New casino in Ukraine

The Ukrainian subsidiary of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) opened a new slot
casino in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine, at an investment of over EUR 1 mln. 

Casino, which was opened this weekend, is the 14th Olympic Casino in Ukraine.
In addition, the company owns 5 casinos under brand name Eldorado, which were
acquired in September and will be re-branded as Olympic Casinos. 

Ukraine's newest Olympic Casino is named Olympic Casino Shevchenko and it is
located in the centre of Kyiv, on a major thoroughfare of Tarass Shevchenko
Boulevard. The 219 square meter casino is designed in Ancient Greek style and
includes 42 modern slot machines and a spacious bar area. 

Additional information:

Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250