0 566.2 558.1 564.5 565.9 573.4
RONA-% underlying   11.8 % 11.8 % 11.7% 11.0% 11.0% 10.9%  9.7%
RONA-% reported     11.8 % 11.8 % 11.7% 11.0% 11.0% 10.9%  4.3%
Asia-Oceania-Africa  332.6  319.0 303.4 301.0 295.8 292.2 293.9
RONA-% underlying    6.7 %  7.9 %  7.9%  8.1%  8.1%  7.7%  8.4%
RONA-% reported      6.7 %  7.9 %  7.9%  8.1%  6.1%  5.6%  5.8%


Net sales
                 Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q3    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q4
EUR million    2007  2007  2007   2007  2006  2006  2006  2006   2006

Consumer      377.4 390.2 389.2 1156.8 359.0 368.2 379.6 388.5 1495.3
Foodservice     205 215.9 175.5  596.4 198.2 194.0 214.5 173.6  780.3
Total         582.4 606.1 564.7 1753.2 557.2 562.2 594.1 562.1 2275.6
sales are not

                 Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q3    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q4
EUR million    2007  2007  2007   2007  2006  2006  2006  2006   2006

Consumer       23.4  26.8  26.5   76.7  11.6  23.7  21.1  18.1   74.7
Foodservice     9.3  13.4  11.3   48.1   9.3  11.0  19.1  12.1   51.3
EBIT before    32.7  40.2  37.8  110.7  20.9  34.7  40.2  30.2  126.0
Corporate net   0.5  -4.5  -0.1   -4.1  -0.5   3.4   9.6   7.0   19.5
Total          33.2  35.7  37.7  106.6  20.4  38.1  49.8  37.2  145.5

                 Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q3    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1  Q1-Q4
EUR million    2007  2007  2007   2007  2006  2006  2006  2006   2006

Consumer       23.4  26.8  26.5   76.7  14.5  25.2  23.5  20.9   84.1
Foodservice     9.3  13.4  11.3   34.0   9.7  11.2  20.1  13.0   54.0
EBIT before    32.7  40.2  37.8  110.7  24.2  36.4  43.6  33.9  138.1
Corporate net   0.5  -4.5  -0.1   28.1  -0.5   3.4   9.6   7.0   19.5
Total          33.2  35.7  37.7  138.8  23.7  39.8  53.2  40.9  157.6

Other information
                       Q1-Q3 Q1-Q3 Q1-Q4
EUR million             2007  2006  2006

Equity per share (EUR)  8.48  8.34  8.37
ROE, %                   8.7  11.8  11.7
ROI, %                   7.8   9.8   9.4
Capital expenditure     92.5  73.3 154.0
Personnel              14963 14521 14792
Profit before taxes     87.2 112.0 109.2
(12m roll.)

Depreciation            69.6  68.6  92.6
Amortization of other    4.4   2.0   2.7
intangible assets

Share capital and shareholders
At the end of the review period, the company's registered share
capital was
EUR 358,657,670.00 (354,700,872.40) corresponding to a total number
outstanding shares of 105,487,550 (104,323,786) including 5,061,089
(unchanged) company's own shares. The company's own shares represent
4.8% of the total number of shares. The net figure of outstanding
was 100,426,461 (99,262,697).

At the end of September there were 21,273 (21,157) registered
Nominee registered shares including foreign ownership accounted for
26.9% (22.5%).

Share developments
Huhtamaki's share is quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange on the
Nordic Large Cap
list under the Materials sector. At the end of September, the
company's market
capitalization was EUR 1,125.6 million (EUR 1,424.0 million) and EUR
1,071.5 million
(EUR 1,354.9 million) excluding company's own shares.

With a closing price of EUR 10.67 (EUR 13.65) the share price
decreased by 28.3%
(-1.9%) from the beginning of the year, while the OMX Helsinki CAP PI
Index increased
by 14.5% (+11.4%). In January-September, the volume weighted average
price for
the Huhtamaki share was EUR 12.40 (EUR 14.42). The highest price paid
EUR 15.89 on January 15, 2007 and the lowest price paid was EUR 10.37
on July 27, 2007.

During the first nine months, the cumulative value of the Huhtamaki
share turnover
was EUR 1,083.2 million (EUR 789.0 million). The trading volume of
87.7 million
(54.7 million) shares equaled an average daily turnover of EUR 5.7
(EUR 4.2 million) or, correspondingly 464,239 (289,285) shares. In
total, turnover of
the company's 2003 A, B and C option rights was EUR 3.1 million,
corresponding to
a trading volume of 732,138.

Contingent liabilities
                        Sep 30 Dec 31 Sep 30
                          2007   2006   2006
EUR million

Mortgages                 14.5   14.7   14.8
Guarantee obligations      5.6    3.8    4.1
Lease payments            53.8   59.3   59.5
Capital expenditure       45.0   27.4   33.2

Nominal values of
derivative instruments
                        Sep 30 Dec 31 Sep 30                      2007   2006   2006
EUR million

Currency forwards,          67     54     75
transaction risk hedges
Currency forwards,         106    112     84
translation risk hedges
Currency swaps,            142    107    185
financing hedges
Currency options             2      1      0
Interest rate swaps        154    139    225
Electricity forwards         -      2      -

The following EUR rates have been applied to GBP, INR, AUD and USD

                                   Q3/07 Q3/06
Income statement, average: GBP 1 = 1.478 1.459
                           INR 1 = 0.018 0.018
                           AUD 1 = 0.611 0.601
                           USD 1 = 0.744 0.804

                                   Q3/07 Q3/06
 Balance sheet, month end: GBP 1 = 1.435 1.476
                           INR 1 = 0.018 0.017
                           AUD 1 = 0.622 0.589
                           USD 1 = 0.705 0.790

Definitions for key indicators

Earnings per share = Profit before taxes - minority interest - taxes
/ Average number of shares outstanding

Earnings per share (diluted)  = Diluted profit before taxes -
minority interest - taxes / Average fully  diluted number of shares

Net debt to equity (gearing) = Interest bearing net debt / Equity +
minority interest (average)

RONA-% = 100 x Earnings before interest and taxes (12 m roll.) / Net
assets (12 m roll.)
Shareholders' equity per share = Equity / Issue-adjusted number of
shares at period end

Return on equity (ROE) = 100 x (Profit for the period) / Equity +
minority interest (average)

Return on investment (ROI) = 100 x (Profit before taxes + interest
expenses + net other financial expenses) / Balance sheet total -
Interest-free liabilities (average)


Interim Report Jan 1 - Sept 30 2007 pdf