A Woman's Quest to Find Her Past and a Future She Must Fight for -- Author Kimberly Vogel Weaves a Fascinating Tale of One Woman's Discovery of Herself and a War She Must Stop to Save the Future

BELOIT, Wis., Nov. 2, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- A young woman trying to make her way in the world is suddenly faced with attempts on her life. Others arrive, claiming they want to save her. But with no memory of her past, how would she know who to trust? Join her as she tries to retrieve her missing past and find a new future in The End of a Beginning, an intriguing novel authored by Kimberly Vogel.

Viki is a college student who knows little about her past, since she was adopted as a baby. Ever since then, she has lived in the country of Everly. Suddenly, attempts on her life came while strangers arrived claiming to want to save her. She is taken in by people who know of her missing past and who follow the same religion her dead parents did. Though she doesn't know about her parents or their religion, she is thrown into a religious war that wiped out the previous generation, including her parents twenty years ago. As Viki tries to figure out who she is, then and now, she struggles to stop the fighting before those she has come to know and care about are wiped out as well. Follow her courageous journey as she finds her hidden past and fights for a new future in The End of a Beginning.

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About the Author

Kimberly Vogel is an inhabitant of Wisconsin in the USA. She wasn't born there but has lived there for almost all of her life. Currently she has graduated from Carthage College with a degree in Fine Arts and English. She has written many short stories and is attempting to get them into publishing format. Two of the stories are being written in series format. They are surrounding a set of fraternal twins who have been kidnapped and raised by their kidnapper. Betrayal of Trust starts the books about the elder sister Rae, and Roses and Shadows starts the books about the brother Danny. Each series has five books. Following those are collections of six smaller books tied into two books which describe the events surrounding them in their separate stories. The books are A Call to Arms and Queries to Generations.

                   The End of a Beginning * by Kimberly Vogel
                       Publication Date: October 2, 2007
             Trade Paperback; $21.99; 237 pages; 978-1-4257-6483-8
             Cloth Hardback; $31.99; 237 pages; 978-1-4257-6486-9

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