Did Jesus, in Fact, Die On a Wednesday? -- Author and Pastor Dr. Carlton L. Burford Reveals the Conflict of a Friday Crucifixion and Why He Believes Jesus Died On a Wednesday

FRANKLIN, Tenn., Nov. 15, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Have you ever heard it said that Jesus died on a Friday and was resurrected early Sunday morning, specifically at sunrise? Most of us have heard this taught and preached, not knowing the conflict in this teaching. Author and pastor Dr. Carlton L. Burford presents a different perspective on Jesus' death and why he believes He Died on Wednesday.

It is Pastor Burford's belief that the Bible does not contain any conflicts in the original manuscripts. He became troubled when he studied the Bible and came upon certain passages, such as Matthew 12:40 which states, "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Through this passage, it clearly states that the Savior would be in the belly of the earth (dead) for three days and three nights -- and yet people are taught to believe of a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday morning resurrection.

The author, however, believes that according to the Scripture, Jesus died on a Wednesday. There is no scripture that says that Jesus died on a Friday and if one considers all passages on this subject matter, none will conflict with a Wednesday Crucifixion date. But there will be conflicts with a Friday date. For Pastor Burford, it is equally important to know not only that Jesus died and was resurrected, but also that He had to die and be resurrected according to the Scripture.

The purpose of He Died on Wednesday is not to divide or put at odds the Christian community. It is meant to offer a solution through inspiration to an age-old issue: on what days really did Jesus' death and resurrection take place? New possibilities for finding the answer can now be considered through a systematic scriptural point of view. Pastor Burford offers new insights and discoveries as he sets out to prove why he believes Jesus died on a Wednesday. Get a copy of this book and discover the truth!

About the Author

Carlton L. Burford was born in Memphis, Tennessee in 1955. He is married to Bernetta L. Burford and has three lovely daughters (Tiffany, Tonya, and Toya). He attended college at General Motors Institute of Technology and graduated in July 1978 with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering. In November of that year, Pastor Burford was called by God into the gospel ministry so he attended Midwestern Baptist College in Pontiac, Michigan. In 1999, he received an honorary doctorate of divinity degree from the Great Commission Bible College and Theological University located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He is currently the founder and pastor of the Inner Peace Baptist Church in Franklin, Tennessee.

           HE DIED ON WEDNESDAY * by Dr. Carlton L. Burford
                  Publication Date: October 10, 2007
          Trade Paperback; $15.99; 49 pages; 978-1-4257-7947-4
          Cloth Hardback; $24.99; 49 pages; 978-1-4257-7958-0

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