The results of activities for the III quarter and nine months period of 2007

JSC “Kauno tiekimas” financial statements for the III quarter and
nine month period of 2007 are drafted in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards. 
The income of III quarter of 2007 amounted to LTL 108.9 million (EUR 31.5
million), increased by 25 percent as compared to the III quarter of 2006, when
income was LTL 86.6 million (EUR 25.1 million). 
The income of nine months period of 2007 decreased by 46 percent and amounted
to LTL 299.9 million (EUR 86.9 million), (2006 - LTL 560.2 million, or EUR
162.2 million). 
The net profit of the nine  months period of 2007 - LTL 244 thous. (EUR 70.7
thousand), whereas the net profit of nine  month period of the previous
financial year (2006) amounted to LTL 3.6 million (EUR 1.04 million). 

Irena Keblerienė
General Director
8-37 473744