Activity results of Žemaitijos Pienas AB for the period of 9 months of 2007

Žemaitijos Pienas AB consolidated turnover for the period of 9 months of 2007
makes up LTL 342.5 million (EUR 99.2 million). Comparing to the period of 9
months of 2006, sales increased by 21%. In the Audited Annual Consolidated
Profit and Loss Statement 2006 the amount for the milk sold to Šilutės Rambynas
ABF, based on respective articles of IAS 27 and 39, was eliminated, therefore,
following the comparability principle, the respective amount for the milk sold
to Šilutės Rambynas ABF and Klaipėdos Pienas AB is being eliminated from sales
revenue and expenditures in the Profit and Loss Statement as at 30 September
2007 and 30 September 2006. 
Unaudited consolidated net profit for the period of 9 months of 2007 is LTL
18.7 million (EUR 5.4 million). The profit increased comparing to the period of
9 months of 2006 due to the increased export - low-fat milk powder and cream
sales price. 

Gintaras Keliauskas
tel. (8~444) 22208.