Interim report for the period January 1 to September 30, 2007 (unaudited and unreviewed)

Announcement no. 23/2007                                                        

To the OMX Nordic Exchange	                           
Copenhagen, November 22, 2007 

Interim report for the period January 1 to September 30, 2007 (unaudited and    

Curalogic now has two Phase III clinical studies in progress                    

Curalogic's program for the development of patient friendly immunotherapy       
products is among the most ambitious in the industry with two Phase III clinical
studies in progress. The status of the clinical studies is:                     

Treatment has been completed of all patients in the Phase III clinical study    
(RPE 04) with the ragweed product, and Curalogic has now moved on to the        
reporting stage of the study.                                                   
For the grass product, treatment of patients in a Phase III clinical study (GPE 
03) has been initiated.                                                         
In the house dust mite project, the regulatory authorities have asked clarifying
questions to the medium the house dust mites were cultivated on. Curalogic's    
supplier of house dust mites is in direct dialogue with the German regulatory   
authorities to answer the questions. This means that Curalogic has not, as was  
planned, commenced the treatment of patients in a Phase II clinical study (DME  

Financial performance during the period July 1 to September 30, 2007            

Curalogic recorded an operating loss (EBIT) of DKK 55.0 million in Q3 2007      
compared to an operating loss of DKK 15.6 million in Q3 2006. This was in line  
with the company's expectations. The main reason for the difference in operating
loss compared to Q3 2006 is that research and development costs increased by DKK
38.1 million as a result of increased clinical development activities.          

The company's cash and cash equivalents amounted to DKK 393.2 million as of     
September 30, 2007, compared to DKK 185.4 million as of September 30, 2006.     

The company adjusts the expectations for 2007                                   

The Company now expects a net loss in the range of DKK 180 - 190 million for the
full year 2007, compared to previous expectations of a net loss in the range of 
DKK 195 - 210 million. Research and development costs are now expected to be in 
the range DKK 175 - 185 million in 2007, administrative expenses are expected to
be approximately DKK 12 million and financial income are expected to be         
approximately DKK 8 - 10 million. The change is primarily due to savings in the 
Phase III study on the grass product as well as savings and postponed costs on  
the product for treatment of house dust mite allergy.                           
Events during the period July 1 to September 30, 2007                           

Preparations for Phase III clinical study (GPE 03) of the grass product         
The clinical protocol was filed with the health authorities and ethical         
committees in the countries where it is planned that the study will be          

Protocol filed for Phase II clinical study (DME 01) of the house dust mite      
In the house dust mite project, a clinical protocol was filed with the          
regulatory authorities and the ethical committee in Germany in August 2007.     

Overallotment option exercised                                                  
Curalogic made an offering of 18 million new shares in June 2007, and in July   
2007 an overallotment option for 2 million shares was exercised in full,        
bringing the gross proceeds to the company from the offering to DKK 340 million.
The net proceeds from the offering totaled DKK 323 million net of transaction   
costs of DKK 17 million. After the exercise of the overallotment option,        
Curalogic's share capital consists of 56,428,816 shares of DKK 0.50 nominal     
value each.                                                                     

Warrants issued                                                                 
On September 1, 2007, Curalogic issued a total of 975,000 warrants to new       
employees, current employees, the members of the Management Board and the Board 
of Directors.                                                                   

Key events after September 30, 2007                                             

Treatment completed in the Phase III clinical study (RPE 04)                    
All patients in Curalogic's Phase III clinical study of the ragweed product have
completed the planned treatment. The next steps are first quality control of all
data and then calculation of the results of the study.                          

Treatment initiated of patients in Phase III clinical study (GPE 03) with the   
grass product                                                                   
In November 2007, treatment of the first patients in Curalogic's Phase III      
clinical study on the grass product was initiated. The study is conducted in a  
large number of European countries.                                             
Dialogue with the regulatory authorities regarding clinical Phase II study (DME 
01) on the house dust mite product                                              
The ethical committee has approved the DME 01 protocol, and the regulatory      
authorities have asked clarifying questions about the medium the house dust     
mites were cultivated on. Curalogic's supplier of house dust mites is in direct 
dialogue with the German regulatory authorities to answer the questions. This   
means that Curalogic has not, as was planned, initiated the treatment of        
patients in a Phase II clinical study (DME 01). Curalogic expects to have       
provided satisfactory answers to the questions from the authorities shortly and 
to be able to initiate the DME 01 study in early 2008.                          

Statement by the Management Board and the Board of Directors on the interim     

We have today considered and adopted the interim report of Curalogic A/S for the
nine-month period January 1 to September 30, 2007.                              

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, the Company's   
accounting policies for the financial year 2006 and additional Danish disclosure
requirements for interim reports of listed companies. The interim report is     
unaudited and unreviewed.                                                       

We consider the accounting policies to be appropriate. Accordingly, the interim 
report gives a true and fair view of the company's financial position as of     
September 30, 2007 and of the results of operations and cash flows for the      
nine-month period January 1 to September 30, 2007.                              

Copenhagen, November 22, 2007                                                   

Curalogic A/S                                                                   

Board of Directors                                                              

Jakob Schmidt	Christian Karsten Hansen                                          

Pamela J. Kirby	Alf A. Lindberg                                                 

Carl Spana                                                                      

Management Board                                                                

Peter Moldt                                                                     

For additional information, please contact:                                     
Peter Moldt, President and CEO	Tel +45 99 99 24 00, mobile +45 26 25 04 22      
Helle Busck Fensvig, EVP and CFO 	Tel +45 99 99 24 24, mobile +45 20 70 55 37   

This announcement contains forward-looking statements regarding the company's   
future financial development and performance and other statements which are not 
historical facts. Such statements are made on the basis of assumptions and      
expectations which, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, are      
reasonable, at this time, but may prove to be erroneous in the future.          
Status of Curalogic's activities                                                

Development activities                                                          

Curalogic has four products in clinical development for the treatment of allergy
to ragweed pollen, grass pollen, house dust mites and cat hair. The development 
of the products aims for registration both in the United States and Europe.     

Ragweed (ambrosia)                                                              
Curalogic's product for the treatment of ragweed allergy is in clinical Phase   
III. The ragweed product has been thoroughly tested in seven clinical studies   
involving 1,066 patients. The results from the clinical studies have shown the  
same good reduction of allergy symptoms as achieved with injection-based        
immunotherapy, and that the product is safe and has very few adverse effects.   

During the 2007 ragweed pollen season, Curalogic conducted a clinical Phase III 
study (RPE 04), and a total of 545 patients participated in the study in the    
United States, Italy, Hungary and Serbia. The clinical stage of the study has   
now been completed, and the next step will be the work involved in reporting the
study. Curalogic expects to publish results from the study in the first quarter 
of 2008.                                                                        

The primary objective of the RPE 04 study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety
of one daily dose of orally administered ragweed extract or placebo in patients 
suffering from ragweed allergy, with treatment being initiated at least eight   
weeks prior to, and continuing throughout, the ragweed pollen season. Based on  
data from the study, Curalogic plans to file a registration application in      
Europe in H2 2008.                                                              

In Denmark, ragweed is called ambrosia. About 4 million people in Europe and 29 
million people in the United States suffer from ragweed allergy. Patients       
experience ragweed allergy as one of the worst allergies. This is partly due to 
the fact that pollen from ragweed is very potent and partly that the pollen     
season is very long (6-8 weeks).                                                

Curalogic's product for the treatment of grass allergy is in clinical Phase III.
The grass product has been studied in two clinical Phase II studies: one in the 
United States and one in Europe. The studies involved a total of 93 patients    
with moderate to severe grass allergy who were dosed on a daily basis for 1 to  
10 weeks. The highest dose tested is 64,000 BAU, which is approximately 30 times
higher than the maintenance dose recommended in the United States for injection 
immunotherapy. No treatment-related serious adverse events or anaphylactic      
reactions were reported in the studies. The grass product was well-tolerated,   
both with and without up-dosing, and the adverse events were of a similar nature
as those observed for the ragweed product.                                      

Curalogic will conduct a clinical Phase III study (GPE 03) in the 2008 grass    
pollen season, and treatment of the first patients began in November 2007. The  
study will be conducted in a number of European countries, and more than 600    
patients are expected to be included in the study.                              

The primary objective of the GPE 03 is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of   
two doses of orally administered grass pollen extract to patients suffering from
grass allergy. Patients with moderate to severe grass allergy will be treated   
daily with one of the two active doses or placebo. Treatment will begin at least
eight weeks prior to and will continue throughout the grass pollen season. The  
grass pollen season begins in May and lasts throughout the summer.              

It is expected that results from the study will be announced in the first       
quarter of 2009, and Curalogic plans to file a registration application for the 
grass product in Europe in the second half of 2009.                             

About 51 million people in Europe and 30 million people in the United States    
suffer from grass allergy.                                                      

House dust mites                                                                
Curalogic's product for the treatment of house dust mite allergy is currently in
the preclinical Phase. Curalogic is ready to commence a clinical Phase II study 
(DME 01) and expects to start treatment of the first patients as soon as        
satisfactory answers to the clarifying questions from the regulatory authorities
have been provided. It is expected that DME 01 can be initiated in Q1 2008.     

The primary objective of the DME 01 study is to determine the maximum tolerated 
dose. The plan is for patients with moderate to severe house dust mite allergy  
to participate in this study which will be conducted at a single clinical centre
in Germany.                                                                     

The two most predominant house dust mite species in the United States and Europe
are D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae, which are typically found in carpets and   
bedclothes. The active ingredients in the product for house dust mite allergy   
will therefore comprise a mixture of extracts from these two species of house   
dust mites.                                                                     

About 30 million people in Europe and 52 million people in the United States are
allergic to house dust mites. Patients who are allergic to house dust mites     
suffer from allergy symptoms all year.                                          

Curalogic's product candidate for the treatment of cat hair allergy is in       
clinical Phase II. The active ingredient in the clinically tested cat product is
an extract from cat hair. A successful oral product for the treatment of allergy
to cats would require cat hairs in quantities exceeding the currently available 
supply. Curalogic has explored several options for sourcing the cat allergen,   
and the Company has concluded that, commercially, the establishment of          
recombinant manufacturing is the best solution. Curalogic continues to          
investigate the practical possibilities of how to establish recombinant         
manufacturing capabilities.                                                     

Other activities                                                                

Overallotment option exercised in July 2007                                     
Curalogic made an offering of 18 million new shares in June 2007, and in July   
2007 an overallotment option for 2 million shares was exercised in full,        
bringing the gross proceeds to the Company from the offering to DKK 340 million.
The net proceeds from the offering totaled DKK 323 million net of transaction   
costs of DKK 17 million.                                                        

The net proceeds from the offering of the 2 million shares, which concern the   
period after June 30, 2007, were DKK 33 million net of transaction costs of DKK 
1 million for that part of the offering.                                        

On September 30, 2007, Curalogic's share capital consists of 56,428,816 shares  
of DKK 0.50 nominal value each.                                                 

Investor relations                                                              
In Q3 2007, Curalogic presented the Company at various venues for institutional 
as well as private investors.                                                   

Strengthening of the organization                                               
The organization was strengthened by one new staff member on September 1, 2007: 
a finance and administration manager. The organization thus had a total of 14   
employees as of September 30, 2007.                                             

Warrants issued                                                                 
On September 1, 2007, Curalogic issued a total of 975,000 warrants to new       
employees, current employees, the members of the Management Board and the Board 
of Directors.                                                                   

Financial review for the nine months ended September 30, 2007                   

Developments in Curalogic's activities in Q3 2007 were in generel in line with  
the company's plans. The clinical activities for the ragweed product progressed 
as scheduled. The Phase II clinical study of the grass product was completed    
ahead of schedule, and the proceeds from the equity offering in June 2007 have  
given the company the opportunity to accelerate the development of the grass    
project, so that this project has now been progressed to Phase III. The product 
for treatment of house dust mite allergy has been delayed as a consequence of   
the regulatory authorities clarifying questions about the product. Curalogic is 
ready for the clinical Phase II study (DME 01) and expect to start treatment of 
the first patients as soon as the questions from the authorities have been      
answered to their satisfaction.                                                 

Curalogic did not generate any revenue in the first nine months of 2007.        

Research and development costs                                                  
Curalogic's research and development costs totaled DKK 52.2 million in Q3 2007  
(Q3 2006: DKK 14.1 million).                                                    

Research and development costs totaled DKK 120.2 million for the nine months    
ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: DKK 19.7 million). Staff costs      
included in research and development costs totaled DKK 4.3 million for the nine 
months ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: DKK 1.5 million). Development
costs incurred for clinical trials and maturing of production totaled DKK 115.9 
million for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: DKK 18.3
million). The most significant development costs in the period were the costs   
incurred for the clinical Phase III study on the ragweed allergy product (RPE   
04), the costs incurred for the clinical Phase II study on the grass allergy    
product (GPE 02) and costs incurred for the start-up of the clinical Phase III  
study of the product against grass allergy (GPE 03). The preparations for the   
clinical Phase II study with the product for house dust mite allergy (DME 01)   
also account for part of these costs.                                           

Administrative expenses                                                         
Curalogic's administrative expenses totaled DKK 2.8 million in Q3 2007 (Q3 2006:
DKK 1.5 million).                                                               

Administrative expenses totaled DKK 6.9 million for the nine months ended       
September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: DKK 4.1 million). Out of the              
administrative expenses, staff costs - including costs relating to the Board of 
Directors - totaled DKK 3.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2007
(nine months 2006: DKK 2.6 million). Costs relating to the head office and fees 
to the legal advisor, auditor and other advisors totaled DKK 3.2 million for the
nine months ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: DKK 1.5 million).       

Operating loss (EBIT)                                                           
Curalogic posted an operating loss (EBIT) of DKK 55.0 million in Q3 2007 (Q3    
2006: DKK 15.6 million).                                                        

An operation loss (EBIT) of DKK 127.1 million was posted for the nine months    
ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: a loss of DKK 23.8 million).        

Net financials                                                                  
Curalogics net financials amounted to an income of DKK 2.9 million in Q3 2007   
(Q3 2006: DKK 2.4 million).                                                     

Net financials amounted to net income of DKK 5.4 million for the nine months    
ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: net income of DKK 2.3 million). The 
net financial income was again attributable to interest income on the proceeds  
from the IPO on the OMX Nordic Exchange in June 2006 and interest income on the 
proceeds from the company's secondary offering in June 2007. The net financial  
expenses were attributable to the technical losses on currency exchange         
contracts entered into in the summer of 2006 and in Q3 2007 to secure the       
exchange rate of development costs paid in USD.                                 
Loss before tax                                                                 
Curalogic's loss before tax was DKK 52.1 million in Q3 2007 (Q3 2006: a loss of 
DKK 13.1 million).                                                              

The loss before tax was DKK 121.7 million for the nine months ended September   
30, 2007 (nine months 2006: a loss of DKK 21.5 million).                        

Tax on the loss on ordinary operations for the nine months ended September 30,  
2007 was DKK 0.0 million (nine months 2006: DKK 0.0 million). The Company has   
not recognized the value of the tax losses as assets in the balance sheet as the
Management considers that the criteria for such recognition have not been met.  

Liquidity and capital resources                                                 
The cash flow from primary operations was an outflow of DKK 102.7 million for   
the nine months ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: an outflow of DKK   
14.4 million). The cash flow from financing activities was an outflow of DKK 7.1
million for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: an      
outflow of DKK 2.1 million). This brought the cash flow from operating          
activities to an outflow of DKK 95.6 million for the nine months ended September
30, 2007 (nine months 2006: an outflow of DKK 12.3 million).                    

The cash flow from investing activities was an outflow of DKK 0.1 million for   
the nine months ended September 30, 2007 (nine months 2006: DKK 0.0 million).   

The cash flow from financing activities was an inflow of DKK 322.9 million for  
the nine months ended September 30, 2006 (nine months 2007: an inflow of DKK    
189.4 million). The cash inflow of DKK 322.9 million in 2007 related to the     
offering of 18 million new shares in June and the exercise of the overallotment 
option of 1 million new shares in July, whilst the amount of DKK 189.4 million  
primarily related to the proceeds from the company's IPO in June 2006.          

Cash and cash equivalents stood at DKK 393.2 million at September 30, 2007      
(September 30, 2006: DKK 185.4 million).                                        

Equity stood at DKK 362.1 million as of September 30, 2007 (September 30, 2006: 
DKK 176.1 million).                                                             

Outlook for the financial year 2007                                             

The Company now expects a net loss in the range of DKK 180 - 190 million for the
full year 2007, compared to previous expectations of a net loss in the range of 
DKK 195 - 210 million. Research and development costs are now expected to be in 
the range DKK 175 - 185 million in 2007, administrative expenses are expected to
be approximately DKK 12 million and financial income are expected to be         
approximately DKK 8 - 10 million. The change is primarily due to savings in the 
Phase III study on the grass product as well as savings and postponed costs on  
the product for treatment of house dust mite allergy.                           

Appendix - Interim financial statements and notes to the financial statements   
for the nine months ended September 30, 2007                                    

Notes to the financial statements                                               

1. Accounting policies                                                          

The interim report is presented in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial    
Reporting and additional Danish disclosure requirements for listed companies.   

The accounting policies applied in the interim report are unchanged relative to 
the accounting policies applied in the company's annual report for 2006 and are 
in accordance with the International Financial reporting Standards (IFRS) as    
adopted by the EU and additional Danish disclosure requirements for annual      
reports of listed companies.                                                    

Segment information                                                             
The Company has only one business area: the development of drug for the         
treatment of allergic diseases. As the company does not generate income in the  
form of revenue from external customers, this interim report for Q3 2007 does   
not include segment information for geographical areas.                         

Notes to the financial statements

