National Control Commission for Prices and Energy announced regulation for electricity prices and tariffs of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB for year 2008.

National Control Commission for Prices and Energy during the session held on
November 30th made a decision to announce regulation for electricity prices and
tariffs of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB. This regulation had been approved by
the Board of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB on the October 29th, 2007. Tariffs
for residential customers will remain the same from 1st of January, 2008.
Electricity price for commercial customers, which are connected to the medium
and low voltage networks, will rise approximately 2.54 LTC/kWh (without VAT). 

This information can be found on the Commission's web page
and on the website of the Company

Artur Grigorian
Specialist of the Assets Management Division
(+370-5) 251 2638