Saab evaluating sale of Saab Space

Saab evaluating sale of Saab Space

Saab is examining if there is any interest among other companies in acquiring
Saab Space AB. If any of the feelers that have been put out leads to a deal this
will take place during the first quarter of 2008.

Saab is constantly evaluating acquisition and disposal of companies and business
units. At present the possibility of selling Saab Space AB is being considered;
at the right price, to the right buyer. The reason is that Saab Space is not
part of Saab's core business. With the industry undergoing consolidation at
present, the timing may be right for a sale.

Contact has been made with a number of possible buyers. Any sale will take place
in the first quarter of 2008.

“There is no need to speculate about our future, putting feelers out like this
happens all the time and it is by no means sure that it will lead to a deal. We
need to run our business as successfully as usual,” comments Bengt Mörtberg, CEO
of Saab Space.

Saab AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
submitted for publication at 11 on December 13.30 hrs, 2007

For further information, please contact: 
Erik Löwenadler, Executice Vice President, Saab 
Telephone: +46 (0)734 18 71 16

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and
solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations
and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new
technology to meet customers' changing needs.

