Correction - FL Group - Presentation of 9 months results November 2nd at 08:30 GMT - Published: 2007-10-26 17:46:43 CEST

Correction - In Headline "at 08:30" not "at 12:00" as in following text

FL Group will publish its nine months results on Friday, 2 November.
A presentation for shareholders and market participants will be held at Iða
Lækjargata in Reykjavik at 08:30 GMT Friday 2 November. Hannes Smárason, CEO of
FL Group, will present the results and answer questions. 

The presentation will be broadcasted live on the Internet. To view the webcast
log on to prior to the meeting. 

For further information contact:
Halldor Kristmannsson
Managing Director of Corporate communications and IR
Tel: (+354) 669 4476