3rd Quarter Results

Financial statement for the period 1 January 2007 to 30 September

Novo Nordisk increased operating profit by 11% in the first nine
months of 2007 based on a 9% sales increase and an improved gross

  * Novo Nordisk increased sales by 14% in local currencies and by 9%
    in Danish kroner due to a significant negative currency

o        Sales of modern insulins increased by 37% (31% in Danish
o        Sales of NovoSeven® increased by 10% (4% in Danish kroner).
o        Sales of Norditropin® increased by 12% (7% in Danish
o        Sales in North America increased by 25% (15% in Danish

  * Gross margin increased to 76.7% in the first nine months of 2007
    up from 75.2% in the same period last year, primarily reflecting
    continued productivity improvements.

  * Operating profit increased by 11% to DKK 7,815 million. Adjusted
    for the impact from currencies, underlying operating profit
    increased by more than 20%.

  * Net profit increased by 60% to DKK 7,545 million, primarily
    reflecting the divestment of Dako's business activities in the
    second quarter of 2007. Earnings per share (diluted) increased by
    62% to DKK 23.63.

  * The expectation for full-year sales growth is still 11-14%
    measured in local currencies and now 6-9% as reported due to the
    depreciation of key invoicing currencies. Full-year operating
    profit growth remains unchanged around 20% measured in local
    currencies and is now expected to be close to 10% as reported.

  * In October, Novo Nordisk received marketing authorisation for
    Levemir® in Japan for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes including
    combination treatment with oral antidiabetics.

Lars Rebien Sørensen, president and CEO, said: "Our portfolio of
modern insulins continues to show strong sales growth in all key
markets. Within the next few months we will be launching Levemir® in
FlexPen® in Japan, which will further support growth in the coming

Financial statement for the first nine months of 2007

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34). The accounting
policies used in the interim report are consistent with those used in
the Annual Report 2006. The interim report has not been audited.
(Amounts in DKK million, except average number of shares outstanding,
earnings per share and full-time employees.)

                                                 % change          9M
                                             2006              to  9M
Income statement             9M 2007 9M 2006                     2007

Sales                         30,885  28,256                       9%

Gross profit                  23,693  21,252                      11%
Gross margin                   76.7%   75.2%

Sales and distribution costs   9,151   8,277                      11%
Percent of sales               29.6%   29.3%

Research and development       5,125   4,406                      16%
Percent of sales               16.6%   15.6%

Administrative expenses        1,831   1,742                       5%
Percent of sales                5.9%    6.2%

Licence fees and other           229     184                      24%
operating income

Operating profit               7,815   7,011                      11%
Operating margin               25.3%   24.8%

Net financials                 1,809   (257)                        -
Profit before tax              9,624   6,754                      42%

Net profit                     7,545   4,728                      60%
Net profit margin              24.4%   16.7%

Other key numbers

Depreciation, amortisation     1,611   1,568                       3%
and impairment losses
Capital expenditure            1,549   1,888                    (18%)

Cash flow from operating       7,489   7,379                       1%
Free cash flow                 5,814   5,146                      13%

Total assets                  48,423  43,744                      11%
Equity                        33,161  28,288                      17%
Equity ratio                   68.5%   64.7%

Average number of shares
outstanding (million) -
diluted                        319.3   323.8                     (1%)

Diluted earnings per share     23.63   14.60                      62%
(in DKK)

Full-time employees at the    25,206  23,071                       9%
end of the period

Sales development by segments
Sales increased by 14% in local currencies and by 9% measured in
Danish kroner in the first nine months of 2007. Growth was realised
both within diabetes care and biopharmaceuticals - primarily driven
by modern insulins (insulin analogues), NovoSeven® and Norditropin®.

                                 Sales   Growth     Growth   Share of
                               9M 2007       as   in local     growth
                                   DKK reported currencies   in local
                               million                     currencies
The diabetes care segment
Modern insulins                 10,097      31%        37%        71%
Human insulins                   9,456     (5%)       (1%)       (2%)
Insulin-related sales            1,301      11%        15%         4%
Oral antidiabetic products       1,637      11%        16%         6%
Diabetes care - total           22,491      11%        16%        79%

The biopharmaceuticals segment
NovoSeven®                       4,346       4%        10%        10%
Growth hormone therapy           2,586       7%        12%         7%
Other products                   1,462       5%        11%         4%
Biopharmaceuticals - total       8,394       5%        11%        21%

Total sales                     30,885       9%        14%       100%

Sales development by regions
In the first nine months of 2007, sales growth measured in local
currencies was realised in all regions. The main contributors to
growth were North America and International Operations providing 54%
and 25%, respectively, of the total sales growth. Europe contributed
17% and Japan & Oceania 4% of the sales growth in the first nine
months of 2007.

Sales in North America in the first nine months of 2007 were
positively impacted by the continued implementation of the Medicare
Part D scheme, a public scheme introduced in 2006 which offers
improved medical treatment for elderly patients. As previously
communicated, the greater part of the full-year 2006 positive impact
of the implementation was booked in the fourth quarter of 2006 as
data became available, whereas in 2007 the positive impact is
expected to be more evenly distributed between quarters.

Diabetes care
Sales of diabetes care products increased by 16% in local currencies
and by 11% in Danish kroner to DKK 22,491 million compared to the
first nine months of 2006.

Modern insulins, human insulins and insulin-related products
Sales of modern insulins, human insulins and insulin-related products
increased by 15% measured in local currencies and by 11% in Danish
kroner to DKK 20,854 million. All regions contributed to growth
measured in local currencies, with North America and International
Operations having the highest growth rates. Novo Nordisk continues to
be the global leader with 53% of the total insulin market and 42% of
the modern insulin market, both measured by volume.

Sales of modern insulins increased by 37% in local currencies in the
first nine months of 2007 and by 31% in Danish kroner to DKK 10,097
million. All regions realised solid growth rates, with North America
and Europe as the primary contributors to growth. Sales of modern
insulins contributed 71% of the overall growth in local currencies
and now constitute 52% of Novo Nordisk's sales of insulins.

North America
Sales in North America increased by 30% in local currencies in the
first nine months of 2007 and by 20% in Danish kroner, reflecting a
solid penetration of the modern insulins Levemir®, NovoLog® and
NovoLog® Mix 70/30. Novo Nordisk continues to consolidate its
leadership position in the US insulin market with 42% of the total
insulin market and 29% of the modern insulin market, both measured by
volume. The expansion of the US diabetes sales force from 1,200 to
1,900 people was completed by the end of June, and all sales
representatives are now trained and in the field promoting the
portfolio of modern insulins.

Sales in Europe increased by 6% in local currencies and 7% measured
in Danish kroner, reflecting continued progress for the portfolio of
modern insulins. Novo Nordisk holds 57% of the total insulin market
and 50% of the modern insulin market, both measured by volume, and is
capturing the predominant share of growth in the modern insulin

International Operations
Sales within International Operations increased by 22% in local
currencies and by 17% in Danish kroner. The main growth driver in the
first nine months of 2007 was sales of modern insulins, primarily in
Turkey, China and Russia. Furthermore, sales of human insulins
continue to add to overall growth in the region, driven by China. The
key contributor to growth in the region is China, accounting for more
than 40% of the total sales growth in the first nine months of 2007.
Sales growth in the first nine months of 2007 was negatively impacted
by the loss of a federal human insulin tender in Brazil in the second
half of 2006.

Japan & Oceania
Sales in Japan & Oceania increased by 5% in local currencies and
decreased by 4% measured in Danish kroner. The sales development
reflects sales growth for modern insulins, NovoRapid® and NovoRapid®
30 Mix, both of which are increasingly being sold in the leading
prefilled delivery device, FlexPen®. Novo Nordisk holds 74% of the
total insulin market in Japan and 63% of the modern insulin market,
both measured by volume, and is capturing the predominant share of
growth in the modern insulin market.

Oral antidiabetic products (NovoNorm®/Prandin®)
Sales of oral antidiabetic products increased by 16% in local
currencies and by 11% in Danish kroner to DKK 1,637 million compared
to the same period in 2006. This primarily reflects increased sales
in International Operations and North America mainly due to an
increased market share in China and a higher average sales price in
the US market.

Sales of biopharmaceutical products increased by 11% in local
currencies and by 5% measured in Danish kroner to DKK 8,394 million
compared to the first nine months of 2006.

Sales of NovoSeven® increased by 10% in local currencies and by 4% in
Danish kroner to DKK 4,346 million compared to the same period last
year. Sales growth for NovoSeven® was primarily realised in North
America. The sales growth for NovoSeven® during the first nine months
of 2007 primarily reflected increased sales within the congenital
bleeding disorder segments. Treatment of spontaneous bleeds for
congenital inhibitor patients remains the largest area of use.

Growth hormone therapy (Norditropin®)
Sales of Norditropin® (ie growth hormone in a liquid, ready-to-use
formulation) increased by 12% measured in local currencies and by 7%
measured in Danish kroner to DKK 2,586 million. All regions, and
especially North America and Europe, contributed to growth measured
in local currencies.

Other products
Sales of other products within biopharmaceuticals, which
predominantly consist of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) related
products, increased by 11% in local currencies and by 5% in Danish
kroner to DKK 1,462 million. This development primarily reflects
continued sales progress in the US market for Vagifem®, Novo
Nordisk's topical oestrogen product, and is furthermore supported by
the recent launch of Activella® low-dose in the US. Novo Nordisk
continues to be the second largest company within the global HRT

Costs, licence fees and other operating income
The cost of goods sold was DKK 7,192 million compared to DKK 7,004
million in the same period last year, representing a gross margin of
76.7% compared to 75.2% in the first nine months of 2006.  This
improvement reflects improved production efficiency, an improved
product mix and higher average prices in the US, but also a negative
impact of around 0.9 percentage points due to currency developments,
primarily the lower value of US dollars and Japanese yen versus
Danish kroner compared to the same period last year.

Total non-production-related costs increased by 12% to DKK 16,107
million. The increase primarily reflects costs related to sales and
distribution as well as research and development. Sales and
distribution costs increased slightly more than sales, primarily
reflecting the increase in the US diabetes care sales force, as well
as a provision relating to an antidumping court case in Brazil which
was recorded in the first quarter of 2007. Research and development
costs also increased more than sales, primarily reflecting the high
number of late-stage clinical development projects currently being

Licence fees and other operating income in the first nine months of
2007 were DKK 229 million, positively impacted by a non-recurring
income in the first quarter of 2007 related to the out-licensing of
an oral antidiabetic compound.

Net financials
Net financials showed a net income of DKK 1,809 million in the first
nine months of 2007 compared to a net expense of DKK 257 million in
the same period in 2006.

Included in net financials is the result from associated companies
with an income of DKK 1,233 million, primarily related to the
non-recurring tax-exempt income of DKK 1.4 billion from Novo
Nordisk's divestment of the ownership of Dako's business activities
as well as Novo Nordisk's share of losses in ZymoGenetics Inc,
compared to an expense of DKK 148 million in the same period in 2006.

The foreign exchange result was an income of DKK 664 million compared
to a loss of DKK 103 million in the same period last year. This
development reflects gains on foreign exchange hedging activities due
to the lower value of especially US dollars and Japanese yen versus
Danish kroner in the first nine months of 2007 compared to the
exchange rate level prevailing in 2006.

Outlook 2007
Novo Nordisk still expects 11-14% growth in sales for 2007, measured
in local currencies. Given the current level of exchange rates versus
Danish kroner, the reported sales growth for 2007 is now expected to
be 6-9%.

For 2007, the expectation for operating profit growth measured in
local currencies remains unchanged around 20% and is reflecting a
sustainable improvement in gross margin. The expectation for
operating profit growth as reported is now close to 10%, reflecting
the gross margin improvement but also a continued depreciation of key
invoicing currencies versus Danish kroner, compared to the exchange
rate levels prevailing at the time of the release of the results for
the first six months of 2007 on 3 August 2007.

Novo Nordisk now expects a net financial income of around DKK 1,950
million for 2007, including a positive impact from Novo Nordisk's
divestment of the ownership of Dako's business activities, which was
announced on 28 February 2007 and completed on 31 May 2007. A
tax-exempt non-recurring income of DKK 1.4 billion from the
divestment was recorded in the second quarter of 2007.

For 2007, Novo Nordisk expects an effective tax rate of around 22%.
The tax rate in 2007 includes two non-recurring effects. Firstly, the
tax rate includes a non-recurring effect of around 3 percentage
points from Novo Nordisk's divestment of the ownership of Dako's
business activities and, secondly, the tax rate includes a
non-recurring effect of around 1 percentage point from the
re-evaluation of the company's deferred tax liabilities as a
consequence of the reduced Danish corporation tax rate of 25%.

Capital expenditure is now expected to be around DKK 2.5 billion in
2007. Expectations for depreciation, amortisation and impairment
losses are still around DKK 2.3 billion, and free cash flow is now
expected to be around DKK 7.5 billion, which includes an expected
positive cash flow impact in the fourth quarter of 2007 from the
divestment of the ownership of Dako's business activities.

All of the above expectations are provided that currency exchange
rates, especially the US dollar and related currencies, remain at the
current level versus the Danish krone for the rest of 2007.

Novo Nordisk has hedged expected net cash flows in relation to US
dollars, Japanese yen and British pounds for 17, 15 and 9 months,
respectively. The financial impact from foreign exchange hedging is
included in 'Net financials'.

With regard to the financial outlook for 2008 it is Novo Nordisk's
intention to provide detailed guidance on expectations in connection
with the full-year release of financial results for 2007, scheduled
for 31 January 2008. At present, the preliminary plans for 2008
indicate a growth measured in Danish kroner in sales and operating
profit, respectively, at the level of 10%, despite the present
currency exchange rate environment for especially the US dollar.
These preliminary plans reflect expectations of a continued solid
penetration of the portfolio of modern insulins as well as progress
for key products within biopharmaceuticals, but also an expectation
of continued intense competition within the diabetes care area. The
preliminary plans for growth in operating profit in 2008 also reflect
a continued improvement of the gross margin as well as increased R&D
spending relative to sales due to a high level of clinical
development activities.

Research and development update
Diabetes care
As communicated on 22 October 2007, Novo Nordisk has received
marketing authorisation for the use of Levemir® for the treatment of
diabetes from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Novo Nordisk expects to launch Levemir® in Japan before the end of
2007, thus becoming the first company in Japan to offer a complete
portfolio of modern rapid-acting, pre-mixed and basal insulins.

In August and September, Novo Nordisk announced the clinical results
from three of the five phase 3 studies to be used for the regulatory
filing of the once-daily human GLP-1 analogue liraglutide (the LEAD®
1, LEAD® 2 and LEAD® 4 studies).

In the LEAD® 1 study all patients were treated with glimepiride and
randomised to add-on treatment with placebo, rosiglitazone or
liraglutide for 26 weeks. In the LEAD® 2 study all patients were
given metformin and randomised to treatment with placebo, glimepiride
or liraglutide for 26 weeks. In both studies an HbA1c reduction of
approximately 1 to 1.5 percentage points was observed for
liraglutide-treated patients, bringing around 40% of patients within
the American Diabetes Association (ADA) goal of HbA1c < 7% at study
completion. This was achieved from an HbA1c baseline level of just
below 8.5%. Furthermore, a weight difference of between 2 and 4 kg in
favour of liraglutide was found when compared to rosiglitazone and
glimepiride treatment, respectively. The average body weight was 80
to 90 kg at the beginning of the studies. As would be expected from a
study in which all patients received glimepiride treatment,
hypoglycaemia related to the degree of blood glucose control was
observed in all study arms of the LEAD® 1 study. In the LEAD® 2
study, liraglutide-treated patients achieved blood glucose control in
the presence of hypoglycaemia rates similar to placebo, contrasting
with the glimepiride-treated group where hypoglycaemia occurred in a
larger number of patients, related to the degree of blood glucose

The LEAD® 4 study investigated the effect of liraglutide in
combination with metformin and rosiglitazone. From an average HbA1c
level at the beginning of the study of around 8.5% and an average
body weight of just above 95 kg, more than 50% of the patients in the
liraglutide-treated group reached the ADA goal of HbA1c < 7%. The
HbA1c reduction achieved in the liraglutide-treated group was close
to 1.5 percentage points compared to baseline. In addition, a weight
difference of around 2.5 kg compared to placebo in favour of
liraglutide was observed. As expected, a low rate of hypoglycaemic
events was reported, and these were related to the degree of blood
glucose control.

The three LEAD® studies showed that liraglutide in combination with
either glimepiride or metformin or metformin and rosiglitazone is
well tolerated. The most frequently reported adverse event during
liraglutide treatment was nausea, reported by between 5-20% of the
subjects in the LEAD® 1 and 2 studies, and between 30-40% in the
LEAD® 4 study with a frequency decreasing over time.

As part of the longer term life-cycle management initiatives
supporting the GLP-1 franchise, Novo Nordisk has initiated a phase 1
study with a longer-acting human GLP-1 analogue. Based on Novo
Nordisk's protein-acylation technology, the compound is designed for
once-weekly treatment with expected administration in a convenient
injection device.

In August, Novo Nordisk submitted a New Drug Application to the US
Food and Drug Administration for the NovoNorm®/metformin combination
tablet PrandiMet(TM). This tablet formulation combines the
short-acting insulin secretagogue repaglinide with the insulin
sensitising agent metformin in a single tablet and thereby offers an
effective and simplified mealtime regimen for type 2 diabetes.

In September, Novo Nordisk received approval from the US Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment with Norditropin® of children
with short stature associated with Turner's syndrome. With this
indication approved physicians can treat patients with Norditropin®
at higher dosing levels than previously. Results from a clinical
trial have illustrated that treatment with Norditropin® at a higher
dose level resulted in a higher share of the Turner's syndrome
patients reaching a normal adult height compared to the previously
used dosing level.

In September, the FDA approved Nordiflex PenMate(TM), which is an
accessory to the Norditropin Nordiflex® prefilled pen that conceals
the needle and enables easy auto-insertion. This represents an
advance for patients who suffer from needle anxiety by making the
injection more discreet and convenient.

Within HRT, a national-level approval of Activelle® low-dose was
obtained in Sweden in August 2007. Based on the Swedish approval, the
European Mutual Recognition Procedure has now been initiated in the
rest of Europe to obtain national marketing approvals.

Finally, as part of the joint IL-21 programme with ZymoGenetics
within oncology, Novo Nordisk has initiated a phase 1/2 study with
IL-21 in combination with doxorubicin for the use in ovarian cancer
comprising up to 80 patients.

Total equity was DKK 33,161 million at the end of the first nine
months of 2007, equal to 68.5% of total assets, compared to 67.4% at
the end of 2006. Please refer to appendix 6 for further elaboration
of changes in equity during 2007.

Holding of treasury shares and share repurchase programme
As per 30 October 2007, Novo Nordisk A/S and its wholly-owned
affiliates owned 10,467,449 of its own B shares, corresponding to
3.24% of the total share capital. During the period from 1 January to
30 October 2007, Novo Nordisk repurchased a total of 5,198,750 B
shares equal to a cash value of DKK 3.2 billion. In 2006, Novo
Nordisk repurchased shares equal to a cash value of DKK 3 billion out
of the total DKK 10 billion share repurchase programme for 2006-2008.
In 2007, Novo Nordisk now expects to repurchase B shares equal to a
cash value of around DKK 4.5 billion.

Sustainability issues update
Diabetes Youth Charter addresses burden of juvenile diabetes
In September, Novo Nordisk and the International Diabetes Federation
(IDF) launched the Diabetes Youth Charter, an expert review into
existing data and global trends in the area of childhood diabetes. It
is now recognised that diabetes in children is on the rise and
affects children in both developed and developing countries. The
Charter looks at epidemiology, organisation and delivery of care, as
well as the psychosocial and the socio-economic impact of diabetes,
and provides a solid platform for strategies to improve prevention
and diabetes care. Actions to promote better outcomes include
lifestyle changes, early detection, intensive treatment and improved
care strategies, and diabetes self-management education.

Novo Nordisk is rated healthcare leader in the Dow Jones
Sustainability Indexes
Novo Nordisk ranks as best-in-class in healthcare - one of 18 global
supersectors - in Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, the world's
leading indexes for sustainability-driven investment portfolios. This
ranking is a result of the latest global analysis of corporate
sustainability leadership, based on a thorough analysis of companies'
economic, environmental and social performance. The analysis
concludes that "Novo Nordisk is the leading company in terms of
sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry. Sustainability is an
integral part of its corporate strategy and business organisation."
Novo Nordisk's performance is found to be particularly strong in the
social dimension - human capital development, corporate citizenship/
philanthropy, social reporting, animal testing and bioethics. Also
the company's responsible sourcing, environmental management and
climate strategy achieve high scores.

Legal issues update
US hormone therapy litigation
As of 30 October 2007, Novo Nordisk Inc., as well as the majority of
hormone therapy product manufacturers in the US, is a defendant in
product liability lawsuits related to hormone therapy products. These
lawsuits currently involve a total of 45 individuals who allege use
of a Novo Nordisk hormone therapy product. These products (Activella®
and Vagifem®) have been sold and marketed in the US since 2000. Until
July 2003, the products were sold and marketed exclusively in the US
by Pharmacia & Upjohn Company (now Pfizer Inc.). Further, an
additional 28 individuals currently allege, in relation to similar
lawsuits against Pfizer Inc., that they also have used a Novo Nordisk
hormone therapy product. Novo Nordisk does not have any court trials
scheduled for 2007 and does not presently expect to have a trial
scheduled before 2008. One of the 28 individuals who filed suit
against Pfizer alleging use of Activella® has a trial tentatively
scheduled for April 2008. Novo Nordisk does not expect the pending
claims to impact Novo Nordisk's financial outlook.

SoloStar® litigation
On 10 July 2007, Novo Nordisk filed a lawsuit against Sanofi-Aventis
for patent infringement.  The lawsuit was filed in the US District
Court for the District of New Jersey and alleges that
Sanofi-Aventis's SoloStar® pen system infringes a Novo Nordisk US
patent. In addition, Novo Nordisk filed two patent infringement
lawsuits against Sanofi-Aventis in Germany: one in Dusseldorf,
alleging that SoloStar® infringes a European patent owned by Novo
Nordisk, and one in Mannheim, alleging that SoloStar® infringes a
German utility model patent owned by Novo Nordisk. All of the patents
relate to mechanisms for injecting and dose-setting and all of the
lawsuits seek both injunctive relief and monetary damages.

Conference call details
At 13.00 CET today, corresponding to 8.00 am New York time, a
conference call will be held. Investors will be able to listen in via
a link on novonordisk.com, which can be found under 'Investors -
Download centre'. Presentation material for the conference call will
be made available approximately one hour before on the same page.

Forward-looking statement
The above contains forward-looking statements as the term is defined
in the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This in
particular relates to information included under the headings
'Outlook 2007', 'Research and development update' and 'Legal issues
update' with reference to plans, forecasts, expectations, strategies,
projections and assessment of risks. Words such as 'believe',
'expect', 'may', 'will', 'plan', 'strategy', 'prospect', 'foresee',
'estimate', 'project', 'anticipate', 'can', 'intend' and similar
words identify forward-looking statements.

Examples of such forward-looking statements include, but are not
limited to: (i) statements of plans, objectives or goals for future
operations including those related to Novo Nordisk's products,
product research, product introductions and product approvals as well
as co-operations in relation thereto, (ii) statements containing
projections of revenues, income (or loss), earnings per share,
capital expenditures, dividends, capital structure or other net
financials, (iii) statements of future economic performance and (iv)
statements of the assumptions underlying or relating to such

These statements are based on current plans, estimates and
projections, and therefore undue reliance should not be placed on
them. Moreover, such statements are not guarantees of future results.
By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent
risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist
that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other
forward-looking statements will not be achieved. Novo Nordisk
cautions that a number of important factors could cause actual
results to differ materially from the plans, objectives,
expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in such
forward-looking statements.

Factors that may affect future results include, but are not limited
to, interest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations, delay or
failure of development projects, interruptions of supplies and
production, product recall, pressure on insulin prices, unexpected
contract breaches or terminations, government-mandated or
market-driven price decreases for Novo Nordisk's products,
introduction of competing products, Novo Nordisk's ability to
successfully market current and new products, exposure to product
liability and other legal proceedings and investigations, changes in
reimbursement rules and governmental laws and related interpretation
thereof, perceived or actual failure to adhere to ethical marketing
practices, developments in international activities, which also
involve certain political risks, investments in and divestitures of
domestic and foreign companies and unexpected growth in costs and

Risks and uncertainties are further described in reports filed by
Novo Nordisk with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
including the company's Form 20-F for 2006 filed with the US SEC in
February 2007, and to the section 'Risk management' of the Annual
Report 2006 available on our website (novonordisk.com).

Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they were made,
and unless required by law Novo Nordisk is under no duty and
undertakes no obligation to update or revise any of them, after the
distribution of this Stock Exchange Announcement, whether as a result
of new information, future events or otherwise.

Management statement
Today, the Board of Directors and Executive Management reviewed and
approved the interim report and accounts of Novo Nordisk A/S for the
first nine months of 2007.

The interim report and accounts have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34) and the
additional Danish disclosure requirements applying to listed
companies' interim reports and accounts.
In our opinion the accounting policies used are appropriate and the
overall presentation of the interim report and accounts is adequate.
Furthermore, in our opinion the interim report and accounts give a
true and fair view of the Group's assets, liabilities, financial
position and of the results of the operations and consolidated cash
flows for the period under review.

Bagsværd 31 October 2007

Executive Management:

  Lars Rebien Sørensen  Jesper Brandgaard
  President and CEO     CFO

  Lise Kingo            Kåre Schultz          Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen

Board of Directors:

  Sten Scheibye         Göran A Ando
  Chairman              Vice chairman

  Kurt Briner           Henrik Gürtler        Johnny Henriksen

  Niels Jacobsen        Anne Marie Kverneland Kurt Anker Nielsen

  Søren Thuesen
  Pedersen              Stig Strøbæk          Jørgen Wedel

Contacts for further information

Media:                          Investors:

Outside North America:          Outside North America:
Mike Rulis                      Mads Veggerby Lausten
Tel (direct): (+45) 4442 3573   Tel (direct): (+45) 4443 7919
E-mail: mike@novonordisk.com    E-mail: mlau@novonordisk.com

                                Hans Rommer
                                Tel (direct): (+45) 4442 4765
                                E-mail: hrmm@novonordisk.com

In North America:               In North America:
Sean Clements                   Christian Qvist Frandsen
Tel (direct): (+1) 609 514 8316 Tel (direct): (+1) 609 919 7937
secl@novonordisk.com            E-mail: cqfr@novonordisk.com

 Appendix 1: Quarterly Numbers in DKK

(Amounts in DKK million, except number of employees, earnings per share
and number of shares
                           2007                    2006               2007
                       Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1

Sales              10,504 10,563  9,818 10,487  9,583  9,727  8,946    10%

Gross profit        7,990  8,205  7,498  7,906  7,246  7,475  6,531    10%
Gross margin        76,1%  77,7%  76,4%  75,4%  75,6%  76,8%  73,0%

Sales and
costs               2,993  3,110  3,048  3,331  2,699  2,850  2,728    11%
Percent of sales    28,5%  29,4%  31,0%  31,8%  28,2%  29,3%  30,5%
Research and
 development costs  1,724  1,754  1,647  1,910  1,489  1,498  1,419    16%
Percent of sales    16,4%  16,6%  16,8%  18,2%  15,5%  15,4%  15,9%
 expenses             623    594    614    645    605    557    580     3%
Percent of sales     5,9%   5,6%   6,3%   6,2%   6,3%   5,7%   6,5%
Licence fees and
 other operating
 income (net)          31     60    138     88     49     59     76   -37%

Operating profit    2,681  2,807  2,327  2,108  2,502  2,629  1,880     7%
Operating margin    25,5%  26,6%  23,7%  20,1%  26,1%  27,0%  21,0%

Share of
 in associated
 companies           (57)  1,350   (60)  (112)   (30)   (58)   (60)    90%
Financial income      322    297    309    579    139    102    111   132%
Financial expenses     90     60    202    165     77    182    202    17%

Profit before
 taxes              2,856  4,394  2,374  2,410  2,534  2,491  1,729    13%

Net profit          2,184  3,652  1,709  1,724  1,774  1,743  1,211    23%

 and impairment
 losses               586    516    509    574    600    508    460    -2%
expenditure           597    508    444    899    671    622    595   -11%
Cash flow from
 activities         3,500  1,438  2,551    359  3,520  1,768  2,091    -1%
Free cash flow      2,888    826  2,100  (439)  2,684    996  1,466     8%

Equity             33,161 33,475 29,676 30,122 28,288 28,908 27,042    17%
Total assets       48,423 48,300 44,742 44,692 43,744 43,145 41,299    11%
Equity ratio        68,5%  69,3%  66,3%  67,4%  64,7%  67,0%  65,5%

 at the end of the
 period            25,206 24,729 24,045 23,172 23,071 22,792 22,556     9%

Basic earnings
 per share
 (in DKK)            6,91  11,49   5,38   5,44   5,54   5,40   3,74    25%
Diluted earnings
 per share
(in DKK)             6,86  11,41   5,35   5,40   5,51   5,37   3,72    25%
Average number of
 (million)*         316,0  317,9  317,5  317,1  320,1  322,9  323,6    -1%
Average number of
 incl dilutive
 of options
 'in the money'
 (million)*         318,2  320,1  319,7  319,2  321,8  324,5  325,2    -1%

Sales by business
Modern insulins
analogues)          3,568  3,464  3,065  3,122  2,701  2,678  2,324    32%
Human insulins
 ***                3,098  3,222  3,136  3,519  3,306  3,301  3,325    -6%
***                   445    437    419    431    391    406    378    14%
Oral antidiabetic
 products (OAD)       585    529    523    508    516    483    477    13%
Diabetes care
 total              7,696  7,652  7,143  7,580  6,914  6,868  6,504    11%

NovoSeven®          1,427  1,508  1,411  1,470  1,393  1,507  1,265     2%
Growth hormone
 therapy              878    924    784    897    821    882    709     7%
therapy               414    411    406    455    383    396    373     8%

Other products         89     68     74     85     72     74     95    24%
 total              2,808  2,911  2,675  2,907  2,669  2,859  2,442     5%

Sales by
Europe **           4,036  4,035  3,931  4,013  3,843  3,903  3,541     5%
North America       3,500  3,424  3,214  3,486  3,062  2,968  2,764    14%
 Operations **      1,870  1,953  1,696  1,690  1,539  1,648  1,617    22%
Japan & Oceania     1,098  1,151    977  1,298  1,139  1,208  1,024    -4%

Segment operating
Diabetes care       1,487  1,600  1,247  1,198  1,296  1,490    998    15%
Biopharmaceuticals  1,194  1,207  1,080    910  1,206  1,139    882    -1%

*) For Q3 2007 the exact numbers of 'Average number  of shares
outstanding' and 'Average number
of shares  outstanding incl dilutive effect of options 'in the money' are
315,976,234 and 318,177,897
**) Comparative figures from 2006 have been adjusted in order to reflect a
changed organisational
structure  from 1 January 2007 which transfers eight countries, incl.
Bulgaria and Romania, from
International Operations to Europe.
***) As from Q2 2007 sales figures for Human insulins and Insulin-related
sales are presented
separately.  Comparative figures are adjusted accordingly.

Appendix 2: Quarterly numbers in EUR

(Amounts in EUR million, except number of employees, earnings per share
and number of shares
Key figures are translated into EUR as supplementary information - the
translation is based on
average exchange rate for income statement and exchange rate at the
balance sheet date for
balance sheet items.
                        2007                 2006
                    Q3     Q2     Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1   2007

Sales            1,411  1,418  1,317  1,406  1,285  1,304  1,199    10%

Gross profit     1,074  1,101  1,006  1,060    972  1,002    875    10%
Gross margin     76.1%  77.7%  76.4%  75.4%  75.6%  76.8%  73.0%

Sales and
 costs             402    417    409    447    361    382    366    11%
Percent of       28.5%  29.4%  31.0%  31.8%  28.2%  29.3%  30.5%
Research and
 costs             232    235    221    256    200    201    190    16%
Percent of       16.4%  16,6%  16,8%  18,2%  15,5%  15,4%  15,9%
 expenses           84     80     82     86     82     74     78     3%
Percent of        5,9%   5.6%   6.3%   6.2%   6.3%   5.7%   6.5%
Licence fees
 and other
 (net)               4      8     19     11      7      8     10   -37%

profit             360    377    312    283    336    352    252     7%
Operating        25.5%  26.6%  23.7%  20.1%  26.1%  27.0%   21.%

Share of
 in associated
 companies         (7)    181    (8)   (15)    (4)    (8)    (8)    90%
income              44     40     41     78     18     14     15   132%
expenses            12      8     27     22     11     24     27    17%

Profit before
 taxes             384    589    319    324    339    334    232    13%

Net profit         294    490    229    231    238    234    162    23%

losses              78     70     68     77     80     68     62    -2%
expenditure         80     68     60    121     90     83     80   -11%
Cash flow from
activities         470    193    342     48    472    237    280    -1%
Free cash flow     387    111    282   (59)    360    134    196     8%

Equity           4,449  4,498  3,983  4,040  3,793  3,875  3,624    17%
Total assets     6,496  6,490  6,005  5,994  5,866  5,784  5,534    11%
Equity ratio      68.%   69.%   66.%  67.4%  64.7%  67.0%  65.5%

 at the end of
 period         25,206 24,729 24,045 23,172 23,071 22,792 22,556     9%

Basic earnings
 per share (in
EUR)              0.93   1.54   0.72   0.72   0.75   0.72   0.50    25%
 per share (in
EUR)              0.92   1.53   0.72   0.72   0.74   0.72   0.50    25%
Average number
 (million)*      316.0  317.9  317.5  317.1  320.1  322.9  323.6    -1%
Average number
 incl dilutive
 of options 'in
 (million)*      318.2  320.1  319.7  319.2  321.8  324.5  325.2    -1%

Sales by
Modern insulins
analogues)         479    465    411    418    363    359    311    32%
Human insulins
 ***               416    432    421    472    443    442    446    -6%
 sales ***          60     59     56     57     53     54     51    14%
 products (OAD)     79     71     70     68     69     65     64    13%
Diabetes care
 Total           1,034  1,027    958  1,015    928    920    872    11%

NovoSeven®         191    203    189    197    186    202    170     2%
Growth hormone
 therapy           118    124    105    121    110    118     95     7%
 therapy            55     56     54     61     51     53     50     8%
Other products      12      9     10     12      9     10     13    24%
total              376    392    358    391    356    383    328     5%

Sales by
Europe **          542    542    527    538    515    523    475     5%
North America      470    460    431    467    411    398    370    14%
 Operations **     251    262    228    227    206    221    217    22%
Japan &
 Oceania           147    155    131    174    153    162    137    -4%

Diabetes care      200    215    167    161    173    200    134    15%
 ceuticals         160    162    145    122    162    153    118    -1%

*) For Q3 2007 the exact numbers of 'Average number of shares
 outstanding' and 'Average
number of shares outstanding incl dilutive effect of options 'in the
money' are 315,976,234 and
318,177,897 respectively.
**) Comparative figures from 2006 have been adjusted in order to
 reflect a changed
organisational structure from 1 January 2007 which transfers eight
countries, incl Bulgaria and
Romania, from International Operations to Europe.
***) As from Q2 2007 sales figures for Human insulins and
Insulin-related sales are presented
Separately. Comparative figures are adjusted accordingly.

Appendix 3: Income Statement

                           9M     9M     Q3    Q3
DKK million              2007   2006   2007  2006

Sales                  30,885 28,256 10,504 9,583
Cost of goods sold      7,192  7,004  2,514 2,337
Gross profit           23,693 21,252  7,990 7,246

Sales and
 distribution costs     9,151  8,277  2,993 2,699
Research and
 development costs      5,125  4,406  1,724 1,489
 expenses               1,831  1,742    623   605
Licence fees and
 other operating
 income (net)             229    184     31    49
Operating profit        7,815  7,011  2,681 2,502

Share of profit/(loss)
 in associated
 companies              1,233  (148)   (57)  (30)
Financial income          928    352    322   139
Financial expenses        352    461     90    77
Profit before
 income taxes           9,624  6,754  2,856 2,534

Income taxes            2,079  2,026    672   760
NET PROFIT              7,545  4,728  2,184 1,774

Basic earnings
 per share (DKK)        23.79  14.67   6.91  5.54
Diluted earnings
 per share (DKK)        23.63  14.60   6.86  5.51

Segment sales:
   Diabetes care       22,491 20,286  7,696 6,914
   Biopharmaceuticals   8,394  7,970  2,808 2,669

 operating profit:
   Diabetes care        4,334  3,784  1,487 1,296
    Operating margin    19.3%  18.7%  19.3% 18.7%

   Biopharmaceuticals   3,481  3,227  1,194 1,206
    Operating margin    41.5%  40.5%  42.5% 45.2%

Appendix 4: Balance sheet

DKK million                30 Sep 2007 31 Dec 2006 30 Sep 2006


Intangible assets                  750         639         665
Property, plant and
 equipment                      20,358      20,350      20,292
Investments in
 associated companies            2,044         788         732
Deferred income
 tax assets                      1,849       1,911       1,285
Other financial assets             162         169         260
 ASSETS                         25,163      23,857      23,234

Inventories                      8,876       8,400       8,179
Trade receivables                6,176       5,163       5,029
Tax receivables                    337         385         766
Other receivables                1,831       1,784       1,512
Marketable securities
 and financial derivatives       1,864       1,833       1,483
Cash at bank and in hand         4,176       3,270       3,541
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS            23,260      20,835      20,510

TOTAL ASSETS                    48,423      44,692      43,744


Share capital                      647         674         674
Treasury shares                   (20)        (39)        (40)
Retained earnings               31,738      28,810      26,995
Other comprehensive
 income                            796         677         659
TOTAL EQUITY                    33,161      30,122      28,288

Long-term debt                   1,132       1,174       1,184
Deferred income tax
 liabilities                     2,048       1,998       2,103
Provision for pensions             416         330         343
Other provisions                   900         911         338
Total long-term
 liabilities                     4,496       4,413       3,968

Short-term debt and
 financial derivatives             152         338         302
Trade payables                   1,510       1,712       1,154
Tax payables                     1,286         788       1,941
Other liabilities                5,286       4,863       5,293
Other provisions                 2,532       2,456       2,798
Total current liabilities       10,766      10,157      11,488

TOTAL LIABILITIES               15,262      14,570      15,456

 AND LIABILITIES                48,423      44,692      43,744

Appendix 5: Condensed cash flow statement

DKK million                     9M 2007  9M 2006

Net profit                        7,545    4,728

Adjustment for
 non-cash items                   3,157    4,389
Income taxes paid
 and net interest received      (1,492)  (1,117)
Cash flow before
 change in working
 capital                          9,210    8,000

Net change in
 working capital                (1,721)    (621)
Cash flow from
 operating activities             7,489    7,379

Net investments in
 intangible assets and
 long-term financial assets       (126)    (345)
Capital expenditure for
 property, plant and equipment  (1,549)  (1,888)
Net change in marketable
 securities (maturity exceeding
 three months)                        3      511
Net cash used in
 investing activities           (1,672)  (1,722)

Cash flow from
 financing activities           (4,746)  (4,837)

NET CASH FLOW                     1,071      820

Unrealised gain/(loss)
 on exchange rates and
 marketable securities
 included in cash and
 cash equivalents                   (1)     (16)
Net change in cash
 and cash equivalents             1,070      804

Cash and cash equivalents
 at the beginning of the year     2,985    2,483
Cash and cash equivalents
 at the end of the period         4,055    3,287

Bonds with original term to
 maturity exceeding three
 months                             994      999
Undrawn committed
 credit facilities                7,454    7,458
 AT THE END OF THE PERIOD        12,503   11,744

Cash flow from operating
 activities                       7,489    7,379
+ Net cash used in
 investing activities           (1,672)  (1,722)
-Net change in marketable
 securities (maturity exceeding
 three months)                        3      511
FREE CASH FLOW                    5,814    5,146

Appendix 6: Statement of changes in equity

                                         Other comprehensive income
                                            Ex-  Deferred
                                         Change gain/loss
                                           rate   on cash    Other
               Share- Treasury Retained adjust-      flow  adjust-
DKK million   capital   shares earnings   ments    hedges    ments     Total

9M 2007

Balance at
 beginning of
 the year         674     (39)   28,810     156       420      101  30,122
Exchange rate
 subsidiaries                                24                         24
 cash flow
 at the
beginning of
 the year
in the
 for the
period                                              (420)            (420)
 cash flow
 at the end
of the
 period                                               485              485
adjustments                                                     30      30
Net income
 directly in
equity              -        -        -      24        65       30     119
Net profit
for the
 period                           7,545                              7,545
Total income
 the period         -        -    7,545      24        65       30   7,664
 payment                            104                                104
Purchase of
shares                     (9)  (2,708)                            (2,717)
Sale of
 shares                      1      208                                209
Reduction of
the B
 capital         (27)       27                                           -
Dividends                       (2,221)                            (2,221)
Balance at
 end of the
period            647     (20)   31,738     180       485      131  33,161

9M 2006

Balance at
 beginning of
 year             709     (61)   26,962     142     (345)      227  27,634
Exchange rate
 subsidiaries                                71                         71
 cash flow
 at the
beginning of
 the year
in the
 for the
period                                                345              345
 cash flow
 at the end
of the
 period                                               226              226
adjustments                                                    (7)     (7)
Net income
 directly in
equity              -        -        -      71       571      (7)     635
Net profit
for the
 period                           4,728                              4,728
Total income
 the period         -        -    4,728      71       571      (7)   5,363
 payment                             76                                 76Purchase of
shares                    (15)  (2,985)                            (3,000)
Sale of
 shares                      1      159                                160
Reduction of
 B share
capital          (35)       35                                           -
Dividends                       (1,945)                            (1,945)
Balance at
 end of the
period            674     (40)   26,995     213       226      220  28,288

Stock Exchange Announcement no 29 / 2007