Oddaflug B.V. and Materia Invest ehf.

Oddaflug and Materia Invest ehf. have agreed to jointly exercise their voting
rights in FL Group as of today. The combined voting right is 25.19%. 

Until today Oddaflug B.V. had 20.52% voting right in FL Group but after a
transaction taken place today its voting right is 15.96%. 

Until today Materia Invest ehf.  and its subsidiary Solmon ehf. had jointly
11.54% voting right in FL Group but after Solmon‘s sale of all its shares
(2.31%) in FL Group hf. today Materia Invest‘s voting right is 9.23%. 

Materia Invest ehf. is equally held by Magnus Armann, Þorsteinn M Jonsson and
Kevin Stanford. Magnus Armann and Þorsteinn M Jonsson are members of the Board
of Directors of FL Group hf. 

Oddaflug B.V. is held by Eignarhaldsfelagid Oddaflug ehf. which is ultimately
owned by Hannes Smarason the former CEO of FL Group.