Geveko acquires the roadmarking company Osfer i Slovakia

Geveko has acquired the Slovakian contract roadmarking company Osfer
s.r.o. The turnover of Osfer amounted to approximately Skr 15 million
in 2006. Osfer is situated in Kosice i East Slovakia near the borders
of Poland, Ukraine and Hungary.

Osfer will be integrated with Cleanosol AB, subsidiary of Geveko, who
is as well responsible for the operations in Poland and the Czech
Republic."The acquisition of Osfer lies within the Geveko strategy to
strengthen the positions on the fast growing East European road
marking market" says Hans Ljungkvist CEO and Managing Director of
Geveko. Osfer is an important link in the network of Geveko companies
from north to the south in East Europe situated in Poland, the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Romania."

Göteborg, Sweden November 1, 2007

For further information
Mr Hans Ljungkvist, CEO and Managing Director
Phone: +46 31 172945, Mobile: 0705 371110

AB GEVEKO (plc) Reg. no.: 556024-6844
Box 2137, 403 13 Göteborg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 172945,


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