no 76/07 Settlement of EUADEC-07

The settlement date for EUADEC-07 is approaching, with 3 December 2007 as the last trading day.  

Lysaker, 26 November 2007
Nord Pool Clearing would like to remind our members and clients of the following:

The net seller must ensure that all the allowances are transferred to the Nord Pool Clearing registry account within 16.00 CET on the last trading day 3 December. The account number is DK-121-451-0.

The net buyers must have cash equal to the settlement on their accounts in the morning 4 December at the latest. The net sellers may pre-deliver allowances in advance of the last trading day in order to reduce their need for collateral.

For further information please see the document: margining and settlement for the EUA forward contract   . Clearing information no 76/2007   (PDF-format) 
For further information, please contact Nord Pool Clearing:  

Trond Svensgaard, head of risk management, phone +47 6710 8412/+47 9012 3679

Kristian Kloster, risk management, phone +47 6710 8415/+47 9593 1881