Supervisory authority announces ruling on Intrum Justitia's Norwegian operations

Supervisory authority announces ruling on Intrum Justitia's Norwegian operations

In the summer of 2007 it was discovered that Intrum Justitia AS distributed a
number of letters with incorrect reminder fees. The incorrect letters were
limited to two clients and represented 0.2 percent of the cases handled annually
by the Norwegian subsidiary. The incorrect charges were caused by a programming
error in a computer program. Immediately after the mistake was detected, the
computer program was corrected and all those who received the letters were
contacted and all incorrect charges were refunded.

Due to what happened, Intrum Justitia obtained the assistance of the accounting
firm Ernst & Young to internally review its systems and processes. Their final
report did not identify any substantive deficiencies, but did propose certain
improvements and an action plan, which has already been implemented in large

Furthermore, Intrum Justitia has maintained a continuous dialogue with the
Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority, Kredittilsynet, to investigate the
deficiencies. The supervisory authority's ruling, as announced today, is that
the errors are sufficient cause to revoke Intrum Justitia AS's debt collection
license, but that the company may continue operating until the matter is
ultimately resolved by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice, to which Intrum
Justitia has appealed Kredittilsynet's ruling to recall Intrum Justitia AS's

Intrum Justitia is continuing to pursue efforts to ensure the long-term
viability of the operations and continues its focus on client relationships. At
the same time the company will continue to implement the improvement plan based
on Ernst & Young's review. Their statement in this regard can be found on the
company's website,

Intrum Justitia Norway accounted for 3.6 percent of the Group's total revenues
in 2006.

For further information, please contact:
Anders Antonsson, Director of Communications
Tel: +46 8 546 102 06. Mobile: +46 703 367 818

Intrum Justitia is Europe's leading Credit Management Services (CMS) group, with
revenues of approximately SEK 2.9 billion and around 2,900 employees in 24
markets. Intrum Justitia strives to measurably improve its customers' cash flows
and long-term profitability by offering high quality in relationships with both
customers and debtors in each local market. The group offers a wide range of
services to manage commercial and consumer receivables. Intrum Justitia AB
(ticker IJ) is listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm, Mid Cap list. For
more information, please visit

