Prepared VST, AB interim financial report for nine months of 2007

VST, AB has prepared interim financial report for nine months of 2007
(attached) in accordance with the Rules on Preparation and Submission of
Periodic and Additional Information of the Lithuanian Securities Commission. 
VST, AB Interim financial report for three months of 2007 is available in the
Securities Commission Library (23 Konstitucijos av. Vilnius), in VST AB
headquarters (16 Jasinskio str. Vilnius) Monday to Thursday 7.30 a.m. - 4.30
p.m. and on Fridays  7.30 a.m. to 3.15 p.m. or via Internet - 
Rasa Kruopaitė - Lalienė
Head of public relations
(+370 5) 2781231


2007 3 ketv fa en.pdf