ETTEPLAN TO ACQUIRE ITS OWN SHARES                                              

Etteplan Oyj's Board of Directors has in its meeting on October 25, 2007 decided
to initiate a share buyback of maximum of 400,000 own shares in accordance with 
the authorisation given to it at the Annual General Meeting on 29 March 2007.   
The number of acquired shares shall not exceed ten per cent (10%) of the        
Company's share capital and of the number of voting shares.                     

Shares will be bought back in public trading on the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
for the market price quoted at the time of the buyback, as provided by the      
regulations on public trading of shares.                                        

In accordance with the authorisation, the shares may be acquired in order to be 
used as consideration in potential company acquisitions or in other structural  
arrangements. The shares may be used as well for carrying out company's         
incentive scheme provided to the personnel. The acquired shares may be kept by  
the company, invalidated or assigned onwards.                                   

The acquisition of company's own shares will start at the earliest in a week    
from the announcement of this Board of Director's decision.                     

Hollola, 26 October 2007                                                        

Etteplan Oyj                                                                    

Board of Directors                                                              

For further information, please contact CEO Heikki Hornborg, 
tel. +358 400 873 063. 

OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Principal media