OMXI15 index information: New Composition of the OMXI15 Index

Composition of the OMXI15 Index for the Period 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008
The new portfolio for the OMXI15 index has been selected for the period 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008. Two
new companies will enter the OMXI15 portfolio, Sparisjóður Reykjavíkur og nágrennis hf. (SPRON) and Marel
Food Systems hf. (MAREL), and all of the current constituents remain. The index will thus be comprised of 14
companies in the coming period since Føroya Banki P/F (FO-BANK), which would otherwise have been the 15th
company, did not meet the index’s spread requirements.

