- Ívar Ragnarsson has been appointed Head of Finance of The Housing Financing Fund

The Housing Financing Fund has appointed Ívar Ragnarsson as Head of Finance at
the Fund as of today. Ívar will become a member of the Fund´s Executive
Commitee. He replaces Jóhann G. Jóhannsson which resigned September 11th 2007. 
Ívar Ragnarsson has a Masters Degree in Financial Analysis, and previously
worked for the Treasury Department at the bank Glitnir from May 2007 and before
that from February 2005 as a specialist at the Finance Department of The
Housing Financing Fund. 
For further information please contact:
Hallur Magnússon, Head of Marketing and Public Relations Development Department,
Tel: +354 569 6911
E-mail: hallur@ils.is