Hereby JSC Latvijas kuģniecība (Latvian Shipping Company - LASCO) informs that
on 2 November 2007 the Company signed contracts with Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co.,
Ltd. (HMD) on building four additional middle-range (MR) tankers, thus
implementing the Group's Tanker Fleet Further Development Plan that provides
for the expansion of the given segment by approximately 200 thousand deadweight
tons (DWT). The implementation of the above-mentioned project has been
unanimously approved by JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Supervisory Council that also
conceptually consented to the sale of the Group's five reefer vessels and
investment of the released funds into modern newbuildings. 

The implementation of LASCO tanker fleet expansion project involved the
investigation and assessment of various shipyards, as well as a careful
appraisal of all the proposals received. As a result, the work group of LASCO
shipping experts acknowledged the proposal presented by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard
Co., Ltd. to be the most suitable for LASCO's project implementation, as one of
the significant factors mentioning also the Company's previous successful
cooperation with HMD: in 2007 LASCO took the delivery of four 37,000 DWT
ice-classed tankers built by the Korean shipyard. 

The Shipbuilding Contracts signed between JSC Latvijas kuģniecība and Hyundai
Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd. provide for the construction of four ice-classed
tankers of 52,000 DWT each. Similar to the rest of LASCO fleet's newbuildings,
the above-mentioned tankers will be built to comply with all EU marine safety
requirements and international conventions. The project requiring about USD 200
million investments will be financed both through equity (including funds to be
released as a result of selling LASCO's less profitable ships) and debt. 

As already reported, on 28 December 2006, JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Management
Board approved further development of the Group's middle-range tanker fleet
through ordering four additional tanker newbuilds with the total tonnage of 200
DWT. To ensure finance required for the investments in LASCO fleet renewal
programme, the sale of other vessels with the tonnage inadequate for the
segment in question and the reinvestment of the released funds into new and
modern tankers were considered. 

Mr. Imans Sarmulis, Chairman of JSC Latvijas kuģniecība Management Board who
assumed office on 1 November 2007, acknowledged that it is both a significant
responsibility and a big challenge to commence the implementation of such an
important project. “Our goal is to retain and develop LASCO's stable position
in the middle-range and handy-size segment of the world shipping market, which
is possible only through our intensive work, aimed the Company's modernisation
and growth of its competitiveness,” stressed Imants Sarmulis. 

LASCO's core business is transportation of cargoes by sea, the largest part of
which is done by the Company's product tanker fleet that ensures about 80% of
the Group's net voyage result. In the course of the implementation of its
Tanker Fleet Renewal Programme LASCO has already taken the delivery of eleven
newbuildings, thus expanding its activity in the target segment of the shipping
market, which in combination with the Company's rich experience, is regarded as
an essential advantage. 

At present JSC Latvijas kuģniecība fleet comprises 37 product tankers (of which
three are time chartered in from other ship-owners) carrying both clean and
dirty petroleum products, easy chemicals, oils and other liquid cargoes, 2 LPG
carriers, 5 reefer vessels and 1 Ro-Ro/general type vessel. 

On 30 October 2007, the delivery of m/t Piltene (the eleventh of in total
fourteen tanker newbuilds ordered by LASCO) took place at 3.Maj shipyard in
Croatia, while November 2007 will see the launching and naming ceremony of
LASCO's twelfth newbuilding. 

For further information:
Marita Ozolina-Tumanovska
Head of PR Departament
Phone: +371 7020120, 29287169
E-mail :