The Nordic Exchange welcomes East Capital Explorer - a new investment opportunity

Today the trading in East Capital Explorer's shares commence on OMX Nordic
Exchange Stockholm. The company is the thirty-third to join the Nordic
Exchange's main market this year. 

East Capital Explorer AB is a newly formed Swedish company that brings
investment opportunities in Eastern Europe to a broader investor base. The
company will focus on investments in non-listed and semi-public companies in
fast growing sectors in Eastern Europe and has appointed East Capital to manage
its investment activities. 
“This year we have been able to add many new investment opportunities to the
Nordic Exchange and more are on their way. One example is East Capital
Explorer, a Mid Cap company that today will join the main market. This company
brings a new type of company into the Nordic Exchange and it is also an example
of the interest we see for emerging markets. Other examples are FirstFarms on
the main market and Trigon Agri and EOS Russia on First North,” says Jenny
Rosberg, President of Company Services at OMX. 

A round lot of shares in East Capital Explorer AB, whose short name is ECEX,
amounts to 100. The company is included in the Financial Sector and is a Mid
Cap company. 

For more information, please contact
Maria Andark, OMX	+46 8 405 73 74

About OMX | OMX is a leading expert in the exchange industry. The OMX Nordic
Exchange comprises over 800 companies including its alternative market First
North. OMX provides technology to over 60 exchanges, clearing organizations and
central securities depositories in over 50 countries. The Nordic Exchange is
not a legal entity but describes the common offering from OMX exchanges in
Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Iceland, Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius. OMX is a
Nordic Large Cap company in the Financials sector on the OMX Nordic Exchange.
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