INTERIM REPORT JANUARY 1 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2007                                   

-  Third quarter profit totalled EUR 3.1 million (Q3 2006: 3.5 million).        
-  Earnings per share came to EUR 0.49 (0.56).                                  
-  Net sales of continuing operations amounted to EUR 73.6 (51.9) million, or   
42% more than in the comparison period.                                         
-  The continuing operations showed an operating profit of EUR 0.3 (1.0) million
(excluding non-recurring items); the impact of non-recurring items amounted to  
EUR -0.2 (0.5) million.                                                         

-  Profit for January-September totalled EUR 9.4 (5.8) million.                 
-  Earnings per share came to EUR 1.51 (0.92).                                  
-  Net sales of continuing operations amounted to EUR 213.1 (172.6) million,    
which was 23.5% more than in the comparison period.                             
-  The operating profit of the continuing operations was EUR 0.2 (0.8) million  
(without non-recurring items); the impact of non-recurring items was EUR -0.1   
(0.1) million.                                                                  

The figures in this interim report have not been audited.                       


Maritim Food AS, the Norwegian subsidiary of Lännen Tehtaat plc, exercised a    
call option concerning the shares of the fish processing company Sandanger AS in
August and acquired a 3.5 per cent share in the company, as laid down in the    
option. As a result, Maritim Food now owns 51% of Sandanger AS. Sandanger AS was
made part of Maritim Food and the Lännen Tehtaat Group at the end of August.    

KEY INDICATORS, EUR million                                                     

                          7-9/2007    7-9/2006    1-9/2007    1-9/2006          
All operations total                                                            
Net sales                     73.6        91.6       280.3       291.3          
Operating profit               1.6         4.5         9.3         6.4          
Profit before taxes            3.1         4.3        10.1         7.8          
Profit for the period          3.1         3.5         9.4         5.8          
Earnings per share, EUR       0.49        0.56        1.51        0.92          

Continuing operations                                                           
Net sales                     73.6        51.9       213.1       172.6          
Operating profit without                                                        
non-recurring items            0.3         1.0         0.2         0.8          
Operating profit               0.1         1.5         0.1         0.9          
Profit before taxes            1.7         1.6         1.4         3.4          
Profit for the period          1.6         1.6         1.5         2.6          

Discontinued operations                                                         
Net sales                      0.0        45.4        78.8       135.7          
Operating profit               1.5         2.9         9.2         5.5          

NET SALES AND PROFIT                                                            


In July-September, the operating profit of the Group totalled EUR 1.6 (4.5)     
million. The profit before taxes was EUR 3.1 (4.3) million and the profit for   
the period EUR 3.1 (3.5) million. Earnings per share amounted to EUR 0.49       

In July-September, net sales of the continuing operations totalled EUR 73.6     
(51.9) million, up 42% on the same quarter the previous year. The increase in   
net sales was mainly attributable to Grain Trading and Fish Products Business.  
Incorporation of Maritim Food into the Group boosted the net sales of the Fish  
Products Business by EUR 7.1 million. At the same time, the net sales of Frozen 
Foods Business and Vegetable Oil Business were slightly higher than in the      
comparison period.                                                              

Third quarter operating profit for continuing operations, excluding             
non-recurring items, was EUR 0.3 (1.0) million. The impact of non-recurring     
items was EUR -0.2 (0.5) million. The operating profit in the Frozen Foods      
Business and in Grain Trading and Other Operations was up on the figure for the 
same quarter a year earlier, whereas the Fish Products Business and the         
Vegetable Oil Business posted poorer results.                                   

For the Group's continuing operations, profit before taxes in the period        
July-September came to EUR 1.7 (1.6) million and profit for the period EUR 1.6  
(1.6) million. Taxes corresponding to the profit amounted to EUR 0.0 (-0.1)     
million. The profits include a share of EUR 1.6 (0.0) million of the associated 
companies' profits.                                                             


In January-September, the operating profit of the Group totalled EUR 9.3 (6.4)  
million. Profit before taxes was EUR 10.1 (7.8) million and the profit for the  
period EUR 9.4 (5.8) million. The figure includes the sales profit of EUR 5.5   
million accumulated from the sale of the majority holding in Suomen Rehu.       
Earnings per share were EUR 1.51 (0.92).                                        

January-September net sales for the Group's continuing operations amounted to   
EUR 213.1 (172.6) million, up EUR 40.5 million or 23.5% on the same period a    
year earlier. Maritim Food and Grain Trading accounted for EUR 16.4 million and 
EUR 27.1 million of this total, respectively.                                   
Operating profit for continuing operations, excluding non-recurring items, was  
EUR 0.2 (0.8) million. The impact of non-recurring items was EUR -0.1 (0.1)     
million. Frozen Foods, Grain Trading and Other Operations all posted improved   
results on the same quarter a year earlier, whereas the opposite was true for   
the Fish Products Business and the Vegetable Oil Business.                      

Profit before taxes for the Group's continuing operations came to EUR 1.4 (3.4) 
million in January-September, while the profit for the period was EUR 1.5 (2.6) 
million. In January-September, taxes corresponding to the profit amounted to EUR
0.1 (-0.8) million. The profits include a share of EUR 1.3 (-0.3) million of the
associated companies' profits.                                                  

DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                                         

The Suomen Rehu Group has been included in discontinued operations. To allow    
comparison with the same period a year earlier, the latter has been divided into
continuing and discontinued operations as if Suomen Rehu had been discontinued  
from the start of 2006.                                                         

The profit of the discontinued operations includes that of the Suomen Rehu Group
from the beginning of January to the beginning of June 2007 and the sales profit
for the sale of majority holding in Suomen Rehu less the expenses incurred in   
the transaction. The tax-free sales profit of EUR 4.1 million for the           
transaction based on fixed sales price was entered in the second quarter. The   
final sales price was determined on the basis of the balance sheet value at the 
time of the transaction of the majority shareholding. The EUR 1.5 million       
adjustment for the transaction of the majority of shareholding was reported in  
the third quarter.                                                              

For the discontinued operations, a profit of EUR 1.5 (1.9) million was recorded 
in July-September and EUR 7.9 (3.2) million in January-September.               

The 49% share of the associated company Suomen Rehu's profits retained after the
sale of the majority holding in early June is included in the profit for        
continuing operations.                                                          


The Group's financial position and liquidity continued to be good throughout the

For January-September, cash flow from operations after interest and taxes       
totalled EUR 0.0 (11.2) million. Effect of the change in the net working capital
is EUR -4.7 (0.2) million. Cash flow from investments was EUR 23.2 (-5.1)       
million. Cash flow from loans was EUR -21.8 (-8.4) million.                     

A total of EUR 5.3 (4.6) million was paid in dividends.                         

At the end of the review period, the Group's interest-bearing liabilities came  
to a total of EUR 36.8 (37.6) million and liquid assets to EUR 18.7 (4.3)       
million. Net interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 18.1 (33.2) million.  
The consolidated balance sheet total stood at EUR 204.6 (207.7) million. The    
equity ratio was 60.9 (54.2)%. Commercial papers issued for the Group's         
short-term financing stood at EUR 27.0 (17.0) million at the end of the period  
under review. Liquidity is secured with committed credit facilities. At the end 
of the period under review there were no credit facilities in use.              

The net financial income of the Group's continuing operations came to EUR 0.0   
(0.1) million in July-September. Net financial income for January-September     
stood at EUR -0.1 (2.8) million. The financial income for the comparison period 
included sales profits of approximately EUR 2.6 million on the sale of shares   
not comprising part of the Group's business operations.                         

SHARE OF ASSOCIATED COMPANIES' PROFITS                                          

The profit recorded for the Group's continuing operations in July-September     
includes a proportion of the profits of associated companies, amounting to EUR  
1.6 (0.0) million. A transitional aid to full-time refiners amounting to EUR 0.7
million received on the basis of the 2006 sugar reform is included in the share 
of profits for the associated company Sucros.                                   

The share of the associated companies' profits in the period January-September  
amounted to EUR 1.3 (-0.3) million. The figure includes the 49% share of profits
of the Suomen Rehu Group for June-September (EUR 0.5 million).                  


Gross investment in non-current assets in January-September, excluding corporate
acquisitions, amounted to EUR 4.1 (5.4) million. Investment by the Frozen Foods 
Business totalled EUR 1.6 (0.7) million, by the Fish Products Business EUR 1.5  
(0.3) million, by the Vegetable Oil Business EUR 0.3 (0.4) million and by Other 
Operations EUR 0.1 (0.1) million. The investment by the Feeds segment totalled  
EUR 0.6 (4.0) million at the time of the sale of the majority holding.          

Investment in shares in January-September totalled EUR 11.3 (3.0) million. This 
entire sum was for the purchase of shares in the Norwegian fish processing      
company Maritim Food AS and Sandanger AS. More details about this are given in  
the notes to the interim report.                                                


The average number of personnel in the Group's continuing operations in         
January-September was 696 (663). The average number of people working in the    
Frozen Foods Business was 259 (272), in the Fish Products Business it was 361   
(307), including the impact of the staff (71) at Maritim Food Group, as of March
1, 2007, in the Vegetable Oil Business it was 36 (35), in Grain Trading 29 (29) 
and in Other Operations 11 (19). The figure for personnel at Apetit Suomi Oy has
been divided up between the Frozen Foods Business and Fish Products Business in 
relation to the services charged. The figure given for personnel in Other       
Operations in the same period in 2006 includes the personnel at Harviala Oy up  
to February 28.                                                                 

SEASONAL NATURE OF OPERATIONS                                                   

The transition to IFRS reporting has had a noticeable impact on the accrual of  
Lännen Tehtaat's profits over the financial year. With production linked to the 
harvesting season and with inventories being valued in accordance with IAS 2,   
most of the Group's annual profit accrues during the final quarter of the year. 
The focus on the harvesting season means that the seasonality of operations is  
most marked in the Frozen Foods Business and in the operations of the associated
company Sucros.                                                                 

The sales of the Fish Products Business depend to a great extent on seasonal    
holidays. A major proportion of the entire year's profit depends on the success 
of Christmas sales.                                                             

The net sales of Grain Trading vary both annually and quarterly, depending on   
supply and demand and on prices in Finland and on other markets.                

BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                               

Frozen Foods Business                                                           

Net sales of the Frozen Foods Business in July-September totalled EUR 11.0      
(10.5) million, which was about 5% more than a year before. Net sales increased 
in all sales channels.                                                          

Sales of frozen retail products, jams and marmalades increased by more than 6%  
on the comparison period. Growth was strongest in the frozen pizza product      
group. Active campaigning in August boosted the overall market for pizzas and   
the market share of Apetit by well over ten per cent. There was also strong     
growth in the sales of frozen potato products. The increase was a result of     
strong sales of the new ‘Kermaperunat' (cream potatoes) product both in summer  
and in autumn and the active campaigning for Apetit mashed potatoes on          
television and in shops at the start of the school year. Sales of frozen foods  
and vegetables remained at the level of the comparison period. Tikka Masala     
Shrimps and Green Curry Chicken, two new products in the Apetit Quick&Tasty     
range, were launched at the start of September. The new items were put on sale  
in a number of major Finnish grocery chains and, with the help of advertising   
and active input by the retail sector, helped to bring about a slight increase  
in the market share of frozen foods.                                            

According to a survey conducted in August on brand awareness, Apetit is         
Finland's best known frozen food brand. Overall spontaneous awareness of the    
brand was 52%.                                                                  

Net sales of the Horeca sector grew by more than 10%. The growth was due to the 
fact that domestic vegetables have become more competitive vis-a-vis imported   
produce. In relative terms, the growth was strongest in exports. As a result of 
a good harvest, peas were also exported to Central Europe where the harvest was 
unusually poor due to bad weather.                                              

The autumn harvest is still being processed. In addition to peas, the spinach   
harvest was also good, both in terms of quantity and quality. The harvest of    
root vegetables also seems to be good, in both quantity and quality, except for 
the potato, which has been affected by the wet autumn weather.                  

The Frozen Foods Business posted an operating profit of EUR 1.0 (0.8) million   
for the period July-September. The figure does not include non-recurring items. 
A non-recurring write-off of EUR 0.2 million on disused non-current assets      
affected the profit for the period.                                             

Net sales for the period January-September amounted to EUR 36.1 (37.7) million. 
The figure for the comparison period includes EUR 2.7 million in sales of       
supplies for sugar beet contract farming and associated operations. These       
operations became the responsibility of the associated company Sucros as of     
January 1, 2007. Food sales grew by over 3% on the comparison period.           

The Frozen Foods Business posted an operating profit of EUR 1.8 (0.4) million   
for the period January-September (excluding non-recurring items). Non-recurring 
items had an impact of EUR -0.2 (-0.1) million. Results were improved by higher 
product sales and changes in the product mix. Systematic improvements in        
productivity and higher cost efficiency have also contributed to the improved   
profits of Apetit Pakaste. In order to further improve productivity and cost    
efficiency, Apetit Pakaste has decided to move the production of its Turku plant
to Säkylä. The plans have been finished and the necessary earth-moving work in  
Säkylä has started. The intention is to move the production of the Turku plant  
to Säkylä by the end of 2008.                                                   

Investments in the Frozen Foods Business in the period January-September        
amounted to EUR 1.6 (0.7) million. The most important investments concerned the 
upgrading of the freezing technology, which will help to make energy use more   
efficient, improve production logistics and boost product quality. Increased    
automation also made packaging more efficient.                                  

Fish Products Business                                                          

Net sales of the Fish Products Business for the period July-September totalled  
EUR 19.8 (14.0) million, a growth of more than 40%. Maritim Food contributed    
about EUR 7 million to this increase.                                           

In May, Apetit Kala launched two new sliced hot-smoked fish products. Newspaper 
advertising during the summer months, together with active campaigning by the   
retail sector helped to boost the hot-smoked fish market, compared with summer  
2006. The launching of the new products also helped Apetit to increase its      
market share in hot-smoked products. Sales of shellfish products made by the    
Maritim Food Group started in Finland in early September under the Apetit       
Maritim brand.                                                                  

According to a survey conducted in August on brand awareness, Apetit is         
Finland's best known fresh-fish brand. Overall spontaneous awareness of the     
brand is 24%.                                                                   

The Fish Products Business made a loss of EUR 0.8 million (+0.1) in the third   
quarter. The performance of Maritim Food Group was, as expected, slightly       
positive. Machinery breakdowns and disruptions during the second quarter still  
had a negative impact on Apetit Kala's sales and profits during the third       
quarter. As expected, the transfer of production from Kerava to Kuopio in       
August-September resulted in overlapping costs. The movement of production and  
packaging from Kerava to Kuopio proceeded as planned. The targeted cost savings 
are estimated to become reality from the beginning of 2008.                     

The domestic Fish Products Business has been able to substantially improve its  
operations in the late summer and autumn. The focus has been on improvements in 
delivery reliability and work and raw-material productivity. Improvements have  
been achieved in all focus areas. Deliveries have become more reliable and, as a
result of more efficient production control, productivity has improved.         

At the start of August, Ari Laarne became managing director of the company,     
while Heljä Mantere was appointed as production director. The managing director 
concentrates in particular on the development of the company's core processes   
and operational control, while the production director is responsible for       
production, productivity improvements, and quality.                             

Net sales of the Fish Products Business for the period January-September        
amounted to EUR 56.7 (43.0) million, up 32%. Maritim Food contributed about EUR 
16 million to this increase. Net sales of Maritim Food and Sandanger AS, which  
was made part of the Group at the end of August, have been as expected.         
Operating profit of the Fish Products Business in January-September (excluding  
non-recurring items) was EUR -2.1 (0.6) million. Non-recurring items had an     
impact of EUR 0.0 (0.4) million. The costs arising from the movement of         
production in Kustavi and Kerava have not been categorized as non-recurring     
items. Performance in the early months of the year were affected by lower sales 
margins, a result of high raw material prices.                                  

Investments in the Fish Products Business were EUR 1.5 (0.3) million during the 
period January-September. The most important investments were connected with the
expansion of the Kuopio plant, which is in accordance with the concentration of 
Apetit Kala's production, upgrading of the smoking furnaces and improvement of  
filleting procedures.                                                           

Vegetable Oil Business                                                          

Net sales of the Vegetable Oil Business for the period July-September amounted  
to EUR 10.6 (10.1) million. This was 5% more than in the comparison period.     
Operating profit was EUR -0.2 (0.5) million. The fall is the result of a drop in
the processing margin, which was expected. Sales prices for vegetable oils and  
protein feeds have risen more slowly than the prices of raw materials, which has
weakened processing margins, particularly during the third quarter.             

Net sales for the period January-September amounted to EUR 31.3 (30.7) million, 
and the comparable operating profit was EUR 0.7 (2.1) million.                  

Investments in the Vegetable Oil Business totalled EUR 0.3 (0.4) million. The   
most important investment was the introduction of the ERP enterprise research   

Grain Trading                                                                   

The favourable development in the Grain Trading Business continued strongly in  
the third quarter. Net sales were EUR 32.1 (17.5) million, showing growth of    
almost 85%. The growth was a result of exceptionally high grain prices and      
higher volumes.                                                                 

The third quarter was unusually brisk on the grain market.                      

Domestic sales were slightly below those of the comparison period, while exports
and sales between third countries increased substantially.                      

Avena Nordic Grain opened an office in Salo in September so that it can increase
domestic grain purchases.                                                       

Operating profit for July-September more than doubled on the comparison period, 
and totalled EUR 0.9 (0.4) million.                                             

Net sales for the period January-September grew 44%, to EUR 89.3 (62.2) million.
Operating profit was EUR 2.6 (1.2) million.                                     

Other Operations                                                                

The Other Operations segment is made up of the service company Apetit Suomi,    
group administration, and various items that do not come under any particular   
segment. The cost effect of the services produced by Apetit Suomi is an         
encumbrance on the operating result in proportion to the use of services.       

Net sales for the segment for the period July-September totalled EUR 1.0 (0.0)  
million and the operating loss was EUR 0.6 (0.9) million.                       

Net sales for the period January-September totalled EUR 2.9 (0.0) million, and  
the operating loss without non-recurring items EUR 2.9 (-3.4) million.          
Non-recurring items for the period totalled EUR 0.1 (-0.6) million.             

Lännen Tehtaat has decided to introduce an ERP system covering the Frozen Foods 
Business, the Fish Products Business and the group administration. The project  
was launched in September and the new system will be introduced in stages during

AUTHORIZATIONS BY THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                    

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on a new share issue  
and to sell the company's own shares held by the company either together or in  
several lots in the form of a rights issue. The maximum number of new shares    
that can be issued is 631,757, and the maximum number of shares held by the     
company that can be sold is 65,000. The issue price of the new shares will be at
least the nominal share value, i.e. two (2) euros. The sales price of the       
company's own shares will be at least the market price at the moment of sale,   
defined on the basis of the trading price determined by public trading on the   
Helsinki Stock Exchange. The authorization covers the right to depart from the  
subscription priority of existing shareholders if there is a pressing financial 
reason for so doing from the company's point of view; the right to offer shares 
rather than money against apportionment as well, or on some other specific      
condition or using right-of-setoff; and the right to decide the issue price of  
the shares and any other conditions or matters associated with the share issue. 

The authorization will be in force until the next Annual General Meeting. This  
authorization supersedes the share issue authorization given on March 29, 2006  
and the authorization to sell the company's own shares given on the same date.  

The Board has not, as yet, exercised the share issue authorization granted by   
the Annual General Meeting.                                                     

SHARES AND TRADING                                                              

At the end of the period under review, the total number of the company's shares 
in circulation was 6,317,576, and the registered share capital was EUR          
12,635,152. The company held 65,000 of its own shares, i.e. 1.0% of the entire  
share stock. The nominal value of the company's own shares was EUR 130,000. No  
changes in the share capital or in the number of the company's own shares held  
by the company took place in the year under review or the previous year.        

During the period under review, 739,417 (1,379,454) of the company's shares were
traded on the stock exchange, i.e. 11.7% (21.8%) of the entire share stock. The 
highest share price was EUR 24.50 (24.19) and the lowest EUR 17.65 (15.26).     
Share trading during the period totalled EUR 16.2 (27.6) million. At the end of 
the period, the market value of the share stock was EUR 114.3 (132.2) million.  

FLAGGING ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                          

No flagging announcements were made in the review period. After the end of the  
review period, on October 19, 2007, Skagen Funds, administered by Skagen AS,    
announced in accordance with chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Markets Act,
that it had bought some shares of Lännen Tehtaat plc and that on October 18,    
2007 it owned a total of 318,200 shares or 5.04% of all company shares and      
voting rights.                                                                  


After the auditor appointed as the accontable auditor of Lännen Tehtaat plc     
resigned from PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, authorized public accountants,         
PricewaterhouseCoopers appointed Tomi Moisio, authorized public accountant, as  
the new accountable auditor of Lännen Tehtaat plc.                              


There were no important occurrences after the end of the period under review.   

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The major risks for the Lännen Tehtaat Group are connected with the control of  
fluctuations in raw material prices, volume and quality of harvests, and supply 
of raw materials.                                                               
In the Fish Products Business and the Vegetable Oil Business, and in Grain      
Trading, the most important raw material prices are determined on the world     
market. These raw materials include salmon, rainbow trout, shellfish, rapeseed, 
soya beans and grain. World grain prices, for exemple, are now exceptionally    
high because of brisk demand.                                                   

Because of the tight competition on the market, it may not be possible to pass  
on all rises in raw material prices to sales prices, as this would have a       
negative impact on Group profits.                                               


On September 26, 2007, the agricultural ministers of the European Union approved
the proposals put forward by the European Commission to cut down sugar          
production. According to the decisions, further cuts in production should be    
achieved through voluntary abandonment of production by growers and the         

Lännen Tehtaat owns 20% of Sucros Oy, which produces sugar in Finland. After the
dividend of EUR 5.3 million paid by Sucros in September and the entry of the    
results for the third quarter, the value of Sucros-ownership in the balance     
sheet of the Lännen Tehtaat Group is about EUR 18 million. If Sucros were to    
give up its complete production quota and the Säkylä sugar factory were to      
close, the closure compensation Sucros would be entitled to because of the sales
of its sugar quota and the present value of Sucros' expected cash flow would at 
least equal the balance sheet value of the Sucros ownership.                    

PROSPECTS FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR                                                   

Net sales of continuing operations for the year as whole are expected to rise   
above the 2006 level because of the strong growth in the Fish Products Business 
and Grain Trading. Operating profit of the continuing operations (excluding     
non-recurring items) is expected to be at the same level as in the comparison   

Growth in the Frozen Foods Business and Grain Trading will boost the operating  
profit of continuing operations. Profits will be affected by production         
interruptions in the domestic Fish Products Business, costs arising from        
production restructuring and lower processing margins in the Vegetable Oil      

Lännen Tehtaat's vision is to be one of the leading Finnish food companies. In  
order to realize the vision, Lännen Tehtaat continues to evaluate potential     
structural arrangements and acquisition targets within the food industry.       

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
EUR million                                                                     
                                      7-9/    7-9/    1-9/    1-9/    1-12/     
                                      2007    2006    2007    2006     2006     
                                    3 mths  3 mths  9 mths  9 mths  12 mths     
Continuing operations                                                           

Net sales                             73.6    51.9   213.1   172.6    244.5     

Other operating income                 0.3     1.0     0.9     2.0      2.0     
Operating expenses                   -72.3   -49.9  -210.1  -169.7   -236.3     
Depreciation                          -1.3    -1.3    -3.6    -3.8     -4.7     
Impairments                           -0.2    -0.2    -0.2    -0.2     -0.2     

Operating profit/loss                  0.1     1.5     0.1     0.9      5.3     

Financial income and expenses          0.0     0.1    -0.1     2.8      3.2     
Share of profit of associated                                                   
companies                              1.6     0.0     1.3    -0.3      1.6     

Profit/loss before taxes               1.7     1.6     1.4     3.4     10.2     

Income taxes                           0.0    -0.1     0.1    -0.8     -2.7     

Profit/loss for the period,                                                     
continuing operations                  1.6     1.6     1.5     2.6      7.5     

Discontinued operations                                                         

Profit/loss for the period,                                                     
discontinued operations                1.5     1.9     7.9     3.2      5.6     

Profit/loss for the period             3.1     3.5     9.4     5.8     13.1     

Attributable to:                                                                
   Equity holders of the parent        3.1     3.5     9.4     5.8     13.1     
   Minority interests                  0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0        -     

Earnings per share, calculated of                                               
the profit/loss attributable to the                                             
shareholders of the parent company                                              
Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, continuing operations     0.26    0.26    0.25    0.42     1.20     

Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, discontinued operations   0.23    0.30    1.26    0.50     0.90     

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR million                                                                     
                               Sept 30,2007   Sept 30,2006  Dec 31, 2006        
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                        42.5           71.6          67.4        
Goodwill                                7.5           17.4          17.4        
Other intangible assets                 3.6            1.5           1.5        
Investment in associated                                                        
companies                              37.0           21.3          23.1        
Available-for-sale investments          0.1            0.2           0.1        
Receivables                             4.5            5.7           5.8        
Deferred tax assets                     1.4            2.4           0.3        
                                       96.4          120.0         115.6        
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                            58.4           46.8          65.3        
Receivables                            31.2           36.6          49.0        
Financial assets at fair value                                                  
through profit and loss                15.0              -             -        
Cash and cash equivalents               3.7            4.3           7.5        
                                      108.2           87.8         121.9        

Total assets                          204.6          207.7         237.5        

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Equity attributable to the                                                      
equity holders of the parent                                                    
company                               123.9          112.4         119.2        
Minority interest                       0.8              -             -        
Total equity                          124.6          112.4         119.2        

Non-current liabilities                                                         
Long term financial liabilities         6.0            9.7           7.0        
Deferred tax liabilities                4.5            7.0           7.0        
Long-term provisions                    0.1            0.9             -        
Non-current liabilities total          10.6           17.6          14.0        

Current liabilities                                                             
Trade payables and other                                                        
liabilities                            38.5           48.9          55.2        
Short-term financial liabilities       30.9           27.9          49.1        
Short-term provisions                     -            0.9             -        
Current liabilities total              69.4           77.7         104.3        

Total liabilities                      80.0           95.3         118.3        

Total equity and liabilities          204.6          207.7         237.5        

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
EUR million                                                                     
                                  1-9/2007        1-9/2006     1-12/2006        
                                    9 mths          9 mths       12 mths        

Net profit for the period              9.4             5.8          13.1        
Adjusments, total                     -3.2             8.3           8.5        
Change in working capital             -4.7             0.2         -23.1        
Interests paid from                                                             
operating activities                  -2.2            -1.4          -1.9        
Interests received from                                                         
operating activities                   0.9             0.2           0.3        
Taxes paid                            -0.3            -1.8          -3.2        
Net cash flow from operating                                                    
activities                             0.0            11.2          -6.4        

Investments in tangible and                                                     
intangible assets                     -4.1            -5.4          -7.7        
Proceeds from sales of tangible                                                 
and intangible assets                  0.1             0.0           4.6        
Acquisition of subsidiaries                                                     
deducted by cash                      -9.9            -2.8          -2.8        
Proceeds from sales of                                                          
subsidiaries                          46.3             0.0           0.0        
Acquisition of associated                                                       
companies                              0.0            -0.2          -0.2        
Proceeds from sales of                                                          
associated companies                   0.6             0.0           0.0        
Purchases of other investments       -35.0            -0.1          -0.1        
Proceeds from sales of                                                          
other investments                     20.0             3.4           3.4        
Dividends received from                                                         
investing activities                   5.3             0.0           0.0        
Net cash flow from investing                                                    
activities                            23.2            -5.1          -2.7        

Raising of long-term loans             0.0             0.0           1.9        
Raising of short-term loans            0.0             0.0          19.1        
Repayments of short-term loans       -14.4            -2.1           0.0        
Repayments of long-term loans         -7.3            -6.2         -10.8        
Payment of financial lease                                                      
liabilities                           -0.1            -0.1          -0.1        
Dividends paid                        -5.3            -4.6          -4.6        
Cash flows from financing                                                       
activities                           -27.0           -13.0           5.5        

Net changes in cash and                                                         
cash equivalents                      -3.8            -6.9          -3.7        
Cash and cash equivalents at the                                                
beginning of the the period            7.5            11.2          11.2        
Cash and cash equivalents at the                                                
end of the period                      3.7             4.3           7.5        

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    
EUR million                                                                     

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Net unrealised gains                                                        
D = Other reserves                                                              
E = Own shares                                                                  
F = Translation differences                                                     
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Attributable to equity holders of the parent company                        
I = Minority interest                                                           
J = Shareholders' equity total                                                  

                      A     B    C    D     E     F     G      H     I      J   
equity at                                                                       
Jan. 1, 2006       12.6  23.4  1.9  7.3  -0.8  -0.2  68.3   112.4  3.7  116.1   
financial assets:                                                               
 transferred to                                                                 
 income statement                                                               
 on sale              -     - -2.1    -     -     -     -    -2.1    -   -2.1   
Cash flow hedges:                                                               
 gains recorded                                                                 
 in equity            -     -  0.8    -     -     -     -     0.8    -    0.8   
Taxes related to                                                                
items entered into                                                              
equity and removed                                                              
from equity           -     -   0.3    -     -     -    -     0.3    -    0.3   
Other changes         -     -     -    -     -     -  -0.2   -0.2    -   -0.2   
Business combination  -     -     -    -     -     -     -      - -3.7   -3.7   
distribution          -     -     -    -     -     -  -4.6   -4.6    -   -4.6   
Profit for the period -     -     -    -     -     -   5.8    5.8    -    5.8   

equity at	                                                                      
Sept 30,2006       12.6  23.4   0.9  7.3  -0.8  -0.2  69.3  112.4    -  112.4   

equity at                                                                       
Jan. 1, 2007       12.6  23.4   0.4  7.3  -0.8   -0.2  76.5  119.2   -  119.2   

Cash flow hedges:                                                               
  gains recorded                                                                
  in equity           -    -    0.0    -     -     -      -    0.0   -    0.0   
Taxes related to                                                                
items entered into                                                              
equity and removed                                                              
from equity           -    -     -     -     -     -      -      -    -     -   
in subsidiary         -    -     -     -     -   0.2      -    0.2  0.8   1.0   
differences           -    -     -               0.5           0.5    -   0.5   
Other changes         -    -     -  -0.1     -     -   -0.1   -0.2    -  -0.2   
distribution          -    -           -     -     -   -5.3   -5.3    -  -5.3   
Profit for the                                                                  
period                -    -           -     -     -    9.4    9.4    -   9.4   

equity at                                                                       
Sept 30, 2007     12.6  23.4   0.4   7.2  -0.8   0.5   80.5  123.8  0.8 124.6   

BASIS OF PREPARATION AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES                                    

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34,  
Interim Financial Reporting,  as adopted by the EU. The accounting policies     
adopted are consistent with those of the Group's annual financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2006.                                                

Lännen Tehtaat has adopted the following new amendments and interpretations to  
published standards as well as new standards from January 1, 2007:              
- IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures.                                    
- IAS 1 (Amendment) Capital Disclosures.                                        
- IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded derivatives                                  
- IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment.                          

The adopted standards and interpretations have not had any significant effects  
on this interim report.                                                         

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

A  Frozen Foods                                                                 
B  Fish                                                                         
C  Grain trading                                                                
D  Vegetable Oil                                                                
E  Other Operations                                                             
F  Continuing operations total                                                  
G  Discontinued operations                                                      
H  Total                                                                        

Business segments 1-9/2007                                                      

EUR million               A      B      C      D     E       F       G      H   

Total external sales   36.1   56.7   89.3   31.3   2.9   216.3    78.8  295.1   
Intra-group sales      -0.1   -0.1   -0.7    0.0  -2.4    -3.2   -11.6  -14.8   
Net sales              36.0   56.6   88.6   31.3   0.5   213.1    67.2  280.3   

Operating profit/loss   1.6   -2.1    2.6    0.7  -2.8     0.1     9.2    9.3   
Share of profit/losses                                                          
of associated companies 0.0    0.1      -      -   1.2     1.3     0.1    1.4   

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets      1.6    1.5      -    0.3   0.1     3.5     0.6    4.1   
Corporate acquisitions                                                          
and other share                                                                 
purchases                 -   11.3      -      -     -    11.3      -    11.3   

Depreciations           1.3    0.9    0.1    0.5   0.7     3.6     0.2    3.8   
Impairments             0.2      -      -      -     -     0.2       -    0.2   
Personnel               259    361     29     36    11     696     167    863   

Business segments 1-9/2006                                                      

EUR million               A      B      C      D      E      F      G       H   

Total external sales   37.7   43.0   62.2   30.7    0.0  173.6  135.7   309.3   
Intra-group sales      -0.2    0.0   -0.8    0.0    0.0   -1.0  -17.0   -18.0   
Net sales              37.5   43.0   61.4   30.7    0.0  172.6  118.7   291.3   

Operating profit/loss   0.3    1.0    1.2    2.4   -4.0    0.9    5.5     6.4   
Share of profit/                                                                
losses of associated                                                            
companies               0.0      -      -      -   -0.3   -0.3    0.1    -0.2   

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets      0.7    0.3    0.0    0.4    0.1    1.5     3.9    5.4   
Corporate acquisitions                                                          
and other share                                                                 
purchases                 -    1.7      -    1.3    0.1    3.0       -    3.0   

Depreciations           2.1    0.6    0.1    0.4    0.4    3.8     2.4    6.2   
Impairments               -    0.2     -      -      -     0.2      -     0.2   

Personnel               272    307     29     35     19    663     323    986   

Business segments 1-12/2006                                                     

EUR million              A      B      C      D      E       F      G       H   

Total external sales   50.2   58.9    96.3  40.6    0.0  246.0  173.5   419.5   
Intra-group sales      -0.1    0.0    -1.4   0.0    0.0   -1.5   -9.3   -10.8   
Net sales              50.1   58.9    94.9  40.6    0.0  244.5  164.2   408.7   

Operating profit/                                                               
loss                    1.7    1.6     2.0   3.0   -3.0    5.3    9.2    14.5   
Share of profit/                                                                
losses of associated                                                            
companies               0.0    0.0      -      -    1.6    1.6    0.1     1.7   

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets      0.8    0.6     0.0     0.4  0.1     1.9   5.7     7.6   
Corporate acquisitions                                                          
and other share                                                                 
purchases                 -    1.7       -     1.3  0.1     3.0     -     3.0   

Depreciations           2.7    0.8     0.1     0.6  0.5     4.7   3.5     8.2   
Impairments               -    0.2       -       -    -     0.2     -     0.2   

Personnel               275    303      29      36   19     662   319     981   

GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS                                                           

Net sales                                                                       

EUR million                                                                     
                                           1-9/2007     1-9/2006    1-2/2006    
                                             9 mths       9 mths     12 mths    

Finland                                       134.6        140.4       188.6    
Scandinavia                                    29.4          7.5        22.4    
Baltic states and Russia                        7.3          1.7         2.3    
Other countries                                41.8         23.0        31.2    
Continuing operations total                   213.1        172.6       244.5    
Discontinued operations                        67.2        118.7       164.2    
Total                                         280.3        291.3       408.7    

DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                                         

The sale of the majority holding in Suomen Rehu Ltd was completed at the start  
of June, when Suomen Rehu and its subsidiaries were transferred to              
Hankkija-Maatalous Oy. Suomen Rehu Ltd is presented as discontinued operations  
apart from continuing operations of Lännen Tehtaat till the point of sale. From 
the beginning of June Lännen Tehtaat's 49% ownership in Suomen Rehu Ltd is      
presented as an associated company.                                             

Based on the change in Suomen Rehu Ltd's assets and liabilities share price     
adjustment was determined during the third interim period and EUR +1.5 million  
was recognised in the bookkeeping related to the sold 51% shareholding.         

In connection with the sale of the majority shareholding an option scheme has   
also been agreed under which Lännen Tehtaat will, if it wishes, have the right  
to sell the remaining 49% of the shares in Suomen Rehu Ltd to                   
Hankkija-Maatalous. The latter, for its part, has a purchasing option for the   
remaining shares, which it will be able to put into effect at the earliest 15   
months after the purchase of the majority holding.                              

In the case of option exercise, Lännen Tehtaat receives the same price per share
for the remaining 49% ownership as for the sold majority shareholding in Suomen 
Rehu Ltd, including the share price adjustment. In addition, the sale price is  
affected by the financial result of Suomen Rehu Ltd from the beginning of June  

EUR million                               1-5/2007     1-9/2006   1-12/2006     
                                            5 mths       9 mths     12 mths     
Profits                                       85.2        119.8       176.7     
Costs                                        -76.5       -115.5      -169.1     
Profit before taxes                            8.7          4.3         7.6     
Income taxes                                  -0.8         -1.2        -2.0     
Profit for the period                          7.9          3.2         5.6     

Profits 1-5/2007 include revenue from the sale of Suomen Rehu Ltd shares        
totalling EUR 5.8 million.                                                      

EUR million                               1-5/2007     1-9/2006   1-12/2006     
                                            5 mths       9 mths     12 mths     

Cash flows from operating activities           7.6          2.0         5.4     
Cash flows from investing activities          -0.6         -5.3         1.4     
Cash flows from financing activities          -6.9          3.7       -10.5     
Total financing activities                     0.1          0.4        -3.7     

The change in the net working capital has a significant effect on the operating 
cash flows.                                                                     


Maritim Food AS, a Norwegian subsidiary of Lännen Tehtaat plc, decided to       
exercise an option to purchase shares in the fish-processing company Sandanger  
AS. Maritim Food AS purchased 3.5% of Sandanger AS's shares in accordance with  
the option agreement. The transaction made Maritim Food the majority shareholder
in Sandanger AS, with its holding rising to 51%. Sandanger AS was incorporated  
into the Lännen Tehtaat Group on August 31, 2007.                               

The purchase price for the 51 % ownership was EUR 1.1 million and resulted to   
goodwill of EUR 0.5 million. The acquisition has been recognised on a           
preliminary basis in the manner permitted by IFRS 3. Determination of the fair  
value of the company's assets and liabilities was still incomplete at the time  
the interim report was published.                                               

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  
                                Sept 30,2007    Sept 30,2006  Dec 31, 2006      

Shareholders' equity per                                                        
share, EUR                             19.81           17.98         19.06      
Equity ratio, %                        60.9%           54.2%         50.3%      
Gearing, %                             14.3%           29.6%         40.7%      
Gross investments in non-                                                       
current assets, EUR million              4.1             5.4           7.6      
Corporate acquisitions and other                                                
share purchases, EUR million            11.3             3.0           3.0      
Average number of personnel              863             986           981      
Average number of shares, 1 000        6 253           6 253         6 253      

The key figures in this interim financial report are calculated with same       
accounting principles than presented in year 2006 annual financial statements.	 

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
EUR million                                                                     
                                 Sept 30,2007   Sept 30,2006  Dec 31, 2006      

Mortgages given for debts:                                                      
Real estate mortgages                    33.4           40.7          37.5      
Corporate mortgages                      31.4           51.4          51.4      
Shares pledged                            9.4            3.6           3.6      

Other securities given for own                                                  
Non-cancellable other leases,                                                   
minimum lease payments:                                                         
Real estate leases                        5.6            2.8           2.8      
Other leases                              0.8            1.1           1.1      

Contingent liabilities for own                                                  
Repurchasing commitments                  0.0            0.0           0.0      
Estimated additional share                                                      
purchase price, Maritim                 0-1.3              -             -      

Contingent liabilities on behalf                                                
of the associated companies:                                                    
Guarantees                                4.9             0.0            -      

SUOMEN REHU - OPTION SCHEME                                                     

The calculatory unrecognised value for the result based component included in   
the option scheme as of September 30, 2007 is approximately EUR 0.2 million.    

DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS                                                          

Outstanding nominal values of                                                   
derivative instruments                                                          
Forward currency contracts                4.4            7.5           4.5      
Commodity derivative instruments          6.4            6.4           4.6      
Interest rate swaps                      25.0           25.0          25.0      

INVESTMENT COMMITMENTS                                                          

Lännen Tehtaat has investment commitments in fish and frozen foods segments a   
total of EUR 2.3 million as of September 30, 2007.                              

TANGIBLE ASSETS                                                                 

EUR million                                                                     
                                     1-9/2007       1-9/2006      1-12/2006     
                                      9  mths         9 mths        12 mths     

Book value at the beginning                                                     
of the period                            67.4           72.2           72.2     
Acquisitions                              3.7            5.4            7.3     
Acquisitions of operations                7.5              -              -     
Disposals                                 0.0           -0.2           -4.2     
Disposals of operations                 -32.6           -0.4           -0.4     
Depreciations and impairments            -3.6           -5.7           -7.7     
Other changes                             0.1            0.2            0.2     
Book value at the end of the period      42.5           71.6           67.4     


EUR million                                                                     
                                     1-9/2007       1-9/2006     1-12/2006      
                                       9 mths         9 mths       12 mths      

Sales to associated companies            9.6             0.4           1.1      
Sales to joint ventures                  6.2             5.8           7.7      
Purchase from associated companies      17.7            14.4          19.3      
Purchase from joint ventures             0.1             0.0           0.3      
Long-term receivebles from                                                      
associated companies                     3.9             5.0           5.2      
Trade receivables and other                                                     
receivables from associated companies    2.8             2.2           5.0      
Trade receivables and other                                                     
receivables from joint ventures          1.1             0.5           0.6      
Trade payables and other liabilities                                            
to associated companies                  0.6             1.5           3.7      

The sale of goods and services to the associated companies and joint ventures   
are based on valid price catalogues of the Group.                               

LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

More details: Matti Karppinen, CEO, tel. +358 10 402 4001                       

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main media                                                             

