Sponda Plc's interim report January - September 2007

Sponda Plc	Stock Exchange Release 1.11.2007, 8.35 am                           

Sponda Plc's interim report January - September 2007                            

Result of operations and financial position January - September 2007 (compared  
with same period in 2006):                                                      

Total revenue grew to EUR 157.4 (79.8) million.                                 
Net operating income was EUR 113.7 (60.9) million.                              
Operating profit was EUR 215.2 (73.1) million, including a positive change in   
the value of the investment properties of EUR 92.4 (19.1) million and profit on 
the disposal of properties of EUR 28.2 (-) million.                             
Profit after taxes rose to EUR 118.7 (37.7) million.                            
Earnings per share was EUR 1.11 (0.48).                                         
The cash flow from operations per share rose to EUR 0.59 (0.40).                
The fair value of investment properties was EUR 2 386.2 (1 372.5) million.      
Net assets per share were EUR 8.23 (7.28)                                       
EPRA net assets per share were EUR 9.80 (8.24)                                  
Economic occupancy rate rose to 90.3 %                                          

Result of operations and financial position July - September 2007 (compared with
July - September in 2006):                                                      

Total revenue rose to EUR 49.2 (26.5) million.                                  
Net operating income was EUR 36.2 (20.3) million.                               
Operating profit was EUR 68.7 (26.8) million, including a positive change in the
value of the investment properties of EUR 36.0 million and profit on the        
disposal of properties of EUR 0.3 million.                                      
Profit after taxes was EUR 39.0 (14.1) million.                                 
Earnings per share was EUR 0.35 (0.18).                                         
The cash flow from operations per share was EUR 0.15 (0.12).                    

Key figures                                                                     

|                          |  7-9/07 |  7-9/06 |  1-9/07 |   1-9/06 |  1-12/06 |
| Economic occupancy rate, |         |         |    90.3 |    88.2* |    88.8* |
| %                        |         |         |         |          |          |
| Total revenue, Me        |    49.2 |    26.5 |   157.4 |     79.8 |    117.4 |
| Net operating income, Me |    36.2 |    20.3 |   113.7 |     60.9 |     87.6 |
| Operating profit, Me     |    68.7 |    26.8 |   215.2 |     73.1 |    103.9 |
| Earnings per share, e    |    0.35 |    0.18 |    1.11 |     0.48 |     0.61 |
| Cash flow from           |    0.15 |    0.12 |    0.59 |     0.40 |     0.56 |
| operations per share,    |         |         |         |          |          |
| e**                      |         |         |         |          |          |
| Net assets per share, e  |         |         |    8.23 |     7.28 |     7.45 |
| EPRA net assets per      |         |         |    9.80 |     8.24 |     9.57 |
| share, e                 |         |         |         |          |          |
| Equity ratio, %          |         |         |      35 |       41 |       20 |
| Gearing, %               |         |         |     155 |      121 |      334 |

* The figure is based on Sponda's property portfolio before the Kapiteeli       
** Cash flow from operations per share includes sales profits and losses.       

President and CEO Kari Inkinen                                                  

”The Board of Directors of Sponda has today revised its strategy emphasizing the
company's stronger growth. During the coming years particular focus will be on  
increasing investment in property development and on stronger growth in         
operations in Russia. The target for growth in Russia is to invest 10-20 % of   
the company's balance sheet, EUR 300-400 million, by the end of 2009.           

Developments in Sponda's leasing business continued to be positive in the third 
quarter. The economic occupancy rate of the property portfolio improved further 
and the occupancy rate passed the 90 % threshold during the quarter. All        
business units achieved a positive performance, especially in the Helsinki      
Metropolitan Area.                                                              

I am also very pleased with the rapid progress in property development projects.
Another two new projects were started during the July - September period:       
construction of an office building in Sörnäinen, Helsinki, and construction of  
logistics premises in Hakkila, in Vantaa.”                                      


Sponda forecasts that the earnings per share will improve significantly in 2007 
from the previous year. The economic occupancy rate of its properties and the   
cash flow from operations per share, including profit and losses from the sale  
of properties, are also expected to improve in 2007. These views are based on   
favourable developments in Finland's property market, positive change in the    
value of properties, and profit on the disposal of property so far this year.   

Business conditions                                                             

Finland's property market continued to be very active, and the volume of real   
estate investment in the January - September period is estimated at about EUR 4 
billion (according to KTI Kiinteistötalouden instituutti ry). International     
investors accounted for just over 70 % of this. Total investment in 2007 is     
forecast to be at the same level as in the previous year, ie. about EUR 5.5     
billion. Yield requirements for office, retail and logistics premises continued 
to fall in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and in growth centres.                

Vacancy rates in the leasing market in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area remained  
quite stable in all sectors. According to Catella Property Oy, the vacancy rate 
for office premises rose 0.5 percentage points to 8.4 %. The main reason for the
increase was tenants vacating premises that have not been refurbished. The      
vacancy rate for retail premises remained unchanged at 1.7 %. The vacancy rate  
for logistics premises was also low, at 2.5 %. Rent levels rose in all sectors, 
especially for office and logistics properties.                                 

Sponda's operations in January - September 2007                                 

Sponda owns, leases and develops business properties, mainly in the Helsinki    
Metropolitan Area and in the largest cities in Finland, and in Russia. Sponda   
has organized its operations in five business units: Office and Retail Property,
Logistics Property, Property Development, Real Estate Funds, and Russia & the   
Baltic States.                                                                  

Net operating income from Sponda's property assets totalled EUR 113.7 (60.9)    
million at the end of September. Office and retail premises accounted for 75 %  
of this, logistics premises for 15 %, the Real Estate Funds unit 4 %, and the   
Russia & the Baltic States unit for 1 %. Other net operating income, including  
income from the subsidiary Ovenia, accounted for 5 %. The economic occupancy    
rate continued to improve and by type of property and geographical area was as  
follows (the 2006 figures are for Sponda's property portfolio before the        
Kapiteeli acquisition):                                                         

| By type of property         |  30.9.07 |    30.6.07 |   31.3.07 |   31.12.06 |
| Offices and retail, %       |     90.0 |       89.7 |      89.3 |       88.8 |
| Logistics, %                |     91.0 |       89.5 |      89.0 |       88.6 |
| Russia & Baltic States      |    100.0 |      100.0 |     100.0 |      100.0 |
| Total property portfolio, % |     90.3 |       89.8 |      89.3 |       88.8 |
| By geographical area        |  30.9.07 |    30.6.07 |   31.3.07 |   31.12.06 |
| Helsinki Business District, |     90.2 |       88.3 |      86.7 |       89.7 |
| %                           |          |            |           |            |
| Helsinki Metropolitan Area, |     88.6 |       89.3 |      89.1 |       87.5 |
| %                           |          |            |           |            |
| HMA logistics, %            |     89.5 |       88.2 |      87.7 |       87.1 |
| Other areas, %              |     96.6 |       96.7 |      98.0 |       93.4 |
| Total property portfolio, % |     90.3 |       89.8 |      89.3 |       88.8 |

Total cash flow derived from leasing agreements on 30 September 2007 was EUR 779
million (30 September 2006: EUR 440 million) and the average length of all the  
agreements was 4.3 (4.2) years. The average length of leasing agreements for    
office and retail properties was 4.6 years and for logistics premises it was 3.1
years. Sponda signed a total of 125 new agreements (70 000 m²) during July -    
September 2007 and during this period 86 agreements (24 000 m²) expired.        
Sponda's leasing contracts expire as follows:                                   

| Expiry                                 |                  % of rental income |
| 1 year                                 |                                10.7 |
| 2 years                                |                                13.5 |
| 3 years                                |                                12.2 |
| 4 years                                |                                17.0 |
| 5 years                                |                                 5.0 |
| 6 years                                |                                 5.2 |
| More than 6 years                      |                                22.1 |
| Open ended                             |                                14.3 |

Property portfolio                                                              

On 30 September 2007 Sponda Group had a total of 196 investment properties with 
an aggregate leasable area of about 1.3 million m². Of this 67 % are office and 
retail premises and 33 % logistics premises.                                    

During the January - September period the fair value of Sponda's investment     
properties rose by EUR 92.4 million. Capital expenditure during the period      
allocated to property maintenance and improvements in quality levels was EUR    
15.6 million. On 30 September 2007 the entire property portfolio had a fair     
value of EUR 2 386.2 (30 September 2006: EUR 1 372.5 million).                  

During the July - September period the fair value of Sponda's investment        
properties rose by EUR 36.0 million which includes capital expenditure allocated
to property maintenance and improvements in quality levels of EUR 3.9 million.  
Factors contributing to the rise in the fair value of the investment properties 
were the valuation of the portfolio properties and the increase in rental       
income. Sponda's property portfolio was valued during the third quarter by      
Catella Property Oy.                                                            

| Sponda's investment   |   Total |   Office  |     Logis- | Proper- |  Russia |
| properties            |         |       and |        tic |      ty |       & |
|                       |         |    retail |          s | devel-o |  Baltic |
|                       |         |           |            |   pment |         |
| Operating income      |   142.4 |     117.0 |       22.8 |     1.3 |     1.3 |
| Maintenance costs     |   -38.8 |     -31.5 |       -5.9 |    -1.1 |    -0.3 |
| Net operating income  |   103.6 |      85.5 |       16.9 |     0.2 |     1.0 |
| Fair value of         | 2 455.1 |   2 023.9 |      245.6 |   174.9 |    10.7 |
| investment properties |         |           |            |         |         |
| at 1 Jan. 2007        |         |           |            |         |         |
| Acquisitions in 2007  |    23.7 |       9.7 |        9.4 |     0.3 |     4.3 |
| Investments, property |    94.5 |      13.0 |        7.6 |    58.5 |    15.5 |
| development           |         |           |            |         |         |
| Other transfers       |    -2.6 |      -0.3 |       13.1 |   -14.8 |    -0.6 |
| between segments      |         |           |            |         |         |
| Sales in 2007         |  -276.9 |    -263.6 |       -1.8 |   -11.5 |     0.0 |
| Fair values           |    92.4 |      72.0 |       23.7 |    -3.3 |     0.0 |
| adjustment            |         |           |            |         |         |
| Fair value of         | 2 386.2 |   1 854.6 |      297.5 |   204.1 |    29.9 |
| investment properties |         |           |            |         |         |
| at 30 Sept. 2007      |         |           |            |         |         |
| Change in fair value  |   3.8 % |     3.6 % |      9.6 % |         |         |
| %                     |         |           |            |         |         |
| Annual net operating  |   6.2 % |     5.9 % |      8.3 % |         |  10.9 % |
| income/               |         |           |            |         |         |
| fair value at         |         |           |            |         |         |
| 30 September 2007 *)  |         |           |            |         |         |
| Yield requirement     |         | 5.0-8.0 % | 7.0-7.75 % |         |         |
| used in calculating   |         |           |            |         |         |
| fair value            |         |           |            |         |         |
| Weighted average      |   6.4 % |           |            |         |         |
| yield requirement for |         |           |            |         |         |
| the total portfolio   |         |           |            |         |         |

* Excluding property development                                                

Investments and divestments                                                     

During the January - September 2007 period Sponda purchased investment          
properties for altogether EUR 23.7 million, and of this it purchased property   
for EUR 4.9 million during the third quarter. During January - September Sponda 
sold investment property for EUR 276.9 million, with the third quarter          
accounting for EUR 0.2 million of this.                                         

Capital expenditure allocated to property maintenance and improvements in       
quality levels in the third quarter amounted to EUR 3.9 million. Sponda invested
EUR 40.7 million in property development. This was spent on renovating the      
City-Center complex in the centre of Helsinki, developing the logistics centre  
at Vuosaari Harbour, and on the retail property in the Itäkeskus district of    
Helsinki and the office property in the Ruoholahti district of Helsinki.        

Office and retail properties                                                    

The economic occupancy rate for the Office and Retail Property unit continued to
improve, to 90.0 % (31 December 2006: 88.8 %). During the third quarter Sponda  
signed two major leases: with Evli Bank Plc for the new City-Center building    
(4 200 m²) and with the Cancer Society of Finland for the premises at Pieni     
Roobertinkatu 9 (2 240 m²).                                                     

The property had a fair value on 30 September 2007 of EUR 1 854.6 million. The  
change in the fair value since the beginning of 2007 was EUR 72.0 million. The  
property portfolio had a leasable area of about 860 000 m², with office premises
accounting for an estimated 75 % of this and retail premises for 25 %. The      
unit's total revenue, net operating income and operating profit were as follows:

| Office and retail,  | 7-9/2007 | 7-9/2006 | 1-9/2007 | 1-9/2006 |  1-12/2006 |
| Me                  |          |          |          |          |            |
| Total revenue       |     36.1 |     19.2 |    117.0 |     56.8 |       84.7 |
| Net operating       |     26.8 |     14.8 |     85.5 |     42.8 |       63.1 |
| income              |          |          |          |          |            |
| Operating profit    |     55.3 |     13.6 |    170.9 |     48.3 |       78.0 |

During the third quarter of 2007 Sponda did not purchase any office or retail   
premises, but sold property for EUR 0.2 million. Capital expenditure on property
maintenance totalled EUR 13.0 million by the end of September, with the third   
quarter accounting for EUR 2.9 million of this.                                 

Logistics properties                                                            

The economic occupancy rate for the Logistics Properties unit improved to 91.0 %
on 30 September 2007 (31 December 2006: 88.6 %). The property had a fair value  
of EUR 297.5 million, and the change in the fair value since the beginning of   
2007 was EUR 23.7 million. The property portfolio had a leasable area of about  
400 000 m². The unit's total revenue, net operating income and operating profit 
were as follows:                                                                

| Logistics, Me      | 7-9/2007 | 7-9/2006 | 1-9/2007 |  1-9/2006 |  1-12/2006 |
| Total revenue      |      7.9 |      7.0 |     22.8 |      22.1 |       28.6 |
| Net operating      |      6.1 |      5.5 |     16.9 |      17.5 |       22.2 |
| income             |          |          |          |           |            |
| Operating profit   |     14.5 |     13.7 |     40.5 |      24.9 |       42.9 |

During the third quarter Sponda purchased logistics property for EUR 4.9        
million. No property was sold during the quarter.                               

Capital expenditure on property maintenance totalled EUR 2.6 million at the end 
of September, and of this EUR 1.0 million was spent during the third quarter.   

Property development                                                            

The fair value of Sponda's investment property development portfolio was EUR    
204.1 million at the end of September 2007. During January - September EUR 58.5 
million was spent on developing properties and new purchases, and EUR 40.7      
million of this was spent in July - September.                                  

Development work on the City-Center complex is progressing as planned. The      
second phase of the project, which includes the Kaivokatu street-level premises 
and station tunnel premises, has begun and should be completed in the spring of 
2008. In September 2007 Sponda signed a lease with Evli Bank Plc for a 4 200 m² 
office building to be built in the City-Center complex. Construction work will  
start at the beginning of 2009. The renovation of the City-Center complex is    
expected to be completed in 2011 and the total investment is estimated at some  
EUR 110 million.                                                                

Construction of the logistics area and gatehouse building at Vuosaari Harbour   
began in spring 2007 and the first leases have been signed for both sites. The  
actual construction of the car park building and passenger terminal will start  
at the beginning of 2008 and earthworks are currently underway on the site. The 
project will have a total investment value of roughly EUR 140 million. The      
harbour will start operations in November 2008. Sponda is responsible for       
developing, leasing and managing all the buildings.                             

Construction has started of the retail property in the Itäkeskus district in    
Helsinki. The total investment value for the building will be about EUR 56      
million and it will have a leasable area of 21 500 m². The property has been    
leased in its entirety to HOK Elanto and will be completed by November 2008.    

Construction has begun of the office building at Porkkalankatu 22 in the        
Ruoholahti district of Helsinki. The investment value of the project will be    
about EUR 29 million and it will have a leasable area of 13 500 m². At the      
moment just over 70 % of the building has been leased, and the estimated        
completion date is autumn 2008. The main tenants will be Altia Corporation and  
Diacor Terveyspalvelut Oy.                                                      

Sponda started construction of an office building at Lautatarhankatu 2 in the   
Sörnäinen district of Helsinki. Some 51 % of the building has been leased and   
its main tenant will be Tradeka Oy, which will move its head office into the new
premises. The project will have a total investment cost of about EUR 22 million 
and the property will have a leasable area of 9 200 m. The estimated completion 
date is towards the end of 2008.                                                

Sponda started construction of a logistics property at Itäinen                  
Valkoisenlähteentie 18 in the Akseli district of Vantaa. The project will have a
total investment cost of about EUR 5 million and 50 % of the property has been  
leased. The total leasable area will be 5 000 m² and the property should be     
completed by the end of 2008.                                                   

Real estate funds                                                               

Sponda is a minority holder in two real estate funds, First Top LuxCo and Sponda
Real Estate Fund I Ky.                                                          

First Top LuxCo (Sponda's holding 20 %)invests in office and retail properties  
outside Finland's largest cities. At the end of September 2007 the fund's       
property investments had a fair value of EUR 103.9 million.                     

Sponda Real Estate Fund I Ky (Sponda's holding 46 %) invests in logistics sites 
outside the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. At the end of the review period the     
fund's property investments had a fair value of EUR 138.0 million, while the    
fund has a target size of EUR 200 million. Sponda is responsible for managing   
the funds and their properties, and receives management fees.                   

In addition to those mentioned above, Sponda is also responsible for managing   
the properties in the property portfolio, with a value of about EUR 400 million,
sold in March 2007 to Whitehall Street Real Estate Limited and Niam Nordic      
Investment Fund III.                                                            

Russia and Baltic States                                                        

Sponda is actively looking for properties for investment and development in the 
Russian and Baltic markets. In September 2007 Sponda's property portfolio had a 
value of EUR 30 million, including office and logistics properties and a 46     
hectare piece of land in St Petersburg. Sponda also owns a 20 hectare site in   
Moscow province.                                                                

Sponda purchased an office property that is under construction for USD 47.5     
million from the centre of Moscow in October 2007. The premises will have a     
total of 3,025 m² of leasable office space and parking space for 54 cars. Sponda
is engaged in initial negotiations with various potential tenants. The building 
will be completed by the end of 2007.                                           

In October Sponda purchased an office property for USD 11.5 million from St     
Petersburg at the address Kaluzhskij pereulok 3. The property comprises a total 
of 2730 m² of leasable office premises and parking for 27 cars. The property is 
fully leased.                                                                   

Cash flow and financing                                                         

Sponda's net cash flow from operations on 30 September 2007 totalled EUR 257.3  
million (30 September 2006: EUR 35.2 million). Net cash flow from investing     
activities was EUR 122.9 (-79.0) million and after financing activities was EUR 
-398.4 (43.6) million.                                                          

Financial income and expenses at the end of the period totalled EUR -55.4       
(-22.1) million. The 2007 figure includes a provision of EUR 0.5 million for    
interest costs in connection with Sampo Bank's suit for payment. Sponda's equity
ratio on 30 September 2007 was 35 % (30 September 2006: 41 %) and gearing was   
155 % (121 %). Interest-bearing debt amounted to EUR 1 427.7 (698.2) million,   
the average maturity of Sponda's loans was 2.9 (3.2) years and the average      
interest rate 4.5 % (4.2 %). Fixed-rate and interest-hedged loans accounted for 
78 % of the loan portfolio. The average interest-bearing period of the whole    
debt portfolio was 3.3 (2.7) years. The interest margin, which describes the    
company's solvency, was 2.0 (2.6).                                              

At the end of September, Sponda Group's debt portfolio comprised EUR 650 million
in syndicated loans, EUR 405.6 million in bonds, EUR 289.5 million in issued    
commercial papers, and EUR 82.6 million in loans from financial institutions.   
Sponda has EUR 300 million in unused credit limits. Sponda Group has mortgaged  
loans worth of EUR 2.5 million.                                                 

Personnel and administration costs                                              

During the January-September period Sponda Group had on average 219 employees   
(56 in the corresponding period of 2006), of whom 135 (56) worked for the parent
company Sponda Plc and 84 for the subsidiary Ovenia Oy. On 30 September 2007    
Sponda Group had 216 (58) employees, of whom 134 (58) were employed in the      
parent company and 82 at Ovenia Oy. Sponda has personnel in Finland and Russia. 

In January-September Sponda's sales and administration costs totalled EUR 19.3  
million (30 September 2006: EUR 7.2 million), of which EUR 15.8 million were for
the parent company Sponda and EUR 3.5 million for the subsidiary Ovenia. The    
increase was due mainly to the growth in the number of personnel after the      
Kapiteeli acquisition.                                                          

All Sponda employees are included in the company's incentive bonus scheme, under
which bonuses are indexed to the company's targets. The company also operates a 
long-term share-based incentive scheme for its senior executives that was       
launched on 1 January 2006. Bonuses under this scheme are based on cash flow    
from operations per share and return on equity, and Sponda shares are bought    
with these bonuses. These shares also carry a restriction forbidding their      
disposal within two years of their issue. The bonus is paid annually.           

Group structure                                                                 

On 27 August 2007 Sponda increased its holding in Ovenia Oy, which provides     
property management services, from 51 per cent to 70 per cent. Sponda purchased 
Ovenia shares from Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Kaleva Mutual        
Insurance Company and Sampo Life Insurance Company Limited.                     

Sponda Group comprises the parent company, the subsidiary Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy 
(formerly Kapiteeli Oy) and Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy's  70 per cent owned          
subsidiary Ovenia Oy, as well as the Group's mutually owned property companies, 
which are either wholly or majority owned by Sponda Plc or Sponda Kiinteistöt   
Oy. Sponda Group also includes Sponda Russia Ltd and Sponda Asset Management Oy.

The Sponda share                                                                

In July 2007 Sponda moved from the medium size group to the large company group 
in the classification of the OMX Nordic Exchange, based on the company's market 

The weighted average price of the Sponda share in the January-September 2007    
period was EUR 11.15. The highest quotation on the Helsinki Stock Exchange was  
EUR 13.29 and the lowest EUR 9.01. Turnover during January-September totalled   
72.7 million shares or EUR 810.5 million. The closing price of the share on 28  
September 2007 was EUR 9.75, and the market capitalization of the company's     
share capital was EUR 1.1 billion.                                              

The Annual General Meeting on 4 April 2007 authorized the Board of Directors to 
purchase the company's own shares. The authorization was not exercised during   
the review period.                                                              

Sponda issued the following flagging announcements in the July-September 2007   
13 August 2007: Cohen & Steers, Inc. announced that its holding of shares       
represented 4.989 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda Plc.      
14 August 2007: Cohen & Steers, Inc. announced that its holding of shares       
represented 5.001 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda Plc.      
20 August 2007: Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP announced that its holding of shares
represented 3.6977 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda Plc.     
22 August 2007: Cohen & Steers, Inc. announced that its holding of shares       
represented 5.113 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda Plc.      
18 October 2007: Cohen & Steers, Inc. announced that its holding of shares      
represented 4.959 % of the total number of shares and votes in Sponda Plc.      

At the end of the review period on 30 September 2007 Sponda's ownership         
structure was as follows:                                                       

|                                             |   Number of |       % of total |
|                                             |      shares |                  |
| The Finnish State                           |  38 065 498 |             34.3 |
| Other public entities                       |   2 018 190 |              1.8 |
| Nominee registered                          |  61 451 126 |             55.3 |
| Households                                  |   6 346 932 |              5.7 |
| Non-profit organizations, total             |   1 582 229 |              1.4 |
| Private corporations, total                 |     881 815 |              0.9 |
| Financial and insurance institutions, total |     559 759 |              0.5 |
| Foreign owners, total                       |     124 636 |              0.1 |
| Total number of shares                      | 111 030 185 |            100.0 |

Board of Directors and auditors                                                 

Sponda's Board of Directors has six members: Tuula Entelä, Timo Korvenpää, Harri
Pynnä, Lauri Ratia, Arja Talma and Jarmo Väisänen. Lauri Ratia is chairman of   
the Board and Jarmo Väisänen is deputy chairman. All Board Members are          
independent of the company, and five of the six are independent of major        
shareholders in the company.                                                    

Sponda Plc's auditors are Mr Sixten Nyman, CPA auditor, and KPMG Oy Ab, CPA     
audit firm, with Ms Raija-Leena Hankonen, CPA auditor, as principal auditor. Ms 
Riitta Pyykkö, CPA auditor, is deputy auditor.        
Committees of the Board of Directors         
On 4 April 2007 the Board of Directors established two permanent committees to  
assist the Board by preparing matters for which the Board is responsible. The   
permanent committees are the Audit Committee and the Structure and Remuneration 
The Audit Committee comprises chairman Arja Talma and ordinary members Tuula    
Entelä and Timo Korvenpää. The Structure and Remuneration Committee comprises   
chairman Lauri Ratia and ordinary members Jarmo Väisänen and Harri Pynnä.       

Sponda Plc's president and Chief Executive Officer is Kari Inkinen. The         
Executive Board comprises the president and CEO, the CFO, the SVP Legal Affairs 
and Treasury, and the heads of the business units, in total eight persons.      

Suit for payment                                                                

In a ruling issued on 11 January 2007, the Helsinki city court ordered Sponda   
Plc to pay interest, penal interest and court costs totalling EUR 7.6 million to
Sampo Bank Plc based on a credit agreement. Sponda appealed the decision to the 
Helsinki court of appeal on 9 February 2007. The amount of Sampo Bank's suit for
payment, EUR 7.6 million, was recognized as an expense under provisions in the  
2006 financial statements. In the January - September period EUR 0.5 million was
recognized as an expense under provisions.                                      

Subsequent events                                                               

Sponda Plc and Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy (formerly Kapiteeli Oyj) were chosen in    
April 2006 as main contractors for the Ratina shopping centre in Tampere and for
development projects in adjacent areas. An appeal was made to the Market Court  
against the decision of the City of Tampere in May 2006. In October 2007 the    
Market Court decided not to proceed with the appeal. The decision of the Market 
Court will come into legal force if no appeal is made against it by 12 November 
2007. Sponda is planning a 48 000 m² shopping centre for the area, for which the
total capital expenditure is estimated at some EUR 200 million.                 

In October the city government of Vaasa chose Sponda Plc from three candidates  
to be its partner in developing the shopping centre planned to replace the      
disused bus station. The goal is for Sponda and the City of Vaasa to design and 
plan the piece of land for the shopping centre together. After the planning     
process, Sponda and the city will decide on the sale of the piece of land being 
planned. It is hoped to obtain building rights of 40 000 m² for the land as well
as parking space for 1 000 cars. The shopping centre will be completed at the   
earliest in 2010.                                                               

Sponda purchased an office property that is under construction for USD 47.5     
million from the centre of Moscow in October 2007. The premises will have a     
total of 3,025 m² of leasable office space and parking space for 54 cars. Sponda
is engaged in initial negotiations with various potential tenants. The building 
will be completed by the end of 2007.                                           

On 31 October Sponda signed a contract to purchase a logistics property from the
Lutheran Parish Union of Helsinki for approximately EUR 17 million. The         
transaction is planned to be closed on 23 November 2007. The property, located  
at Tulppatie 1 in the Roihupelto district of Helsinki, has altogether about     
11,100 m2 of leasable warehouse, production and office premises. The entire     
property is leased to a single tenant.                                          

In October Sponda purchased an office property for USD 11.5 million from St     
Petersburg at the address Kaluzhskij pereulok 3. The property comprises a total 
of 2730 m² of leasable office premises and parking for 27 cars. The property is 
fully leased.                                                                   

The Uusimaa corporate tax office has decided to deviate from the 2006 tax       
returns given by Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy (former Kapiteeli Ltd) and considers that
the company's taxable profit for the year is EUR 192 million. The reason for    
this decision is that, since the company's personnel were transferred to Sponda 
Plc, the company's business cannot be considered to have continued essentially  
in the same way as described in the special dispensation granted by the Uusimaa 
tax office.                                                                     

Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy has decided to appeal against the decision, since the     
company's business after the change of ownership on 14 December 2006 has, in its
opinion, remained essentially the same. The tax loss carry-forward for the years
1996-1999 is approximately EUR 558 million.                                     


During 2007 Sponda expects its earnings per share to improve significantly from 
the previous year. Likewise the economic occupancy rate and the cash flow from  
operations per share, including profits and losses on property sales, are       
expected to improve during 2007. These views are based on favourable            
developments in Finland's property market, positive change in the value of      
properties, and profit on the disposal of property so far this year.            

Risks and uncertainty factors in the near future                                

Recognized risks in the property investment sector include the risks associated 
with the property market and the risks relating to property investments and     
capital expenditure. If they materialize these could weaken Sponda's financial  
result. Rising construction costs and delays in project schedules may increase  
the costs of property development. In Russia there are also risks relating to   
permit procedures that may have an impact on the schedules of property          
development projects.                                                           

Financing involves refinancing risks and loan agreements have an interest rate  
risk. Sponda reduces the refinancing risk by using credit agreements of varying 
durations, employing a number of funding sources and maintaining the company's  
reputation as a trustworthy debtor. Risks from floating rate financing are      
reduced with interest hedging agreements. Expanding international operations    
increase Sponda's foreign exchange risk.                                        

Sponda's operational risks are risks resulting from inadequate or defective     
internal processes or systems. They also include risks associated with the legal
operating environment. Operational risks relate for example to the functionality
of the company's information systems and to the permanence of its skilled       

Schedule for financial information in 2008                                      

Sponda will publish its financial statements bulletin for 2007 on Tuesday, 5    
February 2008. The Annual General meeting will be held on 19 March 2008. Sponda 
will publish its 2008 interim reports on 6 May 2008, 7 August 2008 and 30       
October 2008.                                                                   

1 November 2007                                                                 
Sponda Plc                                                                      
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information: Kari Inkinen, President and CEO, tel. +358 20-431 3311 or  
+358 400-402 653 and                                                            
Robert Öhman, CFO, tel. +358 20-431 3320 or +358 40-540 0741.                   

Helsinki Exchanges                                                              

This interim report is unaudited. It has been prepared applying IAS 34 (Interim 
Reports). The same accounting and measurement principles have been applied in   
this interim report as in the previous annual financial statements bulletin.    

Sponda Plc                                                                      

Consolidated income statement (IFRS)                                            
|                        |   7-9/07 |  7-9/06 |   1-9/07 |   1-9/06 |  1-12/06 |
| Revenue                |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | Rental income and   |     44.4 |    26.3 |    146.1 |     79.0 |    115.4 |
|  | recoverables        |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | Interest income     |        - |       - |      0.2 |        - |        - |
|  | from finance        |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | leasing agreements  |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | Service income,     |      4.8 |     0.2 |     11.1 |      0.8 |      2.0 |
|  | fund management     |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | fees and share of   |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | fund profit         |          |         |          |          |          |
|  |                     |     49.2 |    26.5 |    157.4 |     79.8 |    117.4 |
| Expenses               |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | Maintenance         |    -12.2 |    -6.1 |    -41.7 |    -18.7 |    -29.4 |
|  | expenses            |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | Service expenses    |     -0.8 |    -0.1 |     -2.0 |     -0.2 |     -0.4 |
|  | and direct fund     |          |         |          |          |          |
|  | expenses            |          |         |          |          |          |
|  |                     |    -13.0 |    -6.2 |    -43.7 |    -18.9 |    -29.8 |
| Net operating income   |     36.2 |    20.3 |    113.7 |     60.9 |     87.6 |
| Profit/loss on sales   |      0.1 |       - |      1.2 |        - |        - |
| of investment          |          |         |          |          |          |
| properties             |          |         |          |          |          |
| Valuation gains/losses |     36.0 |     8.9 |     92.4 |     19.1 |     26.2 |
| Proceeds from sale of  |      0.2 |       - |    209.4 |        - |     11.6 |
| trading properties     |          |         |          |          |          |
| Carrying amount of     |        - |       - |   -182.4 |        - |    -10.0 |
| trading properties     |          |         |          |          |          |
| sold                   |          |         |          |          |          |
| Profit/loss on sales   |      0.2 |       - |     27.0 |        - |      1.6 |
| of trading properties  |          |         |          |          |          |
| Sales and marketing    |     -0.4 |    -0.2 |     -1.3 |     -0.8 |     -1.1 |
| expenses               |          |         |          |          |          |
| Administrative         |     -3.5 |    -2.2 |    -18.0 |     -6.4 |    -10.8 |
| expenses               |          |         |          |          |          |
| Other operating income |      0.2 |       - |      0.5 |      0.3 |      0.9 |
| Other operating        |     -0.1 |       - |     -0.3 |        - |     -0.5 |
| expenses               |          |         |          |          |          |
| Operating profit       |     68.7 |    26.8 |    215.2 |     73.1 |    103.9 |
| Financial income       |        - |    -0.2 |      3.3 |      0.1 |      3.7 |
| Financial expenses     |    -16.2 |    -7.5 |    -58.2 |    -22.2 |    -34.7 |
| Provision for interest |     -0.5 |       - |     -0.5 |        - |     -7.5 |
| expenses               |          |         |          |          |          |
| Financial income and   |    -16.7 |    -7.7 |    -55.4 |    -22.1 |    -38.5 |
| expenses, net          |          |         |          |          |          |
| Profit before taxes    |     52.0 |    19.1 |    159.8 |     51.0 |     65.4 |
| Income taxes for       |     -0.1 |    -0.5 |     -0.1 |     -0.9 |     -0.4 |
| current and previous   |          |         |          |          |          |
| fiscal years           |          |         |          |          |          |
| Deferred taxes         |    -12.9 |    -4.5 |    -41.0 |    -12.4 |    -16.7 |
| Income taxes, total    |    -13.0 |    -5.0 |    -41.1 |    -13.3 |    -17.1 |
| Profit for the period  |     39.0 |    14.1 |    118.7 |     37.7 |     48.3 |
| Attributable to:       |          |         |          |          |          |
| Equity holders of the  |     38.9 |    14.1 |    118.5 |     37.7 |     48.4 |
| parent company         |          |         |          |          |          |
| Minority interest      |      0.1 |       - |      0.2 |        - |     -0.1 |
| Profit for period      |     39.0 |    14.1 |    118.7 |     37.7 |     48.3 |
| Earnings per share     |          |         |          |          |          |
| based on profit        |          |         |          |          |          |
| attributable to equity |          |         |          |          |          |
| holders of the parent  |          |         |          |          |          |
| company:               |          |         |          |          |          |
| Earnings per share,    |          |         |     1.11 |     0.48 |     0.61 |
| basic, €               |          |         |          |          |          |
| Earnings per share,    |          |         |     1.11 |     0.48 |     0.61 |
| diluted, €             |          |         |          |          |          |
| Average number of      |          |         |          |          |          |
| shares, million        |          |         |          |          |          |
| Basic                  |          |         |    106.8 |     79.3 |     79.3 |
| Diluted                |          |         |    106.8 |     79.3 |     79.3 |

Consolidated balance sheet (IFRS)                                               
|                                   |   30.9.2007 |  31.12.2006 |    30.9.2006 |
| ASSETS                            |             |             |              |
| Non-current assets                |             |             |              |
| Investment properties             |     2 386.2 |     2 455.1 |      1 372.5 |
| Investments in real estate funds  |        28.6 |        19.4 |          2.6 |
| Property, plant and equipment     |        14.8 |        19.5 |         12.4 |
| Goodwill                          |        27.5 |        27.5 |            - |
| Other intangible assets           |         4.7 |         5.2 |          0.4 |
| Finance lease receivables         |         2.7 |         2.7 |            - |
| Non-current receivables           |        24.3 |         5.2 |          0.1 |
| Deferred tax assts                |        57.7 |       110.5 |          0.4 |
| Total non-current assets          |     2 546.5 |     2 645.1 |      1 388.4 |
| Current assets                    |             |             |              |
| Trading properties                |        48.4 |       231.1 |            - |
| Trade and other receivables       |        26.5 |        39.6 |          5.7 |
| Cash and cash equivalents         |         5.4 |        23.6 |          0.6 |
| Total current assets              |        80.3 |       294.3 |          6.3 |
| Total assets                      |     2 626.8 |     2 939.4 |      1 394.7 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND          |             |             |              |
| LIABILITIES                       |             |             |              |
| Equity attributable to equity     |             |             |              |
| holders of the parent company     |             |             |              |
| Share capital                     |       111.0 |        79.3 |         79.3 |
| Share premium reserve             |       159.5 |       159.5 |        159.4 |
| Translation differences           |         0.4 |           - |            - |
| Fair value reserve                |         9.6 |         2.3 |         -0.9 |
| Revaluation reserve               |         0.6 |         0.6 |          0.6 |
| Invested non-restricted equity    |       209.7 |           - |            - |
| reserve                           |             |             |              |
| Retained earnings                 |       423.2 |       349.3 |        338.6 |
|                                   |       914.0 |       591.0 |        577.0 |
| Minority interest                 |         1.6 |         1.8 |            - |
| Total shareholders' equity        |       915.6 |       592.8 |        577.0 |
| Liabilities                       |             |             |              |
| Non-current liabilities           |             |             |              |
| Interest-bearing loans and        |     1 101.2 |       658.2 |        499.2 |
| borrowings                        |             |             |              |
| Provisions                        |        14.9 |        22.7 |          0.8 |
| Other liabilities                 |           - |           - |          0.7 |
| Deferred tax liabilities          |       206.9 |       218.7 |         75.2 |
| Total non-current liabilities     |     1 323.0 |       899.6 |        575.9 |
| Current liabilities               |             |             |              |
| Current interest-bearing loans    |       326.5 |     1 347.4 |        199.0 |
| and borrowings                    |             |             |              |
| Trade and other payables          |        61.7 |        99.6 |         42.8 |
| Total current liabilities         |       388.2 |     1 447.0 |        241.8 |
| Total liabilities                 |     1 711.2 |     2 346.6 |        817.7 |
| Total shareholders' equity and    |     2 626.8 |     2 939.4 |      1 394.7 |
| liabilities                       |             |             |              |
| Interest-bearing loans and        |     1 427.7 |     2 005.6 |        698.2 |
| borrowings                        |             |             |              |

Consolidated statement of cash flows (IFRS)                                     
|                               |    |    1-9/2007 |   1-12/2006 |    1-9/2006 |
| Cash flow from operating      |    |             |             |             |
| activities                    |    |             |             |             |
| Profit for the period         |    |       118.7 |        48.3 |        37.7 |
| Adjustments                   |    |        -3.8 |        29.6 |        16.0 |
| Change in net working capital | 1) |       200.4 |         8.6 |         2.9 |
| Interest received             |    |         4.0 |         0.8 |         0.1 |
| Interest paid                 |    |       -60.6 |       -34.3 |       -19.9 |
| Other financial items         |    |        -1.9 |        -6.7 |        -0.7 |
| Taxes received/paid           |    |         0.5 |        -0.9 |        -0.9 |
| Net cash from operating       |    |       257.3 |        45.4 |        35.2 |
| activities                    |    |             |             |             |
| Cash flow from investing      |    |             |             |             |
| activities                    |    |             |             |             |
| Acquisition of Kapiteeli      |    |       -15.1 |      -929.1 |           - |
| Acquisition of investment     |    |      -130.1 |      -110.0 |       -74.4 |
| properties                    |    |             |             |             |
| Capital expenditure on real   |    |        -9.2 |       -19.4 |        -2.6 |
| estate funds                  |    |             |             |             |
| Acquisition of tangible and   |    |        -1.1 |        -0.6 |        -2.2 |
| intangible assets             |    |             |             |             |
| Proceeds from sale of         |    |       277.8 |        37.8 |         0.2 |
| investment properties         |    |             |             |             |
| Loans granted                 |    |           - |        -0.9 |           - |
| Repayments of loan            |    |         0.6 |         1.3 |           - |
| receivables                   |    |             |             |             |
| Net cash from investment      |    |       122.9 |    -1 020.9 |       -79.0 |
| activities                    |    |             |             |             |
| Cash flow from financing      |    |             |             |             |
| activities                    |    |             |             |             |
| Proceeds from the issue of    |    |       239.5 |         0.7 |         0.7 |
| shares                        |    |             |             |             |
| Non-current loans, raised     |    |       710.5 |       300.0 |       300.0 |
| Non-current loans, repayments |    |      -352.7 |      -250.0 |      -250.0 |
| Current loans,                |    |      -951.1 |       987.2 |        32.5 |
| raised/repayments             |    |             |             |             |
| Dividends paid                |    |       -44.6 |       -39.6 |       -39.6 |
| Net cash from financing       |    |      -398.4 |       998.3 |        43.6 |
| activities                    |    |             |             |             |
| Change in cash and cash       |    |       -18.2 |        22.8 |        -0.2 |
| equivalents                   |    |             |             |             |
| Cash and cash equivalents,    |    |        23.6 |         0.8 |         0.8 |
| beginning of period           |    |             |             |             |
| Cash and cash equivalents,    |    |         5.4 |        23.6 |         0.6 |
| end of period                 |    |             |             |             |
| 1) Includes deductions for    |    |             |             |             |
| trading                       |    |             |             |             |
|    properties                 |    |       182.4 |        10.0 |           - |

Changes in Group shareholders' equity                                           
|  |                       |   Share |   Share | Trans- |    Fair | Revaluatio |
|  |                       | capital | premium |  latio |   value |  n reserve |
|  |                       |         | reserve |      n | reserve |            |
|  |                       |         |         |  diff- |         |            |
|  |                       |         |         | erence |         |            |
|  |                       |         |         |      s |         |            |
| Equity at 31 Dec. 2005   |    79.2 |   158.8 |      - |    -4.2 |          - |
| Cash flow hedges:        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount taken to       |         |         |        |     4.2 |            |
|  | equity                |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount recognized in  |         |         |        |     0.1 |            |
|  | income statement      |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Instruments of        |         |         |        |     0.1 |            |
|  | reversed hedge        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | accounting            |         |         |        |         |            |
| Increase                 |         |         |        |         |        0.8 |
| Taxes on items           |         |         |        |    -1.1 |       -0.2 |
| recognized in equity or  |         |         |        |         |            |
| transferred from equity  |         |         |        |         |            |
| Total income and         |         |         |        |     3.3 |        0.6 |
| expenses recognized      |         |         |        |         |            |
| directly in equity       |         |         |        |         |            |
| Profit for period        |         |         |        |         |            |
| Total income and         |         |         |        |     3.3 |        0.6 |
| expenses for the period  |         |         |        |         |            |
| Dividends                |         |         |        |         |            |
| Share issue              |     0.1 |     0.6 |        |         |            |
| Equity at 30 September   |    79.3 |   159.4 |      - |    -0.9 |        0.6 |
| 2006                     |         |         |        |         |            |
|  |                       | Investe | Retaine |  Total | Minorit |      Total |
|  |                       |       d |       d |        |       y | shareholde |
|  |                       | non-res | earning |        | interes | rs' equity |
|  |                       | tricted |       s |        |       t |            |
|  |                       |  equity |         |        |         |            |
|  |                       | reserve |         |        |         |            |
| Equity at 31 Dec. 2005   |       - |   340.5 |  574.3 |       - |      574.3 |
| Cash flow hedges:        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount taken to       |         |         |    4.2 |         |        4,2 |
|  | equity                |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount recognized in  |         |         |    0.1 |         |        0,1 |
|  | income statement      |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Instruments of        |         |         |    0.1 |         |        0,1 |
|  | reversed hedge        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | accounting            |         |         |        |         |            |
| Increase                 |         |         |    0.8 |         |        0.8 |
| Taxes on items           |         |         |   -1.3 |         |       -1.3 |
| recognized in equity or  |         |         |        |         |            |
| transferred from equity  |         |         |        |         |            |
| Total income and expense |         |         |    3.9 |         |        3.9 |
| recognized directly in   |         |         |        |         |            |
| equity                   |         |         |        |         |            |
| Profit for period        |         |    37.7 |   37.7 |         |       37.7 |
| Total income and expense |         |    37.7 |   41.6 |         |       41.6 |
| for the period           |         |         |        |         |            |
| Dividends                |         |   -39.6 |  -39.6 |         |      -39.6 |
| Share issue              |         |         |    0.7 |         |        0.7 |
| Equity at 30 September   |       - |   338.6 |  577.0 |       - |      577.0 |
| 2006                     |         |         |        |         |            |
| Changes in Group         |         |         |        |         |            |
| shareholders' equity     |         |         |        |         |            |
| Me                       |         |         |        |         |            |
|  |                       |   Share |   Share | Trans- |    Fair | Revaluatio |
|  |                       | capital | premium |  latio |   value |  n reserve |
|  |                       |         | reserve |      n | reserve |            |
|  |                       |         |         |  diff- |         |            |
|  |                       |         |         | erence |         |            |
|  |                       |         |         |      s |         |            |
| Equity at 31 Dec. 2006   |    79.3 |   159.5 |      - |     2.3 |        0.6 |
| Cash flow hedges:        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount taken to       |         |         |        |     9.3 |            |
|  | equity                |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount recognized in  |         |         |        |     0.3 |            |
|  | income statement      |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Instruments of        |         |         |        |     0.3 |            |
|  | reversed hedge        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | accounting            |         |         |        |         |            |
| Translation differences  |         |         |    0.4 |         |            |
| Taxes on items           |         |         |        |    -2.6 |            |
| recognized in equity or  |         |         |        |         |            |
| transferred from equity  |         |         |        |         |            |
| Total income and expense |         |         |    0.4 |     7.3 |            |
| recognized directly in   |         |         |        |         |            |
| equity                   |         |         |        |         |            |
| Profit for period        |         |         |        |         |            |
| Total income and expense |         |         |    0.4 |     7.3 |            |
| for the period           |         |         |        |         |            |
| Decrease                 |         |         |        |         |            |
| Dividends                |         |         |        |         |            |
| Share issue              |    31.7 |         |        |         |            |
| Equity 30 September 2007 |   111.0 |   159.5 |    0.4 |     9.6 |        0.6 |
|  |                       | Investe | Retaine |  Total | Minorit |      Total |
|  |                       |       d |       d |        |       y | shareholde |
|  |                       | non-res | earning |        | interes | rs' equity |
|  |                       | tricted |       s |        |       t |            |
|  |                       |  equity |         |        |         |            |
|  |                       | reserve |         |        |         |            |
| Equity 31 Dec. 2006      |       - |   349.3 |  591.0 |     1.8 |      592.8 |
| Cash flow hedges:        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount taken to       |         |         |    9.3 |         |        9,3 |
|  | equity                |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Amount recognized in  |         |         |    0.3 |         |        0,3 |
|  | income statement      |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | Instruments of        |         |         |    0.3 |         |        0,3 |
|  | reversed hedge        |         |         |        |         |            |
|  | accounting            |         |         |        |         |            |
| Translation differences  |         |         |    0.4 |         |        0.4 |
| Taxes on items           |         |         |   -2.6 |         |       -2.6 |
| recognized in equity or  |         |         |        |         |            |
| transferred from equity  |         |         |        |         |            |
| Total income and expense |         |         |    7.7 |         |        7.7 |
| recognized directly in   |         |         |        |         |            |
| equity                   |         |         |        |         |            |
| Profit for period        |         |   118.5 |  118.5 |     0.2 |      118.7 |
| Total income and expense |         |   118.5 |  126.2 |     0.2 |      126.4 |
| for the period           |         |         |        |         |            |
| Decrease                 |         |         |      - |    -0.1 |       -0.1 |
| Dividends                |         |   -44.6 |  -44.6 |    -0.3 |      -44.9 |
| Share issue              |   209.7 |         |  241.4 |         |      241.4 |
| Equity 30 September 2007 |   209.7 |   423.2 |  914.0 |     1.6 |      915.6 |

Notes to the Group's interim report                                             

Accounting principles					                                                      

The Group adopted on 1 January 2007 the IFRS 7 standard: ‘Financial instruments:
disclosures in financial statements' and the amendment to the IAS 1 standard    
concerning presentation of equity. The adoption of both standards will mainly   
affect the information to be presented in the notes to the Group's financial    
statements. In other respects the accounting principles for the financial       
statements are the same as those used for the financial statements of 31        
December 2006.		                                                                
Income statement by business area M€                                            

| Income          | Offic | Logis | Prop-e | Russia |  Funds | Other |  Group, |
| statement       |   e & | -tics |    rty | /Balti |        |       |   total |
| 1-9/0           | retai |       | devel- |      c |        |       |         |
| 7               |     l |       | opment |        |        |       |         |
| Total revenue   | 117.0 |  22.8 |    1.3 |    1.3 |    7.7 |   7.3 |   157.4 |
| Maintenance     | -31.5 |  -5.9 |   -1.1 |   -0.3 |   -2.9 |  -2.0 |   -43.6 |
| expenses and    |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| direct fund     |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| expenses        |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Net operating   |  85.5 |  16.9 |    0.2 |    1.0 |    4.9 |   5.3 |   113.8 |
| income          |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Profit/loss on  |  -0.7 |   1.8 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |     1.1 |
| sale of         |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| investment      |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| properties      |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Profit/loss on  |  20.7 |   0.0 |    6.7 |    0.0 |   -0.5 |   0.0 |    27.0 |
| sale of trading |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| properties      |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Valuation gains |  72.0 |  23.7 |   -3.3 |    0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    92.4 |
| and losses      |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Administration  |  -6.7 |  -1.9 |   -2.4 |   -1.4 |   -2.0 |  -4.8 |   -19.2 |
| and marketing   |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| expenses        |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Other income    |   0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |   0.2 |     0.2 |
| and expenses    |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Operating       | 170.9 |  40.5 |    1.3 |   -0.4 |    2.3 |   0.8 |   215.2 |
| profit          |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Income          | Offic | Logis | Prop-e | Russia |  Funds | Other |  Group, |
| statement       |   e & | -tics |    rty | /Balti |        |       |   total |
| 1-9/0           | retai |       | devel- |      c |        |       |         |
| 6               |     l |       | opment |        |        |       |         |
| Total revenue   |  56.8 |  22.1 |    0.1 |    0.0 |    0.8 |   0.0 |    79.8 |
| Maintenance     | -14.0 |  -4.6 |   -0.1 |    0.0 |   -0.2 |   0.0 |   -18.9 |
| expenses        |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Net operating   |  42.8 |  17.5 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.6 |   0.0 |    60.9 |
| income          |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Valuation gains |  10.1 |   9.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    19.1 |
| and losses      |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Administration  |  -4.6 |  -1.6 |   -0.8 |    0.0 |   -1.0 |   0.8 |    -7.2 |
| and marketing   |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| expenses        |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Other income    |   0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |   0.3 |     0.3 |
| and expenses    |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |
| Operating       |  48.3 |  24.9 |   -0.8 |    0.0 |   -0.4 |   1.1 |    73.1 |
| profit          |       |       |        |        |        |       |         |

Investment properties                                                           
|                                     |  30.9.2007 |  31.12.2006 |   30.9.2006 |
| Fair value of investment            |    2 455.1 |     1 259.7 |     1 259.7 |
| properties, start of period         |            |             |             |
| Kapiteeli acquisition               |          - |     1 070.0 |           - |
| Purchase of investment properties   |       23.7 |        94.3 |        47.7 |
| Other capital expenditure on        |       87.1 |        43.3 |        47.3 |
| investment properties               |            |             |             |
| Disposal of investment properties   |     -276.9 |       -37.7 |        -0.2 |
| Transfers to/from property, plant   |        4.2 |        -1.5 |        -1.9 |
| and equipment                       |            |             |             |
| Transfers from trading properties   |        0.3 |           - |           - |
| Fair value adjustment for property  |        0.3 |         0.8 |         0.8 |
| in own use                          |            |             |             |
| Valuation gains/losses              |       92.4 |        26.2 |        19.1 |
| Fair value of investment            |    2 386.2 |     2 455.1 |     1 372.5 |
| properties, end of period           |            |             |             |

Investment properties are properties held by the company for the purpose of     
earning rental revenue or for capital appreciation. Sponda has chosen the fair  
value method to measure its investment properties, recognizing changes in their 
fair value in the income statement. 							                                     
The fair value of Sponda's investment properties is confirmed using the         
company's own calculations in which Sponda applies the yield method based on    
cash flow analysis. The method is in compliance with the International Valuation
Standard (IVS). All the figures used in calculating the fair value of properties
are examined at least once a year by an external expert, to ensure that the     
parameters and values used in the calculations are based on market observations.
Sponda's whole property portfolio was revalued during third quarter by Catella  
Property Oy.                                                                    

The Group's most significant investment commitments are in the following        

Development work on the City-Center complex is continuing on schedule. The      
refurbished underground basement facilities were completed in May 2007. The     
second phase of the project, which includes the Kaivokatu street-level premises 
and station tunnel premises, has begun and should be completed in the spring of 
2008. The project is expected to be completed in 2011 and the total investment  
is estimated at some EUR 110 million.                                           

Construction of the logistics area and gatehouse building at Vuosaari Harbour   
began in spring 2007. The project is progressing according to plan and will have
a total investment value of roughly EUR 140 million. The harbour will start     
operations in November 2008.                                                    

Construction has started of the retail property in the Itäkeskus district in    
Helsinki. The total investment value for the building will be about EUR 56      
million and it will have a leasable area of 21 500 m². The property has been    
leased to a single tenant and will be completed by November 2008.               

Construction has begun of the office building at Porkkalankatu 22 in the        
Ruoholahti district of Helsinki. The investment value of the project will be    
about EUR 29 million and it will have a leasable area of 13 500 m². At present  
just over 70 % of the building has been leased, and the estimated completion    
date is autumn 2008                                                             

Sponda started construction of an office building at Lautatarhankatu 2 in the   
Sörnäinen district of Helsinki. Some 51 % of the building has been leased. The  
project will have a total investment cost of about EUR 22 million and the       
property will have a leasable area of 9 200 m. The estimated completion date is 
towards the end of 2008.                                                        

Property, plant and equipment                                                   
|                                  |   30.9.2007 |   31.12.2006 |    30.9.2006 |
| Carrying amount, start of period |        19.5 |          8.8 |          8.8 |
| Kapiteeli acquisition            |           - |          5.2 |            - |
| Additions                        |         1.8 |          4.5 |          2.0 |
| Disposals                        |        -1.7 |            - |            - |
| Reclassifications to/from        |             |              |              |
| investment properties            |        -4.2 |          1.5 |          1.9 |
| Depreciation for the period      |        -0.6 |         -0.5 |         -0.3 |
| Carrying amount, end of period   |        14.8 |         19.5 |         12.4 |
Trading properties	                                                             
|                                     |  30.9.2007 |  31.12.2006 |   30.9.2006 |
| Carrying amount, start of period    |      231.1 |           - |           - |
| Kapiteeli acquisition               |          - |       241.8 |             |
| Disposals and other changes         |     -182.7 |       -10.7 |             |
| Carrying amount, end of period      |       48.4 |       231.1 |           - |

Sampo Bank's suit for payment                                                   
In its ruling, the Helsinki city court ordered Sponda Plc to pay interest, penal
interest and court costs totalling EUR 7.6 million to Sampo Bank Plc based on a 
credit agreement. Sponda appealed the decision to the Helsinki court of appeal  
on 9 February 2007. The amount of Sampo Bank's suit for payment, EUR 7.6        
million, was recognized as an expense under provisions in the 2006 financial    
statements. In the January - September period EUR 0.5 million was recognized as 
an expense under provisions.                                                    

Contingent liabilities                                                          
Collateral and commitments given by Group                                       
|                                     |  30.9.2007 |  30.9.2006 |   31.12.2006 |
| Loans from financial institutions,  |        2.5 |        0.1 |         15.8 |
| covered by collateral               |            |            |              |
| Mortgages                           |        3.0 |        0.1 |          0.2 |
| Book value of pledged shares        |        1.9 |          - |        149.7 |
| Guarantees                          |       24.9 |          - |         17.1 |
| Collateral, total                   |       29.7 |        0.1 |        167.0 |
| Lease and other liabilities         |  30.9.2007 |  30.9.2006 |   31.12.2006 |
| M€                                  |            |            |              |
| Lease liabilities                   |       20.0 |       21.1 |         22.9 |
| Other liabilities                   |        0.1 |          - |          0.1 |
| Mortgages                           |        2.3 |        2.2 |          2.3 |
| Guarantees                          |        0.1 |          - |          0.1 |
| Interest derivatives                | 30.9.2007  |  30.9.2006 |   31.12.2006 |
| M€                                  |            |            |              |
| Swap contracts, notional value      |      605.0 |      306.8 |        541.8 |
| Swap contracts, fair value          |        9.7 |       -0.6 |          2.3 |
| Cap options purchased, notional     |      557.0 |          - |        737.0 |
| value                               |            |            |              |
| Cap options purchased, fair value   |       14.3 |          - |         10.0 |
| Forward rate agreements, notional   |       50.0 |          - |            - |
| value                               |            |            |              |
| Forward rate agreements, fair value |        0.0 |          - |            - |

Key indicators                                                                  
|                           |  7-9/07 | 7-9/06 |   1-9/07 |  1-9/06 |  1-12/06 |
| Earnings/share, e         |    0.35 |   0.18 |     1.11 |    0.48 |     0.61 |
| Equity ratio, %           |         |        |       35 |      41 |       20 |
| Gearing, %                |         |        |      155 |     121 |      334 |
| Net assets per share, e   |         |        |     8.23 |    7.28 |     7.45 |
| Cash flow from            |    0.15 |   0.12 |     0.59 |    0.40 |     0.56 |
| operations/share, e       |         |        |          |         |          |

Calculation of financial ratios                                                 

| Earnings/share, €  =             | Share of profit for the period            |
|                                  | attributable to equity holders of the     |
|                                  | parent company                            |
|                                  | Adjusted average number of shares during  |
|                                  | the period                                |

| Equity ratio, %        = 100 x    | Shareholders' equity    |                |
|                                   | Balance sheet total - advances received  |

| Gearing, %               = 100 x  | Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and  |
|                                   | cash equivalents                         |
|                                   | Shareholders' equity            |        |

| Equity per share,e =            | Equity attributable to equity holders of   |
|                                 | parent company on 30 September             |
|                                 | Adjusted number of shares on 30 September  |

| Cash flow from              | Operating profit    |          |          |    |
| operations/share, e    1) = |                     |          |          |    |
|                             | -/+ Valuation gains and losses                 |
|                             | +/- Changes in provisions                      |
|                             | +/- Defined benefit pension expenses           |
|                             | - Financial income and expenses affecting cash |
|                             | flow                                           |
|                             | - Taxes affecting cash flow    |          |    |
|                             | Average adjusted number of shares during the   |
|                             | period                                         |
| EPRA equity per share, e =  | Equity attributable to equity holders of       |
|                             | parent company on 30 September                 |
|                             | + Deferred tax relating to the fair valuation  |
|                             | of property and to property depreciation       |
|                             | allowances                                     |
|                             | - Goodwill relating to deferred tax liability  |
|                             | Adjusted number of shares on 30 September      |

1) Profit on the sale of non-current assets has been deducted and losses from   
their sale have been added to the operating profit for the years 2004-2006.     

Related party transactions                                                      
The following transactions took place with related parties:							              
Rental income from state institutions and companies totalled EUR 17.9 million in
the January-September 2007 period (1-12/2006: EUR 13.6 million).                

Management employee benefits                                                    
|                                    |    1-9/2007 |    1-9/2006 |   1-12/2006 |
| Salaries and bonuses               |         1.5 |         0.8 |         1.0 |
| Incentive bonuses                  |         0.2 |         0.3 |         0.2 |
| Share-based payments               |         1.1 |           - |         1.1 |
| Total                              |         2.8 |         1.1 |         2.3 |
There were no outstanding loans receivable from key management on 30 September  
2007 or 31 December 2006.                                                       
Members of the Board of Directors held 2 170 shares and members of the Executive
Board 31 368 shares on 30 September 2007 (31 December 2006: 48 009 and 7 682    
The Finnish State held 34.3 % of Sponda's shares on 30 September 2007 (31 Dec.  
2006: 34.3 %). Sponda sold three land areas for about EUR 65 million in         
accordance with a purchase option agreed with the Finnish State in February     
Major property transaction                                                      

In a transaction signed on 30 March 2007, Sponda sold shares in real estate     
companies, business properties and land sites that were outside its strategic   
focus to Whitehall Street Real Estate Limited and Niam Nordic Investment Fund   
III for EUR 401.1 million. The sale comprised in total 564 real estate items, of
which 43 were investment properties. Sponda recorded a profit on the sale of    
some EUR 18 million, which was reduced in a review of the selling price in the  
second quarter by EUR 1.3 million.                                              
Events after the close of the period                                            

Sponda Plc and Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy (formerly Kapiteeli Oyj) were chosen in    
April 2006 as main contractors for the Ratina shopping centre in Tampere and for
development projects in adjacent areas. An appeal was made to the Market Court  
against the decision in May 2006. In October 2007 the Market Court decided not  
to proceed with the appeal made against the decision of the City of Tampere.    
There is a right to appeal against the decision of the Market Court. Sponda is  
planning a 48 000 m² shopping centre on the site, for which the total capital   
expenditure is estimated at some EUR 200 million.                               

In October the city government of Vaasa chose Sponda Plc from three candidates  
to be its partner in developing the shopping centre planned to replace the      
disused bus station. The goal is for Sponda and the City of Vaasa to design and 
plan the piece of land for the shopping centre together. After the planning     
process, Sponda and the city will decide on the sale of the piece of land being 
planned. It is hoped to obtain building rights of 40 000 m² for the land as well
as parking space for 1 000 cars. The shopping centre will be completed at the   
earliest in 2010.                                                               

Sponda purchased an office property that is under construction for USD 47.5     
million from the centre of Moscow in October 2007. The premises will have a     
total of 3,025 m² of leasable office space and parking space for 54 cars. Sponda
is engaged in initial negotiations with various potential tenants. The building 
will be completed by the end of 2007.                                           

In October Sponda purchased an office property for USD 11.5 million from St     
Petersburg at the address Kaluzhskij pereulok 3. The property comprises a total 
of 2730 m² of leasable office premises and parking for 27 cars. The property is 
fully leased.                                                                   

The Uusimaa corporate tax office has decided to deviate from the 2006 tax       
returns given by Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy (former Kapiteeli Ltd) and considers that
the company's taxable profit for the year is EUR 192 million. The reason for    
this decision is that, since the company's personnel were transferred to Sponda 
Plc, the company's business cannot be considered to have continued essentially  
in the same way as described in the special dispensation granted by the Uusimaa 
tax office.                                                                     

Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy has decided to appeal against the decision, since the     
company's business after the change of ownership on 14 December 2006 has, in its
opinion, remained essentially the same. The tax loss carry-forward for the years
1996-1999 is approximately EUR 558 million.


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