IT – Error in the OTC publication venue for Non-OMX listed instruments (OTCM REP) (70/07)

OMX has found an error in the reporting of trades in non-listed securities. The transaction TradeReportExternal cannot be used for reporting off-hours trades during the submarket state Pre-trade. This transaction can only be used for reporting off exchange transactions during the opening hours of the venue. This means that you cannot report trades entered into on a former trading day. 

OMX is working on a solution or work around to this problem and as soon as we have more information on this, then OMX will inform further on this issue. 

On 19 November 2007 OMX informed about two changes to be implemented 3 December 2007: 
1. Implementation of two new trade types on OMX OTC Publication Service 
2. New MIC code for First North CPH

Please, download the attached document for further information.

Best regards,
OMX Nordic Exchange

