Information about changes in the management

At the November 28, 2007 Supervisory board of „Dvarcioniu keramika“ AB make
1. Recall Audris Imbrasas of he member of the Board.
2. Accept Board member Juozas Raišelis resignation from Board chairman position
apropos undo a labor treaty. 
3. Elect Marek Andrzej Ungier and Amadeusz Kowalski to the members of the Board.

At the November 28, 2007 management Board of „Dvarcioniu keramika“ AB make
1.	2007-11-28 Undo a labor treaty with a president of the Company Juozas
2.	2007-11-28 Elect new Company‘s Board chairman and president Marek Andrzej

President at interim
Algirdas Krupavičius
Ph. +370 5 2317021