SCF Technologies, admittance to trading and official listing on 28 November 2007

|                                      |          Copenhagen, 21 November 2007 |
SCF Technologies A/S - announcement regarding admittance to trading and official

Please be informed that SCF Technologies A/S will be admitted to trading and    
official listing on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen with effect from 28 November 
2007 in the ISIN code below                                                     

| ISIN                     | Name                                              |
| DK0060046522             | SCF Technologies                                  |

The company's GICS Classification is 20201030.                                  

| Sector classification: | 20 Industrials                                      |
|                        | 20 20 Commercial Services & Supplies                |
|                        | 20 20 10 Commercial Services & Supplies             |
|                        | 20 20 10 30 Diversified Commercial & Professional   |
|                        | Services                                            |

In the Nordic List SCF Technologies will be included in the SmallCap-segment.   

SCF Technologies will from 4 December 2007 to 17 December 2007 carry out a      
rights issue. Subscription rights will be traded in the period from 29 November 
2007 to 12 December 2007.                                                       

For further information, please see the prospectus and the announcement from OMX
Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S on the rights issue.                             

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,  
tel. +45 33 93 33 66                                                            
ISIN: DK0060046522 (VP: 6004652)                                                

| Name:                                  | SCF Technologies                    |
| Volume:                                | 1,357,886 shares (DKK 1,357,886)    |
| First day of listing:                  | 28 November 2007                    |
| Face value:                            | DKK 1                               |
| Short name:                            | SCFT                                |
| Share type:                            | AKTIE                               |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                          | Name                                 |
| Voting rights of listed capital:      | Full                                 |
| Financial year:                       | 1 January - 31 December              |
| Unlisted capital:                     | DKK 0                                |
| Issuing bank:                         | Amagerbanken A/S                     |
| Trading lot:                          | 100                                  |
| CBR NO:                               | 27 43 99 77                          |
| GICS:                                 | 20 20 10 30                          |
| Type:                                 | 0                                    |


scf technologies - optagelsesmeddelelse - uk.pdf