Take-over bid                                                                   

Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS, register code 11428391, address         
Suur-Karja 3/Sauna 2, 10140 Tallinn, hereby makes an offer on the basis of the  
Securities Market Act § 166 (1) to acquire all shares of AS Starman (register   
code 10069659, address Akadeemia tee 28, 12618 Tallinn; hereinafter Starman)    
which do not belong to Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS (hereinafter      
Moontech) on the following conditions.                                          

Issuer and issuer's shares                                                      

Starman has issued altogether 13,053,570 ordinary shares with the nominal value 
of 10 Estonian kroons, which have been listed in the main list of the Tallinn   
Stock Exchange. Every Starman share gives the shraeholder the right to          
participate in the general meeting of shareholders of Starman and the right to  
participate in the distribution of profit and proceeds upon dissolution, as well
as other rights provided for in the law and the articles of association of      

Moonteh owns altogether 7,438,435 Starman shares that represent 56,98% of the   
issued share capital of Starman.                                                

Shares subject to take-over bid                                                 

The shares subject to the take-over bid are all shares of PTA, which do not     
belong to Moontech, that is a total of 5,615,135 shares of Starman.             

Purchase price and payment                                                      

The price of the offer is 89,96795 EEK or EUR 5,75 for one share of Starman.    
Sold shares of Starman will be paid for in cash. The purchase price will be     
transferred to each selling shareholder on 30 November 2007 in exchange for the 
transfer of shares of Starman (transfer against payment).                       

Term of offer                                                                   

The term for accepting the offer begins on 29 October 2007 and concludes on     
27 November 2007. The transfer instructions of the shareholders of Starman      
willing to accept the offer must be registered in the Estonian Central Register 
of Securities no later than by 27 November 2007 (i.e. by the last day of the    
offer) at 17.00.                                                                

Every shareholder of Starman who is willing to accept this offer must turn to   
the administrator of its securities account, through which he has opened a      
securities account in the Estonian Central Register of Securities on which      
account his shares of Starman are held, or to submit a relevant instruction to  
the owner of his nominee account. A transaction order for the sale of Starman   
shares must be submited to the administrator of the securities account in       
accordance with the offering prospectus.                                        

Reference to approval by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority           

The present offer notice, the offer prospectus and the conditions of the offer  
were approved by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority on 26 October     

Dissemenation of the prospectus                                                 

The prospectus relating to this offering is available as a hard copy from the   
location of Starman (aadress Akadeemia tee 28, 12618 Tallinn). The prospecuts is
available electronically from the website of the Estonian Financial Supervision 
Authority www.fi.ee and from the website of Starman www.starman.ee.             

Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS


ulevotmispakkumise prospekt.pdf