BIOTIE THERAPIES CORP.                STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                    
                                      October 26, 2007                          
January - September 2007 in brief                                               
In September 2007 Biotie started the first phase I clinical trial with its fully
human VAP-1 monoclonal antibody.                                                
The net income in January - September, 2007 was EUR 0.6 million positive (in    
2006 EUR -5.5 million). Cash flow from operating activities was EUR -4.1 million
(EUR -4.9 million in 2006).                                                     
The company's liquid assets amounted to EUR 29.3 million as at September 30,    
2007 (at September 30, 2006, EUR 3.8 million).                                  
Drug development programs                                                       
Nalmefene program                                                               
Biotie announced on May 23, 2007 that the licensing agreement entered into force
on H. Lundbeck A/S worldwide rights for nalmefene, excluding North America,     
Mexico, UK, Ireland, Turkey, and South-Korea.                                   
In June 2007 Biotie withdrew the UK national marketing authorisation application
on nalmefene in its alcoholism indication to enable a centralised EU-wide       
registration procedure in due course.                                           
To maximise nalmefene's potential in the treatment of alcoholism Biotie and     
Lundbeck have jointly decided to seek marketing authorisation simultaneously in 
all 27 EU member states via the centralized procedure. To this end, Lundbeck    
plans to further strengthen the existing nalmefene registration dossier in its  
alcoholism indication with additional phase III clinical studies before         
submitting the marketing authorisation application. The studies are expected to 
start in 2008.                                                                  
As previously announced, subsequent to the Biotie clinical program for nalmefene
in alcoholism being completed, there is currently a regulatory requirement for  
an electrocardiogram (ECG) study in healthy volunteers. After the reporting     
period in October 2007 Biotie has started such a clinical trial with nalmefene  
evaluating the cardiac effects on healthy volunteers measured using an          
electrocardiogram. The study is expected to enrol 240 healthy volunteers and to 
be completed in 2008 and included in the eventual registration dossier.         
Biotie has received from Lundbeck an execution fee of EUR 12 million, of which  
EUR 10 million was paid on signing in November 2006 and EUR 2 million was paid  
on the license entering into force in May 2007. In total, Biotie is eligible for
up to EUR 80 million in upfront and milestone payments plus royalty on sales.   
Biotie will participate in financing some of the clinical development costs.    
VAP-1 antibody program                                                          
In September 2007 Biotie started the first phase I clinical trial with its fully
human VAP-1 monoclonal antibody. The study start triggers a EUR 2 million       
payment from Roche.                                                             
This first-in-man study evaluates the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics
of intravenously administered antibody in healthy volunteers. Results are       
expected during the second quarter of 2008.                                     
In November 2006, Biotie and Roche signed an option agreement for Biotie's fully
human antibody program targeting Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 (VAP-1) in         
inflammatory diseases.                                                          
Under the terms of the agreement, Roche will pay an option initiation fee of EUR
5 million, which grants Roche an exclusive option right to an exclusive,        
worldwide license agreement for Biotie's fully human antibody targeting VAP-1,  
excluding Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia. The option      
initiation fee will be paid in two instalments. Biotie received the first       
instalment of EUR 3 million in 2006 and Roche will pay the second instalment of 
EUR 2 million in 2007 triggered by the study start. The initial option right    
will end upon completion of Phase I. Roche may extend the option right to later 
development points by paying additional fees. Biotie will retain all rights to  
the program until a license is granted to Roche.                                
Inhibiting VAP-1 reduces inflammation by regulating the migration of leukocytes,
or white blood cells, to inflamed tissues. Pathological accumulation of white   
blood cells in tissue is a common feature in many autoimmune diseases, such as  
rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and psoriasis.                        
Pre-clinical programs                                                           
Pre-clinical programs (VAP-1 SSAO small molecule inhibitor program and          
alfa2beta1 integrin inhibitor program) progressed as planned. In the recombinant
heparin program the company continued to look for a partner to finance the      
future development of the program.                                              
Revenue for the reporting period January - September 2007 consists of           
periodization of the signing fee of the licensing agreement signed with         
Seikagaku Corporation in 2003, periodization of the signing fee of the licensing
agreement signed with Somaxon Pharmaceuticals in 2004, periodization of the     
option fee of the option agreement signed with Roche in 2006 as well as         
periodization of the execution fee of the licensing agreement signed with       
Lundbeck that entered into force in May 2007. EUR 4 million was booked as       
revenue in the second quarter of 2007 of the execution fee of EUR 12 million    
paid by Lundbeck to Biotie. The rest of the EUR 12 million is expected to be    
recognized as revenue against clinical development costs in 2007-2009. Of the   
EUR 12 million, EUR 10 million was paid on signing in November 2006 and EUR 2   
million was paid on the license entering into force in May 2007. The revenue for
the reporting period January - September, 2007 was in total EUR 6.7 million.    
Revenue for the period January - September, 2006 consisted of periodization of  
the signing fee of the licensing agreement signed with Seikagaku Corporation in 
2003 and periodization of the signing fee of the lisensing agreement signed with
Somaxon Pharmaceuticals in 2004. The revenue was in total EUR 0.7 million. No   
new milestone or signing fees were received during the period.                  
Financial results                                                               
The net profit for the reporting period January - September 2007 was EUR 0.6    
million. The comparable loss for the previous year was EUR 5.5 million. Research
and development costs for the period amounted to EUR 5.8 million (in 2006 EUR   
4.1 million). Patent costs have been booked as expenses.                        
Biotie's equity ratio was -29.5 % on September 30, 2007 (-474.0 % in 2006). Cash
and cash equivalents totaled EUR 29.3 million on September 30, 2007 (EUR 3.8    
million in 2006).                                                               
A total of 231,200 new shares in Biotie Therapies Corp. have been subscribed for
by exercising the series A option rights of the company's option scheme issued  
on March 30, 2006. The subscription price of the shares was EUR 0.60 per share. 
The new shares have been entered in the Finnish Trade Register on April 30,     
2007. Following the increase, the total number of shares in Biotie Therapies    
Corp. was 90,031,860, and the subscription price has been recorded in the       
reserve for invested unrestricted equity.                                       
So far, a total of 231,200 new shares have been subscribed for pursuant to the  
series A option rights of the company's option scheme issued by the company on  
March 30, 2006.                                                                 
Pursuant to the convertible capital loan issued on March 25, 2004, a total of   
450,000 new shares has been subscribed for. The new shares have been entered in 
the Finnish Trade Register on April 2, 2007 and May 11, 2007. Following the     
increase, the total number of shares in Biotie Therapies Corp. is 90.211.860.   
The loan capital converted in connection with the subscription amounts to EUR   
840,939.62. The conversion price paid has been recorded in the reserve for      
invested unrestricted equity.                                                   
Relating to the company's option programs, the company has signed a stock       
lending agreement with EVLI Bank in January, 2007.                              
Investments and cash flow                                                       
The company's investments during the reporting period amounted to EUR 15        
thousand (EUR 57 thousand in 2006). The investments mainly comprised of         
equipment purchased for research and development operations. Cash flow from     
operating activities was EUR -4.1 million (EUR -4.9 million in 2006). Research  
and development expenses are booked as costs.                                   
During the reporting period, the company's personnel was on average 35 (38 in   
2006) and at the end of the period 36 (36 on September 30, 2006).               
The ten biggest shareholders of Biotie on September 30, 2007                    
|                                                       | Number of |          |
|                                                       | shares    |        % |
| Pequot group:                                         |    21 925 |    24.51 |
|                                                       |       024 |          |
| - Pequot Healthcare Fund, L.P. (7 765 345)            |           |          |
| - Pequot Healthcare Offshore Fund, Inc. (5 937 983)   |           |          |
| - Premium Series PCC Limited (998 490)                |           |          |
| - Pequot Diversified Master Fund Ltd. (1 201 800)     |           |          |
| - Pequot Healthcare Institutional Fund, L.P           |           |          |
| (1 521 406)                                           |           |          |
| - Pequot Healthcare Emerging Markets Fund, Ltd.       |           |          |
| (4 500 000)                                           |           |          |
| Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra)                       |    14 585 |    16.30 |
|                                                       |       350 |          |
| Finnish Industry Investment Ltd                       | 6 778 592 |     7.58 |
| Juha Jouhki and his controlled companies              | 6 537 672 |     7.31 |
| - Dreadnought Finance Oy (2 098 416)                  |           |          |
| - Jouhki Juha (1 501 356)                             |           |          |
| - Thominvest Oy (2 937 900)                           |           |          |
| Funds administered by BioFund Management Oy:          | 2 549 775 |     2.85 |
| - BioFund Ventures III Ky (2 485 715)                 |           |          |
| - BioFund Ventures I Ky (64 060)                      |           |          |
| Harri Markkula and his controlled company:            | 1 298 813 |     1.45 |
| - Tilator Oy (676 264)                                |           |          |
| - Markkula Harri (622 549)                            |           |          |
| Oy H. Kuningas & Co AB                                | 1 058 371 |     1.18 |
| Oksanen Markku                                        |   550 000 |     0.61 |
| Siven Pertti                                          |   355 000 |     0.40 |
| Funds administered by Aboa Venture Management Oy:     |   344 618 |     0.39 |
| - Aboa Venture Ky II (336 747)                        |           |          |
| - Karhu Pääomarahasto Ky (7 871)                      |           |          |
|                                                       |           |          |
|                                                       |    55 983 |    62.58 |
|                                                       |       215 |          |
| Nominee registered shares total                       | 6 986 337 |     7.81 |
| Other shareholders                                    |    26 493 |    29.61 |
|                                                       |       308 |          |
| Outstanding shares                                    | 89 462 86 |   100.00 |
|                                                       |        0  |          |
| The number of the company's own shares held by Biotie |   749 000 |          |
| Therapies                                             |           |          |
| Total                                                 | 90 211 86 |          |
|                                                       |         0 |          |
IFRS and Accounting principles                                                  
The interim report does not comply with all requirements of IAS 34, Interim     
Financial Reporting. Biotie has applied the same accounting principles as in the
closing of year 2006.                                                           
This interim report is unaudited.                                               
Risks and Risk Management                                                       
Biotie's strategic risks are related to the technical success of the drug       
development programs, regulatory issues, the strategic decisions of its         
commercial partners, ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property rights
for its products, validity of its patents, launch of competitive products and   
the development of the sales of its products. For example, even though the      
commercialisation and collaboration agreements on the company's product         
development projects have been concluded, there can be no assurance that the    
contracting partner will act in accordance with the agreement, the authorities  
will approve the product under development or the approved product will be      
commercialised. The development and success of the company's products depends on
third parties.                                                                  
The operational risks include dependency of key personnel, assets and dependency
on partners' decisions.                                                         
Future outlook                                                                  
The EUR 2 million option fee payment from Roche is expected during the fourth   
quarter of 2007. The company is not expecting additional new milestone payments 
based on other agreements in 2007.                                              
Biotie's total revenue in IFRS reporting for 2007 is expected to be             
approximately EUR 8-9 million, and the operating costs will increase to a       
somewhat higher level for 2007 than in 2006.                                    
Biotie 2007 financial result is expected to improve compared to year 2006, but  
the company expects to report a loss for the full year 2007.                    
The operating costs are expected increase to a somewhat higher level for 2008   
than in 2007. The company is not expecting new milestone payments based on      
existing agreements in 2008.                                                    
In Turku, October 26, 2007                                                      
Biotie Therapies Corp.                                                          
Board of Directors                                                              
For further information, please contact:                                        
Timo Veromaa, President and CEO, Biotie Therapies Corp.                         
tel. +358 2 274 8901, e-mail:                           
             OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki Oy                                    
             Main Media                                                         
APPENDICES TO THE INTERIM REPORT                                                
Income statement                                                                
Balance sheet                                                                   
Statement of changes in shareholders' equity                                    
Cash flow statement                                                             
Key figures                                                                     
Formulas for the calculation of the financial ratios                            

| FINANCIAL           |          |          |          |           |           |
| STATEMENT           |          |          |          |           |           |
|                     |    1.7.- |    1.7.- |    1.1.- |     1.1.- |     1.1.- |
| EUR 1,000           | 30.09.20 | 30.09.20 | 30.09.20 | 30.09.200 | 30.12.200 |
|                     |       07 |       06 |       07 |         6 |         6 |
|                     | 3 months | 3 months | 9 months |  9 months | 12 months |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Revenue             |    1,520 |      250 |    6,730 |       748 |     1,118 |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Research and        |   -2,263 |     -799 |   -5,812 |    -4,139 |    -7,970 |
| Development         |          |          |          |           |           |
| expenses            |          |          |          |           |           |
| General and         |     -313 |     -407 |   -1,276 |    -2,100 |    -2,207 |
| administrative      |          |          |          |           |           |
| expenses            |          |          |          |           |           |
| Other operating     |      186 |      121 |      870 |       540 |       698 |
| income              |          |          |          |           |           |
| Operating           |     -871 |     -836 |      512 |    -4,952 |    -8,361 |
| profit/loss         |          |          |          |           |           |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Financial income    |      127 |       30 |      728 |       100 |       215 |
| Financial expenses  |     -196 |     -208 |     -597 |      -602 |      -812 |
| Profit/loss before  |     -940 |   -1,013 |      643 |    -5,453 |    -8,958 |
| taxes               |          |          |          |           |           |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Taxes               |        0 |        0 |        0 |         0 |        -7 |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Net income/loss     |     -940 |   -1,013 |      643 |    -5,453 |    -8,964 |
| Distribution        |          |          |          |           |           |
|   To parent company |     -940 |   -1,013 |      643 |    -5,453 |    -8,964 |
|   Shareholders      |          |          |          |           |           |
|                     |          |          |          |           |           |
| Earnings per share  |    -0.01 |    -0.02 |     0.01 |     -0.10 |     -0.16 |
| (EPS)               |          |          |          |           |           |
| basic and           |          |          |          |           |           |
| diluted, EUR        |          |          |          |           |           |

| BALANCE SHEET                           |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| EUR 1,000                               | 30.09.200 | 30.09.200 | 30.12.2006 |
|                                         |         7 |         6 |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Assets                                  |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Non-current assets                      |           |           |            |
| Intangible assets                       |       760 |       819 |        801 |
| Property, plant and equipment           |        78 |       131 |        109 |
| Financial assets at fair value through  |    16,621 |           |     20,000 |
| profit or loss                          |           |           |            |
|                                         |    17,459 |       950 |     20,910 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Current assets                          |           |           |            |
| Current receivables                     |       840 |       492 |        560 |
| Financial assets at fair value through  |    12,000 |     3,332 |      7,878 |
| profit or loss                          |           |           |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents               |       642 |       491 |      3,886 |
|                                         |    13,482 |     4,316 |     12,323 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Total                                   |    30,941 |     5,266 |     33,233 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Equity and liabilities                  |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Shareholders' equity                    |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Share capital                           |    19,850 |     1,054 |     19,850 |
| Reserve for invested unrestricted       |       980 |           |            |
| equity                                  |           |           |            |
| Retained earnigs                        |   -30,589 |   -20,559 |    -21,692 |
| Net income/loss                         |       643 |    -5,453 |     -8,964 |
| Shareholders' equity total              |    -9,117 |   -24,959 |    -10,807 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Long-term liabilities                   |           |           |            |
| Provisions                              |        15 |        24 |         27 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities            |    23,493 |    22,918 |     23,508 |
| Non-interest-bearing liabilities        |     9,836 |     4,772 |      6,528 |
|                                         |    33,344 |    27,715 |     30,063 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Current liabilities                     |           |           |            |
| Provisions                              |        16 |        16 |         16 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities            |        11 |        33 |         27 |
| Accounts payable and other debts        |     6,687 |     2,460 |     13,934 |
|                                         |     6,714 |     2,510 |     13,977 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Liabilities total                       |    40,058 |    30,224 |     44,040 |
|                                         |           |           |            |
| Total                                   |    30,941 |     5,266 |    33,233  |

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    
Parent company shareholders' equity                                             
| EUR 1,000           | Shar | Shar | Reserv | Share  | Own   | Retain | Share |
|                     | es   | e    | e for  | Premiu | Share | ed     | -     |
|                     | (100 | Capi | invest | m      | s     | Earnin | holde |
|                     | 0    | tal  | ed     | fund   |       | gs     | rs'   |
|                     | pcs) |      | unrest |        |       |        | equit |
|                     |      |      | ricted |        |       |        | y     |
|                     |      |      | equity |        |       |        | total |
| Balance at 1.1.2006 | 52,6 | 1,05 |      0 |  5,881 |   -15 | -26,50 | -19,5 |
|                     |   75 |    4 |        |        |       |      2 |    83 |
| Net income/loss     |      |      |        |        |       | -5,453 | -5,45 |
| for the period      |      |      |        |        |       |        |     3 |
| Options granted     |      |      |        |        |       |     78 |    78 |
| Transfer from share |      |      |        | -5,881 |       |  5,881 |     0 |
| premium fund        |      |      |        |        |       |        |       |
|                     |    0 |    0 |      0 | -5,881 |     0 |    505 | -5,37 |
|                     |      |      |        |        |       |        |     6 |
| BALANCE AT          | 52,6 | 1,05 |      0 |      0 |   -15 | -25,99 | -24,9 |
| 30.09.2006          |   75 |    4 |        |        |       |      7 |    59 |
| Net income/loss     |      |      |        |        |       | -3,511 | -3,51 |
| for the period      |      |      |        |        |       |        |     1 |
| Options granted     |      |      |        |        |       |     24 |    24 |
| Share issue         | 36,8 | 18,7 |        |        |       | -1,157 | 17,63 |
|                     |   55 |   96 |        |        |       |        |     9 |
|                     | 36,8 | 18,7 |      0 |      0 |     0 | -4,645 | 14,15 |
|                     |   55 |   96 |        |        |       |        |     1 |
| BALANCE AT          | 89,5 | 19,8 |      0 |      0 |   -15 | -30,64 | -10,8 |
| 30.12.2006          |   31 |   50 |        |        |       |      1 |    07 |
|                     |      |      |        |        |       |        |       |
| Net income/loss     |      |      |        |        |       |    643 |   643 |
| for the period      |      |      |        |        |       |        |       |
| Options granted     |      |      |        |        |       |     68 |    68 |
| Share subscription  |  450 |      |    139 |        |       |        |   139 |
| with convertible    |      |      |        |        |       |        |       |
| capital loans       |      |      |        |        |       |        |       |
| Share subscription  |  231 |      |    841 |        |       |        |   841 |
| with option rights  |      |      |        |        |       |        |       |
|                     |  681 |    0 |    980 |      0 |     0 |    711 | 1,690 |
| BALANCE AT          | 90,2 | 19,8 |    980 |      0 |   -15 | -29,93 | -9,11 |
| 30.9.2007           |   12 |   50 |        |        |       |      0 |     7 |

| CASH FLOW STATEMENT              |             |              |              |
|                                  |       1.1.- |        1.1.- |        1.1.- |
|                                  |  30.09.2007 |   30.09.2006 |   30.12.2006 |
| EUR 1,000                        |    9 months |     9 months |    12 months |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Cash flow from operating         |             |              |              |
| Activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Net income/loss                  |         643 |       -5,453 |       -8,964 |
| Adjustments:                     |             |              |              |
|   Non-cash transactions          |         140 |          374 |        1,249 |
|   Addition/disposal due to       |        -606 |          -19 |          -84 |
|   revaluation                    |             |              |              |
|   of financial assets at fair    |             |              |              |
|   value through profit or loss   |             |              |              |
|   Interest expenses and other    |         598 |          602 |          812 |
|   financial expenses             |             |              |              |
|   Interest income                |        -728 |         -100 |         -215 |
|   Taxes                          |             |              |            7 |
| Change in working capital:       |             |              |              |
|   Change in trade and other      |        -254 |           81 |          -19 |
|   receivables                    |             |              |              |
|   Change in trade creditors and  |      -3,951 |         -489 |       12,535 |
|   other liabilities              |             |              |              |
|   Change in mandatory provisions |          12 |          -15 |          -12 |
| Interests paid                   |         -15 |          -20 |          -25 |
| Interests received               |         108 |          100 |          131 |
| Taxes paid                       |             |              |           -7 |
| Net cash from operating          |      -4,053 |       -4,938 |        5,408 |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Cash flow from investing         |             |              |              |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
| Change in financial assets at    |             |              |              |
| fair value through profit or     |             |              |              |
| loss                             |             |              |              |
|    Additions                     |      -3,000 |              |      -25,000 |
|    Disposals                     |       2,952 |        3,450 |        4,000 |
| Investments to tangible assets   |         -15 |          -57 |         -819 |
| Sale of associated companies     |             |           45 |           45 |
| Net cash used in investing       |         -63 |        3,438 |      -21,773 |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Cash flow from financing         |             |              |              |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
| Payments from share issue        |         139 |              |       17,639 |
| Proceeds from borrowings         |         786 |        1,642 |        2,232 |
| Repayment of loans               |         -40 |              |              |
| Repayment of lease commitments   |         -14 |          -47 |          -15 |
| Net cash from financing          |         872 |        1,595 |       19,856 |
| activities                       |             |              |              |
|                                  |             |              |              |
| Net increase (+) or decrease (-) |      -3,244 |           96 |        3,490 |
| in cash and cash equivalents     |             |              |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents in the |       3,886 |          395 |          395 |
| beginning of the period          |             |              |              |
| Cash and cash equivalents in the |         642 |          491 |       3,886  |
| end of the period                |             |              |              |
| KEY FIGURES                            |           |            |            |
|                                        |     1.1.- |      1.1.- |      1.1.- |
|                                        | 30.09.200 | 30.09.2006 | 30.12.2006 |
|                                        |         7 |            |            |
| EUR 1,000                              |  9 months |   9 months |  12 months |
| Business development                   |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Revenues                               |     6,730 |        748 |      1,118 |
| Personnel on average                   |        35 |         38 |         37 |
| Personnel at the end of period         |        36 |         36 |         35 |
| Research and development costs         |     5,812 |      4,139 |      7,970 |
| Capital expenditure                    |        15 |         57 |        819 |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Profitability                          |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Operating profit/loss                  |       512 |     -4,952 |     -8,361 |
|  as percentage of revenues, %          |       7.6 |     -662.4 |     -747.6 |
| Profit/loss before taxes               |       643 |     -5,453 |     -8,958 |
|  as percentage of revenues, %          |       9.5 |     -729.5 |     -800.9 |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Balance sheet                          |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents              |    29,263 |      3,824 |     31,763 |
| Shareholders equity                    |    -9,117 |    -24,959 |    -10,807 |
| Balance sheet total                    |    30,941 |      5,266 |     33,233 |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Financial ratios                       |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Return on equity, %                    |           |          - |          - |
| Return on capital employed, %          |      12.2 |          - |     -113.5 |
| Equity ratio, %                        |     -29.5 |     -474.0 |      -46.5 |
| Gearing, %                             |      63.2 |      -76.6 |       76.1 |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Per share data                         |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Earnings per share (EPS), EUR          |      0.01 |      -0.10 |      -0.16 |
| Shareholders'equity per share, EUR     |     -0.10 |      -0.47 |      -0.12 |
| Divided per share, EUR                 |           |            |            |
| Pay-out ratio, %                       |           |            |            |
| Effective dividend yield, %            |           |            |            |
| P/E-ratio                              |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Share price                            |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
|   Lowest share price, EUR              |      0.83 |       0.49 |       0.49 |
|   Highest share price, EUR             |      1.22 |       0.91 |       2.39 |
|   Average share price, EUR             |      0.99 |       0.64 |       1.10 |
|   Share price at the end of period,    |      1.04 |       0.64 |       1.18 |
| EUR                                    |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Market capitalization at the end of    |      93.8 |       33.7 |      105.6 |
| period MEUR                            |           |            |            |
| Trading of shares                      |           |            |            |
|                                        |           |            |            |
| Number of shares traded                | 31,727,30 |  9,659,876 | 32,470,230 |
|                                        |         4 |            |            |
|  As percentage of all                  |      35.2 |       18.3 |       36.3 |
| Adjusted weighted average              | 89,831,49 | 52,675,221 | 54,995,830 |
| number of shares during the period     |         2 |            |            |
| Adjusted number of shares at the end   | 90,211,86 | 52,675,221 | 89,530,660 |
| of the period                          |         0 |            |            |
| Contingent liabilities   |                |                |                 |
| EUR 1,000                |     30.09.2007 |     30.09.2006 |      30.12.2006 |
|                          |                |                |                 |
| Lease commitments        |           120  |            70  |              73 |
Formulas for the Calculation of the Financial Ratios                            
In the following formulas capital loans are included in interest bearing        
liabilities and not in shareholders' equity.                                    
Return on equity, %                                                             
Profit (loss) before extraordinary items - taxes                                
--------------------------------------------------------------- x 100           
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Return on capital employed, %                                                   
Profit (loss) before taxes + interest expenses and other financial expenses     
--------------------------------------------------------------- x 100           
Balance sheet total - non-interest bearing liabilities                          
Equity ratio, %                                                                 
Shareholders' equity                                                            
--------------------------------------------------------------- x 100           
Balance sheet total - advanced received                                         
Gearing, %                                                                      
Interest bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents                        
--------------------------------------------------------------  x 100           
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Earnings per share (EPS)                                                        
Profit before extraordinary items, appropriations and taxes - minority interest 
- taxes                                                                         
Adjusted average number of outstanding shares during the period                 
Shareholders' equity per share                                                  
Shareholders' equity                                                            
Adjusted average number of shares at the end of the period                      


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