Interim report January-September 2007

Interim report January-September 2007

• Strong growth in Stockholm resulted in strong net lettings of SEK 133m
• Profit after tax totalled SEK 1,178m (1,340) and diluted earnings per share
was SEK 6.39 (6.91)
• Rental income totalled SEK 1,534m (1,799). The decrease is entirely due to net
sale of properties
• Surplus ratio developed strongly and was 63% (59)"The very good growth in Fabege's principal markets led to a continued high
level of demand for premises. I am very satisfied with the third quarter, which
was our strongest to date with net lettings of SEK 66m," says Christian
Hermelin, CEO of Fabege."As a result of both increased income and reduced operating expenses in our
concentrated property stock, the surplus ratio for the whole stock rose to 67%
(64) during the third quarter," he continues."It is very pleasing to note that profit for the third quarter was on a par with
the corresponding period of the previous year, despite a substantially smaller
property stock.""We have one of the market's strongest and most interesting project and
improvement portfolios, and decisions were taken on investments totalling around
SEK 2bn during the period. We have substantially increased the pace and volume
of projects in order to exploit the potential of economic growth in Stockholm,"
he concludes.

Fabege AB (publ)

Annex: Interim report January-September 2007

For further information contact:
Christian Hermelin, President and CEO. tel +46 8-555 148 25, +46 733-87 18 25
Roger Johansson, Executive Vice President and CFO, Tel +46 8-555 148 13, +46
70-374 42 85
Mats Berg, Director of Communications, +46 8-555 148 20, +46 733-87 18 20

