PHA Commission Considers Port Security, Environmental Initiatives

Environmental Plans Include Air Emission Inventory, Dust Suppression System

HOUSTON, Nov. 21, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The Port Commission of the Port of Houston Authority (PHA) will consider about $500,000 in port security initiatives, including fiber optics equipment at Bayport and replacement of the guardhouse at Gate 18, as well as more than $15.3 million in environmental initiatives that include air quality monitoring at Bayport, a goods movement air emission inventory at the Port of Houston, dredged area management, dust suppression at East Industrial Park and Pine Gully mitigation on Tuesday, Nov. 27, beginning at 9 a.m. in the board room of the PHA Executive Building, 111 East Loop North (Exit 29 off Loop 610) in Houston. Chairman Jim Edmonds will preside over the meeting with Commissioner Kase Lawal, Commissioner Steve Phelps, Commissioner Jim Fonteno, Commissioner Jimmy Burke, Commissioner Janiece Longoria and Commissioner Elyse Lanier.


(Agenda G13) Commissioners are being asked to authorize awarding a professional services contract to Paradigm Consultants, Inc., for construction materials testing and inspection services for Bayport Wharf and Dredging, Berth 3 for $1,265,000. Paradigm Consultants, Inc. was identified as the most qualified to provide the required services of the nine responses received using the port authority's Vendor Information System.

(Agenda G22) Commissioners are being asked to authorize execution of a change order to Morganti Texas, Inc., for Bayport Cruise Terminal Complex - Phase 1 Terminal Building in the credit amount of $468,800. The contract includes a $400,000 allowance for security equipment, along with a $68,800 installation cost. Because of changed requirements for cameras and the need for integration of components throughout the site into a functioning system, it is no longer practical to have the contractor furnish a portion of the security system, making it necessary to delete the equipment and installation from this contract.

(Agenda G27) Commissioners are being asked to authorize amending the design/build contract with BAE Systems Information and Electronic Integration, Inc., for Bayport Terminal Security and Telecommunication Systems integration for $447,479. This amendment will provide the equipment, materials and labor required for the installation, testing, training, acceptance, construction management and warranty for fiber optics equipment for the Phase 1 Stage 1 container yard operational radio data terminal network and security cameras. It will also provide for design modifications for the Cruise Terminal to incorporate additional security cameras and related equipment requested by Customs and Border Protection.

(Agenda G28) Commissioners are being asked to authorize amending the agreement with TRC for professional services to provide air quality consulting and monitor and maintain particulate samplers at the Bayport Terminal construction project for $50,000. Additional maintenance, repairs and rental fees were incurred due to a lightning strike at one monitor and excessive humidity damage to the other monitor.

(Agenda K7) Commissioners are being asked to authorize advertising and receipt of proposals to provide air quality consulting and monitor and maintain particulate samplers at the Bayport Terminal construction project. The port authority monitors fugitive dust, a type of nonpoint source air pollution that originates in small quantities over large areas, such as construction sites, to comply with the Department of the Army Permit No. 21520, Condition No. 7, PHA Dust Plan for the Bayport Container and Cruise Terminal Project.


(Agenda G20) The Commission is being asked to authorize awarding a professional services contract to Starcrest Consulting Group, LLC, to conduct a goods movement air emission inventory at the Port of Houston for $292,455. This emission inventory will include an update to the 2000 Houston-Galveston Area Vessel Emissions Inventory to capture emissions from ocean-going vessels and harbor craft and include emission inventories for rail and on-road truck activities with the port area. The inventory will calculate ozone pollutants, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds as well as particulate matter and greenhouse gases. Starcrest was selected as the best value to the port authority out of four companies that responded.

(Agenda G30) Commissioners are being asked to authorize an amendment to the J. Simmons Group, Inc. Professional Services Contract for implementation of the Disposal Area Management Plan (DAMP) for all PHA dredge material placement areas, DAMP Management, engineering, and marsh management, extending it for five years. This unique program has succeeded at preserving valuable placement area capacity in the PHA placement sites and extended their useful life, while forging positive community relations in neighborhoods adjacent to these areas.

(Agenda K3) Commissioners are being asked to authorize advertising and receipt of competitive sealed proposals for dust suppression system at Industrial Park East - 2008 for an estimated $450,000 to $500,000. The PHA Real Estate Department has budgeted an annual dust suppression program at the Industrial Park East with the ability to comply with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requirements.


(Agenda G6) Commissioners are being asked to authorize a professional services contract to Michael J. Frazier, political consultant, and The Mondello Group to provide federal legislative support and associated expenses for $215,250 for a one-year period. The group played an instrumental role in supporting the port authority's federal agenda in 2007, including increasing the funding available to the Houston Ship Channel project, including port priorities in the Water Resources Development Act and assisting with port security issues.

(Agenda G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5) The Commission is being asked to authorize awarding professional services contracts to Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P., Baker Botts L.L.P, J.E. "Buster" Brown and Associates, Al Luna and the Texas Lobby Group for state legislative support and associated expenses for $66,150 each for a total of $330,750 for a one-year period. These firms all helped support the port authority's agenda during the 2007 session of the Texas Legislature, including passage of legislation that limits liability on dredging, authorizes the creation of a ship channel security district, and creates a permanent two-year rolling validation act.

From the local to the state and national level, the Port of Houston Authority relies on elected officials to help mold the Port's future and determine its destiny.


(Agenda G7) The Commission is being asked to authorize awarding a construction contract to Resicom, Inc., for Morgan's Point sidewalk repaving for $258,230. As part of the port authority's commitment to the community near the Barbours Cut Container Terminal, this project will replace the existing asphalt sidewalk on East Main Street in the City of Morgan's Point with a more durable reinforced concrete sidewalk.

(Agenda G8) The Commission is being asked to authorize awarding a construction contract to Adept General Construction, Inc., for Morgan's Point sidewalks-Vinsonia for $83,234.50. As another part of the port authority's commitment to the community near the Barbours Cut Container Terminal, this project will construct a sidewalk along Vinsonia Avenue in the City of Morgan's Point.


(Agenda G12) Commissioners are being asked to authorize awarding a construction contract to Bo-Mac Contractors, Ltd., for replacement of guardhouse at Gate 18 at 76th and Avenue P for $82,000. The Houston Ship Channel's embankment downstream of Wharf No. 1 at the Turning Basin has experienced slope failure due to numerous storms over the past several years. This has caused the tenants' pipelines to the existing T-Head dock to lose support. A city of Houston storm water outfall crossing PHA property has also collapsed, causing additional embankment failure. The PHA and the city of Houston have entered into an Interlocal Agreement to pay for the repairs.


(Agenda M3) Commissioners are being asked to authorize renewal of the Port of Houston Authority's membership to the Alliance for I-69 Texas for FY2007 and for payment of dues of $50,000. The port authority became of member of the Alliance for I-69 Texas in December 1994. Under the leadership of the Greater Houston Partnership, Alliance members include representatives of local businesses, municipal government, chambers of commerce and other groups in supporting the construction of the NAFTA Highway form the Texas-Mexico border to the Canadian border. Alliance support activities include dissemination of educational materials, development and implementation of federal and state government strategies, active participation in the Mid-Continent Highway Coalition and presentations during public hearing and meetings.


(Agenda M18) Commissioners are being asked to authorize entry into an agreement with the Galveston Bay Foundation for Phase II of the Pine Gully project to investigate and mitigate sedimentation at Pine Gully in Seabrook, Texas, for $36,400. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Settlement Agreement (MOSA) with the City of Seabrook, authorized by the port commission, the port authority agreed to consider entering into a second agreement for Phase II for the Pine Gully project. The MOSA defines mutually agreed-upon terms for the continued development of Bayport container terminal facilities, land planning and development in adjoining areas within Seabrook, and the resolution of siltation in Pine Gully and outlines a series of public steps that the port authority and Seabrook have agreed to take over the next three months to carry out the settlement process to resolve legal matters, and address quality of life enhancements, land usage and environmental initiatives.

This news release is not a substitute for the official PHA agenda. To view the complete agenda, please visit:

The Port of Houston Authority owns and operates the public facilities located along the Port of Houston, the 25-mile-long complex of diversified public and private facilities designed for handling general cargo, containers, grain and other dry bulk materials, project and heavy lift cargo, and other types of cargo. Each year, more than 7,000 vessels call at the port, which ranks first in the U.S. in foreign waterborne tonnage, second in overall total tonnage, and 10th largest in the world. The Port Authority plays a vital role in ensuring navigational safety along the Houston Ship Channel, which has been instrumental in Houston's development as a center of international trade. The Barbours Cut Container Terminal and Central Maintenance Facility are the first of any U.S. port facilities to develop and implement an innovative Environmental Management System that meets the rigorous standards of ISO 14001. Additionally, the port is an approved delivery point for Coffee "C" futures contracts traded on the New York Board of Trade's Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange.

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