Quarterly report as at 30 September 2007

Solar continued a development in Q3 2007 with a high organic growth on par with
the very high level in H1. 

Main figures for Q3 2007:
•	Revenue improved by 31% to € 335.9m 
•	Organic revenue growth amounted to 16% 
•	EBITA improved by 6.7% to € 20.7m 

Main figures for Q1-Q3 2007:
•	Revenue improved by 29% to € 988.9m 
•	Organic revenue growth amounted to 17% 
•	EBITA improved by 26% to € 54.1m
•	Earnings before tax improved by 4.7% to € 46.5m 

Please note that earnings before tax in Q1-Q3 2006 were affected by profit from
the sale of property of € 2.9m and earnings before tax in Q1-Q3 2007 were
affected by amortisation of € 4.4m. Adjusted for this, earnings before tax
improved by 23% in Q1-Q3 2007. 

Solar maintains the expectations for revenue in 2007 of € 1,360m, but due to
circumstances of a one-time nature in Q3 and development generally below
expectations in the HWS markets, expected EBT is reduced from € 72m to € 69m.
EBT will be affected by amortisation of intangible fixed assets of € 6.1 m. 

In 2008, the recent years' positive development of the group with revenue of €
1,500m and earnings before tax of € 78m is expected to continue. Profit for
2008 will be affected by amortisation of intangible assets of € 6.8m. 

Yours faithfully,


Jens Borum

Appendix: Quarterly report Q3 2007, 16 pages

