The Board has decided to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the           
shareholders to be convened on Friday, November 16th 2007 at 12.30. The         
Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held in hotel Scandic Simonkenttä, at the
address Simonkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki. The names of the notified shareholders will
be checked beginning at 12.00.                                                  

The following matters shall be handled in the meeting:                          

1§	Amendment of Articles of Authorization                                       

The Board proposes that the Articles of Association shall be altered in its     
entirety. However, the main content of the proposed amendments are as follows:  

Article 1 of the Articles of Association:                                       
It is proposed that the article be amended such that the company's Finnish      
business name and English parallel business name be changed to GeoSentric Oyj   
and GeoSentric Plc, respectively.                                               

Article 2 of the Articles of Association:                                       
It is proposed that the article be amended such that “developing and providing  
location based services” be added to the company's field of purpose.            

Article 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 17 of the Articles of Association:                    
It is proposed that all of the company's ordinary shares and investment series  
shares be combined to form a single series of shares. By implementing the       
combination, the company would have only one series of publicly traded shares   
entitling their holders to equal rights. Hence the articles 5, 6, 7 and 17 would
be annulled in their entirety. Combining these two share series would be        
implemented by removing provisions related to differences between the share     
series from the Articles of Association in such a way that each ordinary share  
be converted into a share whose rights correspond to the current investment     
series share. Respectfully to the combination of the share series the articles  
regarding the minimum and maximum share capital (article 3) and the amount of   
shares (article 4) are proposed to be annulled.                                 

Article 10 and 11 of the Articles of Association:                               
It is proposed that the articles be combined and amended such that the company  
shall be legally represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the   
Managing Director individually or jointly by the majority of the members of the 
Board of Directors. In addition the Board of Directors would have authority to  
grant authorizations to other persons to represent the Company jointly with     
another authorized official of the Company or a holder of procuration.          

2§ Nomination of deputy auditor                                                 

The Board proposes to the Extraordinary General Meeting to appoint              
PriceWaterHouseCoopers as the deputy auditor of the company.                    

Documents on view                                                               

Copies of the documents concerning the proposals of the Board are available for 
shareholders to view from November 9th, 2007 onwards at the company head office 
in Salo, at the address Meriniitynkatu 11, 24100 Salo, Finland. The Company     
shall provide copies of the said documents to shareholders upon request against 
reimbursement of reasonable copying and delivery costs.                         

Right to participate                                                            

Shareholder, who has been registered in the company's shareholder register,     
maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd, on November 6th,   
2007 has the right to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting. In order
to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting, shareholders who hold their shares 
under a name of a nominee must contact their custodian to be temporarily        
recorded in the shareholder register. The recording must be made effective no   
later than November 6th, 2007.                                                  

Notice of participation                                                         

Shareholder that wishes to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting must
notify his/her participation by November 9th, 2007 at 12.00 at the latest to    
company's head office by telephone +358-2-77400 (Minna Suokas), by telefax at   
+358-2-7332633, in writing to Benefon Oyj, PL 84, 24101 Salo, Finland, or by    
email to Proxies are requested to be delivered by the  
end of the above registration period.                                           

October 19th, 2007                                                              

BENEFON OYJ                                                                     

The Board of Directors                                                          

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Principal news media