Interim Report January - September 2007

*                      The Parent Company's result after tax for the
  period January - September 2007 was MSEK 6.2 (4.7), equivalent to
  SEK 0.02 (0.02) per share.

*                      The Parent Company's result after tax for the
  third quarter 2007 was
  MSEK -1.4 (-3.5), equivalent to SEK 0.00 (-0.01) per share.

*                      Equity in the Parent Company as per 30
  September 2007 amounted to MSEK 526.8 (548.0), equivalent to
  SEK 1.84 (1.92) per share. The equity ratio was 98 (99) percent.

*                      The Group's net sales for January - September
  2007 amounted to MSEK 388.0.

*                      The Group's result after tax for January -
  September 2007 was MSEK 37.9, equivalent to SEK 0.13 per share.

*                      The Group's net sales for the third quarter
  2007 amounted to MSEK 134.7. The Group's result after tax for the
  third quarter 2007 was MSEK 19.2, equivalent to SEK 0.07 per share.

Ledstiernan AB (publ) is a venture capital company with the business
concept to, as an active owner, help growth companies realize their
potential with a view to attain maximum long-term value growth. The
portfolio comprises 11 core investments. The Company's shares are
listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.


Interim Report 3rd Quarter PDF