Articles of Association for BoConcept Holding adopted on 7 November 2008




Article 1.

The name of the company is BoConcept Holding A/S. The secondary name of the     
company is Denka                                                                

Holding A/S (BoConcept Holding A/S).

The company is domiciled in the municipality of Herning, Denmark.

The objects of the company are to manufacture and trade in furniture and other  
related activities. The                                                         

activities are carried out through subsidiaries only.

Article 2.

The share capital of the company is DKK 26,237,450 divided into

2,400,000 Class A shares, in denominations of DKK 10 and multiples hereof


23,837,450 Class B shares, divided into shares in denominations of DKK 10.00.

The share capital is fully paid up.

No shareholder shall be obliged to have his or her shares redeemed, either      
wholly or in part.                                                              

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Article 3.

Special rules apply to voting and pre-emption rights in connection with         
increases in the share capital; in                                              

all other circumstances no shares shall confer special rights on the holder.

Class A shares are issued and must be registered in the name of the holder.

Class B shares are registered with the Danish Securities Centre and issued to   
bearer, but may be                                                              

registered in the name of the holder and entered in the company's register of   

Class A shares are non-negotiable instruments.

Class B shares are negotiable instruments.

Værdipapircentralen A/S [the Danish Securities Centre], situated at Helgeshøj   
Alle 61, 2630 Taastrup,                                                         

keeps the register of shareholders on behalf of the company in pursuance of     
section 25 of the Danish                                                        

Companies Act.

Article 4.

The share capital may be increased with both Class A and Class B shares in the  
ratio existing between the                                                      

two share classes at the time of the capital increase, or with either Class A or
Class B shares.                                                                 

Where the share capital is increased by means of a new issue, the shareholders  
shall, unless the general                                                       

meeting passes a separate resolution to the contrary, be entitled to subscribe  
for the new shares on a pro                                                     

rata basis thus that Class A shareholders are entitled to subscribe for new     
Class A shares only, and Class                                                  

B shareholders are entitled to subscribe for new Class B shares only while both 
classes of shareholders                                                         

shall be entitled to subscribe for the new shares on a pro rata basis if the    
increase applies to either Class                                                

A or Class B shares.

Shares that have been issued in connection with a capital increase shall be     
completely identical to the                                                     

existing shares of the same share class with regard to rights, redeemability,   
negotiability, whether or not                                                   

they shall be bearer shares or registered shares, whether or not they shall be  
negotiable or non-                                                              

negotiable and whether or not a pre-emption right attaches to the shares in the 
case of future capital                                                          


The shares shall be entitled to dividend and any other rights in the company    
from the time that is stated                                                    

in the resolution to increase the capital or alternatively decided by the       
supervisory board.                                                              

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Article 5.

Where a shareholder wishes to sell one or more Class A shares, the said shares  
shall be offered to the                                                         

supervisory board on behalf of the other Class A shares at a price which is not 
below the average buying                                                        

price for the Class B shares quoted by the Copenhagen Stock Exchange during the 
three months                                                                    

preceding the offer. The offer shall be accompanied by a certificate from a bank
or stock exchange                                                               

confirming the said average price. If no official quotation exists for the Class
B shares relating to the past                                                   

three months, the Class A shares that are offered for sale shall be offered at a
price which is not below                                                        

the price estimated by a bank or stock exchange appointed by the supervisory    
board at the said time.                                                         

The supervisory board shall immediately notify holders of pre-emption rights of 
the offer, and the said                                                         

persons shall have a time limit of 30 days for acceptance.

Within 30 days of accepting the offer the supervisory board shall notify the    
said shareholder whether                                                        

there are any other Class A shareholders who wish to take over the said         
shareholding. The purchase price                                                

shall be paid within a month of accepting.

If the other Class A shareholders fail to exercise their pre-emption right to   
the Class A shares offered, in                                                  

part or in full, the shareholder who wishes to sell shall be entitled to sell   
the holding of shares not wanted                                                

by the other Class A shareholders to a third party within a period of three     
months subject to the same                                                      

terms and at a price which shall not be below the price offered the other Class 
A shareholders. After the                                                       

expiry of this time limit the provision on pre-emption rights shall apply once  

The passing of shares by succession or transfer inter vivos to a spouse, issue  
or the founders' family                                                         

foundations shall not be subject to this provision.

The provisions in this article shall also apply to a forced sale in the course  
of the administration of an                                                     

estate or any other debt enforcement proceedings.

No restrictions shall apply to the negotiability of Class B shares.

Article 6.

Dividend payable to holders of Class A shares is paid to the addresses entered  
in the register of                                                              


Dividend payable to holders of Class B shares is paid through the Danish        
Securities Centre in accordance                                                 

with the registration made.

Dividend due, but not drawn five years after the date on which it was due for   
distribution, shall accrue to                                                   

the company's reserve fund (or liquid reserve fund) after which time coupons    
issued shall have no                                                            

validity vis-à-vis the company.

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Article 7.

Lost shares, interim certificates, subscription and share certificates, coupons 
and slips may be declared                                                       

null and void without a court order pursuant to the provisions of law applicable
from time to time.                                                              

Article 7 A

At the general meeting held on 28 August 2007 guidelines were adopted for       
incentive pay schemes for                                                       

the supervisory board, the executive board and other selected executives, as    
published on the company's                                                      


Article 7 B

On 28 August 2007 the general meeting authorised the supervisory board to issue 
subscription rights                                                             

which may confer the right on the holder to subscribe for Class B shares in a   
nominal amount not                                                              

exceeding DKK 2,400,000 (240,000 shares). The authority is valid till 30 April  
2010. Only members of                                                           

the supervisory and executive boards and other selected executives are eligible 
for the subscription                                                            

rights. The authority may only be exercised for issuing subscription rights that
confer on the holder the                                                        

right to subscribe for Class B shares at their market price at the time of      
issuing the subscription right.                                                 

Article 7 C

On 28 August 2007 the general meeting authorised the supervisory board to       
increase the Class B share                                                      

capital to a nominal amount not exceeding DKK 2,400,000 (240,000 shares). The   
authority is valid till 30                                                      

September 2011. The capital can only be increased by means of a cash            
contribution. The capital increase                                              

can only be implemented by the executive board, the supervisory board or other  
selected executives                                                             

exercising the subscription rights subscribed for by them in the period from 29 
August 2007 to 30 June                                                          

2011. The new Class B shares are negotiable instruments registered through the  
Danish Securities Centre                                                        

and issued to bearer, but may be registered in the name of the holder. No       
restrictions shall apply to the                                                 

negotiability of the shares. No shareholder shall be obliged to have his or her 
shares redeemed, either                                                         

wholly or in part.

Article 8.

The general meeting is the highest authority of the company.

The general meetings of the company shall be held in the municipality of Herning
as decided by the                                                               

supervisory board.

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The ordinary general meeting shall be held in sufficient time for the audited   
and approved annual report                                                      

to be filed with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency at the latest four    
months after the end of                                                         

the financial year.

Extraordinary general meetings shall be held as decided by the general meeting  
or the supervisory board                                                        

or upon the request of the auditor of the company or by shareholders who        
together represent at least                                                     

one tenth of the share capital. The request shall be made in writing to the     
supervisory board                                                               

accompanied by a formulated proposal. The general meeting shall then be convened
within 14 days after                                                            

the receipt of the request.

General meetings shall be convened by notice in the Danish Official Gazette     
[Statstidende], one                                                             

Copenhagen daily newspaper and one local daily newspaper.

The notice shall also be sent by ordinary mail to any shareholders entered in   
the register of shareholders                                                    

who have requested such notice. The written notice shall be sent to the         
addresses entered in the register                                               

of shareholders.

Notice of the meeting shall be given at least two weeks and at most four weeks  
before the meeting is                                                           


Article 9.

The agenda of the annual general meeting shall include the following items:

1. Election of chairman of the meeting

2. Management's review

3. Presentation of the annual report

4. Adoption of the annual report, including grant of discharge to the executive 
   and supervisory boards                                                       

and resolution regarding the appropriation of profit or provision for losses    
pursuant to the approved                                                        

annual report.

5. Election of members of the supervisory board

6. Appointment of auditors

7. Any other business.

The agenda, and the complete proposals and, with respect to the annual general  
meeting, also the                                                               

audited annual report, shall be available for inspection by the shareholders at 
the company's office not                                                        

later than eight days before the general meeting and shall be forwarded to the  
registered shareholders                                                         

who have requested separate notice.

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In order to qualify for consideration at the general meeting of the company,    
proposals from shareholders                                                     

must be submitted to the supervisory board by 1 June in the year in which the   
general meeting is held.                                                        

Article 10.

Any shareholder who has received an admission card upon producing proper        
identification not later than                                                   

three days prior to the general meeting from the company's office shall be      
entitled to attend the general                                                  


In addition, admission cards are handed to shareholders entered in the company's
register of                                                                     

shareholders upon production of a receipt from the Danish Securities Centre, the
date of which must not                                                          

be later than three days prior to the general meeting.

Each Class A share amount of DKK 10 shall confer ten votes on the holder.

Each Class B share of DKK 10 shall confer one vote on the holder.

Voting rights may be exercised by proxy.

It is a condition of exercising voting rights under a share acquired by         
assignment that the share has been                                              

entered in the company's register of shareholders or that the shareholder has   
given the company notice                                                        

and documentary evidence of the acquisition.

The general meetings of the company are open to the press.

Article 11.

Any business transacted at the general meeting shall be decided by a simple     
majority of votes unless a                                                      

special majority is required by the Danish Companies Act or these articles of   

Provided always that in order to pass a resolution to amend the articles of     
association or to dissolve the                                                  

company shareholders corresponding to at least half of the total number of votes
in the company shall be                                                         

represented at the general meeting and the resolution shall be adopted by at    
least 2/3 of the votes cast                                                     

and of the voting share capital represented at the general meeting.

Where less than half of the total number of votes in the company are represented
at the general                                                                  

meeting, but the proposal has been passed with two thirds of the votes cast and 
the represented voting                                                          

share capital, a new general meeting shall be convened within three weeks where 
the proposal may be                                                             

passed with two thirds of the votes cast irrespective of the number of votes    

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Minutes shall be kept of the business transacted at the general meeting which   
shall be signed by the                                                          

chairman of the meeting and at least one of the members of the supervisory board
who attended the                                                                

general meeting.

Article 12.

The company shall be managed by an executive board elected by the general       
meeting and consisting of                                                       

between three and nine members.

The supervisory board shall be elected for one year at a time, but members are  
eligible for re-election.                                                       

In the case of vacancies the supervisory board shall act until the following    
ordinary general meeting.                                                       

The supervisory board is responsible for the general management of the affairs  
of the company.                                                                 

The supervisory board shall elect a chairman and one or two deputy chairmen,    
each of whom shall act in                                                       

the absence of the chairman.

No decision shall be made at board meetings unless the majority of directors are
present. Resolutions                                                            

shall be passed by a simple majority vote. In the case of an equality of votes  
the chairman, alternatively                                                     

the deputy chairman, shall have the casting vote.

Minutes of the business transacted at board meetings shall be kept and signed by
the full supervisory                                                            


The supervisory board shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

The supervisory board shall employ an executive board of between one and four   
members and shall                                                               

stipulate the terms of the members' authority.

The company shall be bound by the joint signatures of a member of the executive 
board and a member                                                              

of the supervisory board or by the signatures of the full board.

The supervisory board may grant collective powers of procuration.

Article 13.

The annual reports of the company shall be audited by one or more               
state-authorised accountants elected                                            

by the general meeting. The auditor shall be elected by the general meeting for 
one year at a time.                                                             

The auditor's fee shall be approved by the supervisory board.

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Article 14.

The financial year of the company is from 1 May to 30 April.


Date of latest modification: 7 November 2007.


Svend Sigaard Ebbe Pelle Jacobsen Christian Majgaard Nielsen

Birgit Lørup Jette Håhr Nielsen

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