Comment of OEG to the gaming market situation in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine

Over the years there have been various ideas in Ukraine how to organise the
gaming market. Considering that there are around 2,000 casino operators in the
country, such an initiative is definitely justified. A few years ago the City
of Kyiv imposed tougher requirements on casinos, and that has certainly had a
positive impact on the overall quality of the service offered on the market. 

The idea to prohibit casinos in central Kyiv is new and until now there has
been no meaningful debate over it. Therefore, we are not in the position to
give a general assessment on this news item today. In the opinion of the
Ukraine Association of Gaming Operators, such a plan could not be realized by
law and would not be possible in the general context of the business-friendly
economic climate. 

There are several Olympic Casinos in the centre of Kyiv and their number varies
depending on how one defines the city centre. At present we see no direct
reason to worry and the high quality of our gaming locations is definitely one
safeguard that these locations will successfully operate also in the future. 

Additional information:

Andri Avila
Member of the Board
Olympic Entertainment Group
Ph + 372 667 1250