Correction - Clearwater Finance - Q3 2007 - Published 2007-11-14 10:06:22 CET

Correction: 3Q Results from Clearwater Finance not Century Aluminium as in

HALIFAX, Nov. 13 /CNW/ - (TSX:CLR.UN):

     - Trustees and Directors have commenced a strategic review process to
       consider alternatives available to maximize unitholder value.

     - Sales increased by 13% to $90.6 million versus $79.9 million in
       Q3 2006.

     - Net earnings of $9.3 million versus $8.5 million in Q3 2006.

     - Distributable cash generated in the third quarter was $5.8 million in
       2007 as compared to $10.4 million in 2006.

The results for the third quarter of 2007 demonstrated a significant
improvement in profit margin over the first half of the year, however
distributable cash continued to be weaker than 2006 and expectations due to:

     - Exchange fluctuations - The US dollar depreciated significantly during
       the quarter, negatively impacting margins by $5.1 million as compared
       to the rates received in the third quarter of 2006.

     - Weaker than anticipated scallop market - While the scallop market was
       more active in the third quarter than it had been earlier in the year,
       its growth was at a slower pace than anticipated.

     - Further vessel disruptions - The clam fleet experienced further vessel
       disruptions in the third quarter due to required maintenance on both
       vessels currently in operation. The impact of these disruptions will be
       reflected in the fourth quarter results.

In its second quarter 2007 report to unitholders, Clearwater's management
had indicated that anticipated improvements in the results in the second half
of the year may be impacted by certain external factors. As indicated
previously, over the course of the third quarter, Clearwater's results were
impacted by all of the challenges management had identified.

"Despite the challenges in the third quarter, Clearwater was able to
improve its sales margins over the first half of the year. We recognize that
the current levels of inventory, specifically scallop inventory, remain high
and we are evaluating our inventory management strategies to reduce inventory
to more normalized levels," said Colin MacDonald, Chief Executive Officer
("CEO") of Clearwater. "We fully expect our margins and sales volumes to

Clearwater's sales and gross profit year-to-date 2007 were $225.0 million
and $49.9 million as compared to $231.6 million and $67.4 million,
respectively, in 2006. Net earnings year-to-date 2007 were $25.1 million
versus $20.5 million in 2006. A number of significant factors impacted the
year-to-date 2007 results including:

     - Scallops - During the third quarter, market conditions improved over
       their levels in the first half of 2007, however the improvement was
       slower than had been anticipated. Clearwater benefited from improved
       catch rates allowing them to remain competitive and to offset the
       pricing impacts of the softer market conditions. However, due to a
       combination of strong catch rates and lower than anticipated sales
       volumes, the level of scallop inventories remain high. Clearwater is
       currently reviewing its inventory management strategy to manage the
       inventory levels with the goal of normalizing inventory levels during
       2008. We expect that our sales in the fourth quarter will be comparable
       to 2006 levels but margins will be lower due to a different sales mix.

     - Clam business - With the loss of the clam vessel, the Atlantic Pursuit,
       in December 2006 and the delay in upgrading the fleet in the clam
       division, the volume of product available for sale in our clam business
       has been limited to date in 2007.

       We are currently in the process of converting a vessel from our shrimp
       fleet into a clam vessel. The conversion is expected to cost
       approximately $15 million and delivery is expected in the second
       quarter 2008. This investment in new harvesting capacity will result in
       growth in sales volumes and greater harvesting efficiencies, which will
       serve to boost the profitability of the clam business over the next
       several years.

       The impact of removing this vessel from the shrimp fleet is expected to
       be immaterial as we expect to be able to generate comparable earnings
       from alternative arrangements such as leasing the quota for a royalty.

       Looking forward, clam sales volumes are expected to continue to reflect
       the impacts of these factors until the new clam vessel is received in
       2008. We have communicated these disruptions in supply to our customers
       and we have put transition plans in place to manage the shortage of
       volumes expected for the balance of the year and in 2008.

     - Foreign exchange - Earnings have been impacted by cash and non-cash
       foreign exchange. Clearwater incurred a net cash expense of
       $8.9 million year-to-date in 2007 versus income of $10.2 million in
       2006, a change of $19.1 million.

       In addition, the Canadian dollar strengthened by 15% against the
       US dollar during the year, with most of this increase occurring
       subsequent to July. The impact of the fluctuations significantly
       impacted sales and margins negatively in 2007 by $8.2 million
       year-to-date when current effective rates are compared to those of

       The total impact of exchange on the income statement is $17.1 million
       (net cash expense of $8.9 million plus the $8.2 million impact on
       sales). While we maintain a currency management program to mitigate
       the risk of exchange fluctuations, the significant devaluation of the
       US dollar and the strengthening of the Canadian dollar against other
       significant currencies such as the Euro and Sterling have impacted
       the results.

The Fund also announced today that the Trustees have initiated a process
for identifying and considering strategic alternatives available to maximize
unitholder value. In addition, in light of the strategic review, the Trustees
have elected to continue distributions for the month of November.

Tom Traves, Chairman of the Trustees, speaking on behalf of the Fund,
said " While the Trustees remain confident in the business and its prospects
in the long term, the Trustees believe that it is appropriate to review
alternatives to maximize value for our unitholders in light of Clearwater's
weak financial performance over the last nine months, the ongoing challenges
facing the Fund in maintaining distributions and the Canadian government's
legislation to tax income trusts. Clearwater continues to be onside on all of
its banking covenants and this decision was not made at the request of any of
its lenders. The Trustees intend to diligently consider a range of
alternatives and will be retaining appropriate advisors to assist in this
process. There can be no assurance that the review process will result in a
decision regarding any transaction or that it will be completed in any
specific time frame."

Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. ("CFFI") has advised the Fund that it is
supportive of the strategic review process being undertaken. Stan Spavold,
Executive Vice President of CFFI, stated "Clearwater has and will continue to
be a long term strategic investment for CFFI and we continue to believe in the
long term prospects of the business. We look forward to working with the Fund
and its financial advisors in reviewing options which will benefit all
unitholders." CFFI holds units of the Fund and CSLP, representing a 47%
interest in the Clearwater business.

Distributions (Please refer to the definitions and reconciliation section
of the MD&A for reconciliation between cash flows from operations to
distributable cash.)

Clearwater has declared distributions of $23.7 million year-to-date in
2007 compared to $7.9 million in the same period of 2006. Clearwater generated
$0.5 million of distributable cash year-to-date in 2007 compared to
$35.1 million in the first nine months of 2006. In determining the payment of
distributions Clearwater considers the financial results, on-going capital
expenditure requirements, leverage and expectations regarding future earnings.
Future earnings can be impacted by a number of factors including, but not
limited to, total allowable catch levels, selling prices, weather, exchange
rates and fuel costs.

The impact of the factors discussed above on year-to-date earnings
translated into a reduction of distributable cash generated in the first nine
months by $34.6 million as compared to 2006. We recognize that it will be a
significant challenge to eliminate the net distributable cash shortfall
position generated in the first nine months of the year. However, given that
the fourth quarter is traditionally a strong quarter, assuming there will be
no further additional vessel disruptions and significant negative impacts from
foreign exchange, management expects the fourth quarter to improve over the
third quarter of 2007. However, even with stronger results in the fourth
quarter, we will payout more than 100% of our distributable cash generated in
2007. The Trustees will continue to monitor the distribution policy on a
monthly basis having regard to the strategic review being conducted and the
most appropriate course of action when considering the long-term needs of the
unit holders.

Sales levels of scallops, which are one of our more profitable species,
experienced a decrease in revenue of 9% compared to the prior year, primarily
due to lower selling prices and a different product mix. This contributed
significantly to the negative variance in gross margins. While the scallop
market was soft in the first half of the year, it began to gain momentum in
the third quarter and we continue to expect improvements going forward for the
remainder of the year.

Lobster sales year-to-date have increased by 2% compared to the prior
year. Clearwater continues to realize the benefits of its' new raw lobster
product and the application of technology that provides a more effective
method to sort and grade our live lobster, improving margins. In addition, in
January 2007, Clearwater purchased an additional offshore lobster licence and
related assets, which based on recent TAC levels, should provide a return on
investment in the 15-20% range and increase our lobster volumes by
approximately 3%.

Clam sales, volumes and gross profits were impacted by the loss of the
Atlantic Pursuit, for which an insurance claim of $3.9 million has been
received and included in other income. Continued vessel disruptions resulted
in higher vessel costs and lower harvest volumes in 2007. This will impact the
sales volumes in the fourth quarter.

On June 25, 2007, the new clam vessel that was to have been delivered in
the third quarter capsized prior to Clearwater taking possession of the
vessel. In the third quarter we agreed to a cash settlement of $46 million, to
cover construction costs invested by Clearwater, with the shipyard that had
been constructing the vessel: $28 million of which has been collected to date
with balance fully secured through letters of credit and an assignment of
insurance proceeds. This accident will delay the growth we had expected to see
in the clam portion of our business, which represents approximately 20% of
annual sales until we are able to bring a replacement vessel into use.


In summary, Clearwater's year-to-date 2007 gross profit was significantly
impacted by a soft scallop market, considerable depreciation in the US dollar,
and vessel disruptions in the clam business. The efficiencies in the scallop,
lobster and shrimp businesses have helped mitigate the impacts of restricted
harvest capacity in the clam business and negative impact from foreign
exchange. As we move forward, we will continue to focus on areas we can
control, in order to ensure we are as well positioned as possible to deliver
stronger unitholder returns.

"At Clearwater, our decades of experience in the seafood industry mean we
are well attuned to external variables that can have an impact on our business
- and in this quarter, we experienced a number of them," said Clearwater CEO
Colin MacDonald. "While our results for the third quarter show the effects of
factors such as currency fluctuations and market conditions, they also
demonstrate how we employ our sound business strategies to keep our focus on
long-term unitholder value. In a quarter that presented Clearwater with a
number of challenges, our management team was able to increase our sales and
improve profitability. It is this discipline and focus on long-term results
that consistently enable us to ride out these challenges, and return to our
traditional levels of performance."

For an analysis of Clearwater and Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund's (the
"Fund") results for the quarter, please see management's discussion and
analysis included with this report.


     Key Financial Figures


                          13 weeks      13 weeks      39 weeks      39 weeks
                             ended         ended         ended         ended
     ($000's except   September 29, September 30, September 29, September 30,
      unit amounts)           2007          2006          2007          2006
       Sales          $     90,555  $     79,939  $    224,961  $    231,600
       Net earnings   $      9,323  $      8,507  $     25,111  $     20,548
       Basic and
        diluted net
        per unit      $       0.18  $       0.16  $       0.48  $       0.39
       Cash flows
        from operating
        activities    $      5,667  $     17,814  $     (1,931) $     39,757
        cash(1)       $      5,793  $     10,362  $        486  $     35,114
        paid or
        payable(1)    $      7,875  $      7,918  $     23,692  $      7,918
        paid per unit
        per month     $       0.05  $       0.05  $       0.05  $       0.05

        Average Units
        Units           52,648,140    52,788,843    52,648,140    52,788,843
       Fully diluted    61,872,612    56,863,003    61,872,612    56,848,058

     The Fund
                          13 weeks      13 weeks      39 weeks      39 weeks
                             ended         ended         ended         ended
     ($000's except   September 29, September 30, September 29, September 30,
      unit amounts)           2007          2006          2007          2006
       Net earnings
        (loss)        $      3,737  $      4,647  $    (21,685) $     12,085
       Basic and
        diluted net
        (loss) per
        unit          $       0.13  $       0.16  $      (0.75) $       0.41
       Cash flows
        from operating
        activities    $      4,366  $      4,389  $     13,171  $      4,389
        cash(1)       $      4,366  $      4,411  $     13,171  $      4,411
        paid or
        payable       $      4,366  $      4,411  $     13,171  $      4,411
        Average Units
       Trust Units(2)   29,270,607    29,407,626    29,270,607    29,407,626
       Special Trust
        Units           23,381,217    23,381,217    23,381,217    23,381,217

     1. Please refer to the Distributable Cash definition in the MD&A for
        detailed reconciliations of these amounts. The Fund receives
        distributions from Clearwater and in turn distributes them to its
        unitholders. As such, distributable cash for the Fund is equal to the
        distributions received and paid.

     2. Clearwater's Partnership Agreement provides that as long as Clearwater
        Fine Foods Incorporated ("CFFI") owns more than 45% of the special
        trust and regular voting units of the Fund on a fully diluted basis,
        they have the right to appoint 4 of the 7 directors of CS ManPar Inc.
        CFFI currently owns 47.1% and therefore the Fund has the right to
        nominate the majority of the board of directors. Therefore the Fund
        does not consolidate the results of Clearwater's operations but rather
        accounts for the investment using the equity method. Due to the
        limited amount of information that this would provide on the
        underlying operations of Clearwater, the financial highlights of
        Clearwater are also enclosed.

     Licence value

Clearwater's fishing licences are recorded at historic cost. To
understand the value of these licences you should also consider the value
placed on the licences by the Fund at the time of its investment in Clearwater
as follows:

     In (000's)
     Clearwater book value of licenses                              $107,165
     Purchase price discrepancy allocated to licences
      (186,314/55.32% of total)                                     $336,794
     Fair value estimate                                            $443,959

     Foreign Exchange Sensitivity

In excess of 80% of Clearwater's sales are denominated in currencies
other than the Canadian dollar, whereas the majority of expenses as well as
all of its cash distributions are in Canadian dollars. As a result,
fluctuations may have a material impact on Clearwater's financial results and
the amount of cash available for distribution to unitholders. Using 2006
actual sales as a base, a change in one penny in the foreign exchange would
impact revenue and earnings by:

     Currency                 Change                  Canadian dollar impact
                                                      on revenue and margins
     US dollars               $0.01                              $ 1,100,000
     Euro                     $0.01                              $   781,000
     Sterling                 $0.01                              $    89,000
     Yen                      One twentieth of penny             $ 1,500,000

     Colin MacDonald
     Chief Executive Officer
     Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership
     November 13, 2007


Clearwater will review its third quarter financial results via conference
call on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time (9:00 a.m.
Atlantic). The call will be chaired by Colin MacDonald, Clearwater's Chief
Executive Officer, and he will be joined by Robert Wight, the Chief Financial
Officer. You can access the call by dialling 866-250-4877 or 416-646-3097. A
replay will be available through November 21, 2007 at 877-289-8525 or
416-640-1917 using pass code 21250964 (pound key). To listen to the web cast
of this event, please enter in
your web browser.


Clearwater is recognized for its consistent quality, wide diversity and
reliable delivery of premium seafood, including scallops, lobster, clams,
coldwater shrimp, crab and groundfish.

Since its founding in 1976, Clearwater has invested in science, people,
technology, resource ownership and resource management to preserve and grow
its seafood resource. This commitment has allowed it to remain a leader in the
global seafood market.


This Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") was prepared effective
November 13, 2007.

The Audit Committee and the Board have reviewed and approved the contents
of this MD&A as well as the related 2007 third quarter news release.

This MD&A should be read in conjunction with the interim and annual
financial statements, and the annual information form, which are available on
Sedar at as well as Clearwater's website,

Clearwater has established and maintains disclosure controls and
procedures, as defined under the rules adopted by the Ontario Securities
Commission in multilateral instrument 52-109, over financial reporting. The
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) have evaluated
the design of Clearwater's disclosure controls and procedures as of September
29, 2007 and have concluded that such procedures are adequate and effective to
provide reasonable assurance that the material information relating to
Clearwater and its consolidated subsidiaries would be made known to them by
others within those entities to allow for accurate and complete disclosures in
interim filings.


This Report may contain forward-looking statements. Such statements
involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors outside
management's control including, but not limited to, total allowable catch
levels, selling prices, weather, exchange rates and fuel costs that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the
forward-looking statements. The Fund does not assume responsibility for the
accuracy and completeness of the forward-looking statements and does not
undertake any obligation to publicly revise these forward-looking statements
to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.


Clearwater is the largest publicly traded shellfish company in North
America and is widely recognized for its consistent quality, wide diversity,
and reliable delivery of premium seafood, including scallops, lobster, clams,
coldwater shrimp, crab and groundfish. Our key competitive advantages include
our ownership of significant quotas in key species, our innovations in
harvesting and processing technologies, and our vertical integration, which
allows Clearwater to manage marketing, sales and distribution in-house. Since
its founding in 1976, Clearwater has invested in science, people, technology,
resource ownership and resource management to preserve and grow its seafood
resource. This commitment has allowed Clearwater to remain a leader in the
global seafood market.

"Clearwater's results for the third quarter and year-to-date reflect the
impacts of external factors like currency fluctuations and market conditions,"
said CEO Colin MacDonald. "However, they also demonstrate how we employ sound
business strategies to keep our focus on long-term unitholder value. In a
quarter that challenged Clearwater in a number of areas, our management team
provided improved sales and profitability. This discipline and focus on
long-term results consistently enables us to ride out temporary challenges,
and will enable us to return to our traditional levels of performance."


     The results of operations of the Fund are entirely related to
     Clearwater's performance; therefore the commentary below is on the
     operations of Clearwater.

The statements of earnings disclosed below reflect the unaudited
year-to-date earnings of Clearwater for the 39-week periods ended
September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006 in thousands of Canadian dollars.
The prior year has been restated to reflect the impact of the new accounting
policy for refits, adopted in fiscal 2007 and applied retroactively. Please
refer to the critical accounting policies section of the MD&A for further

                                                          2007          2006
                                                    ------------  ------------

     Sales                                           $ 224,961     $ 231,600
     Cost of goods sold                                175,106       164,194
                                                    ------------  ------------
                                                        49,855        67,406
                                                          22.2%         29.1%

     Administration and selling                         28,622        27,329
     (Gain) loss on disposal and other, net             (3,727)        2,198
     Other expense (income)                               (746)       (4,760)
     Insurance claim                                    (3,997)            -
     Foreign exchange income                           (20,805)      (10,807)
     Bank interest and charges                             687           696
     Interest on long-term debt                         11,205         9,888
     Depreciation and amortization                       8,628        11,198
     Reduction in foreign currency
      translation account                                1,790         1,697
                                                    ------------  ------------
                                                        21,657        37,439

     Earnings before income taxes and
      minority interest                                 28,198        29,967
     Income taxes                                         (458)        4,690
                                                    ------------  ------------
     Earnings before minority interest                  28,656        25,277
     Minority interest                                   3,545         4,729
                                                    ------------  ------------

     Net earnings                                    $  25,111     $  20,548
                                                    ------------  ------------
                                                    ------------  ------------

Net Earnings

Net earnings increased by $4.6 million year-to-date 2007, due primarily
to the impact of foreign exchange offset by a lower gross margin and other

     In (000's)                             2007          2006        Change

     Net earnings                       $ 25,111      $ 20,548      $  4,563

     Explanation of changes in earnings:
       Higher unrealized foreign exchange and derivative income       29,167
       Higher gain on disposal and other, net                          5,925
       Lower income tax expense                                        5,148

       Higher realized foreign exchange and derivative expense       (19,169)
       Lower gross profit, net of insurance claim of $3,997          (13,554)
       Lower other income                                             (4,014)

       All other                                                       1,060
                                                                    $  4,563

     Sales to customers year-to-date by product category were as follows:

     In (000's)               2007          2006        Change             %

     Scallops            $  76,015     $  83,582     $  (7,567)           (9)%
     Lobster                54,708        53,795           913             2 %
     Clams                  36,484        45,966        (9,482)          (21)%
     Coldwater shrimp       36,093        26,046        10,047            39 %
     Groundfish and other    7,004        10,787        (3,783)          (35)%
     Crab                   14,803         5,678         9,125           161 %
     Hedging program          (146)        5,746        (5,892)         (103)%

                         $ 224,961     $ 231,600     $  (6,639)           (3)%

Sales levels of scallops, which are one of our more profitable species,
experienced a decrease in revenue of 9% compared to the prior year, primarily
due to lower selling prices and a different product mix. This contributed
significantly to the negative variance in gross margins. While the scallop
market was soft in the first half of the year, it began to gain momentum in
the third quarter and we continue to expect improvements going forward for the
remainder of the year.

Lobster sales year-to-date have increased by 2% compared to the prior
year. We continue to realize the benefits of our new raw lobster product and
the application of technology that provides a more effective method to sort
and grade our live lobster, improving margins. In addition, in January 2007,
Clearwater purchased an additional offshore lobster licence and related
assets, which based on recent TAC levels, should provide a return on
investment in the 15-20% range and increase our lobster volumes by
approximately 3%.

Clam sales, volumes and gross profits were impacted by the loss of the
Atlantic Pursuit, for which an insurance claim of $4.0 million has been
received and included in other income. Continued vessel disruptions have
resulted in higher vessel costs and lower harvest volumes in 2007. This will
impact the sales volumes in the fourth quarter. Looking forward, clam sales
and volumes are expected to continue to reflect the impacts of these factors
until the clam fleet is updated in 2008. In order to mitigate impacts to our
customers and maintain our relationships with them, we have communicated these
disruptions in supply and have put plans in place to manage the shortage of
volumes expected for the balance of the year and a portion of 2008.

On June 25, 2007, the new clam vessel that was to have been delivered in
the third quarter capsized prior to Clearwater taking possession of the
vessel. In the third quarter we agreed to a cash settlement of $46 million, to
cover construction costs invested by Clearwater, with the shipyard that had
been constructing the vessel: $28 million has been collected to date with the
remaining balance fully secured through letters of credit and an assignment of
insurance proceeds. Although disappointing, this accident will not impact the
current year's distributable cash; it will however, delay the growth we had
expected to see in the clam portion of our business, which represents
approximately 20% of annual sales, until we are able to bring a replacement
vessel into use.

We are currently in the process of converting a vessel from our shrimp
fleet into a clam vessel. The conversion is expected to cost approximately
$15 million and delivery is expected in the second quarter 2008. This
investment in new harvesting capacity will result in growth in sales volumes
and greater harvesting efficiencies, which will serve to boost the
profitability of the clam business over the next several years. The impact of
removing this vessel from the shrimp fleet is expected to be immaterial as we
expect to be able to generated comparable earnings from alternative
arrangements such as leasing the quota for a royalty.

Coldwater shrimp sales were higher year-to-date in 2007 than the same
period in the prior year primarily due to a 37% increase in volumes as the
prior year had incurred disruptions due to a scheduled refit.

Groundfish and crab sales were both impacted by a labour dispute in Glace
Bay, Nova Scotia that began in March 2006 and was resolved in the second
quarter of 2007. The plant is now operating on a seasonal basis producing
crab, which has translated into greater sales volumes of crab compared to the
prior year. The disruption impacted groundfish sales during the dispute, but
did not have a material impact on earnings as the licences were rented
generating royalty income.

Foreign exchange decreased the value of sales and margins by
approximately $8.2 million year-to-date in 2007 compared to the rates received
in the comparable period for 2006. Higher effective rates on the Euro and
Pound Sterling were offset by a lower exchange rate on the US Dollar.

                               2007 year-to-date           2006 year-to-date
       Currency            % sales          Rate       % sales          Rate

       US Dollars             48.6%        1.092          41.1%        1.192
       Euros                  16.0%        1.469          25.6%        1.427
       Japanese Yen            9.1%        0.010           9.9%        0.010
       UK pounds               6.7%        2.175           5.6%        2.062
       Canadian dollar
          and other           19.6%                       17.8%
                             100.0%                      100.0%

Subsequent to the end of the third quarter, Clearwater entered into an
agreement to lease certain groundfish quota for a two-year period at a cost of
$2 million.

In summary, sales and gross profits were lower year-to-date as compared
to the same period in 2006, primarily due to softer market conditions for
scallops, clam vessel disruptions and foreign exchange. This resulted in
overall gross profits that were $17.6 million lower than those reported in the
comparable period in 2006.

Administration and selling costs increased by approximately $1.3 million
as compared to the prior year. We have been investing and expect to continue
to invest further in developing markets for our products in Asia and have
incurred costs to improve our processes such as our sales management
information systems. In addition, in the first nine months of 2007 we have
expensed fees and costs of approximately $800,000 related to potential
acquisition activities.

Gain on disposal and other, net is greater than the prior year result.
The 2007 figure includes a gain of approximately $4 million on the sale of
non-core fishing quotas, and an amount of approximately $350,000 related to
recovery of accounts receivable previously provided for. This is offset by a
write down of approximately $750,000 of equipment related to the clam
business. The 2006 amount included a gain of approximately $1.2 million on the
sale of non-core fishing quotas offset by a provision related to a plant
previously operated in North Sydney totalling approximately $3.1 million.

Other expense (income) is lower in 2007 mainly due to lower royalties and
export rebate. In the third quarter of 2007, approximately $0.7 million of the
export rebate receivable was written down due to changes in the rules for the
government rebate program in Argentina. As well, quota rental and royalties
were lower when compared to the prior year as 2006 included the revenue
related to the license rental for the quota related to the Glace Bay plant
when it was not in operation.

     Other expense (income) detail:                       2007          2006

     Investment income                                $ (1,087)     $   (991)
     Export rebate                                         103        (1,271)
     Quota rental and royalties                            (63)       (2,082)
     Other                                                 301          (416)

                                                      $   (746)     $ (4,760)

The insurance claim relates to one of Clearwater's clam vessels, the
Atlantic Pursuit, which was damaged extensively on December 5, 2006 when it
was struck by a large wave. This was an older vessel and scheduled to be
retired from the fleet later in the year, however, as a result of the damage
incurred was retired from service early. An agreement was reached with
Clearwater's insurers during the first quarter and as a result a gain of
approximately $4.0 million was recorded. The vessel has a nominal book value
and management intends to dispose of the vessel.

Foreign exchange and derivative contracts resulted in a gain of
$20.8 million year-to-date in 2007 as compared to $10.8 million in the
equivalent period in 2006. The 2007 figure includes approximately
$29.7 million of unrealized exchange gains. Clearwater does not account for
its foreign exchange contracts as accounting hedges and therefore must record
the mark-to-market value of the contracts each quarter, adjusting for non-cash
impacts of foreign exchange on the outstanding contracts. From a cash
perspective, the business incurred an outlay of $8.9 million of cash from
foreign exchange management year-to-date in 2007 versus $10.2 million in cash
receipts generated in 2006 - a change of $19.1 million. As our derivative
contracts mature or are settled, gains and losses that would otherwise impact
operating margins are included as foreign exchange and derivative income.
Please refer to note 3 in the financial statements for a detailed listing of
outstanding contracts at period end and their fair values. As of September 29,
2007, the mark-to-market valuation was a net liability of $0.5 million versus
a liability of $27.0 million at December 31, 2006. Subsequent to quarter-end
foreign exchange derivative contracts with a fair value as at September 29,
2007 of $9.7 million were closed out for net cash proceeds of $11.9 million.

Over the longer term, the changing Canadian dollar will continue to
impact Clearwater, as approximately 80% of our sales are denominated in
foreign currencies. Clearwater therefore maintains an active currency
management program to provide a degree of certainty to future Canadian dollar
cash flows with respect to sales.

Clearwater's foreign exchange management program, which is used to hedge
our foreign exchange exposure, involves the use of foreign exchange forward
contracts supplemented by the use of foreign exchange options. Income
generated from forward exchange derivative contracts are recognized as
realized foreign exchange and derivative income when the contract is settled,
until that time, the fluctuations are recorded as unrealized foreign exchange
and derivative income. Proceeds generated from derivative option contracts are
included in realized foreign exchange and derivative income when the option is
written. Whether or not a derivative option contract will result in a gain or
loss, depends on whether spot rates exceed contract rates at the time of
maturity. To the extent that contracts are exercised, it will serve to mute or
delay the impact of a fluctuating exchange rate environment on Clearwater's
financial results.

     Schedule of foreign exchange and derivative contract income:

     In (000's)                                           2007          2006

     Realized loss (gain)
       Foreign exchange and derivative income            6,859       (11,268)
       Other realized                                    2,069         1,026
                                                         8,928       (10,242)

     Unrealized (gain) loss
       Balance sheet translation                        (4,785)       (7,382)
       Mark-to-market on exchange derivative
        contracts                                      (21,135)        4,444
       Mark-to-market on interest and
        currency swap contracts                         (3,813)        2,373
                                                       (29,733)         (565)

     Total gain                                      $ (20,805)    $ (10,807)

Bank interest and interest on long-term debt increased as in 2006
$1.9 million of interest was capitalized. This was partially offset by the
change in the method of accounting for an inflation indexed bond. Prior to
2007, interest expense included an estimate of the assumed inflation rate on
the Icelandic bond. The estimated change in the liability associated with
inflation indexing is included in foreign exchange and derivative contract
expense for 2007.

Depreciation and amortization is lower compared to 2006 primarily due to
a lower depreciable asset base in 2007, due in part to the write down of the
North Sydney plant and equipment at the end of the second quarter of 2006.

The reduction in foreign currency translation account is a non-cash
adjustment related to a reduction of Clearwater's net investment in its
subsidiary in Argentina.

Income taxes have decreased compared to the prior year partially due to
lower net earnings in taxable entities along with a higher amount of future
tax recovery related to the clam business.

Minority interest relates to earnings from Clearwater's investment in its
subsidiaries in Argentina and Newfoundland and Labrador. It was lower
year-to-date in 2007 than in 2006 due to lower net earnings in these


Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) and
leverage are not recognized measures under Canadian GAAP and therefore are
unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.
Management believes that in addition to net income and cash provided by
operating activities, EBITDA is a useful supplemental measure from which to
determine the Fund's ability to generate cash available for debt service,
working capital, capital expenditures, income taxes and distributions. In
addition, as EBITDA and leverage are measures frequently analyzed for public
companies, we have calculated the amount in order to assist readers in this
review. EBITDA should not be construed as an alternative to net earnings
determined in accordance with GAAP as an indicator of performance, as a
measure of liquidity, or as a measure of cash flows and management does not
use this measure as a performance measure of earnings. Please refer to the
section on definitions and reconciliations for calculation of the EBITDA and
leverage referred to in this document.

Capital Structure

Clearwater's capital structure includes a combination of equity and
various types of long-term debt. Clearwater's objective when managing its
capital structure is to obtain the lowest cost of capital available, while
maintaining flexibility and reducing exchange and refinancing risk as

Management believes that available credit will be sufficient to meet
Clearwater's cash requirements. We use leverage, in particular senior
revolving and term debt, to lower our cost of capital. Clearwater maintains
some flexibility in its capital structure, as the amount of capital available
to Clearwater is a function of earnings that can be impacted by known and
unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors outside management's control
including, but not limited to, total allowable catch levels, selling prices,
weather, exchange rates, fuel and other input costs, as well as capital
expenditures and distributions paid. We maintain flexibility in our capital
structure by regularly reviewing forecasts of future results and making any
required changes on a timely basis. These changes can include early repayment
of debt, repurchasing units, issuing new debt or equity, extending the term of
existing debt, selling assets to repay debt and if required, limiting
distributions paid. Refinancing risk is reduced by staggering the maturities
of debt instruments and a policy whereby maturing debt agreements are
revisited and updated or replaced as required in advance of maturity dates.

As at September 29, 2007, the Fund owns 55.32% (December 31, 2006 -
55.71%) of the outstanding partnership units of Clearwater. However, as
Clearwater Fine Foods Incorporated ("CFFI") maintained the right to nominate
the majority of the board of directors of Clearwater at the time of the
initial investment by the Fund, the assets and liabilities at acquisition have
been recorded using the book values as recorded by CFFI.

As at September 29, 2007, the Fund and Clearwater had similar
equity/convertible debt structures as illustrated in the table below:

                                                          Fund    Clearwater

     Publicly Listed Trust Units                    28,949,895
     Class A Partnership Units                                    28,949,895

     Units Held solely by Clearwater Fine Foods
     Special Trust Units                            23,381,217
     Class B Partnership Units                                    23,381,217
                                                    52,331,112    52,331,112

     Convertible debentures/Class C Partnership
     Convertible debentures                       $ 43,005,000
     Class C Partnership Units                                  $ 43,005,000

     Convertible debentures/Class D Partnership
     Convertible debentures                       $ 44,463,000
     Class D Partnership Units                                  $ 44,463,000

Clearwater also has other debt, and as a result its total capital
structure is as follows as of September 29, 2007 and December 31, 2006:

     In (000's)                                           2007          2006

     a. Equity - Partnership units                   $ 171,942     $ 173,079

     b. Convertible debt, Class C units, due in 2010    43,005        46,430

     c. Convertible debt, Class D units, due in 2014    44,463             -

     d. Non-amortizing debt
        Term notes, due in 2008 - 2013                  82,269        86,308
        Bond payable, due in 2010                       50,127        46,795
        Term loan, due in 2091                           3,500         3,500
                                                       135,896       136,603

     e. Amortizing debt
        Marine mortgage                                  4,771         5,584
        Other loans                                      1,544         1,643
                                                         6,315         7,227

     Total capital                                   $ 401,621     $ 363,339

     a. Equity consists of Class A Limited Partnership units, Class B General
        Partnership units, Class C Partnership units and Class D Partnership
        units. Both Class A and Class B units are equally eligible for any
        distributions that are declared by Clearwater. The Class B Partnership
        units were issued concurrent with Special Trust Units that were issued
        by the Fund solely to provide voting rights to Clearwater Class B
        Partnership units held by CFFI.

     b. Convertible debt - In June 2004, 4,081,633 Class C units were issued
        by Clearwater (indirectly) to the Fund concurrently with the issue by
        the Fund of $50 million of convertible debentures ($45 million in
        principal outstanding as at September 29, 2007 when accounting for
        buybacks) to fund capital projects. The Class C units are non-voting,
        redeemable and retractable at a price of $12.25 per unit. These units
        exist under an agreement whereby they will be converted, redeemed or
        retracted in a manner that corresponds to any conversion, redemption
        or repurchase of the convertible debentures of the Fund and in a
        manner that ensures that the distributions on the Class C units will
        be able to (indirectly) fund the ongoing interest payments on the
        convertible debentures. The Class C units are classified in accordance
        with their component parts: the value ascribed to the holders' option
        to convert to units, $882,000 on issuance, was classified as equity
        and the remaining portion of the units was classified as debt. As
        noted previously, Clearwater has repurchased some of this debt such
        that at September 29, 2007, the face value of the debt outstanding was
        $45 million, $43 million net of financing charges and option to
        convert (December 31, 2006 - $47 million, net of option to convert,
        with no netting against financing charges). The convertible debentures
        issued by the Fund are unsecured and subordinated, bear interest at
        7%, and are due on December 31, 2010. They are convertible at any time
        up to maturity at the option of the holder into trust units of the
        Fund at a conversion price of $12.25 per trust unit. The debentures
        pay interest semi-annually in arrears on June 30 and December 31. The
        debentures are not redeemable before December 31, 2007. Subject to
        regulatory approval, the Fund may satisfy its obligation to repay the
        principal amount of the debentures on redemption or at maturity, in
        whole or in part, by delivering that number of trust units equal to
        the amount due divided by 95% of the market price of the trust units
        at that time, plus accrued interest in cash.

     c. Convertible debt - On March 9, 2007, 7,372,881 and on April 10, 2007,
        an additional 769,831 Class D units were issued for proceeds of
        $48 million. Class D units were issued by Clearwater (indirectly) to
        the Fund concurrently with the issue by the Fund of $48 million of
        convertible debentures, $44 million net of financing charges and
        option to convert, to fund potential acquisitions. The Class D units
        are non-voting, redeemable and retractable at a price of $5.90 per
        unit. These units exist under an agreement whereby they will be
        converted, redeemed or retracted in a manner that corresponds to any
        conversion, redemption or repurchase of the convertible debentures of
        the Fund and in a manner that ensures that the distributions on the
        Class D units will be able to (indirectly) fund the ongoing interest
        payments on the convertible debentures. The Class D units are
        classified in accordance with their component parts: the value
        ascribed to the holders' option to convert to units, $1,579,000, has
        been classified as equity and the remaining portion of the units has
        been classified as debt. The convertible debentures issued by the Fund
        are unsecured and subordinated, bear interest at 7.25%, and are due on
        March 31, 2014. They are convertible at any time up to maturity at the
        option of the holder into trust units of the Fund at a conversion
        price of $5.90 per trust unit. The debentures pay interest semi-
        annually in arrears on March 31 and September 30. The debentures are
        not redeemable before March 31, 2010. Subject to regulatory approval,
        the Fund may satisfy its obligation to repay the principal amount of
        the debentures on redemption or at maturity, in whole or in part, by
        delivering that number of trust units equal to the amount due divided
        by 95% of the market price of the trust units at that time, plus
        accrued interest in cash.

     d. Non-amortizing debt - In addition to the convertible debentures and
        Class C and D Partnership units, Clearwater has additional primary
        debt facilities. These facilities include approximately $82 million in
        five and ten year notes in Canadian and U.S. dollars from a syndicate
        of five institutional lenders (with US $20 million available to be
        drawn at market rates until late 2007) and 2,460 million ISK in five-
        year bonds. The 2,460 million ISK bonds yield 6.7%, are adjusted for
        changes in the Icelandic consumer price index (CPI), mature in 2010
        and are unsecured. These bonds have been fully swapped into Canadian,
        U.S., Euro and Pound Sterling debt with floating interest rates. The
        bond is recorded in long-term debt at $39.1 million along with
        $5.6 million of accrued interest and $5.5 million of accrued CPI, both
        of which are completely offset by swap contracts. The mark-to-market
        adjustment related to the bond as of September 29, 2007 is an asset of
        $0.6 million.

        During the second quarter, Clearwater renegotiated the terms and
        maturity of its $60 million revolving term debt facility from a
        syndicate of banks. This facility was not drawn upon at September 29,
        2007. This facility, which matures and is renewable in May 2009 is
        part of a master netting agreement and was in a cash position of
        $14 million as at September 29, 2007.

As part of its strategy to manage its capital structure, the Fund filed a
normal course issuer bid by which it can acquire up to $4.8 million principal
amount of 2007 convertible debentures and $4.5 million principal amount of
2004 convertible debentures in the 12-month period ending August 2008. This is
accompanied by a similar agreement by Clearwater to repurchase Class C
Partnership units. Under a previously filed normal course issuer bid that
expired August 2007, a total of $5 million of the Class C units have been
repurchased ($3 million in fiscal 2006, $1 million in the first quarter of
2007, and $1 million in the third quarter of 2007) and cancelled and the
proceeds were used to repurchase and cancel an equivalent amount of
convertible debentures.

The Board of Trustees believes that repurchase of the Fund's units, from
time to time, may represent an attractive opportunity to realize additional
unitholder value and that the purchase of units would be an appropriate and
desirable use of the Fund's available resources. Therefore, on January 24,
2007, the Fund received approval for a normal course issuer bid which will
enable it to purchase, from time to time, up to 2.5 million outstanding trust
units, which amount represents less than 10% of the public float. Any such
purchases of units would be made during the 12-month period commencing on
January 24, 2007, and in accordance with the requirements of the TSX. The
units will be purchased by the Fund for cancellation and will be accompanied
by a similar repurchase of units by Clearwater. Purchases will be made at
market prices through the facilities of the TSX, and will be funded out of the
Fund's available cash and through borrowings under its existing credit
facility (subject to receiving the approval of its lenders). Year-to-date, the
Fund repurchased and cancelled 457,900 units at a cost of approximately
$2,235,000. The transactions resulted in decreasing the unit value outstanding
by $4,647,000 and increasing contributed surplus by $2,412,000.

Clearwater is in compliance with all of the non-financial and financial
covenants associated with its debt facilities. These covenants include, but
are not limited to, leverage ratios against earnings (excluding most
significant non-cash items and non-recurring items from earnings) and fixed
charge ratios that can limit the amount of distributions paid and the amount
of debt outstanding. In addition, the debt related to these facilities takes
priority over the securities in Clearwater held by the Fund. Due to the items
previously noted that impacted year-to-date results in 2007, earnings were
unusually low, and in turn, leverage has increased as at September 29, 2007
when compared to December 31, 2006. Clearwater will continue to monitor and
manage debt levels based on business needs and opportunities.


Summarized cash flow information in (000's)

For the 13 and 39 week periods ending September 29, 2007 and
September 30, 2006. See statements of cash flows for more detail.

                                13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                              2007          2006          2007          2006

     Cash flow from
      operations (before
      change in working
      capital)              $7,860       $13,249        $6,255       $41,880

     Investing, Financing,
      and change in
      non-cash working
       Change in non-cash
        working capital     (2,193)        4,565        (8,186)       (2,123)
       Other investing
        activities             129          (638)          243           266
       Capital expenditures
        (net of proceeds
        on sale)             4,092          (980)       (5,683)      (15,906)
        to unitholders      (7,875)       (7,918)      (23,692)       (7,918)
       Distributions to
        minority partner      (502)       (2,133)       (3,490)       (4,551)
       Purchase of units    (1,147)            -        (2,235)            -
       Other                     3           761          (363)          857
                            (7,493)       (6,343)      (43,406)      (29,375)

     Decrease (Increase)
      in long-term debt,
      net of cash           $  367        $6,906      $(37,151)      $12,505

During 2007, funded debt (net of cash balances) has increased by
approximately $37 million.

Cash flows generated by Clearwater along with its banking facilities are
used to fund current operations, seasonal working capital demands, capital
expenditures, other commitments and distributions to unitholders. Due to the
seasonality in Clearwater's business, sales and gross profit are typically
higher in the second half of the calendar year than in the first half of the
year. Inventories reach a seasonal peak in the summer due to better weather
for harvesting, resulting in seasonal demands on working capital. Due to the
market conditions, the level of scallop inventory continues to be higher than
normal; as a result a significant portion of working capital is included in
the inventory value. Management recognizes the significant level of scallop
inventory and through its inventory management strategy plans to reduce
inventory to more normalized levels in 2008.


Capital expenditures were $11.5 million year-to-date (2006 -
$17.7 million). Of this amount, $9.2 million (2006 - $16.5 million) was
considered return on investment (ROI) capital and $2.3 million (2006 -
$1.2 million) was maintenance capital. ROI and maintenance capital are tracked
on a project-by-project basis; there are no ROI projects as of September 29,
2007. Significant expenditures that are expected to have an average return in
excess of average cost of capital are classified as ROI, and expenditures that
have less than the average cost of capital are classified as maintenance.

Maintenance capital has historically been approximately $3 million annually.

During the third quarter, Clearwater reached an agreement with the
shipyard that had been constructing the new clam vessel that capsized in June
2007, for a cash settlement of $46 million of which $28 million has been
collected to date. The balance is fully secured through letters of credit and
an assignment of insurance proceeds. We are currently in the process of
converting a vessel from our shrimp fleet into a clam vessel. The conversion
is expected to cost approximately $15 million and delivery is expected in the
second quarter 2008. This investment in new harvesting capacity will result in
growth in sales volumes and greater harvesting efficiencies, which will serve
to boost the profitability of the clam business over the next several years.
The impact of removing this vessel from the shrimp business is expected to be
immaterial as we expect to be able to generate comparable amounts of earnings
from alternative arrangements such as leasing the quota for a royalty.

Clearwater is reviewing its options with regards to the vessel status in
Argentina and plans to perform a major refit on one of its vessels, increasing
the life of the vessel and delaying the need to replace a vessel by
approximately two years.


(Please refer to the definitions and reconciliation section of the MD&A
for the reconciliation between cash flows from operations to distributable

Distributable cash does not have any standardized meaning prescribed by
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and therefore is
unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.
This provides guidance to readers seeking to assess the sustainability of
distributions by comparing distributions paid to the amount of distributable
cash. As distributable cash is a measure frequently analyzed for income
trusts, we have calculated the amount in order to assist readers in this
review. However, distributable cash should not be construed as an alternative
to net earnings determined in accordance with GAAP as an indicator of
performance, as a measure of liquidity, or as a measure of cash flows, and
management does not use this measure as a performance measure of earnings.
Management uses the distributable cash as a measure of cash generated by
Clearwater available for distribution to unitholders without eroding
Clearwater's production capacity.

In the third quarter of 2007, Clearwater generated $5.8 million of
distributable cash (2006 - $10.4 million). Year-to-date, Clearwater generated
$0.5 million of distributable cash (2006 - $35.1 million) and declared
distributions of $23.7 million (2006 - $7.9 million). Please refer to the
distributable cash reconciliation included in this document for detailed
reconciliations of these amounts.

As discussed above, the more significant factors that impacted earnings
in 2007 year-to-date include soft scallop market conditions, clam vessel
disruptions and foreign exchange. The impact of these factors reduced
distributable cash generated year-to-date in 2007 by $34.6 million as compared
to the same period in 2006.

When determining the level of distribution payment, the Trustees consider
the financial results, on-going capital expenditure requirements, leverage and
expectations regarding future earnings. Future earnings can be impacted by a
number of factors including, but not limited to, total allowable catch levels,
selling prices, weather, exchange rates and fuel costs. An update on those
factors is as follows.

     - Current financial results -2007 to date has been impacted by market
       conditions, clam vessel disruptions and foreign exchange, with these
       factors reducing distributable cash generated year-to-date by
       $34.6 million as compared to the equivalent period in 2006.

       As of the third quarter of 2007, EBITDA and distributable cash,
       excluding the impact of non-cash foreign exchange, have declined
       compared to 2006 with the rolling four quarters EBITDA and
       distributable cash being $33 million and $7 million respectively as
       compared to $65 million and $42 million for 2006.

     - Capital expenditures - Clearwater currently has one significant capital
       project in process; the conversion of a vessel for its clam fleet. This
       will cost approximately $15 million and be completed in the second
       quarter of 2008.

       Clearwater has spent approximately $85 million on its fleet in the past
       five years. This has allowed it to implement changes to improve
       profitability through the use of new technology and a younger fleet.
       For greater details on Clearwater's strategy for capital replacement, a
       5-year history of capital expenditures as well as information on
       Clearwater's strategy in maintaining its assets, please refer to the
       Capability to Deliver Results section in the 2006 annual report
       available on our website at

     - Leverage - Due to the items previously noted that impacted 2007's
       results year-to-date and higher debt levels with the new convertible
       debenture issue, leverage has increased compared to December 31, 2006.
       However, it is important to note that Clearwater's lending covenants
       exclude large non-cash items from EBITDA calculations and certain
       subordinated debt. Clearwater is in compliance with all of the non-
       financial and financial covenants associated with its debt facilities.
       Please see the Definitions and Reconciliations section at the end of
       this report for the calculation of leverage.

     - Expectations regarding future earnings - Management expects the fourth
       quarter to continue to show improvement compared to the first half of
       the year as the market for scallops continues to strengthen and the
       through the realization of exchange gains on currency contracts.

The Fund also announced today that the Trustees have initiated a process
for identifying and considering strategic alternatives available to maximize
unitholder value. In addition, in light of the strategic review, the Trustees
have elected to continue distributions for the month of November.

Tom Traves, Chairman of the Trustees, speaking on behalf of the Fund,
said "While the Trustees remain confident in the business and its prospects in
the long term, the Trustees believe that it is appropriate to review
alternatives to maximize value for our unitholders in light of Clearwater's
weak financial performance over the last nine months, the ongoing challenges
facing the Fund in maintaining distributions and the Canadian government's
legislation to tax income trusts. Clearwater continues to be onside on all of
its banking covenants and this decision was not made at the request of any of
its lenders. The Trustees intend to diligently consider a range of
alternatives and will be retaining appropriate advisors to assist in this
process. There can be no assurance that the review process will result in a
decision regarding any transaction or that it will be completed in any
specific time frame."

Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. ("CFFI") has advised The Fund that it is
supportive of the strategic review process being undertaken. Stan Spavold,
Executive Vice President of CFFI, stated "Clearwater has and will continue to
be a long term strategic investment for CFFI and we continue to believe in the
long term prospects of the business. We look forward to working with The Fund
and its financial advisors in reviewing options which will benefit all
unitholders." CFFI holds units of the Fund and CSLP, representing a 47%
interest in the Clearwater business.

Clearwater has a large depreciable asset base and some of the business
units are incorporated. As a result, not all of our distributions are taxable
to unitholders. The following table summarizes the history of the taxation of

                                       Return of      Dividend         Other
     Taxation year                       capital        income        income
     2002                                     62%           4%            34%
     2003                                     45%          20%            35%
     2004                                     62%           3%            35%
     2005                                     52%            -            48%
     2006                                     32%            -            68%
     2007                                     25%           75%            -

     Summary of distributable cash and other key figures

                          13 weeks      39 weeks          year          year
                             ended         ended         ended         ended
                      September 29, September 29,       Dec 31,       Dec 31,
     ($000's)                 2007          2007          2006          2005

     Cash flow from
      operations         $   5,667     $  (1,931)    $  44,648     $  36,142
     Net earnings        $   9,323     $  25,111     $   1,463     $  19,873
     Distributions paid
      or payable         $   7,875     $  23,692     $  15,837     $  27,367
     Distributable cash  $   5,793     $     486     $  42,351     $  27,205
     (Shortfall) excess
      of distributable
      cash over
      paid or payable    $  (2,082)    $ (23,206)    $  26,514     $    (162)
     (Shortfall) excess
      of cash flows
      from operating
      activities over
      distributions paid    (2,208)      (25,623)       28,811         8,775
     (Shortfall) excess
      of net income over
      cash distributions
      paid                   1,448         1,419       (14,374)       (7,494)

Cash on hand was used to fund the distributions year-to-date. The funding
of future distributions will be through an expected increase in cash flow
generated from operating activities, the absence of vessel disruptions and a
measure of stability in exchange rates. When considering the ability of
Clearwater to maintain its current distribution level, as mentioned above, the
Trustees consider current financial conditions, capital expenditures, leverage
and expectations for future earnings.

In July 2007, the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants ("CICA")
released guidance on the calculation and disclosure for distributable cash in
which it requires a calculation of "Standardized Distributable Cash" and
allows a calculation of "Adjusted Standardized Distributable Cash". Adjusted
Standardized Distributable Cash is consistent with the calculation we have
always provided and therefore for the purposes of our report we refer to it as
"distributable cash". Both calculations have been provided in the definitions
and reconciliations sections of the MD&A. The CICA guidance also provides a
number of recommendations on various disclosures. The calculation of
distributable cash is in compliance with the guidance, however management
believes it would be premature to attempt to adopt all disclosure requirements
until such time as greater guidance is provided. The CICA plans to issue a
companion document, which will contain more guidance. Management plans to
review that document when it is issued.


Consolidated Operating Results for the thirteen weeks comprising the
third quarter, in thousands of Canadian dollars. The prior year has been
restated to reflect the impact of the new accounting policy for refits,
adopted in fiscal 2007 and applied retroactively. Please refer to the critical
accounting policies section of the MD&A for further details.

The results of operations of the Fund are entirely related to
Clearwater's performance and therefore the commentary below is on the
operations of Clearwater. The statements of earnings disclosed below reflect
the unaudited interim earnings of Clearwater for the 13-week periods ended
September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006.


                                                          2007          2006

     Sales                                           $  90,555     $  79,939
     Cost of goods sold                                 68,553        56,991
     Gross profit                                       22,002        22,948
                                                          24.3%         28.7%
     Administration and selling                          8,616         9,708
     Loss (gain) on disposal of licences and other,
      net                                               (3,425)         (733)
     Other expense (income)                              1,348        (1,063)
     Insurance claim                                       (79)            -
     Foreign exchange and derivative income             (3,747)       (3,139)
     Bank interest and charges                             260           259
     Interest on long-term debt                          4,743         3,052
     Depreciation and amortization                       2,743         3,525
     Reduction in foreign currency translation
      account                                            1,790             -
                                                        12,249        11,609

     Earnings before income taxes and minority
      interest                                           9,753        11,339
     Income taxes                                       (1,071)        1,329
     Earnings before minority interest                  10,824        10,010
     Minority interest                                   1,501         1,503

     Net earnings                                    $   9,323     $   8,507


     Net Earnings

     Net earnings increased by $0.8 million in the third quarter of 2007.

                                            2007          2006        Change

     Net earnings                      $   9,323     $   8,507     $     816

     Explanation of changes in
       Lower other income                                             (2,411)
       Higher interest on long-term
        debt                                                          (1,691)

       Higher gain on disposal and
        other, net                                                     2,692
       Lower income tax expense                                        2,400

       All other                                                        (174)
                                                                   $     816

     Sales to customers for the quarter by product category were as follows:

                              2007          2006        Change             %

     Scallops            $  29,098     $  29,211     $    (113)            -%
     Lobster                19,400        19,185           215             1%
     Clams                  15,491        16,212          (721)           (4%)
     Coldwater shrimp       13,430        10,484         2,946            28%
     Groundfish and other    2,968         2,066           902            44%
     Crab                   10,168         1,405         8,763           624%
     Hedging program             -         1,376        (1,376)         (100%)

                         $  90,555     $  79,939     $  10,616            13%

Scallop sales are consistent in the third quarter of 2007 compared to the
same period in the prior year, indicating improvement in market conditions,
which had been soft in the first half of 2007. While in previous quarters,
scallop sales had been lower than they had been in the prior year comparable
period; management expects sales for the balance of the year to be comparable
to 2006 for the scallop business, with lower margins due to a different
product mix and lower selling prices.

Lobster sales are relatively consistent with the prior year. We continue
to realize the benefits of our new raw lobster product and the application of
technology that provides a more effective method to sort and grade our live
lobster providing improvements in margins. In addition, in January 2007,
Clearwater purchased an additional offshore lobster licence and related
assets, which based on recent TAC levels, should provide a return on
investment in the 15-20% range and increase our lobster volumes by
approximately 3%.

Clam sales in the third quarter were consistent with the result in the
same period in the prior year as lower volumes were offset with higher selling
prices and a more profitable product mix. The loss of the Atlantic Pursuit and
continued vessel disruptions resulted in significantly lower harvest and sales
volumes in the third quarter of 2007. The impact of these disruptions will
continue to be felt in the fourth quarter as well. Volumes are expected to
continue to be lower until the clam fleet is expanded.

Coldwater shrimp sales are higher than the prior year primarily due to an
increase in volumes. In addition, the fleet experienced lower catching costs
which improved margins.

Crab sales were significantly impacted by a labour dispute in Glace Bay,
Nova Scotia that began in March 2006 and was resolved in the second quarter of
2007. The plant is now operating on a seasonal basis producing crab, which has
translated into greater sales volumes of crab compared to the prior year.

There is no hedging income in 2007. Due to the increasing complexity of
applying accounting standards, Clearwater stopped designating its foreign
exchange derivative contracts as hedges for accounting purposes as of April 2,
2006. This has had the impact of reducing sales and margins compared to the
prior year, as gains or losses on derivative contracts are included below the
gross profit line as opposed to being included in sales.

In summary, sales for the quarter were $10.6 million greater than in
2006, as higher sales from crab and shrimp were only slightly offset by the
change in hedging income.

Foreign exchange reduced sales and margins by approximately $5.1 million
in the third quarter of 2007 when compared to the rates received in the third
quarter of 2006.

                                     2007                        2006
     Currency              % sales          Rate       % sales          Rate

     US Dollars               50.5%        1.046          40.4%        1.160
     Japanese Yen              8.6%        0.010          11.9%        0.010
     Euros                    17.5%        1.434          24.0%        1.446
     UK pounds                 6.2%        2.109           6.4%        2.100
     Canadian dollar
      and other               17.2%                       17.3%
                             100.0%                      100.0%

Clearwater maintains an active hedging program to provide a higher degree
of certainty to future Canadian dollar cash flows. For additional detail
please refer to the year-to-date analysis as well as note 3 in the financial

Administration and selling costs are lower in the quarter than they were
in the similar quarter of the previous year as the bonus expense is lower in

Loss (gain) on disposal of licences and other, net includes a gain on
sale of non-core fishing licenses of approximately $4.1 million in 2007 and
$0.8 million in 2006.

Other income is lower in 2007 mainly due to a lower export rebate. In the
third quarter of 2007, approximately $0.7 million of the export rebate
receivable was written down due to changes in the rules for the government
rebate program in Argentina. As well, quota rental and royalties were lower
when compared to the prior year as 2006 included the revenue related to the
licence rental for the quota related to the Glace Bay plant when it was not in

     Other expense (income) detail for the quarter
     In (000's)                                           2007          2006

     Export rebate                                   $     573     $    (413)
     Investment expense (income)                            15          (214)
     Quota rental and royalties                              -          (767)
     Other                                                 760           331

                                                     $   1,348     $  (1,063)

Foreign exchange and derivative contract income was $3.7 million in 2007
versus $3.1 million in 2006. From a cash perspective, the business generated
$0.4 million of cash from foreign exchange management in 2007 versus
$2.1 million in 2006.

     Foreign exchange and derivative contract
     detail for the quarter in (000's)                    2007          2006

     Realized loss (gain)
       Foreign exchange derivatives                       (923)       (2,959)
       Other realized                                      490           895
                                                          (433)       (2,064)

     Unrealized (gain)/loss
       Foreign exchange on balance sheet                (4,088)        3,274
       Mark-to-market on foreign exchange derivative
        contracts                                         (164)          396
       Mark-to-market on interest and currency swap
        contracts                                          938        (4,745)
                                                        (3,314)       (1,075)

     Total exchange gain                             $  (3,747)    $  (3,139)

Bank interest and interest on long-term debt increased as in 2006
$765,000 million of interest was capitalized. This increase was partially
offset by a change in the method of accounting for an inflation indexed bond
was partially offset by the new convertible debentures issued in the first
quarter of 2007. Prior to 2007, interest expense included an estimate of the
assumed inflation rate on the Icelandic bond. The estimated change in the
liability associated with inflation indexing is included in foreign exchange
and derivative contract expense for 2007.

Depreciation and amortization is lower compared to the third quarter of
2006 primarily due to a lower depreciable asset base in 2007.

The reduction in foreign currency translation account is a non-cash
adjustment related to a reduction of Clearwater's net investment in its
subsidiary in Argentina.

Income taxes have decreased compared to the prior year partially due to
lower net earnings in taxable entities along with a higher amount of future
tax recovery related to the clam business.


The long-term outlook for Clearwater is strong, based on the Clearwater's
numerous competitive advantages, including our ownership of significant quotas
in key species, our innovations in harvesting and processing technologies, and
our vertical integration, which allows Clearwater to manage marketing, sales
and distribution in-house. While the Clearwater's results for the third
quarter and year-to-date reflect the impacts of external factors like currency
fluctuations and market conditions, they also illustrate how Clearwater
employs sound business strategies to keep our focus on long-term unitholder
value. In a quarter that presented the Company with a number of challenges, we
were nevertheless able to increase our sales and improve profitability. The
discipline and focus on long-term results that enabled us to accomplish this
are the same characteristics that will permit Clearwater to ride out the
temporary challenges and return to our traditional levels of performance.

The factors that impacted earnings so far this year - scallop market
conditions, foreign exchange and clam vessel disruptions - reduced
distributable cash generated year-to-date by $34.6 million as compared to
2006. However, the quarterly results continue to strengthen, and we expect
this improvement to continue into the fourth quarter. Management believes that
with continued strengthening of market conditions for the scallop business,
the absence of further vessel disruptions in the fourth quarter and an
increase in realized foreign exchange income we will continue to generate
positive cash flows.

The Fund also announced today that the Trustees have initiated a process
for identifying and considering strategic alternatives available to maximize
unitholder value. In addition, in light of the strategic review, the Trustees
have elected to continue distributions for the month of November.

Tom Traves, Chairman of the Trustees, speaking on behalf of the Fund,
said "While the Trustees remain confident in the business and its prospects in
the long term, the Trustees believe that it is appropriate to review
alternatives to maximize value for our unitholders in light of Clearwater's
weak financial performance over the last nine months, the ongoing challenges
facing the Fund in maintaining distributions and the Canadian government's
legislation to tax income trusts. Clearwater continues to be onside on all of
its banking covenants and this decision was not made at the request of any of
its lenders. The Trustees intend to diligently consider a range of
alternatives and will be retaining appropriate advisors to assist in this
process. There can be no assurance that the review process will result in a
decision regarding any transaction or that it will be completed in any
specific time frame."

Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. ("CFFI") has advised The Fund that it is
supportive of the strategic review process being undertaken. Stan Spavold,
Executive Vice President of CFFI, stated "Clearwater has and will continue to
be a long term strategic investment for CFFI and we continue to believe in the
long term prospects of the business. We look forward to working with The Fund
and its financial advisors in reviewing options which will benefit all
unitholders." CFFI holds units of the Fund and CSLP, representing a 47%
interest in the Clearwater business.

With the loss of the clam vessel under construction, the improvements
that were anticipated to provide additional profit within the clam business
throughout 2008 will be delayed and realized in the later part of 2008.
Management continues to believe there is strong potential for growth in the
clam business, and is in the process of converting the replacement for the
vessel so as to bolster the clam fleet as quickly as possible.

At Clearwater, we recognize that the seafood industry is characterized by
an inherent variability - and we have become a leader in this business over
the course of decades by recognizing how to mitigate the impacts of short-term
challenges. In the months ahead, we will continue to work to mitigate the
impacts of external variables on our business - and will pursue our long-term
strategies to deliver unitholder value.


Clearwater's critical accounting policies are those that are important to
the portrayal of Clearwater's financial position and operations and require
management to make judgments based on underlying estimates and assumptions
about future events and their effects. Underlying estimates and assumptions
are based on historical experience and other factors that are believed by
management to be reasonable under the circumstances. These estimates and
assumptions are subject to change as new events occur, as more experience is
acquired, as additional information is obtained, and as the operating
environment changes. Refer to the annual report for a complete listing of
critical accounting policies and estimates used in the preparation of the
consolidated financial statements.

Impact of recently adopted accounting policies

Due to the increasing complexity of applying accounting standards, as
well as the requirement to adopt the Comprehensive Income accounting standard
in the future, Clearwater no longer designated contracts as hedges for
accounting purposes, effective April 2, 2006. As a result, it recorded the
fair value of these contracts as an asset ($1.9 million at April 1, 2006) with
the offsetting gain deferred and amortized at that time. From that point
forward, all contracts were marked-to-market each reporting period and any
gains or losses, both realized and unrealized, were included in foreign
exchange income.

During the course of the quarter, Clearwater reviewed all new accounting
standards issued by the CICA in order to determine the impact of the new
standards, if any.

Impact of accounting policies adopted this year-to-date:

Financial instruments and comprehensive income

     Effective January 1, 2007, Clearwater adopted the new CICA Handbook
     Standards relating to financial instruments. These new standards have
     been adopted on a prospective basis with no restatement of prior period
     financial statements.

     (a) Financial Instruments

         Section 3855, "Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement"
         provides guidance on the recognition and measurement of financial
         assets, financial liabilities and non-financial derivatives. This new
         standard requires that all financial assets and liabilities be
         classified as one of the following: held-for-trading, held-to-
         maturity, loans and receivables, available-for-sale or other
         financial liabilities. The initial and subsequent recognition depends
         on their initial classification.

           Held-for-trading assets are carried at fair value with transaction
           costs expensed immediately and gains and losses recognized in net
           earnings in the period in which they arise. Held-to-maturity
           financial assets and loans and receivables are initially recognized
           at their fair values and subsequently measured at amortized cost
           using the effective interest rate method, with gains and losses
           recognized in net earnings in the period in which they arise.
           Available-for-sale assets are carried at fair value with gains and
           losses recognized in comprehensive income. Other financial
           liabilities are initially measured at cost or at amortized cost
           depending on the nature of the instrument and are subsequently
           measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate
           method, with gains and losses recognized in net earnings in the
           period in which they arise.

           The standard requires Clearwater to make certain elections, upon
           initial adoption of the new rules, regarding the accounting model
           to be used to account for each financial instrument. The following
           is a summary of the accounting model Clearwater has elected to
           apply to each of its significant categories of financial
           instruments outstanding as of January 1, 2007:

             Cash                                           Held-for-trading
             Accounts receivable                       Loans and receivables
             Derivative financial instruments               Held-for-trading

             Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      Other liabilities
             Long-term debt                                Other liabilities
             Due to joint venture partner                  Other liabilities
             Commodity contracts                            Held-for-trading

           As a result of the adoption of this section, Clearwater reflected
           the following adjustments as of January 1, 2007:

             - $71,000 was adjusted to the opening retained earnings for
               January 1, 2007. This related to long-term debt.
             - A presentational reclassification of amounts previously
               recorded in "Cumulative foreign currency translation account"
               to "Accumulated other comprehensive income".

           Deferred financing costs related to debt are no longer presented as
           other assets on the balance sheet but are now netted against the
           debt. This change in accounting policy resulted in a decrease of
           $2.8 million in the amount of long-term debt as of January 1, 2007.

     (b) Comprehensive Income

         Section 1530, "Comprehensive Income" requires separate disclosure of
         comprehensive income and its components in the financial statements.
         Other comprehensive income includes the exchange gains and losses
         arising from the translation of the financial statements of self-
         sustaining foreign operations. The effect of exchange rate variations
         on the translation of Clearwater's net assets of self-sustaining
         foreign operations has been recorded as "Other comprehensive income
         (loss), net of tax".

Refit accruals

In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the United
States issued FASB AUG AIR-1, Accounting for Planned Major Maintenance
Activities. This standard, which is effective January 1, 2007, amends the
guidance for planned major maintenance activities; specifically, it precludes
the use of the previously acceptable "accrue in advance" method, the method
previously used by Clearwater.

In the absence of specific guidance in Canada on this topic, we believe
it appropriate to follow FASB AUG AIR-1 and therefore adopted this standard on
January 1, 2007. As a result of adopting this standard, we have reduced
opening refit accruals by $4.9 million, reduced future tax assets by $295,000,
increased future tax liability by $260,000 and reduced the opening deficit by
$4.3 million. This change in policy will result in more variability in
earnings as refit expenses were previously amortized over a period of years
and now will be expensed as incurred. This policy has been applied
retroactively. As a result, $3.0 million has been expensed year-to-date in
2007 ($3.0 million in 2006). In 2006, annual refit costs were approximately
$3.3 million. Management expects the annual refit costs for 2007 to be in line
with the prior year.

As a result of adopting this standard, comparative figures for 2006 have
been restated. We have made the following adjustments:

                                                     January 1,      Sept 30,
                                                          2007          2006
                                                                    13 weeks

     Balance Sheet
     Reduction in accounts payable and accrued
      liabilities                                    $   4,849     $   4,576
     Reduction in other long-term assets                  (295)         (250)
     Increase in future income taxes liability            (260)         (429)
     Reduction in deficit                            $   4,294     $   3,897

     Income statement
     Decrease in cost of goods sold                          -           529
     Increase in future tax expense                          -           128
     Increase in net earnings                                -           401

     Future Income Tax and other

The Fund recorded a future income tax expense of $34 million in the
second quarter of 2007, accounting for the largest change in the Fund's net
income (loss) quarter-over-quarter and on a year-to-date basis in 2007
relative to the prior year. The second quarter expense reflects the impact of
the trust tax legislation. With the June 2007 substantive enactment of Bill   
C-52, a new 31.5 per cent tax will be applied to distributions from Canadian
public trusts starting in 2011. As a result, the Fund recorded a $34 million
future income tax expense and corresponding future income tax liability
related to the differences between the accounting and tax basis of the Fund's
and underlying partnership's assets. Prior to this legislation, the Fund did
not record future income taxes, as it was not subject to income tax. While net
income in the second quarter of 2007 was reduced significantly by this future
income tax adjustment, there was no impact on cash from operating activities.
On October 30, 2007, the Canadian Federal Government announced changes to the
tax rates that will reduce the proposed tax applied to distributions for
Canadian public income trusts from 31.5 per cent to 29.5% in 2011 and 28.5%
for 2012 and beyond.

     Impact of standards to be adopted in the future


The CICA has issued a new standard on inventories, which provides more
guidance on the determination of cost (it will now require an allocation of
overheads), allows reversal of impairment losses, and provides additional
disclosures. The implementation date is January 1, 2008. Management is in the
process of implementing changes to comply with the new standard on January 1,


The following financial data provides historical data for the ten most
recently completed quarters. Please note that only the first, second and third
quarters of 2006 have been restated for the change in refit policy.

     (In 000's except
      per unit amounts)
                             First        Second         Third        Fourth
                           Quarter       Quarter       Quarter       Quarter

     Fiscal 2007
       Sales             $  59,095     $  75,311     $  90,555
       Net earnings          3,668        12,120         9,323
       Basic earnings
        per unit              0.07          0.23          0.18

     Fiscal 2006
       Sales             $  70,349     $  81,312     $  79,939     $  84,136
       Net earnings
        (loss)               1,634        10,407         8,507       (19,130)
       Basic earnings
        per unit              0.03          0.22          0.16         (0.39)

     Fiscal 2005
       Sales             $  67,359     $  69,712     $  93,548     $  84,220
       Net earnings          1,645         1,371        12,136         4,721
       Basic earnings
        per unit              0.03          0.03          0.23          0.09

Clearwater's business is seasonal in nature, with sales typically higher
in the second half of the calendar year than the first half of the year, a
trend illustrated in the results above.

Net earnings also reflect some growth in 2005 and 2006, but have been
impacted by changes in foreign exchange rates. The impact of the foreign
exchange rates is clearly seen in the volatility of earnings in the quarterly
results, and in particular in the fourth quarter of 2006, which included large
non-cash losses related to foreign exchange derivatives.

For a more detailed analysis of each quarter's results, please refer to
our quarterly reports and our annual reports.


Distributable Cash

Distributable cash does not have any standardized meaning prescribed by
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and therefore is
unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.
Management believes that distributable cash is a useful supplemental measure
as it provides an indication of cash available for distribution to readers
seeking to assess the sustainability of distributions by comparing
distributions paid to the amount of distributable cash. In addition, as
distributable cash is a measure frequently analyzed for income trusts we have
calculated the amount in order to assist readers in this review. Distributable
cash should not be construed as an alternative to net earnings determined in
accordance with GAAP as an indicator of performance, as a measure of liquidity
or as a measure of cash flows and management does not use this measure as a
performance measure of earnings. Management uses the distributable cash as a
measure of cash generated by Clearwater available for distribution to
unitholders without eroding Clearwater's production capacity.

We calculate distributable cash by starting with the actual cash from
operating activities. From that we add or deduct as appropriate actual changes
in working capital and gains/losses on disposals of property, plant, equipment
and licences. Finally, we deduct the actual amount of our minority partners
share in EBITDA, interest and taxes and the amount spent on capital
expenditures that management has designated as being for maintenance rather
than growth.

This reconciliation has been prepared using reasonable and supportable
assumptions, all of which reflect Clearwater's planned courses of action given
management's judgement about the most probable set of economic conditions. Any
adjustments based on forward-looking information may vary from actual results,
perhaps materially.

Distributable cash generated was $0.5 million year-to-date in 2007
compared to $35.1 million generated in the first nine months of 2006. In
determining the payment of distributions, Clearwater considers the financial
results, on-going capital expenditure requirements, leverage and expectations
regarding future earnings. Future earnings can be impacted by a number of
factors including, but not limited to, total allowable catch levels, selling
prices, weather, exchange rates and fuel costs.

As discussed above, factors including market conditions, foreign exchange
and clam vessel disruptions impacted earnings year-to-date in 2007. These
impacts also translated into a reduction of distributable cash generated by
$34.6 million as compared to 2006.

                          13 weeks      13 weeks      39 weeks      39 weeks
                             ended         ended         ended         ended
                      September 29  September 30, September 29, September 30,
     ($000's)                 2007          2006          2007          2006
     Cash flow from
      activities         $   5,667     $  17,814     $  (1,931)    $  39,757
     Add (deduct):

        expenditures per
        cash flow           (1,073)       (1,878)      (11,571)      (17,741)
        Cash                 4,594        15,936       (13,502)       22,016

       Change in non-cash
        working capital A    2,193        (5,094)        8,186         1,773
       Minority share
        EBITDA, int.,
        taxes B               (674)       (1,793)       (2,844)       (5,918)
       Adjustment for ROI
        capital C                -         1,328         9,191        16,469
       Gain (loss) on
        disposal P,P,E /
        licences D            (320)          (15)         (545)          774

        cash             $   5,793     $  10,362     $     486     $  35,114
     Distributions E     $   7,875     $   7,918     $  23,692     $   7,918

       A. Change in non-cash working capital is excluded as changes in working
          capital are, for the most part, due to seasonality and tend to
          reverse over the year and are financed using Clearwater's debt
          facilities. Changes in this item depend on variables including, but
          not limited to, supply and demand, collectibility of accounts and
          timing of payments. Due to the seasonal nature of the seafood
          industry, inventories tend to build up over the summer months due to
          more favourable fishing conditions, as well as during seasonal buys
          for product such as lobster.

       B. Minority share in EBITDA, interest and taxes represents cash flows
          attributable to the minority interest in certain non-wholly owned
          subsidiaries. It is the calculated minority partners' interest in
          the earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
          of the subsidiaries less their proportionate share of the interest
          and taxes. The adjustment is based on the actual results of minority
          interest entities and can fluctuate based on the results from the
          particular businesses.

       C. Proportionate maintenance capital represents capital expenditures
          that are related to sustaining existing assets rather than expansion
          or productivity improvement. The adjustment includes all capital
          expenditures with the exception of those projects designated as ROI
          projects based on achieving at least a 20% return on investment -
          such projects are disclosed in the capital expenditure section of
          the MD&A. The amount can vary and may relate to actual and expected
          spending and future benefit when determining if the project is a
          maintenance project or ROI project. For additional information
          please refer to the 2006 annual report.

       D. Gains (losses) on property, plant and equipment are added back
          (deducted) as during the course of operating the business Clearwater
          will typically realize gains and losses from the turnover of assets,
          which occurs frequently due to Clearwater's focus on innovation.
          This includes gains and losses in the investing section of the
          Statement of Cash Flows along with any other minor adjustments not
          significant to disclose separately. The amount can vary and may
          relate to actual spending.

       E. There were no distributions for the first and second quarter of

       Clearwater's business is seasonal in nature, with the result that lower
       amounts of distributable cash are generated in the first half of the
       year as compared to the latter half.

Gross Profit

Gross profit consists of sales less harvesting, production, distribution,
and manufacturing costs.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)

Non-cash foreign exchange losses and gains have been backed out of the
calculation of EBITDA due to the variability in non-cash gains and losses.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) is
not a recognized measure under Canadian GAAP, and therefore is unlikely to be
comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Management
believes that in addition to net income and cash provided by operating
activities, EBITDA is a useful supplemental measure from which to determine
the Fund's ability to generate cash available for debt service, working
capital, capital expenditures, income taxes and distributions. In addition, as
EBITDA is a measure frequently analyzed for public companies, we have
calculated the amount in order to assist readers in this review. EBITDA should
not be construed as an alternative to net earnings determined in accordance
with GAAP as an indicator of performance, as a measure of liquidity, or as a
measure of cash flows and management does not use this measure as a
performance measure of earnings.

Reconciliation of four quarters ended September 29, 2007 and four
quarters ended December 31, 2006 EBITDA

                                                          Four          Four
                                                      quarters      quarters
                                                         ended         ended
                                                  September 29,  December 31,
     ($000's)                                             2007          2006
     Net earnings                                    $   5,981     $   1,463
       Minority interest                                 4,449         5,633
       Income taxes                                       (900)        3,853
       Reduction in foreign currency translation         2,462         2,369
       Foreign exchange and derivative loss (income)
        unrealized                                      (6,137)       23,030
       Depreciation and amortization                    12,196        14,766
       Interest on long-term debt                       14,427        13,110
       Bank interest and charges                           944           953

     EBITDA                                          $  33,422     $  65,177


Leverage is not a recognized measure under Canadian GAAP, and therefore
is unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.
Management believes leverage to be a useful term when discussing liquidity. In
addition, as leverage is a measure frequently analyzed for public companies we
have calculated the amount in order to assist readers in this review. Leverage
should not be construed as an indicator of performance, as a measure of
liquidity or as a measure of cash flows, and management does not use this
measure as a performance measure of earnings.

Leverage is calculated by dividing the current and preceding three
quarters' EBITDA by the total debt on the balance sheet adjusted for cash
reserves, cash and currency hedges for the Icelandic debt for the period.

                                    September 29,                December 31,
     ($000's)                               2007                        2006
     EBITDA (as per
      previous table)                  $  33,422                   $  65,177
     Total debt (per below)              207,004                     187,619
     Leverage                                6.2                         2.9

     Debt per balance
      sheet                              229,679                     190,260
     Adjust ISK
      denominated bond to
      swapped value:
       Less Icelandic
        bond               (50,127)                    (46,795)
       Estimated payment
        for Icelandic
        (excluding CPI)     44,307        (5,820)       47,004           209
                          ------------------------    ------------------------
     Reduce cash by
      unreserved cash
       Less cash balance   (16,855)                    (10,850)
       Add cash reserve
        for new vessels          -       (16,855)        8,000        (2,850)
     Net debt for
      leverage                           207,004                     187,619
                                    --------------              --------------

     Estimated payment for Icelandic bond when considering currency swaps

     September 29, 2007                                Current
     Currency in (000's)                  Amount          rate    Canadian $
     Canadian                          $  25,000         1.000     $  25,000
     US                                $   9,708        0.9963         9,672
     Euro                                  2,500        1.4166         3,541
     Sterling                              3,000        2.0313         6,094
                                                                   $  44,307

     December 31, 2006                                 Current
     Currency in (000's)                  Amount          rate    Canadian $
     Canadian                          $  25,000         1.000     $  25,000
     US                                $   9,708        1.1653        11,313
     Euro                                  2,500        1.5377         3,844
     Sterling                              3,000        2.2824         6,847
                                                                   $  47,004

     Consolidated Balance Sheets

     (In thousands of dollars)

                                                  September 29,  December 31,
                                                          2007          2006
                                                                 (as revised
                                                                   note 1(c))


     Current Assets
       Distributions and interest receivable
        from Clearwater Seafoods Limited
        Partnership                                  $   2,277     $   1,486
     Investment in Clearwater Seafoods
       Limited Partnership (note 2)                    364,873       321,645
                                                     $ 367,150     $ 323,131

     Liabilities and Unitholders' Equity

     Current Liabilities
       Distributions and interest payable            $   2,251     $   1,470

     Convertible debentures (note 3)                    91,186        46,430

     Future income taxes (note 4)                       34,000             -
     Unitholders' Equity
       Trust units (note 5)                            296,180       299,282
     Contributed surplus                                 2,412             -
     Deficit                                           (58,879)      (24,051)
                                                       239,713       275,231

                                                     $ 367,150     $ 323,131

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Subsequent event (note 8)

     Consolidated Statements of Earnings and Deficit
     13 and 39 week periods ended September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006

     (In thousands                13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
      of dollars)             2007          2006          2007          2006
     (unaudited)            (as revised note 1(c))      (as revised note 1(c))

     Equity in net
      earnings of
      Partnership        $   5,932     $   4,675     $  14,618     $  12,145
     Loss on investment     (2,047)            -        (2,047)            -
     Interest income         1,782           872         4,371         2,627
     Interest expense       (1,930)         (900)       (4,627)       (2,711)
     Future income
      taxes (note 4)             -             -       (34,000)            -

     Net earnings (loss)     3,737         4,647       (21,685)       12,061

     Deficit at
      beginning of
      period as
      previously stated    (58,301)      (11,682)      (26,453)      (19,343)
      adjustment for
      the application
      of new financial
      sections by
      equity investee
      (note 1 (a))               -             -           (40)            -
     Application of
      new refit policy
      by equity
      (note 1 (c))               -         1,948         2,402         2,195
     Deficit at
      beginning of
      period restated      (58,301)       (9,734)      (24,091)      (17,148)

      paid during the
      period                (4,366)       (4,411)      (13,171)       (4,411)

     Adjustment for
      cancellation of
      debentures                51            17            68            17
     Deficit at end
      of period          $ (58,879)    $  (9,481)    $ (58,879)    $  (9,481)

     Basic and diluted
      net earnings (loss)
      per trust unit     $    0.13     $    0.16     $   (0.75)    $    0.39

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
     13 and 39 week periods ended September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006

     (In thousands
      of dollars)                 13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
     (unaudited)              2007          2006          2007          2006

     Net earnings
      (loss)             $   3,737     $   4,647     $ (21,685)    $  12,061

     Other comprehensive
      income, net of tax
      unrealized gains
      and losses on
      statements of
      foreign operations       147          (105)          532             4

      income (loss)      $   3,884     $   4,542     $ (21,153)    $  12,065

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
     13 and 39 week periods ended September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006

     (In thousands
      of dollars)                 13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
     (unaudited)              2007          2006          2007          2006

     Cash flows (used in)
      from operating
       Net earnings      $   3,737     $   4,647     $ (21,685)    $  12,061
       Items not
        involving cash
         Equity in net
          earnings of
          net of cash
          received of
          39 weeks
          (2006 -
          $ 4,411,
          39 weeks -
          $ 4,411)          (1,567)         (286)       (1,447)       (7,756)
         Future income
          taxes                  -             -        34,000             -
         Loss on
          investment         2,047             -         2,047             -
         Other                 149            28           256            84
                             4,366         4,389        13,171         4,389
     Cash flows
      (used in) from
       Repurchase of
        debentures          (1,000)         (991)       (2,000)         (991)
       Repurchase of
        Class A units       (1,147)            -        (2,235)            -
       Issuance of
        debentures               -             -        48,042             -
        to unitholders      (4,366)       (4,411)      (13,171)       (4,411)
                            (6,513)       (5,402)       30,636        (5,402)

     Cash flows
      (used in) from
     Redemption of
      Class A units          1,147             -         2,235             -
       Redemption of
        Class C units        1,000         1,013         2,000         1,013
       Purchase of
        Class D units            -             -       (48,042)            -
                             2,147         1,013       (43,807)        1,013

      in cash                    -             -             -             -

     Cash -
      of period                  -             -             -             -

     Cash -
      end of period      $       -    $        -    $        -    $        -

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

     (Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of dollars)


Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund (the "Fund") is a limited purpose,
open-ended trust established under the laws of the Province of Ontario. The
Fund was created to acquire and indirectly hold the securities of Clearwater
Seafoods Limited Partnership ("Clearwater").

The unaudited interim period consolidated financial statements have been
prepared by the Fund in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles ("GAAP"). The preparation of financial data is based on accounting
policies and practices consistent with those used in the preparation of the
audited annual consolidated financial statements except as described in 1 (a)
and 1 (b). These unaudited interim period consolidated financial statements do
not contain all the disclosures required in annual audited financial
statements by Canadian GAAP and accordingly should be read together with the
audited annual consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes
included in the Fund's 2006 Annual Report.

These consolidated financial statements consolidate the accounts of the
Fund and its subsidiary, Clearwater Seafoods Holdings Trust ("CSHT"). CSHT
owns 55.32% (December 31, 2006 - 55.71%) of the units of Clearwater. However,
as the Fund does not have the right to nominate the majority of the board of
directors, it does not consolidate the results of Clearwater's operations but
rather accounts for the investment using the equity method. Under this method,
the cost of the investment is increased by the Fund's proportionate share of
Clearwater's earnings and reduced by any distributions paid to the Fund by
Clearwater and amortization of the purchase price discrepancy. Due to the
limited amount of information that this provides on the underlying operations
of Clearwater, the financial statements of Clearwater are also enclosed.

     (a) Effective January 1, 2007, the Fund adopted the new CICA Handbook
         Standards relating to financial instruments. These new standards have
         been adopted on a prospective basis with no restatement of prior
         period financial statements.

         Section 3855, "Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement"
         provides guidance on the recognition and measurement of financial
         assets, financial liabilities and non-financial derivatives. This new
         standard requires that all financial assets and liabilities be
         classified as one of the following: held-for-trading, held-to-
         maturity, loans and receivables, available-for-sale or other
         financial liabilities. The initial and subsequent recognition depends
         on their initial classification.

         Held-for-trading assets are carried at fair value with transaction
         costs expensed immediately and gains and losses recognized in net
         earnings in the period in which they arise. Held-to-maturity
         financial assets and loans and receivables are initially recognized
         at their fair values and subsequently measured at amortized cost
         using the effective interest rate method, with gains and losses
         recognized in net earnings in the period in which they arise.
         Available-for-sale assets are carried at fair value with gains and
         losses recognized in comprehensive income. Other financial
         liabilities are initially measured at cost or at amortized cost,
         depending upon the nature of the instrument, and are subsequently
         measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method,
         with gains and losses recognized in net earnings in the period in
         which they arise.

         The standard requires the Fund to make certain elections, upon
         initial adoption of the new rules, regarding the accounting model to
         be used to account for each financial instrument. The following is a
         summary of the accounting model the Fund has elected to apply to each
         of its significant categories of financial instruments outstanding as
         of January 1, 2007:

         Distribution and interest receivable       Loans and receivables
         Distribution and interest payable              Other liabilities
         Convertible debentures                         Other liabilities

         As a result of the adoption of this section, the following
         adjustments have been made as of January 1, 2007 (reflecting their
         equity interest in adjustments made by Clearwater):

         - Investment in Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership was increased
           by $40,000 and
         - Deficit was reduced by $40,000. This related to the amortization of
           the deferred financing charges associated with the convertible

     (b) Comprehensive Income

         Section 1530, "Comprehensive Income" requires separate disclosure of
         comprehensive income and its components in the financial statements.
         Other comprehensive income includes the exchange gains and losses
         arising from the translation of the financial statements of self-
         sustaining foreign operations. The effect of exchange rate variations
         on the translation of Clearwater's net assets of self-sustaining
         foreign operations has been recorded as "Other comprehensive income
         (loss), net of tax".

     (c) In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the
         United States issued FASB AUG AIR-1, Accounting for Planned Major
         Maintenance Activities. This standard, which is effective January 1,
         2007, amends the guidance for planned major maintenance activities;
         specifically it precludes the use of the previously acceptable
         "accrue in advance" method, the method used by Clearwater in the
         past. In the absence of specific guidance in Canada on this topic, we
         believe it appropriate to follow FASB AUG AIR-1 and therefore have
         adopted this standard on January 1, 2007. As a result of adopting
         this standard, comparative figures for 2006 have been restated. The
         Fund made the following adjustment as a result:

                                                      13 weeks      39 weeks
                                                         ended         ended
                                       January 1, September 30, September 30,
                                            2007          2006          2006

     Increase in investment in
     Seafoods Limited Partnership      $   2,402     $   2,155     $   2,155
     Reduction in opening deficit          2,402         1,948         2,195
     Increase (decrease) in equity
      in net earnings of Clearwater
      Seafoods Limited Partnership             -           223           (24)


     The investment in Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership consists of the

                                                  September 29,  December 31,
                                                          2007          2006

     Investment in Class A Partnership units,
      at cost                                        $ 293,808     $ 298,454
     Investment in Class C Partnership units            45,000        47,000
     Investment in Class D Partnership units            48,041             -
     Add: Cumulative equity in net earnings             95,246        80,242

     Less:  Cumulative distributions received         (117,222)     (104,051)

                                                     $ 364,873     $ 321,645

The majority of Clearwater's underlying assets consists of licences that
enable Clearwater to harvest various species of seafood. These licences have
indefinite lives, are not amortized and are tested for impairment annually, or
more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset
might be impaired. The Fund analyzes the carrying value of its investment in
Clearwater as if it had consolidated Clearwater with the Fund. This assessment
of the investment in Clearwater may not reflect the current market value of
the business as it includes various long-term assumptions related to
Clearwater's operations.

Included in equity in net earnings for the quarter is a recovery of
$795,000, 39 weeks - $705,000 (quarter ended September 30, 2006 an expense of
- $40,000, 39 weeks - $721,000) for amortization and other adjustments
relating to purchase price discrepancies recognized by the Fund in accounting
for its investment in Clearwater using the equity method.

During 2007 Clearwater repurchased 457,900 Class A Units from the Fund
for $2,235,000 (2006 - nil). Clearwater also repurchased $2 million Class C
units from the Fund for $2,000,00 (2006 - $3,000,000). The net loss on the
sale of the units by the Fund to Clearwater was $2,047,000. There was no gain
or loss on the disposal of the Class C units.

In March 2007, 7,372,881 Class D units were issued concurrently by
Clearwater with the issue by the Fund of $43.5 million of Convertible
Debentures and an additional $4.5 million in April and are held by the Fund
through CSHT. The Class D units are redeemable and retractable at a price of
$5.90 per unit.

Details of the allocation of the excess of the Fund's cost over the
historical cost of the assets recorded by Clearwater are as follows:

                                                  September 29,  December 31,
                                                          2007          2006

     Intangible assets
       Licences - indefinite lives                     186,314       189,260
       Customer relationships and other                    466           518
     Goodwill                                           14,018        14,240
     Long-term liabilities                                 409           504
     Cumulative foreign currency translation
      account                                           (5,330)       (6,254)
                                                  ------------- --------------
                                                     $ 195,877     $ 198,268
                                                  ------------- --------------
                                                  ------------- --------------


On June 15, 2004, the Fund completed an offering for $50 million of 7%
convertible unsecured subordinated debentures, which are due December 31,
2010. The convertible debentures are convertible at any time up to maturity at
the option of the holder into trust units of the Fund at a conversion price of
$12.25 per trust unit. The debentures pay interest semi-annually in arrears on
June 30 and December 31, commencing December 31, 2004. The debentures are not
redeemable before December 31, 2007. On and after December 31, 2007, but
before December 31, 2008, the debentures may be redeemed at the option of the
Fund provided that the market price of the trust units is not less than 125%
of the conversion price. On and after December 31, 2008, the debentures may be
redeemed at the option of the Fund at a price equal to their principal amount
plus accrued interest. Subject to regulatory approval, the Fund may satisfy
its obligation to repay the principal amount of the debentures on redemption
or at maturity, in whole or in part, by delivering that number of trust units
equal to the amount due divided by 95% of the market price of the trust units
at that time, plus accrued interest in cash. The convertible debentures are
classified in accordance with their component parts: the value ascribed to the
holder's option to convert to units has been classified as equity and the
remaining portion of the convertible debenture has been classified as debt.

The Fund filed a normal course issuer bid by which it can acquire up to
$5 million principal amount of convertible debentures in the 12-month period
commencing August 2006. Any repurchase at the Fund level would be accompanied
by a similar repurchase of Class C Partnership units by Clearwater. During the
year ended December 31, 2006, $3 million of the Class C units were repurchased
by Clearwater and cancelled with the proceeds used to repurchase and cancel an
equivalent amount of convertible debentures. During the first quarter of 2007,
an additional $1 million of the Class C units were repurchased by Clearwater
and cancelled with the proceeds used to repurchase and cancel an equivalent
amount of convertible debentures. During the third quarter of 2007, an
additional $1 million of the Class C units were repurchased by Clearwater and
cancelled with the proceeds used to repurchase and cancel an equivalent amount
of convertible debentures. The principal outstanding as at September 29, 2007
was $45 million.

On March 9, 2007, the Fund completed an offering for $43.5 million of
7.25% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures, which are due March 31,
2014. On April 11, 2007 the Fund's syndicate exercised the over-allotment
option in the amount of $4,542,000 principal amount of convertible unsecured
subordinated debentures. The convertible debentures are convertible at any
time up to maturity at the option of the holder into trust units of the Fund
at a conversion price of $5.90 per trust unit. The debentures pay interest
semi-annually in arrears on March 31 and September 30, commencing
September 30, 2007. The debentures are not redeemable before March 31, 2010.
On and after March 31, 2010, but before March 31, 2012, the debentures may be
redeemed at the option of the Fund provided that the market price of the trust
units is not less than 125% of the conversion price. On and after March 31,
2012, the debentures may be redeemed at the option of the Fund at a price
equal to their principal amount plus accrued interest. Subject to regulatory
approval, the Fund may satisfy its obligation to repay the principal amount of
the debentures on redemption or at maturity, in whole or in part, by
delivering that number of trust units equal to the amount due divided by 95%
of the market price of the trust units at that time, plus accrued interest in
cash. The convertible debentures are classified in accordance with their
component parts: the value ascribed to the holders' option to convert to units
has been classified as equity and the remaining portion of the convertible
debenture has been classified as debt.

On June 2, 2007, $1,000 of the convertible debentures was converted into
169 Class A units at a price of $5.90 per unit resulting in a principal
outstanding as at September 29, 2007 of $48,041,000.

The estimated fair value of the Fund's convertible debentures at
September 29, 2007 was $85,346,810 based on the quoted market value of the
debentures Clr.db and Clr.db.a on the Toronto Stock Exchange.


In June 2007, Bill C-52 Budget Implementation Act, 2007 was substantively
enacted by the Canadian federal government, which contains legislation to tax
publicly traded trusts in Canada. As a result, a new 31.5 per cent tax will be
applied to distributions from Canadian public income trusts. The new tax is
not expected to apply to Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund until 2011 as a
transition period applies to publicly traded trusts that existed prior to
November 1, 2006. As a result of this substantive enactment of trust
legislation, the Fund recorded a $34 million future income tax expense and
future income tax liability in the second quarter of 2007. The future income
tax adjustment represents the taxable temporary differences of Clearwater
Seafoods Income Fund tax effected at 31.5 per cent, which is the rate that
will be applicable in 2011 under the current legislation and the Fund's
current structure. The Fund continues to review its current structure in light
of this new tax on trusts, and intends to evaluate alternatives so that the
best structure is in place for unitholders. On October 30, 2007, the Canadian
Federal Government announced changes to the tax rates that will reduce the
proposed tax applied to distributions from Canadian public income trusts from
31.5 per cent to 29.5% in 2011 and 28.5% for 2012 and beyond.


The Declaration of Trust provides that an unlimited number of units and
an unlimited number of Special Trust Units may be issued. Each unit is
transferable and represents an equal undivided beneficial interest in any
distributions of the Fund and in the net assets of the Fund in the event of
termination or winding up of the Fund. All units have equal rights and
privileges. Each unit entitles the holder thereof to participate equally in
the distributions and to one vote at all meetings of unitholders for each
whole unit held. The issued units are not subject to future calls or
assessments. Units are redeemable at any time at the option of the holder at
amounts related to market price at the time, subject to a maximum of $50,000
in aggregate cash redemptions by the Fund in any particular month. This
limitation may be waived at the discretion of the Trustees of the Fund.
Redemption in excess of this amount, assuming no waiving of the limitation,
shall be paid by way of a distribution in specie of assets of the Fund, namely
notes of Clearwater Seafoods Holdings Trust.

The Special Trust Units have been issued solely to provide voting rights
to Clearwater Class B units ("CSLP Exchangeable Units"). Special Trust Units
were issued in conjunction with the CSLP Exchangeable Units and cannot be
transferred separately from them. Special Trust Units entitle the holders
thereof to the number of votes at any meeting of unitholders of the Fund equal
to the number of units which may be obtained upon exchange of the CSLP
Exchangeable Units to which they relate and do not otherwise entitle the
holder to any rights with respect to the Fund's property or income.

                                                         Trust         Total $
                                           Units         Units     (in 000's)

     Balance December 31, 2006        29,407,626    23,381,217     $ 298,454
     Equity component of
      Convertible Debentures                                             828
     Balance December 31, 2006                                       299,282

     Cancellation of Class A units      (457,900)            -        (4,647)
     Issuance of Class A units               169                           1
                                      28,949,895    23,381,217       294,636

     Equity component of Convertible
      Debentures 7.25%                                                 1,579
     Equity component of Convertible
      Debentures repurchased 7%                                          (35)
     Balance September 29, 2007                                    $ 296,180

As at September 29, 2007 there were in total 52,331,112 units outstanding
(52,788,843 - December 31 2006).

On January 24, 2007, the Fund received approval for a normal course
issuer bid which enables it to purchase, from time to time, up to 2.5 million
outstanding trust units (the "Units"), which amount represents less than 10%
of the public float. Any such purchases of Units would be made during the     
12-month period commencing on January 24, 2007 and in accordance with the
requirements of the TSX. Any Units purchased by the Fund will be cancelled and
will be accompanied by a similar repurchase of units by Clearwater.

During the first nine months of 2007, the Fund purchased and cancelled
457,900 units at a cost of $2,235,000 which reduced the equity component of
the units by $4,647,000 and created contributed surplus of $2,412,000.


The Fund guarantees Clearwater's term credit facility (see note 5(g) to
Clearwater's financial statements). The guarantee is limited to the value of
the convertible debentures and the value of the units held in Clearwater. As
of September 29, 2007 and December 31, 2006 there were no balances outstanding
on the term credit facility.


Due to the seasonal nature of Clearwater's business, earnings are
typically higher in the second half of the calendar year than the first half
of the year.


The Fund announced on November 13, 2007 that the Trustees have initiated
a process for identifying and considering strategic alternatives available to
maximize unit holder value. The strategic review is in response to
Clearwater's weak financial performance over the last 9 months, the ongoing
challenges facing the Fund in maintaining distributions and the Canadian
government's legislation to tax income trusts. The Trustees anticipate
retaining a financial advisor in due course to assist it in this process.
While a range of alternatives may be considered, there can be no assurance
that the review process will result in a decision regarding any transaction or
that it will be completed in any specific time frame. In addition, this
process may result in a transaction that results in a lower value than the
current carrying value of The Fund's investment in Clearwater.

     Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                 December 31,
     (In thousands                                                      2006
      of dollars)                                 September 29,  (as revised -
     (unaudited)                                          2007      note 2(c))


     Current Assets
     Cash                                            $  16,855     $  10,850
     Accounts receivable                                49,646        59,388
     Inventories                                        69,733        53,669
     Derivative financial instruments (notes 2(a)
      and 3(b))                                         10,424             -
     Vessel settlement (note 4(a))                      43,000             -
     Prepaids and other                                  5,732         6,122
                                                       195,390       130,029

     Other long-term assets                              7,062         9,563
     Property, plant and equipment (note 4(a))         103,920       156,816
     Licences                                          107,165       102,714
     Goodwill                                           10,378        10,378
                                                     $ 423,915     $ 409,500

     Liabilities and Unitholders' Equity
     Current Liabilities
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities        $  30,214     $  32,995
     Derivative financial instruments (notes 2(a)
      and 3(b))                                         10,970        27,002
     Distributions payable                               2,617         2,639
     Income taxes payable                                  476         5,481
     Current portion of long-term debt (note 5)          1,123           868
                                                        45,400        68,985

     Long-term debt (note 5)                           228,556       189,392
     Future income taxes                                 6,044         8,569
     Due to joint venture partner                        2,085         2,280
     Minority interest                                   2,313         2,258

     Unitholders' Equity
     Partnership units (note 6)                        171,942       173,079
     Deficit                                           (21,379)      (22,742)
     Contributed surplus                                   446             -
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss
      (notes 2(b) and 8)                               (11,492)      (12,321)
                                                       139,517       138,016

                                                     $ 423,915     $ 409,500

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Subsequent event (note 11)

     Consolidated Statements of Earnings and Deficit
     13 and 39 week periods ended September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006

     (In thousands of dollars)    13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
     (unaudited)              2007          2006          2007          2006

     Sales               $  90,555     $  79,939     $ 224,961     $ 231,600
     Cost of goods sold     68,553        56,991       175,106       164,194

     Gross profit           22,002        22,948        49,855        67,406

     Administration and
      selling                8,616         9,708        28,622        27,329
     (Gain) loss on
      disposal of
      licences and other    (3,425)         (733)       (3,727)        2,198
     Other expense
      (income)(note 7)       1,348        (1,063)         (746)       (4,760)
     Insurance claim
      (note 4(b))              (79)            -        (3,997)            -
     Foreign exchange
      and derivative
      (note 3(c))           (3,747)       (3,139)      (20,805)      (10,807)
     Bank interest and
      charges                  260           259           687           696
     Interest on
      long-term debt         4,743         3,052        11,205         9,888
     Depreciation and
      amortization           2,743         3,525         8,628        11,198
     Reduction in
      foreign currency
      account(note 8)        1,790             -         1,790         1,697
                            12,249        11,609        21,657        37,439

     Earnings before
      the undernoted         9,753        11,339        28,198        29,967

     Income taxes           (1,071)        1,329          (458)        4,690
     Earnings before
      minority interest     10,824        10,010        28,656        25,277

     Minority interest       1,501         1,503         3,545         4,729
     Net earnings        $   9,323     $   8,507     $  25,111     $  20,548

     Deficit at
      beginning of
      period as
      reported             (22,845)         (248)      (27,054)      (12,734)
      adjustment for
      the application
      of new financial
      section(note 2(b))         -             -           (71)            -
     Application of new
      refit policy
      (note 2(c))                -         3,496         4,292         3,941
     (Deficit) retained
      earnings at
      beginning of
      period restated      (22,845)        3,248       (22,833)       (8,793)

     Distributions paid
      (note 6)              (7,875)       (7,918)      (23,692)       (7,918)

     Adjustment for
      cancellation of
      Class C Units             18            17            35            17

     (Deficit) retained
      earnings end of
      period             $ (21,379)    $   3,854     $ (21,379)    $   3,854

     Basic and diluted
      net earnings per
      unit               $    0.18     $    0.16     $    0.48     $    0.39

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
     13 and 39 week periods ended September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006

     (In thousands of dollars)
                                  13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
     (unaudited)              2007          2006          2007          2006

     Comprehensive Income

     Net earnings        $   9,323     $   8,507     $  25,111     $  20,548

      income (loss),
      net of tax
      unrealized gains
      and losses on
      statements of
      foreign operation        267          (190)          961             7

      income             $   9,590     $   8,317     $  26,072     $  20,555

     Accumulated other
      comprehensive loss

     Balance beginning
      of period          $ (13,015)    $ (13,585)    $ (12,321)    $ (15,085)

     Reduction in
      foreign currency
      account(note 8)        1,790             -         1,790         1,697

     Unrealized gain
      (loss) on
      translation of
      self sustaining
      foreign operation
      (note 2(b))             (267)          190          (961)           (7)

     Balance end of
      period             $ (11,492)    $ (13,395)    $ (11,492)    $ (13,395)

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
     13 and 39 week periods ended September 29, 2007 and September 30, 2006

     (In thousands of dollars)
                                  13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                              2007          2006          2007          2006
     (unaudited)         (as revised - note 2(c))    (as revised - note 2(c))
     Cash flows from
      (used in)
     Net earnings        $   9,323     $   8,507    $   25,111     $  20,548
     Items not
      involving cash:
       Depreciation and
        amortization         2,743         3,525         8,628        11,198
        exchange on
        long-term debt      (4,088)        3,274        (4,785)       (7,382)
        inflation and
        interest on
        long-term debt         769         1,198         2,361         3,571
       Future income
        taxes (recovery)
        expense             (1,990)          353        (2,711)         (325)
       Reduction in
        account              1,790             -         1,790         1,697
       Minority interest     1,501         1,503         3,545         4,729
        foreign exchange
        on currency
        option contracts      (164)          396       (21,135)        4,444
       Unrealized loss
        on currency and
        interest swap
        contracts              938        (4,745)       (3,813)        2,373
       Loss (gain) on
        disposal and
        other, net          (2,962)         (762)       (2,736)        1,027
                             7,860        13,249         6,255        41,880
     Change in non-cash
      operating working
      capital               (2,193)        4,565        (8,186)       (2,123)
                             5,667        17,814        (1,931)       39,757
     Cash flows from
      (used in)
     Proceeds from
      long-term debt           300             -        46,035             -
     Reduction of
      long-term debt           (53)         (320)         (879)       (1,487)
     Other                       3           191          (363)          287
     Purchase of Class
      C units               (1,000)         (991)       (2,000)         (991)
     Purchase of Class
      A units               (1,147)            -        (2,235)            -
     Investment by
      partner                    -           570             -           570
     Distributions to
      minority partners       (502)       (2,133)       (3,490)       (4,551)
     Distributions to
      unitholders           (7,875)       (7,918)      (23,692)       (7,918)
                           (10,274)      (10,601)       13,376       (14,090)
     Cash flows from
      (used in)
     Increase in other
      long-term assets         129          (638)          243           266
     Purchase of
      property, plant,
      licences and
      other                 (1,073)       (1,878)      (11,571)      (17,741)
     Proceeds on
      disposal of
      property, plant,
      licences and
      other                  5,165           898         5,888         1,835
                             4,221        (1,618)       (5,440)      (15,640)

     Increase (decrease)
      in cash                 (386)        5,595         6,005        10,027

     Cash - beginning
      of period             17,241        14,158        10,850         9,726

     Cash - end of
      period             $  16,855     $  19,753     $  16,855     $  19,753

      cash flow
     Interest paid       $   3,532     $   2,327     $  10,685     $   9,627
     Income taxes
      paid               $     298     $     879     $   7,002     $   1,650

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
     (Tabular amounts expressed in thousands of dollars)


Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership ("Clearwater") is a limited
partnership that acquired the seafood business of Clearwater Fine Foods
Incorporated ("CFFI") on July 30, 2002.

The unaudited interim period consolidated financial statements have been
prepared by Clearwater in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). The preparation of financial data is based on
accounting policies and practices consistent with those used in the
preparation of the audited annual consolidated financial statements except as
disclosed in note 2 below. These unaudited interim period consolidated
financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required in annual
audited financial statements by Canadian GAAP, and accordingly should be read
together with the audited annual consolidated financial statements and the
accompanying notes included in Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund's (the "Fund")
2006 Annual Report.

As CFFI maintained the right to nominate the majority of the board of
directors both before and after the acquisition of its seafood business by
Clearwater the acquisition was accounted for using the book values of the
assets and liabilities as recorded by CFFI.

Due to the seasonal nature of the business, gross profit is typically
higher in the second half of the calendar year than the first half of the


     (a) Financial Instruments

     Effective January 1, 2007, Clearwater adopted the new CICA Handbook
     Standards relating to financial instruments. These new standards have
     been adopted on a prospective basis with no restatement of prior period
     financial statements.

     Section 3855, "Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement"
     provides guidance on the recognition and measurement of financial assets,
     financial liabilities and non-financial derivatives. This new standard
     requires that all financial assets and liabilities be classified as one
     of the following: held-for-trading, held-to-maturity, loans and
     receivables, available-for-sale or other financial liabilities. The
     initial and subsequent recognition depends on their initial

       Held-for-trading assets are carried at fair value with transaction
       costs expensed immediately and gains and losses recognized in net
       earnings in the period in which they arise. Held-to-maturity financial
       assets and loans and receivables are initially recognized at their fair
       values and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective
       interest rate method, with gains and losses recognized in net earnings
       in the period in which they arise. Available-for-sale assets are
       carried at fair value with gains and losses recognized in comprehensive
       income. Other financial liabilities are initially measured at cost or
       at amortized cost, depending upon the nature of the instrument, and are
       subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest
       rate method, with gains and losses recognized in net earnings in the
       period in which they arise.

       The standard requires Clearwater to make certain elections, upon
       initial adoption of the new rules, regarding the accounting model to be
       used to account for each financial instrument. The following is a
       summary of the accounting model Clearwater has elected to apply to each
       of its significant categories of financial instruments outstanding as
       of January 1, 2007:

         Cash                                           Held-for-trading
         Accounts receivable                       Loans and receivables
         Derivative financial instruments               Held-for-trading
         Vessel settlement                         Loans and receivables

         Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      Other liabilities
         Long-term debt                                Other liabilities
         Due to joint venture partner                  Other liabilities
         Commodity contracts                            Held-for-trading

         As a result of the adoption of this section, Clearwater reflected the
         following adjustments as of January 1, 2007:

         - $71,000 was adjusted to the opening retained earnings for
           January 1, 2007. This related to the amortization of the deferred
           financing charges associated with the long-term debt.
         - A reclassification of amounts previously recorded in "Cumulative
           foreign currency translation account" to "Accumulated other
           comprehensive income".

         Deferred financing costs related to debt are no longer presented as
         other assets on the balance sheet but are now netted against the
         debt. This change in accounting policy resulted in a decrease of
         $2.8 million in the amount of long-term debt as of January 1, 2007.

     (b) Comprehensive Income

         Section 1530, "Comprehensive Income" requires separate disclosure of
         comprehensive income and its components in the financial statements.
         Other comprehensive income includes the exchange gains and losses
         arising from the translation of the financial statements of self-
         sustaining foreign operations. The effect of exchange rate variations
         on the translation of Clearwater's net assets of self-sustaining
         foreign operations has been recorded as "Other comprehensive income
         (loss), net of tax".

     (c) Refits

         In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the
         United States issued FASB AUG AIR-1, Accounting for Planned Major
         Maintenance Activities. This standard, which is effective January 1,
         2007, amends the guidance for planned major maintenance activities;
         specifically it precludes the use of the previously acceptable
         "accrue in advance" method, the method used by Clearwater in the

         In the absence of specific guidance in Canada on this topic, we
         believe it appropriate to follow FASB AUG AIR-1 and therefore have
         adopted this standard on January 1, 2007. As a result of adopting
         this standard, comparative figures for 2006 have been restated. We
         have made the following adjustments:

                                                     January 1, September 30,
                                                          2007          2006
     Balance Sheet
     Reduction in accounts
      payable and accrued liabilities                $   4,849     $   4,576
     Reduction in other long-term assets                  (295)         (250)
     Increase in future income taxes liability            (260)         (429)
     Reduction in deficit                            $   4,294     $   3,897

                                                      13 weeks      39 weeks
                                                         ended         ended
                                                          September 30, 2006
     Income statement
     Decrease in cost of goods sold                        529           351
     Increase in future tax expense                        128           395
     Increase (decrease) in net earnings                   401           (44)

     (d) Impact of standards to be adopted in the future:


     The CICA has issued a new standard on inventories, which provides more
     guidance on the determination of cost including the allocation of
     overheads and the reversal of impairment losses as well as the
     requirement to provide additional disclosures. The implementation date is
     January 1, 2008. Management is currently reviewing the impact of this new
     standard and will disclose the impact on December 31, 2007 inventories
     in the fourth quarter earnings report


     (a) Clearwater enters into derivative financial instruments to manage
         underlying fair value and cash flow risks associated with foreign
         currency and interest rates.

         At September 29, 2007 and December 31, 2006, Clearwater had
         outstanding forward contracts as follows (as converted to Canadian
         dollars at contracted rates):

                                               Average            Fair Value
                                   Notional   Exchange                 Asset
     Currency                        Amount       Rate   Maturity (Liability)
     United States dollar
       September 29,
       2007            Sell forwards 15,500      1.056       2007      1,195
                       Sell forwards 45,000      1.088       2008      4,125
       December 31,
       2006            Sell forwards 55,500      1.136       2007     (1,526)
                        Buy forwards 14,000      1.120       2007        544

       September 29,
        2007            Sell forwards 1,000      1.449       2007         27
                        Sell forwards 8,000      1.455       2008        277
                        Buy forwards 15,000      1.432       2008       (187)
       December 31,
        2006            Sell forwards 9,550      1.442       2007       (913)

       September 29,
        2007            Sell forwards 5,450      2.269       2007      1,308
                         Buy forwards 3,000      2.133       2007       (301)
                       Sell forwards 15,000      2.163       2008      2,192
       December 31,
        2006                              -          -          -          -

       September 29,
        29, 2007      Sell forwards 300,000      0.010       2007        499
                      Sell forwards 300,000      0.011       2008        522
       December 31,
        2006                              -          -          -          -

At September 29, 2007 and December 31, 2006, Clearwater had written the
following foreign currency option and expandable forward contracts (as
converted to Canadian dollars at contracted rates):

                                                                  Fair Value
                               Notional        Exchange                Asset
     Currency                    Amount           Range  Maturity (liability)

     United States dollar
       September 29, 2007
         Option                  55,000   1.049 - 1.149      2007     (3,324)
         Expandable              12,000   1.131 - 1.145      2007          -
         Option                 125,000   1.016 - 1.123      2008     (7,068)
         Expandable     12,000 - 30,000           1.106      2008      1,194
          knock outs             41,000           1.183      2008        (36)
       December 31, 2006
         Option                 160,000  1.1003 - 1.252      2007     (5,435)
         Option hedge            20,000   1.135 - 1.180      2007         90
         Expandable        500 - 72,000   1.131 - 1.202      2007     (1,931)

     Japanese Yen
       September 29, 2007
         Option               1,000,000           0.009      2007        (10)
         Option               3,000,000   0.008 - 0.009      2008     (1,659)
       December 31, 2006
         Option               2,000,000   0.009 - 0.010      2007       (189)

       September 29, 2007
         Option                  23,000   1.430 - 1.486      2007        (55)
         Option                  23,000   1.534 - 1.550      2008        (12)
       December 31, 2006
         Option                  55,000   1.390 - 1.585      2007     (6,466)

       September 29, 2007             -               -         -          -
       December 31, 2006
         Option                  25,700   2.013 - 2.101      2007     (5,995)

If Clearwater had settled these contracts prior to maturity, at
September 29, 2007, it would have made a net payment of $1,313,000. The
contracts outstanding at December 31, 2006, if settled would have led to a net
payment of $21,821,000. The liability or asset recorded is included in
derivative financial instruments, and the resulting loss or gain is included
in income.

Subsequent to the end of the third quarter 2007, Clearwater closed out
contracts that had a fair value of $ 9.7 million as at September 29, 2007 for
net proceeds of $11.9 million.

     (b) Summary of net liability position for derivative contracts:

     Forward, option and expandable contracts                       $  1,313
     Interest rate contracts                                            (670)
     Commodity contracts                                                 (97)

     Net liability position                                         $    546

     Portion disclosed on balance sheet as derivative
      financial instrument asset                                    $ 10,424
     Portion disclosed on balance sheet as derivative
      financial instrument liability                                  10,970

     Net liability position                                         $    546

                               13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                           Sept 29,      Sept 30,      Sept 29,      Sept 30,
                              2007          2006          2007          2006
     Realized (gain)
       Foreign exchange
        and derivative
        income           $    (923)    $  (2,959)    $   6,859     $ (11,268)
       Other                   490           895         2,069         1,026
                              (433)       (2,064)        8,928       (10,242)
      (gain) loss
       Foreign exchange
        on long-term
        debt                (4,088)        3,274        (4,785)       (7,382)
        on option
        contracts             (164)          396       (21,135)        4,444
        on interest and
        currency swaps         938        (4,745)       (3,813)        2,373
                            (3,314)       (1,075)      (29,733)         (565)

     Total gain          $  (3,747)    $  (3,139)    $ (20,805)    $ (10,807)

     (d) Credit risk

         Clearwater is exposed to credit risk in the event of non-performance
         by counter parties to its derivative financial instruments, but does
         not anticipate non-performance by any of the counter parties as
         Clearwater only deals with highly rated financial institutions.

         Clearwater has significant accounts receivable from customers
         operating in Canada, United States, Europe and Asia. Clearwater has a
         policy of utilizing a combination of credit reporting agencies,
         credit insurance, letters of credit and secured forms of payment to
         mitigate customer specific credit risk and country specific credit

     (e) Interest rate risk

         As indicated in the note entitled "Long-Term Debt", Clearwater uses
         cross currency and interest rate swaps to hedge its exposures to
         changes in foreign currencies and interest rates. The terms of the
         swap agreements related to the Icelandic bonds also effectively hedge
         the changes in the CPI. These agreements do not qualify for hedge
         accounting. Although Clearwater has no intention of settling these
         contracts prior to maturity, at September 29, 2007, if it settled
         these contracts it would have received a net payment of $670,000
         (December 31, 2006 - made a net payment of $4,605,000). The liability
         is included in derivative financial instruments and the resulting
         non-cash loss is included in income. See note 5(d) for additional
         information relating to the swaps.

     (f) Commodity contracts

         On January 19, 2007, Clearwater entered into a crude oil option for
         13,000 barrels per month effective for the period from March 1, 2007
         to August 31, 2007 with a strike price of US $60 per barrel. If the
         contracts outstanding at December 31, 2006 were settled, Clearwater
         would have made a payment of $553,000.

         On June 27, 2007, Clearwater entered into a natural gas option for
         20,000 MMBTU per month, effective for the period from September 1,
         2007 to February 29, 2008 with a strike price of US $8.40 per MMBTU.
         Although Clearwater has no intention of settling the contract prior
         to maturity, if it settled the contract it would have received a
         payment of $97,000.

     4. Vessel claims

     (a) On June 25, 2007, a new clam vessel that was to have been delivered
         in the third quarter capsized. In the third quarter, we agreed to a
         settlement of Canadian $46 million with the yard that had been
         constructing the vessel. This agreement is fully secured through
         letters of credit and an assignment of insurance proceeds. During the
         third quarter, a payment of $3 million was applied against the
         receivable, and subsequent to the third quarter a payment of
         $25 million was received with the balance of the payment expected
         prior to December 31, 2007.

     (b) On December 5, 2006, one of Clearwater's factory freezer clam
         vessels, the Atlantic Pursuit, was struck by a large wave that caused
         extensive damage as it was riding out a winter storm on the
         Southeastern Grand Banks. This was an older vessel and scheduled to
         be retired from the fleet later in 2007 but as a result of the
         extensive damage incurred was retired early. An agreement was reached
         with Clearwater's insurers during the first quarter and as a result a
         gain of approximately $4.0 million has been recorded.


                                                  September 29,      Dec. 31,
                                                          2007          2006
     Notes payable (a)
       Canadian                                      $  62,520     $  63,000
       United States dollars                            19,749        23,308

     Class C Partnership Units (b)                      43,005        46,430

     Class D Partnership Units (c)                      44,463             -

     Bond payable (d)                                   50,127        46,795

     Marine mortgage, due in 2017 (e)                    4,771         5,584

     Term loan, due in 2091 (f)                          3,500         3,500

     Other loans                                         1,544         1,643
                                                       229,679       190,260
     Less current portion                                1,123           868
                                                     $ 228,556     $ 189,392

     (a) Notes payable, senior secured notes issued in four series:

         - $43,000,000 Canadian Series A Notes issued in 2003, bearing
           interest at 6.4% payable semi-annually, maturing December 8, 2008,
           net of financing costs.
         - $15,000,000 U.S. Series B Notes issued in 2003, bearing interest at
           5.65% payable semi-annually, maturing December 8, 2008, net of
           financing costs.
         - $20,000,000 Canadian Series C Notes issued in 2003, bearing
           interest at 7.23% payable semi-annually, maturing December 8, 2013,
           net of financing costs.
         - $5,000,000 U.S. Series D Notes issued in 2005, bearing interest at
           6.12% payable semi-annually, maturing December 8, 2013, net of
           financing costs. Clearwater has an additional
           $20,000,000 U.S. available to draw on this facility until
           December 31, 2007.

         The notes are secured by mortgages and charges on all of the
         present and future property and assets of Clearwater and certain of
         its wholly owned subsidiaries, the interests of the Fund in
         Clearwater Seafoods Holdings Trust ("CSHT") and all the issued
         shares of CS ManPar Inc., the general partner of Clearwater. The
         security arrangement is guaranteed by an inter-creditor agreement
         with the banking syndicate members participating in the term credit
         facility disclosed in section (g) of this note.

     (b) In June 2004, 4,081,633 Class C units were issued concurrently with
         the issue by the Fund of $50 million of Convertible Debentures and
         are held by the Fund through CSHT. The Class C units are redeemable
         and retractable at a price of $12.25 per unit and are due
         December 31, 2010. These units exist under an agreement whereby they
         will be converted, redeemed or retracted in a manner that corresponds
         to any conversion, redemption or repurchase of the Convertible
         Debentures of the Fund and in a manner that ensures that the
         distributions on the Class C units will be able to fund the ongoing
         interest payments on the Convertible Debentures. The Class C units
         are classified in accordance with their component parts: the value
         ascribed to the holders' option to convert to Class A units has been
         classified as equity and the remaining portion of the units has been
         classified as debt. Interest on the debt is calculated by applying an
         interest rate of approximately 8.56% to the outstanding debt
         component. The difference between actual cash payments, which will
         approximate 7.02%, and interest expense is added to the debt
         component of the units.

         The Fund filed a normal course issuer bid by which it can acquire up
         to $5 million principal amount of convertible debentures in the 12-
         month period commencing August 2006. Any repurchase at the Fund level
         would be accompanied by a similar repurchase of Class C Partnership
         units by Clearwater. During the year ended December 31, 2006,
         $3 million of the Class C units were repurchased and cancelled with
         the proceeds used to repurchase and cancel an equivalent amount of
         convertible debentures. During the first quarter of 2007, an
         additional $1 million of Partnership units were repurchased and
         cancelled with proceeds used by the Fund to repurchase and cancel an
         equivalent amount of convertible debentures. During the third quarter
         of 2007, an additional $1 million of Partnership units were
         repurchased and cancelled with proceeds used by the Fund to
         repurchase and cancel an equivalent amount of convertible debentures.
         The principal outstanding as at September 29, 2007 was $45 million.

     (c) In March 2007, 7,372,881 Class D units were issued concurrently with
         the issue by the Fund of $43.5 million of Convertible Debentures and
         are held by the Fund through CSHT. The Class D units are redeemable
         and retractable at a price of $5.90 per unit and are due on March 14
         2014. These units exist under an agreement whereby they will be
         converted, redeemed or retracted in a manner that corresponds to any
         conversion, redemption or repurchase of the Convertible Debentures of
         the Fund and in a manner that ensures that the distributions on the
         Class D units will be able to fund the ongoing interest payments on
         the Convertible Debentures. The Class D units are classified in
         accordance with their component parts: the value ascribed to the
         holders' option to convert to Class A units has been classified as
         equity and the remaining portion of the units has been classified as
         debt. Interest on the debt is calculated by applying an interest rate
         of approximately 8.89% to the outstanding debt component. The
         difference between actual cash payments, which will approximate
         7.27%, and interest expense is added to the debt component of the

         On April 10, 2007, an additional 769,831 Class D units were issued
         for proceeds of $4.5 million bringing the total amount to
         $48,042,000. Class D units were issued concurrently with the issue by
         the Fund of $4.5 million of Convertible Debentures and are held by
         the Fund through CSHT. The Class D units are redeemable and
         retractable at a price of $5.90 per unit.

         On June 2, 2007, $1,000 of the convertible debentures was converted
         into 169 Class A units at a price of $5.90 per unit resulting in a
         principal outstanding as at September 29, 2007 of $48,041,000.

     (d) Senior unsecured bond in the amount of 2,460,000,000 ISK due
         September 27, 2010 at a fixed rate of 6.7% accrued annually and paid
         at maturity. Both the bond and the interest are adjusted for changes
         in the Icelandic Consumer Price Index ("CPI"). Clearwater has entered
         into a number of swap agreements to economically fix the currency and
         CPI exposure associated with the debt. There are also interest rate
         swap agreements in place.

         Clearwater has no intention to unwind the above contracts, however
         the agreements do not qualify for hedge accounting and therefore the
         gains and losses related to the fair value of these hedges are taken
         into income during the period.

         The swap agreements have effectively resulted in the following:

         - $25,000,000 Canadian dollar liability with an effective interest
           rate of 8.65%
         - $5,000,000 U.S. dollar liability with an effective interest rate
           of 9.15%
         - $4,707,502 U.S. dollar liability with an effective interest rate
           of 8.51%
         - 3,000,000 Pound Sterling liability with an effective interest rate
           of 9.19%
         - 2,500,000 Euro liability with an effective interest rate of 7.94%

         Interest expense on the bond is recorded using the effective interest
         rate method that takes into account estimated future Icelandic
         inflation rates. Interest accrued is $5.6 million year-to date
         (December 2006 - $3.5 million). As previously noted interest exposure
         on this bond has been hedged and the cash payment on the related
         swaps was $3.0 million (December 2006 - $3.8 million).

                                                  September 29,  December 31,
                                                          2007          2006
     Principal                                       $  39,054     $  40,369
     Accrued interest                                    5,581         3,470
     Accrued CPI                                         5,492         2,956

                                                     $  50,127     $  46,795

     (e) Marine mortgage payable in the principal amount of CDN $4,032,000
         (December 31, 2006 - $4,549,000), DKK 16,480,000 (December 31, 2006 -
         DKK 17,871,000) and YEN 277,826,000 (December 31, 2006 - 297,671,000)
         bearing interest at UNIBOR plus 1% payable semi-annually, 50% of
         which represents Clearwater's proportionate share. Principal payments
         are required annually with CDN $776,000, DKK 2,087,000 and
         YEN 29,767,000 due in 2008-2012, CDN $152,000 due in 2013, ]
         DKK 2,087,000 and YEN 29,767,000 due in 2013-2014, DKK 1,871,000 due
         in 2015, YEN 29,767,000 due in 2015-2016 and YEN 9,923,000 due in
         2017, 50% of which represents Clearwater's proportionate share. The
         loan matures in 2017 and is secured by a first mortgage over the
         related vessel and covenants concerning certain fishing licences.

     (f) Term loan, payable in 2091. In connection with this loan Clearwater
         makes a royalty payment of $275,000 per annum in lieu of interest.

     (g) Clearwater also has a revolving term debt facility of $60 million
         from a syndicate of banks (which was not drawn upon at September 29,
         2007 or December 31, 2006). The facility, which matures and is
         renewable in May 2009 is part of a master netting agreement that was
         in a cash position of $14 million as at September 29, 2007.

         Clearwater's debt facilities contain various non-financial and
         financial covenants. They include, but are not limited to, leverage
         ratios and fixed charge ratios (which exclude most significant non-
         cash items and non-recurring items from earnings) that can limit
         distributions paid and the amount of allowable debt outstanding. In
         addition, payments related to these debt facilities take priority
         over payments on securities held in Clearwater by the Fund.
         Clearwater is in compliance with all debt covenants as at
         September 29, 2007.

     Principal repayments required in each of the next five years are
     approximately as follows:

                   Year 1     1,123
                   Year 2    58,639
                   Year 3       934
                   Year 4    94,002
                   Year 5     2,068


Clearwater is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Class A limited
partnership units, an unlimited number of Class B general partnership units,
issuable in series, an unlimited number of Class C limited partnership units
and an unlimited number of Class Y general partnership units, issuable in
series. Each unit (other than the Class Y units) entitles the holder thereof
to one vote, except in certain situations as described pursuant to the Limited
Partnership Agreement governing Clearwater. Each issued Class B unit is
accompanied by a Special Trust Unit issued by the Fund entitling the holder to
receive notice of, to attend and to vote at meetings of unitholders of the

In June 2004, 4,081,633 Class C units in the amount of $50 million were
issued concurrently with the issue by the Fund of $50 million of Convertible
Debentures and are held by the Fund through CSHT. The Class C units are
non-voting, redeemable and retractable at a price of $12.25 per unit. These
units exist under an agreement whereby they will be converted, redeemed or
retracted in a manner that corresponds to any conversion, redemption or
repurchase of the Convertible Debentures of the Fund and in a manner that
ensures the distributions on the Class C units will be able to fund the
ongoing interest payments on the Convertible Debentures. Class C Partnership
units are classified in accordance with their component parts: the value
ascribed to the holders' option to convert to units has been classified as
equity and the remaining portion of the units has been classified as debt.

In March 2007, 7,372,881 Class D units were issued concurrently with the
issue by the Fund of $43.5 million of Convertible Debentures and are held by
the Fund through CSHT. The overallotment was exercised on April 10, 2007 and
769,831 additional Class D units were issued concurrently with the issue by
the Fund of $4.5 million additional Convertible Debentures and are held by the
Fund through CSHT. The Class D units are redeemable and retractable at a price
of $5.90 per unit. These units exist under an agreement whereby they will be
converted, redeemed or retracted in a manner that corresponds to any
conversion, redemption or repurchase of the Convertible Debentures of the Fund
and in a manner that ensures that the distributions on the Class D units will
be able to fund the ongoing interest payments on the Convertible Debentures.
The Class D units are classified in accordance with their component parts: the
value ascribed to the holders' option to convert to Class A units has been
classified as equity and the remaining portion of the units has been
classified as debt.

On January 24, 2007, the Fund received approval for a normal course
issuer bid which will enable it to purchase, from time to time, up to        
2.5 million outstanding trust units (the "Units"), which amount represents
less than 10% of the public float. Any such purchases of Units would be made
during the 12-month period commencing on January 24, 2007 and in accordance
with the requirements of the TSX. The Units will be purchased by the Fund for
cancellation and will be accompanied by a similar repurchase of units by
Clearwater. On March 30, 2007, the Fund purchased and cancelled 50,100 Class A
units. During the second quarter of 2007, the Fund purchased and cancelled
167,300 Class A units. During the third quarter of 2007, the Fund purchased
and cancelled 240,500 Class A units. The total units purchased under this plan
since January 24, 2007 is 457,900.

                                         Class A       Class B
                                           Units         Units   $ (in 000's)
     Balance December 31, 2006        29,407,626    23,381,217     $ 172,251
     Cancellation of Class A Units      (457,900)            -        (2,682)
     Issuance of Class A
      Units(note 5(c))                       169             -             1
     Subtotal                         28,949,895    23,381,217       169,570
     Equity component of
      Class C Units                                                      828
     Cancellation of $2 million
      Class C Units                                                      (35)
     Equity component of
      Class D Units                                                    1,579
     Balance September 29, 2007                                    $ 171,942

As at September 29, 2007 there were in total 52,331,112 units outstanding
(52,788,843 - December 31, 2006).

Distributions paid for the three-month period ended September 29, 2007
were $7,875,000 (2006 - $7,918,000) and year-to-date were $23,692,000 (2006 -
$7,918,000). All of the Partnership's distributions are discretionary.

As CFFI controlled Clearwater's seafood business both before and after
the initial public offering, the acquisition of the seafood business by
Clearwater was accounted for using the book values of the assets and
liabilities as recorded by CFFI. The excess of the capital contributions of
$267,728,000 over book values of the assets of $180,553,000, being
$87,195,000, was debited to share capital.


                               13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                           Sept 29,      Sept 30,      Sept 29,      Sept 30,
                              2007          2006          2007          2006
     Investment income   $      15     $    (214)    $  (1,087)    $    (991)
     Export rebate             573          (413)          103        (1,271)
     Quota rental and
      royalties                  -          (767)          (63)       (2,082)
     Other (income)/
      expense                  760           331           301          (416)

                         $   1,348     $  (1,063)    $    (746)    $  (4,760)


The reduction in the foreign currency translation account is a non-cash
adjustment, which relates to the reduction of Clearwater's net investment in
its 80% owned subsidiary in Argentina. The cumulative translation account
largely arose because of the significant devaluation of the peso in Argentina
versus the Canadian dollar in 2001. It is Clearwater's desire to continue to
manage its exposure to Argentine pesos by repatriating its capital as quickly
as possible while not impairing local operations. Dividends declared have
resulted in a reduction in Clearwater's net investment in that subsidiary and
accordingly, a proportionate share of the cumulative translation account has
been recognized in earnings. Clearwater anticipates that continued payment of
dividends from the subsidiary in Argentina may result in additional reduction
of the cumulative translation account in the future. The cumulative
translation account is included in the accumulated other comprehensive income
section of the balance sheet and the remaining balance at September 29, 2007
is $11,492,000 (December 31, 2006 - $12,321,000).


Clearwater had the following transactions and balances with CFFI, the
controlling shareholder of Clearwater, during the third quarter and
year-to-date periods of 2007 and 2006.

                               13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                           Sept 29,      Sept 30,      Sept 29,      Sept 30,
                              2007          2006          2007          2006
     Charged by CFFI for
      rent and other
      services, net of
      rent and IT services
      charged to CFFI           (8)          (21)          188           122

                              September 29, 2007           December 31, 2006
     Distribution and
      other payable to CFFI                1,126                         665

In addition Clearwater was charged approximately $21,800 for vehicle
leases in the third quarter of 2007 (2006 - $30,700) and year-to-date $82,800
(2006 - $105,800) and approximately $61,100 for other services in the third
quarter (2006 - $36,000) and $97,500 year-to-date (2006 - $27,900) by
companies controlled by a relative of an officer of Clearwater.

These transactions are in the normal course of operations and have been
recorded at the exchange amount.


     (a) General information

         Clearwater operates primarily within one industry that being the
         harvesting, procurement, processing and sale of seafood with no
         separately reportable business segments. The products are sold
         primarily to customers in the United States, Europe, Asia, and

     (b) Net sales to customers by product category

                               13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                           Sept 29,      Sept 30,      Sept 29,      Sept 30,
                              2007          2006          2007          2006

     Scallops            $  29,098     $  29,211     $  76,015     $  83,582
     Lobster                19,400        19,185        54,708        53,795
     Clams                  15,491        16,212        36,484        45,966
     Coldwater shrimp       13,430        10,484        36,093        26,046
     Crab                   10,168         1,405        14,803         5,678
     Groundfish and
      other                  2,968         2,066         7,004        10,787
     Hedging program             -         1,376          (146)        5,746

                         $  90,555     $  79,939     $ 224,961     $ 231,600

     (c) Geographic information

                               13 weeks ended              39 weeks ended
                           Sept 29,      Sept 30,      Sept 29,      Sept 30,
                              2007          2006          2007          2006
       United States     $  32,631     $  22,527     $  79,951     $  62,651
         France             10,339        14,401        22,224        49,326
         Denmark             4,745         2,191        14,503         9,024
         UK                  6,371         6,473        15,327        16,626
         Other               6,101         4,436        18,224        11,532
         Japan               9,068         9,934        20,331        22,701
         Other               6,456         7,167        17,911        20,800
       Canada               14,442        11,077        34,624        32,111
       Other, including
        hedging program        402         1,733         1,866         6,829
                         $  90,555     $  79,939     $ 224,961     $ 231,600

                              September 29, 2007           December 31, 2006
                             ---------------------        --------------------

     Property, plant, equipment,
      licences and goodwill
     Canada                            $ 203,093                   $ 251,282
     Argentina                            17,500                      18,024
     Other                                   870                         602
                                      -----------                 ------------
                                       $ 221,463                   $ 269,908
                                      -----------                 ------------
                                      -----------                 ------------


     (a) The Fund announced on November 13, 2007 that the Trustees have
         initiated a process for identifying and considering strategic
         alternatives available to maximize unit holder value. The strategic
         review is in response to Clearwater's weak financial performance over
         the last 9 months, the ongoing challenges facing the Fund in
         maintaining distributions and the Canadian government's legislation
         to tax income trusts. The Trustees anticipate retaining a financial
         advisor in due course to assist it in this process. While a range of
         alternatives may be considered, there can be no assurance that the
         review process will result in a decision regarding any transaction or
         that it will be completed in any specific time frame. In addition,
         this process may result in a transaction that implies a different
         value for The Fund's investment in Clearwater.

     (b) Clearwater entered into an agreement to convert one of its existing
         shrimp fishing vessels into a clam fishing vessel at an approximate
         cost to convert the vessel of $15 million

Further information can be found in the disclosure documents filed by
Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund with the securities regulatory authorities
available at or at its website (
%SEDAR: 00018023E

For further information: Robert Wight, Chief Financial Officer, Clearwater,
(902) 457-2369; Tyrone Cotie, Director of Corporate Finance and Investor
Relations, Clearwater, (902) 457-8181