Interim financial report Q3 2007

Company Announcement No. 160, 2007

H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 4th Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 27 35 02 00

26 November 2007

Interim financial report Q3 2007

- Third-quarter revenue was DKK 483.8 million (2006: DKK 481.5 million)
- Revenue for the first three quarters was DKK 1,432.5 million 
  (2006: DKK 1,266.2 million) 
- Third-quarter EBITDA was DKK 87.9 million (2006: DKK 83.3 million) after
  provision of DKK 16.5 million in respect of decontamination of a contaminated
  plot in the UK 
- EBITDA for the first three quarters was DKK 277.7 million 
  (2006: DKK 180.9 million) 
- Third-quarter profit before tax was DKK 54.8 million (2006: DKK 50.6 million)
- Profit before tax for the first three quarters was DKK 168.5 million 
  (2006:DKK 93.2 million) 
- Equity at 30 September 2007 stood at DKK 960.6 million
- Net interest-bearing debt at 30 September 2007 amounted to DKK 410.4 million
- The outlook for full-year 2007 profit before tax is lowered to the 
  DKK 190-210 million range against previously DKK 220-240 million primarily
  reflecting a provision in the UK and lower sales in Germany 

Please see attached pdf file for full version of the report.

For additional information please contact:
Hans Gormsen, CEO, or Martin Busk Andersen, Vice President, Finance, on
telephone +45 35 27 02 00

